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China to Build the Tallest and Most Eco-Friendly Building Ever


Jun 28, 2012
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China to Build the Tallest and Most Eco-Friendly Building Ever

Added by Andres Loubriel on June 20, 2014.


China is currently reviewing plans from UK architecture firm Chetwoods that would allow China to build the tallest, and most eco-friendly, building ever. Standing at a full kilometer (3,281 feet), the tower is significantly taller than the current highest tower, the Burj Khalifa which stands at 2,717 feet. The plans, called “Phoenix Towers,” are also posed to solve the severe pollution problems in the country.

The name “Phoenix Towers” comes from the UK firm’s desire to resurrect the city of Wuhan, China out of its ashes. The towers would use a complex water and air filtration system, collect and utilize wind, solar, and hydrogen power, produce crops from the largest vertical farm in the world, harvest rainwater, boil biomass, house businesses and restaurants, and solve any other ecological problems that face the highly polluted city.

Laurie Chetwood, founder of the architecture firm, said that the tower is meant to be more than a symbol for architectural and ecological progression, but a practical solution to the environmental issues in China. Chetwood said that she, and her team, applied as many environmental ideas as possible to justify the massive size of the structure.

Aside from being an unprecedented ecological tool, the Phoenix Towers are designed to resonate with the local philosophy and religion. The two towers in the project combine Western technology and architecture to the Chinese legends of the phoenix. The two towers represent the dual gender of the mythical bird in Eastern iconography, and the spirit of rebirth is evident throughout the eight hectares of the half-mile high structures.

These inclusions of China’s mythology and philosophy are incorporated by Chetwoods as a vote of confidence to the country to significantly consider building the tallest, and most eco-friendly, structure ever. The towers are designed to attract tourism to boost the economy and reimburse the costs of construction.

The towers are set to be constructed on an artificial island and to have a pink color, to reflect the picturesque sunsets of the area. The project is estimated to cost upwards of $2 billion. Chetwood said that, in China, there is a lot of competition between cities that are trying to out “spectacularize” each other. Wuhan is the largest centralized city in the Eastern country. The Chinese government has been looking for a structure that would put Wuhan on the map and promote tourism. The plans they did receive were scrapped for not being ambitious enough. That is when Chetwoods entered with the most ambitious project in history: Phoenix Towers.

Chetwoods most recently gained success and notoriety for building the solar powered London Bridge. The design for China’s -and the world’s- largest, and most eco-friendly, building ever draws inspiration from ballet dancers and termite mounds for its pointed alignment. The skyscrapers have buttress style roots sweeping upward to create weight distribution and efficiency.

According to Chetwood, over the course of the next three years, Phoenix Towers will move from conception to construction. She stated that she and her team look forward to revolutionizing Wuhan, China, and the world.

Read more at China to Build the Tallest and Most Eco-Friendly Building Ever
China is the most futuristic looking nation in the world.

Amazing and one more good reason to be proud of living in the Greater China!
What happen to sky city? I thought China was planing on building something taller than dubai.

Pretty sure what they were talking about was the floating city, as in, floating in the ocean, not in the sky. As for tall buildings, the tallest building currently in China is the Shanghai tower, which is the second tallest building in the world after Burj Khalifa. Can you show me the article on "sky city"?
Pretty sure what they were talking about was the floating city, as in, floating in the ocean, not in the sky. As for tall buildings, the tallest building currently in China is the Shanghai tower, which is the second tallest building in the world after Burj Khalifa. Can you show me the article on "sky city"?

Sky City (Changsha) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China said they were going to use the same prefabricated lego construction method it used to build that 30 story building in 15 days.

China constructs building in 15 days
Hilarious comment section on that video, many trolls claim it will collapse in 15 hours because it is made in china.
Sky City (Changsha) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China said they were going to use the same prefabricated lego construction method it used to build that 30 story building in 15 days.

China constructs building in 15 days
Hilarious comment section on that video, many trolls claim it will collapse in 15 hours because it is made in china.

I think that one was halted because it had licensing issues.
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