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China to Limit Web Access During Olympic Games



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Jul 23, 2008
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BEIJING :china:— The International Olympic Committee failed to press China to allow fully unfettered access to the Internet for the thousands of journalists arriving here to cover the Olympics, despite promising repeatedly that the foreign news media could “report freely” during the Games, Olympic officials acknowledged Wednesday.

Since the Olympic Village press center opened Friday, reporters have been unable to access scores of Web pages — among them those that discuss Tibetan issues, Taiwanese independence, the violent crackdown on the protests in Tiananmen Square and the Web sites of Amnesty International, the BBC’s Chinese-language news, Radio Free Asia and several Hong Kong newspapers known for their freewheeling political discourse.

The restrictions, which closely resemble the blocks that China places on the Internet for its citizens, undermine sweeping claims by Jacques Rogge, the International Olympic Committee president, that China had agreed to provide full Web access for foreign news media during the Games. Mr. Rogge has long argued that one of the main benefits of awarding the Games to Beijing was that the event would make China more open.

“For the first time, foreign media will be able to report freely and publish their work freely in China. There will be no censorship on the Internet,” Mr. Rogge told Agence France-Presse just two weeks ago.

But a high-ranking Olympic committee official said Wednesday that the panel was aware that China would continue to censor Web sites carrying content that the Chinese propaganda authorities deemed harmful to national security and social stability. The panel acquiesced to China’s demands to maintain such controls, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not the designated public spokesman for the International Olympic Committee.

It was not immediately clear if China had provided special Internet links for overseas journalists working at the press center in the Olympic Village. But Chinese officials, speaking about the Internet restrictions on Wednesday, said they would not allow foreign journalists to visit Web sites that violated Chinese laws.

In its negotiations with the Chinese over Internet controls, the Olympic committee official said, the panel insisted only that China provide unregulated access to sites containing information useful to sports reporters covering athletic competitions, not to a broader array of sites that the Chinese and the Olympic committee negotiators determined had little relevance to sports.

The official said he now believed that the Chinese defined their national security needs more broadly than the Olympic committee had anticipated, denying reporters access to some information they might need to cover the events and the host country fully. This week, foreign news media in China were unable to gain direct access to an Amnesty International report detailing what it called a deterioration in China’s human rights record in the prelude to the Games.

“We are quite stunned by the decision, but we will survive this mess,” the official said. Sandrine Tonge, the media relations coordinator for the committee, said it would press the Chinese authorities to reconsider.

Chinese officials initially suggested that any troubles journalists were having with Internet access probably stemmed from the sites themselves, not any steps that China had taken to filter Web content. But Sun Weide, the chief spokesman for the Beijing Olympic organizing committee, acknowledged Wednesday that journalists would not have uncensored Internet use. “It has been our policy to provide the media with convenient and sufficient access to the Internet,” Mr. Sun said. “I believe our policy will not affect reporters’ coverage of the Olympic Games.”

Mr. Sun said foreigners using the Internet in China would be subject to the same laws under which censors blocked access to a wide range of Web sites thought to be detrimental to stability. China has long maintained that its laws governing Internet access do not amount to censorship and are similar to restrictions on pornography or gambling sites in many countries.

The restrictions were the latest in a string of problems that have tarnished the prelude to the Olympics, which open Aug. 8. China struggled to contain ethnic unrest in Tibetan areas this spring. The global torch relay that China organized to promote the Games was disrupted by protests. Air pollution in Beijing has remained severe despite efforts to reduce it.

In recent months, human rights advocates have accused Beijing of stepping up the detention and surveillance of those it fears could disrupt the Games. On Tuesday, President Bush met with five Chinese dissidents at the White House to drive home his dissatisfaction with the pace of change. Mr. Bush, who will attend the opening ceremonies in just over a week, also pressed China’s foreign minister to ease political repression.

The White House also urged China to lift its restrictions on the Internet. “We want to see more access for reporters, we want to see more access for everybody in China to be able to have access to the Internet,” the White House press secretary, Dana Perino, said Wednesday.

On Capitol Hill, Senator Sam Brownback, Republican of Kansas, introduced a resolution on Tuesday urging China to reconsider what he said were its plans to force international hotel chains to track electronic communications by its guests. At a news conference, he introduced redacted documents that he said were provided by the hotels requiring them to install government software to monitor Internet traffic during the Olympics.

Concerns about media access to the Internet intensified Tuesday, when Western journalists working at the Main Press Center in Beijing said they could not get to Amnesty International’s Web site to see the group’s report on China’s rights record.

T. Kumar, Amnesty International’s Asia advocacy director, said he thought the government hoped it could dissuade reporters from pursuing stories about human rights issues by blocking their access to Internet-based information. “This sends the wrong message not only to journalists but to anyone on his or her way to the Olympics,” he said.

It was not clear how hard Olympic committee officials pushed for open access to the Internet during negotiations with the Chinese, which dated from to the decision to award Beijing the Games in 2001, or why Mr. Rogge, the Olympic chief, promised that the news media would have uncensored access during the Games when officials working for him were aware that China would keep at least some of its censorship policies in place.

Kevan Gosper, press chief of the International Olympic Committee, was quoted by Reuters on Wednesday as saying that I.O.C. officials had agreed that China could block sites that would not hinder reporting on the Games themselves. “I also now understand that some I.O.C. official negotiated with the Chinese that some sensitive sites would be blocked on the basis they were not considered Games-related,” he told Reuters.

The senior Olympic committee official said the committee pressed hardest for unfiltered access to sites that sports reporters would need to cover athletic competitions. He said such sites included some that had been blocked in China in the past, including Wikipedia, but did not include political sites run by groups that the Beijing government considers hostile, like the spiritual sect Falun Gong.

Jonathan Watts, president of the Foreign Correspondents Club of China, said he was disappointed that Beijing had failed to honor its agreement to temporarily remove the firewall that prevented Chinese citizens from fully using the Internet.

“Obviously if reporters can’t access all the sites they want to see, they can’t do their jobs,” he said. “Unfortunately such restrictions are normal for reporters in China, but the Olympics were supposed to be different.”
exactly why does china want to keep tabs on reporters? If it has nothing to worry, it should not hide. right?
unfortunately that is what is the problem, they will only pass on the info that suites them like china is progressing china is becoming superpower, etc etc they will not pass on the info that suites them. Otherwise the stories of tibbet and other places will go out. Anyway nothing to blame them that's how communism works.
unfortunately that is what is the problem, they will only pass on the info that suites them like china is progressing china is becoming superpower, etc etc they will not pass on the info that suites them. Otherwise the stories of tibbet and other places will go out. Anyway nothing to blame them that's how communism works.

Its otherway round too.

These so-called reporters from anti-China countries including US and India will only pass on the information which suites them. Look at the media drive against China already set by enemies of China.

The negative propaganda against Olympics in China has already been started by the enemies of China.
They have even tried to prevent holding of these gams in China but what a pitty the enemies of China got a slap on the face and above all

All the tickets of China Olympics have been sold.

unfortunately that is what is the problem, they will only pass on the info that suites them like china is progressing china is becoming superpower, etc etc they will not pass on the info that suites them. Otherwise the stories of tibbet and other places will go out. Anyway nothing to blame them that's how communism works.

Its otherway round too.

These so-called reporters from anti-China countries including US and India will only pass on the information which suites them. Look at the media drive against China already set by enemies of China.

The negative propaganda against Olympics in China has already been started by the enemies of China.
They have even tried to prevent holding of these gams in China but what a pitty the enemies of China got a slap on the face and above all

All the tickets of China Olympics have been sold.

Its otherway round too.

These so-called reporters from anti-China countries including US and India will only pass on the information which suites them. Look at the media drive against China already set by enemies of China.

The negative propaganda against Olympics in China has already been started by the enemies of China.
They have even tried to prevent holding of these gams in China but what a pitty the enemies of China got a slap on the face and above all

All the tickets of China Olympics have been sold.


This is not the way things have to be carried out, there should be freedom of speech, when somebody is trying to hide the information then there is surety that there is something to hide. Something sinister.

Let me explain the issue if I may and no allusion to any post!

It is ridiculous to feel that journalists will pass on info that they want to pass can be blocked.

That they can do otherwise also by just collecting the info and going to their Embassy and informing them to pass on, on the secure line!

People must be aware of how the world works to understand issues! Such basics are are known to all and it would be surprising if this is not known otherwise! I can't believe anyone could be so much in the dark unless it is being done with a purpose.

As for as information on the websites are concerned, each Embassy has their own connections direct to their country and do not have to go through host servers.

So, where is the big deal?

It is China who is on the backfoot and not others to get a slap on any face!

I love the way things are justified that are all fluff and beyond what is evident to the blind!

But then, some could be blind.

I would be surprised if they were!
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Since the Olympic Village press center opened Friday, reporters have been unable to access scores of Web pages — among them those that discuss Tibetan issues, Taiwanese independence, the violent crackdown on the protests in Tiananmen Square and the Web sites of Amnesty International, the BBC’s Chinese-language news, Radio Free Asia and several Hong Kong newspapers known for their freewheeling political discourse.

And what these sites have to do with Olympics????

It seems the Western Journalists are in China not for Olympics but to tarnish the image of China.

The supports reporters have nothing to do with Politics.

In its negotiations with the Chinese over Internet controls, the Olympic committee official said, the panel insisted only that China provide unregulated access to sites containing information useful to sports reporters covering athletic competitions, not to a broader array of sites that the Chinese and the Olympic committee negotiators determined had little relevance to sports..”

Thats it China has provided access to all of the sites relevent to Supports journalists so why there is hue and cry over blocking of sites which are not relevent supports.

Concerns about media access to the Internet intensified Tuesday, when Western journalists working at the Main Press Center in Beijing said they could not get to Amnesty International’s Web site to see the group’s report on China’s rights record..”

So why the SUPORTS Journalists wants access to sites which are posting stuff on human rights or against China ???

T. Kumar, Amnesty International’s Asia advocacy director, said he thought the government hoped it could dissuade reporters from pursuing stories about human rights issues by blocking their access to Internet-based information. “This sends the wrong message not only to journalists but to anyone on his or her way to the Olympics,” he said..”

And Why Mr Kumar wants to include the propagands sites into the gams reporting ???

Kevan Gosper, press chief of the International Olympic Committee, was quoted by Reuters on Wednesday as saying that I.O.C. officials had agreed that China could block sites that would not hinder reporting on the Games themselves. “I also now understand that some I.O.C. official negotiated with the Chinese that some sensitive sites would be blocked on the basis they were not considered Games-related,” he told Reuters.

:) IOC agreed to let China block these Propaganda sites then whats a big deal why Indians on this forum are having sleepless nights
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