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China To Develop AEW&C Aircraft On Y-20 Transport Plane Platform


Apr 28, 2011
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China To Develop AEW

China is likely to develop a new-generation airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft based on the locally-made Y-20 multi-purpose transport plane inducted into the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force earlier this year.

"It is indeed possible that China will modify the AEW&C aircraft based on Y-20, which conforms to the laws on technical development of AEW&C aircraft around the world," Military expert Wang Mingliang said in an interview with the People's Daily Online.

The Xian Y-20 large transport aircraft, the first Chinese designed 200-ton-class, multi-purpose, large transport aircraft, was officially commissioned in the PLA Air Force in July this year. It can be configured for airborne early warning and control (AEW&C), anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and aerial refuelling missions.

According to China Military Online, the Chinese Air Force currently has KJ-200, KJ-2000 and KJ-500, the first two being the earliest AEW&C aircraft of China. They use different radar antenna, and KJ-2000's "mushroom head" can detect surrounding air space without any dead zone and with a longer detection distance, resulting in an overall performance superior to that of KJ-200 that is fitted with the "balance beam" radar, according to Wang Mingliang.

When talking about the future development of home-made AEW&C aircraft, Wang said that all equipment should be developed according to national demand.

In the future, China-made AEW&C aircraft will first and foremost cover all of China's territorial land and sea. It should also ensure that combat aircraft is able to implement diversified missions in surrounding areas and meet the demand for defense depth, which poses a higher demand on maritime detection capability of AEW&C aircraft.

PLAAF to Build New AEW&C Plane to Track Enemy Warships at Long-range
Arthur Dominic Villasanta | Oct 09, 2016 09:58 PM EDT
  • kj-500-aew-c-aircraft.jpg
KJ-500 AEW&C aircraft (Photo : PLAAF)

The People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) plans to develop a new airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft based on the huge Xi'an Y-20 transport nicknamed "Chubby Girl" that entered service only last July.

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This AEW&C aircraft will be optimized for detecting both aerial and maritime targets and will possess longer endurance, making it suitable for patrols well into the South China Sea and the Western Pacific. Two of the PLAAF's three existing AEW&C aircraft, the KJ-2000 and KJ-200, have radars optimized for detecting aerial targets above land.

The remaining AEW&C aircraft, the KJ-500, is China's newest and is capable of also detecting maritime targets. The PLAAF plans to have the KJ-500, which is powered by four turbo prop engines, replace the jet engine powered KJ-2000 because the former is cheaper to operate.

Wang Mingliang, a professor at the PLAAF Command College, said the new AEW&C aircraft based on the Y-20 will further narrow the gap between Chinese-made AEW&Cs and the world's most advanced AEW&Cs, especially those made by the United States.

Wang noted the main job of AEW&C aircraft is to search for and identify aerial targets. These planes also supply intelligence and to other combat aircraft such as fighter jets.

He said the radar on an AEW&C plane is more flexible has a longer detection range compared to land-based radars. Wang revealed that China's land-based radars are only installed on some islands and reefs along the coast, and are unable to support combat aircraft that venture over water.

AEW&C aircraft will, therefore, play a key role in preserving China's territorial maritime sovereignty; safeguarding its maritime rights and interests and reinforcing the maritime defense in depth, which is the anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) defensive system protecting the mainland.

More important, AEW&C aircraft are a precondition for the PLAAF to become a global force to be reckoned with.

"It is indeed possible that China will modify the AEW&C aircraft based on Y-20, which conforms to the laws on technical development of AEW&C aircraft around the world," said Wang.

He expects the Y-20 AEW&C to have longer range and loiter time, and will very likely carry out distant over water missions, including overseas escort. Its radar performance will be significantly improved.

Read more: http://en.yibada.com/articles/16592...ne-track-enemy-warship-long.htm#ixzz4MhRKV53d
Since the power consumption of plane increases rapidly due to all sensor/electronic packages , will be same engine as transport model or upgrade engines?

China To Develop AEW

China is likely to develop a new-generation airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft based on the locally-made Y-20 multi-purpose transport plane inducted into the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force earlier this year.

"It is indeed possible that China will modify the AEW&C aircraft based on Y-20, which conforms to the laws on technical development of AEW&C aircraft around the world," Military expert Wang Mingliang said in an interview with the People's Daily Online.

The Xian Y-20 large transport aircraft, the first Chinese designed 200-ton-class, multi-purpose, large transport aircraft, was officially commissioned in the PLA Air Force in July this year. It can be configured for airborne early warning and control (AEW&C), anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and aerial refuelling missions.

According to China Military Online, the Chinese Air Force currently has KJ-200, KJ-2000 and KJ-500, the first two being the earliest AEW&C aircraft of China. They use different radar antenna, and KJ-2000's "mushroom head" can detect surrounding air space without any dead zone and with a longer detection distance, resulting in an overall performance superior to that of KJ-200 that is fitted with the "balance beam" radar, according to Wang Mingliang.

When talking about the future development of home-made AEW&C aircraft, Wang said that all equipment should be developed according to national demand.

In the future, China-made AEW&C aircraft will first and foremost cover all of China's territorial land and sea. It should also ensure that combat aircraft is able to implement diversified missions in surrounding areas and meet the demand for defense depth, which poses a higher demand on maritime detection capability of AEW&C aircraft.


What is the unit cost of Y-20 base model?
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