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China to Sinicise Christianity And Islam

Interesting culture integration. It is Christian for sure but people's hand sign doesn't look Christian. More like Buddhism/Hinduism.
Interesting culture integration. It is Christian for sure but people's hand sign doesn't look Christian. More like Buddhism/Hinduism.
I have seen Catholics with same hand sign while attending a wedding in a church which has more conservative tradition than others.
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They are Evangelical Christians which, by definition, is a cult.

I would be impressed when we Sinicize Judaism :lol:

Old Chinese Muslim woman, think she is Han convert, gave me a Chinese coin at a family event.

She told me it will bring good luck, it has some kind of hole in it and was in a paper slip.

Oh no, they are already sinicized.... lol.

02/16/2019, 12.18
Henan, Kaifeng Jews persecuted along with other religions

Kaifeng (AsiaNews) - The small Jewish community of Kaifeng (Henan) is suffering persecution along with all other religions in China.

In an article published yesterday in the "Jerusalem Post" [link], Lela Gilbert, a member of the Hudson Institute and author of several books on persecution, writes: "The harsh treatment of China’s miniscule Jewish population is emblematic of the Godless CCP’s massive suppression of religious faith. And the Kaifeng Jews’ vulnerability is both ominous and all-too-familiar to millions of Tibetan Buddhists, Uighur Muslims and Chinese Christians".

The Jewish community of Kaifeng has less than 1000 members, but it is subjected to heavy controls, police raids, obstacles of various kinds, especially after the February 2018 launch of new regulations on religious activities.

"During a raid - says Gilbert - government agents reportedly tore loose a metal Star of David from the entryway and tossed it on the floor. They ripped Hebrew scriptural quotations off the walls. They filled up a well that had served as a mikveh (ritual bath) with dirt and stones. And all foreign plans to build up and support the Jews of Kaifeng were summarily canceled.

The problem is that the Chinese government recognizes only five religious communities: Taoists, Buddhists, Muslims, Protestant Christians and Catholics. The other religions - including the Jewish one - are considered illegal and suffer a fate similar to that of the underground communities. In Henan, many Catholic and Protestant churches have been forced to close and prohibit entry for young people under 18.

The Jewish community of Kaifeng has a history dating back to the 10th century, when Jews from Persia arrived in China. The first synagogue in Kaifeng was built in 1163. After several events over the centuries, in recent years the community has succeeded in establishing relations with Jewish world and has created a small center of Jewish culture. Some benefactors are ready to support the reconstruction of the synagogue. But, since February, this project has been blocked.

Solomon2 comment: even though the Jewish population of China was always minuscule, I was shocked that the Chinese students I met in the U.S. knew the story of the Kaifeng Jews and the community's demise; apparently it was part of the State-sponsored narrative about how China absorbs minorities, invaders, etc.
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You have to hand it to the CIA, their propaganda is unrelenting and completely outlandish.

Reminds me of the late 90s propaganda against the Taliban which was mostly bogus as well.

Paper Bags Banned, Taliban Tells Afghans


The Taliban religious police today re-emphasized their ban on the use of paper bags. Only plastic bags are allowed in the two-thirds of the country controlled by the Taliban religious army, which has imposed its strict version of Islamic law.



Not true at all. Nestorian church was established in the Tang dynasty. Christianity was in china even before Islam was conceived.

Ya make it a crime to preach n convert others.

And yes only dumb people believe in an 'almighty one' <===lmao rofl

Building worship places instead of commercial/industrial buildings. Only dumb n unproductive ppl would spend their money building unproductive worship places.

Only dumb people would spend their time praying n prostrating instead of engaging in productive work

Nestorian, ahh, I forget it was destroyed by emperor for some reasons long time ago.
Im confused but hasnt this happened in a lot of places where the cultures tried to make Islam into the molding of their own culture?

02/16/2019, 12.18
Henan, Kaifeng Jews persecuted along with other religions

Kaifeng (AsiaNews) - The small Jewish community of Kaifeng (Henan) is suffering persecution along with all other religions in China.

In an article published yesterday in the "Jerusalem Post" [link], Lela Gilbert, a member of the Hudson Institute and author of several books on persecution, writes: "The harsh treatment of China’s miniscule Jewish population is emblematic of the Godless CCP’s massive suppression of religious faith. And the Kaifeng Jews’ vulnerability is both ominous and all-too-familiar to millions of Tibetan Buddhists, Uighur Muslims and Chinese Christians".

The Jewish community of Kaifeng has less than 1000 members, but it is subjected to heavy controls, police raids, obstacles of various kinds, especially after the February 2018 launch of new regulations on religious activities.

"During a raid - says Gilbert - government agents reportedly tore loose a metal Star of David from the entryway and tossed it on the floor. They ripped Hebrew scriptural quotations off the walls. They filled up a well that had served as a mikveh (ritual bath) with dirt and stones. And all foreign plans to build up and support the Jews of Kaifeng were summarily canceled.

The problem is that the Chinese government recognizes only five religious communities: Taoists, Buddhists, Muslims, Protestant Christians and Catholics. The other religions - including the Jewish one - are considered illegal and suffer a fate similar to that of the underground communities. In Henan, many Catholic and Protestant churches have been forced to close and prohibit entry for young people under 18.

The Jewish community of Kaifeng has a history dating back to the 10th century, when Jews from Persia arrived in China. The first synagogue in Kaifeng was built in 1163. After several events over the centuries, in recent years the community has succeeded in establishing relations with Jewish world and has created a small center of Jewish culture. Some benefactors are ready to support the reconstruction of the synagogue. But, since February, this project has been blocked.

Solomon2 comment: even though the Jewish population of China was always minuscule, I was shocked that the Chinese students I met in the U.S. knew the story of the Kaifeng Jews and the community's demise; apparently it was part of the State-sponsored narrative about how China absorbs minorities, invaders, etc.
LOL at Zionist propaganda. No, Israel is not allowed to use the dozen or so "Kaifeng Jews" as a fifth column against the Chinese state. Go cry about it at your wailing wall. If Kaifeng Jews were persecuted, they would not have survived for centuries in China given they never numbered more than a few dozen.
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