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China tries to censor a disaster(again)


Dec 11, 2014
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Not the first time China has done this. They did the same during the SARS epidemic and lied to the world about no such cases exiting in China. They even tried for the longest to say only 10,000 people died in the earthquake when it was 100,000. And now they trying to lie about how many died in the cruise ship.

They constantly hide and obfuscate the truth from their citizenry.
China tries to censor a disaster - The Washington Post

THE TRAGIC sinking of a cruise ship on the Yangtze River on Monday night produced a reflexive reaction from China’s communist authorities: censorship. Within hours of the disaster, which left more than 440 people dead or missing, authorities were scrubbing the Internet of questions or comments about the Eastern Star and its passengers. News media were ordered not to send journalists to the scene, to recall those already there and to rely on the official state news and television agencies for their information. Instead of providing detailed accounts, those outlets focused their coverage on Premier Li Keqiang, who was portrayed as resolutely leading rescue efforts.

All of this was reminiscent of China’s handling of previous disasters, ranging from the 2003 SARS epidemic to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake to a 2011 high-speed train crash. In fact, what has been distinctive so far about the cruise ship sinking is the way the regime of President Xi Jinping has outdone its recent predecessors in suppressing independent reporting and commentary. After the earthquake, local and foreign journalists were allowed to report relatively freely for several weeks — until some began focusing on shoddy school construction that could have contributed to the deaths of thousands of children. The train wreck was widely reported on social media, prompting outrage that led to the dismissal of senior railway officials.

Mr. Xi’s regime appears determined to head off such pressure for accountability by suppressing all independent reporting and commentary on the cruise ship from the start. According to reports by foreign journalists, roadblocks have been set up more than a mile from the scene of the sinking, near the county of Jianli. A report by a local newspaper about another ship that docked in the face of deteriorating weather Monday disappeared after it was cited by other media. While one group of foreign journalists was taken on a government-managed tour to see the sinking site, those seeking to report independently were blocked.
What else they could do...LOL...they think world does not know their silly activities.
China is an amazing country...
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What else they could do...LOL...they think world does not know their silly activities.
China is a joke...

On a serious note, this happens when you get used to brainwashing your people. They are afraid if the real facts come out, their people might have a harsh reaction. This is why they censor their people from reading opinions, or any news not sanitized by the CCP.
There's no need to go over the details of China's land reclamation activities in the Spratly Islands since reasonable people can agree that Washington has no real interest in a few piles of sand heaped up on reefs 10,000 miles from the United States. The man-made islands pose no threat to US national security or to freedom of navigation. The Obama administration is merely using the Spratlys as a pretext to provoke, intimidate and harass Beijing. The Spratly's provide a justification for escalation, for building an anti-China coalition among US allies in the region, for demonizing China in the media, for taking steps to disrupt China's ambitious Silk Roads economic strategy, and for encircling China to the West with US warships that threaten China's access to critical shipping lanes and vital energy supplies. This is the ultimate objective; to bring China to its knees and to force it to comply with Washington's diktats. This is what Washington really wants.
There's no need to go over the details of China's land reclamation activities in the Spratly Islands since reasonable people can agree that Washington has no real interest in a few piles of sand heaped up on reefs 10,000 miles from the United States. The man-made islands pose no threat to US national security or to freedom of navigation. The Obama administration is merely using the Spratlys as a pretext to provoke, intimidate and harass Beijing. The Spratly's provide a justification for escalation, for building an anti-China coalition among US allies in the region, for demonizing China in the media, for taking steps to disrupt China's ambitious Silk Roads economic strategy, and for encircling China to the West with US warships that threaten China's access to critical shipping lanes and vital energy supplies. This is the ultimate objective; to bring China to its knees and to force it to comply with Washington's diktats. This is what Washington really wants.
If china feels US is their enemy. First stop buying their debt!!!!
There's no need to go over the details of China's land reclamation activities in the Spratly Islands since reasonable people can agree that Washington has no real interest in a few piles of sand heaped up on reefs 10,000 miles from the United States. The man-made islands pose no threat to US national security or to freedom of navigation. The Obama administration is merely using the Spratlys as a pretext to provoke, intimidate and harass Beijing. The Spratly's provide a justification for escalation, for building an anti-China coalition among US allies in the region, for demonizing China in the media, for taking steps to disrupt China's ambitious Silk Roads economic strategy, and for encircling China to the West with US warships that threaten China's access to critical shipping lanes and vital energy supplies. This is the ultimate objective; to bring China to its knees and to force it to comply with Washington's diktats. This is what Washington really wants.

Honestly, you paid posters of the CCP need to read what topic you are replying to, before doing your cut and paste job. You mistakenly pasted talking point #8 here.
gullible wannabes buying these nonsense again```

lol, how many times I have to say, only if those half-wits can read Chinese, and they'd be ashamed of being so easy to be manipulated by their 'media' `:D

yet, our phones and webs are being 'bombarded' by the news of sinking cruiser in Changjiang river````and they say the site is 'blocked'``lol
gullible wannabes buying these nonsense again```

lol, how many times I have to say, only if those half-wits can read Chinese, and they'd be ashamed of being so easy to be manipulated by their 'media' `:D

Everyone outside the great wall can't read and comprehend. Just you can. Tells us if we are so gullible, why does your CCP feel the need to censor mere words, dissent or any mundane news from you chinese?
On a serious note, this happens when you get used to brainwashing your people. They are afraid if the real facts come out, their people might have a harsh reaction. This is why they censor their people from reading opinions, or any news not sanitized by the CCP.


Welcome back sir----I would want to say to not to open up your " Holdall " yet---you might be on your way out pretty soon as is your habbit---.

Is the Chinese censorship as bad as the lies being told by CNN or Foxnews. Is it as bad as the U S holding up the news about its fcuk ups in AFG, Iraq, Libya and Syria----.

Is it as bad as the cover up by these news media and not digging deeply into the U S military fcuk ups for the last 14 years----.
Everyone outside the great wall can't read and comprehend. Just you can. Tells us if we are so gullible, why does your CCP feel the need to censor mere words, dissent or any mundane news from you chinese?
who told you and censor what words? you think China is like primitive India (where you actually from) where half of the population are simply handicapped and illiterate?

if it is 'censored' then through what channel did you get the 'facts' 'info' or 'truth'```you IQ 81 really lacks the ability of common logic

there are 700 million well educated and genuine Chinese using smart phones and cameras in China (not to mention tens of thousands freelance bloggers)```any events from big to small are captured, framed and circulated in social medias and apps`` yes, we are living in an information era, and nothing can be actually filtered``whereas your homeland is still struggling with sanitation and incoherence
who told you and censor what words? you think China is like primitive India (where you actually from) where half of the population are simply handicapped and illiterate?

if it is 'censored' then through what channel did you get the 'facts' 'info' or 'truth'```you IQ 81 really lacks the ability of common logic

there are 700 million well educated and genuine Chinese using smart phones and cameras in China (not to mention tens of thousands freelance bloggers)```any events from big to small are captured, framed and circulated in social medias and apps`` yes, we are living in an information era, and nothing can be actually filtered``whereas your homeland is still struggling with sanitation and incoherence
LOL you chinese are obsessed with your power projection....
Why is every chinese trying to project that china is prosperous, rich, happy, etc
Please keep these thoughts inside the great wall. We have different opinion....
We have a free press, which obviously you haven't figured out while living off our country. Why don't get out and go live in China and enjoy that censorship- and of course the freedom they would allow you to practice your religion there?
No hope to chinese people living in china...So they emigrate a lot...China is pure joke of the century...

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