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China 'To Target 1,800 Missiles at Taiwan In 2012'

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Actually it depends on whether the CPC is more scared of the US or more scared of its own citizens.

If the CPC is more scared of the US, and doesn't retake Taiwan, then I forsee a military coup. The top brass of the government and military is mostly cowards looking out for their own interest. In the face of a military coup by hawkish officers they will melt like butter. The CPC today is not the CPC of Mao, who was able to convince Chinese in Hong Kong and Malaysia to fight for communism without even 1 word. Today, can CPC do that? Can CPC even convince Taiwanese to come back?

Unfortunately, the fear of the US has become institutionalized in the CPC. Until the post 80's generation takes over this trend will continue.
Actually it depends on whether the CPC is more scared of the US or more scared of its own citizens.

If the CPC is more scared of the US, and doesn't retake Taiwan, then I forsee a military coup. The top brass of the government and military is mostly cowards looking out for their own interest. In the face of a military coup by hawkish officers they will melt like butter. The CPC today is not the CPC of Mao, who was able to convince Chinese in Hong Kong and Malaysia to fight for communism without even 1 word. Today, can CPC do that? Can CPC even convince Taiwanese to come back?

Unfortunately, the fear of the US has become institutionalized in the CPC. Until the post 80's generation takes over this trend will continue.

The deadline is 2016, if no reunification till 2016, then it would become a military reunification for sure.

TG can't afford to lose their power if they can't protect China's sovereignty.

Most top generals are starting to lose their patience.

If TG is scared about the presence of Uncle Sam, then it should start to become another KMT. However, they are not, and shun the military might of the US for now, it is not because of the cowardice, but because of the proper strategy.
The deadline is 2016, if no reunification till 2016, then it would become a military reunification for sure.

TG can't afford to lose their power if they can't protect China's sovereignty.

Most top generals are starting to lose their patience.

If TG is scared about the presence of Uncle Sam, then it should start to become another KMT. However, they are not, and shun the military might of the US for now, it is not because of the cowardice, but because of the proper strategy.

TG is indeed starting to become the next KMT. Today's TG is not the TG of Mao's day where Chinese would die for communism without anyone telling them to. Rioters in Hong Kong and Singapore, revolutionaries in Malaysia and Myanmar, all fought for communism without Mao saying ONE WORD. Would they do the same today?!
what if US gives nukes to Taiwan ? like you gave them to Pakistan?? US can do whatever it wants in today's world.
just kidding :p
i think the reunification would happen once China becomes a democratic country, may be by 2050
TG is indeed starting to become the next KMT. Today's TG is not the TG of Mao's day where Chinese would die for communism without anyone telling them to. Rioters in Hong Kong and Singapore, revolutionaries in Malaysia and Myanmar, all fought for communism without Mao saying ONE WORD. Would they do the same today?!

如果TG真的变成另一个KMT,那干脆重新恢复租界好了,在里面搞那些什么大世界就行了,何必如此穷兵赎武的发展军事力量? 看看蒋光头在位的十几年都搞了些什么,工业基础相比北洋政府时期是更是退步



天朝地大物博,在各方面都是成为超级大国的料子,你以为TG不想雄霸世界吗? 但要实现宏图大志之前,内功还是要练好的
Taiwan should stop stalling for time. Nothing has improved in Taiwan's favor. Reunify with the PRC and end decades of separation once and for all. Divided we fall, united we stand.
why do you have to target 1800 missiles?....Tiwan is too small for so many missiles to even fix targets.....what are you chinese planning to do ?kill everyone on the island ang take over the dead bodies?
India must be pretty bloodthirsty when it illegally occupies Jammu & Kashmir and South Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh). Stop stealing your neighbor's land. lol ^^

You better stop dreaming about getting back Taiwan.It's for the Taiwanese to decide whether they will join China or not.
India must be pretty bloodthirsty when it illegally occupies Jammu & Kashmir and South Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh). Stop stealing your neighbor's land. lol ^^

china trying to steel other lands, not india. every body knws it
India must be pretty bloodthirsty when it illegally occupies Jammu & Kashmir and South Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh). Stop stealing your neighbor's land. lol ^^

So do something about it if that's the way you feel :azn:
why do you have to target 1800 missiles?....Tiwan is too small for so many missiles to even fix targets.....what are you chinese planning to do ?kill everyone on the island ang take over the dead bodies?

1800 DF-15 can carry maxum load of 900 tons of explosive (1800 x 500 kg each), a tiny fractions of bombs dropped in each war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia etc. A B-52 carries maximum of 32 tons, in 30 sorties, they can drop 960 tons of bombs. Thus 1800 DF-15 can hardly qualify as overkill or massive kill. The deployment is maximised on it psychological effect than potential kill. And the main targets would be strategic assets like air fields, navy ports, weapon depots, command centres, and possibly the Pan Green leaders. Your statement is hugely over-statement.

No nuke warheads will be deployed cos China will not strike first, and also Taiwanese are Chinese, and what would a nuclear wasteland good for China to take back?
The deadline is 2016, if no reunification till 2016, then it would become a military reunification for sure.

TG can't afford to lose their power if they can't protect China's sovereignty.

Most top generals are starting to lose their patience.

If TG is scared about the presence of Uncle Sam, then it should start to become another KMT. However, they are not, and shun the military might of the US for now, it is not because of the cowardice, but because of the proper strategy.

Be patient, on another thread, I just read an article on Henry Kissinger's opinion on the minds of Chinese leaders, an extract mentioned:-

“Chinese negotiators,” observes Kissinger in a passage that should be inwardly digested not just by American diplomats but also by American businessmen before they land in Beijing, “use diplomacy to weave together political, military, and psychological elements into an overall strategic design.” American diplomacy, by contrast, “generally prefers …c to be ‘flexible’; it feels an obligation to break deadlocks with new proposals—unintentionally inviting new deadlocks to elicit new proposals.” We could learn a thing or two from the Chinese, Kissinger implies, particularly Sun Tzu’s concept of shi, meaning the “potential energy” of the overall strategic landscape. Our tendency is to have an agenda of 10 different points, each one to be dealt with separately. They have one big game plan. We are always in a hurry for closure, anxiously watching the minutes tick away. The Chinese value patience; as Mao explained to Kissinger, they measure time in millennia.
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