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China to learn from advanced troops

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China to learn from advanced troops

China's military needs to creatively develop defense information culture, and boldly learn from the world's advanced troops, said a commentary from the People's Liberation Army Daily on Sunday.

As a new form of military culture, defense information culture is the most active, most revolutionary and most modern. It will help the military better see to its service in the 21st century and win a war of the new time, it said.

The military should pay high attention to fostering of the innovation-driven talents, which will prove to be a linchpin of military modernization, the commentary said.

The commentary pointed out that China could learn from the world’s advanced troops, including the United States military, when it comes to modernizing its vast armed forces.

China’s military thinking remains today somewhat outmoded, it said, adding that any closed culture in the current open world will lead to backwardness. "As there is a rather large influence of conservative thinking in traditional Chinese culture, the task of renewing the culture and thinking of our military will be extremely arduous," it wrote.

Therefore, China has to "audaciously learn from the experience of the information cultures of foreign militaries," the commentary said.

History and reality have shown time and again that a country which does not have a world view is a backward one, and, a military which lacks global vision is one without hope, it said.

The commentary suggests China’s military do a good job and make use of advanced information technologies.

The United States was a good example to follow in two regards, the commentary said.

The U.S. military buys technology already available on the open market when it can, such as global positioning systems used in the Gulf War, a cheaper and more practical method than trying to develop such equipment itself, it said.

And the United States military pays a lot of attention to personnel training, "enlisting large numbers of able men and women and boldly using them."

The Chinese military looked on with curiosity during the first Gulf War in 1990-1991, when U.S. guided missiles and precision bombs easily took out Iraqi equipment such as tanks, much of it similar to what China was using at the time.

Since then the People's Liberation Army has come on in leaps and bounds, though analysts say inadequate training and coordination among different branches of the military remain a challenge to the armed forces’ capability.

During last year's National Day parade, China displayed its brand-new Dongfeng 21C missile, which could force U.S. aircraft carriers to keep a greater distance from China’s coastlines if it is successfully developed into an anti-ship ballistic missile, said a report filed by The Reuters on Sunday.

PLA Daily: China to learn from advanced troops - People's Daily Online
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