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China's first Mars exploration mission named Tianwen-1
Source: Xinhua| 2020-04-24 13:30:20|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, April 24 (Xinhua) -- China's first Mars exploration mission has been named Tianwen-1, announced the China National Space Administration (CNSA) on Friday, China's Space Day.

The name comes from the long poem "Tianwen," meaning Questions to Heaven, written by Qu Yuan (about 340-278 BC), one of the greatest poets of ancient China.

In "Tianwen," Qu Yuan raised a series of questions in verse involving the sky, stars, natural phenomena, myths and the real world, showing his doubts about some traditional concepts and the spirit of seeking the truth.

CNSA said all of China's planetary exploration missions in the future will be named the Tianwen series, signifying the Chinese nation's perseverance in pursuing truth and science and exploring nature and the universe.

CNSA also unveiled the logo of China's planetary exploration missions, featuring the letter C, signifying China, international cooperation and capacity of entering space.

China plans to launch the Mars probe in 2020, aiming to complete orbiting, landing and roving in one mission.

Since 2016, China has set April 24 as the country's Space Day to mark the launch of its first satellite Dongfanghong-1 into space on April 24, 1970. This year is the 50th anniversary of the start of China's entry into space.

The various activities on Space Day have become a window for the Chinese public and the world to get a better understanding of China's aerospace progress.

Zhang Kejian, head of CNSA, said that over the past 50 years, Chinese space engineers and scientists have overcome various difficulties and achieved aerospace development through self-reliance and independent innovation.

He said CNSA is willing to work together with the international community to make new and greater contributions to exploring the mysteries of the universe and promoting human welfare on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, peaceful utilization and inclusive development.

Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Wagner, the Russian crew members of the International Space Station, sent a congratulatory video to China from the space station.

The achievements of China over the 50 years of the establishment of the national space program deserve to be recognized and respected. Although humankind is now facing a severe crisis related to the epidemiological threat, such important anniversaries should not be overshadowed, said the astronauts.

"The fact that the whole country celebrates it allows us to believe not only in overcoming this situation as soon as possible and returning to normal life, but also in successfully solving all future tasks and problems that will be faced by our planet," the astronauts said.

Other space officials and personnel from the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, the International Astronautical Federation, the European Space Agency, the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, Brazil, France, Pakistan and Russia also sent congratulatory videos or letters, and expressed the hope to strengthen aerospace cooperation with China. Enditem
Look at the smokes around CZ-5B… preparing the carrier rocket for the next few hour great show??? Supposedly launched at 20:00 BJT

Lift-off at 6:00 BJT.


Update from weibo account of a CASC employee:
6分钟前 来自 Android
6 min ago
Warm congratulations on the success of the first flight of CZ-5B, the new generation of manned spaceship has been successfully put into orbit, upvote for our front line comrades!

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16:30, 05-May-2020
China launches redesigned manned spaceship with new heavy rocket
Updated 19:29, 05-May-2020
By Gong Zhe, Ning Hong

Photo by Tu Haichao

China's manned space program has taken another step forward by launching a new generation manned spaceship with a new type of heavy rocket.

The Long March-5B rocket was launched on Tuesday at 6 p.m. BJT (10:00 UTC) from the Wenchang Space Launch Site.

The rocket is the fourth variant of the Long March-5 (LM-5) series. With the letter B added to its name, the rocket has been modified to make it capable of sending the test model of China's new manned spaceship.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), State Council and Central Military Commission sent a congratulatory message hailing the successful launch and expressed appreciation to all the personnel for their devotion.

The successful flight inaugurates the "third step" of China's manned space program, which lays a firm foundation for China's development strategy, according to the message.

It spoke highly of the arduous task taken by researchers, hoping that they will continue to work under the leadership of the CPC with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core and make new breakthroughs.

What's new?

The biggest difference between LM-5 and 5B is that the 5B only has one and a half stages compared to two of the LM-5.

The "half stage" consists of four 3.35-meter-diameter boosters attached to the core stage.

With the modification applied, the 5B became three meters shorter and about 20 tons lighter than the LM-5. The rocket is nearly 54 meters in height, about the size of the 18-story building.

The lack of additional stages makes it harder to be launched to the correct height. Since it can only be ignited once, there's no way to re-maneuver it after the initial launch. Everything has to be perfect.

The engines of the rocket are also new models. Two YF-77 hydrogen oxygen engines were installed in the core stage, and two YF-100 kerosene and liquid oxygen engines were installed for each of the four boosters.


The four boosters on the LM-5B heavy rocket. /Photo by Tu Haichao

What is a heavy rocket?

Heavy rockets are different from normal rockets due to their larger capacity. A heavy rocket can carry more than 20 tons of payloads, like satellites, probes and spaceships. The capacity is larger than 10 average-sized cars.

The LM-5B rocket has the biggest boost power in the Long March series. It can deliver no less than 22 tons of payload at a time to low-earth orbits (LEO). It's main focus will be a 200 to 400 kilometer orbit near Earth.

Other rocket makers around the world also build heavy rockets, including the Falcon Heavy from SpaceX, the Ariane series from European Space Agency (ESA) and many more.

What's the payload?

The rocket carries a test model of China's manned spaceship designed for the future space station.


Early test of China's new manned spaceship /CGTN

The redesign focused mainly on safety measures and a more comfortable living condition for astronauts.

The model is nine meters long and can hold as many as seven astronauts. But in this mission, it carries no one since it's only a test.

The ship will stay in space for two days making multiple automatic orbit maneuvers.

What's more, the new ship is reusable thanks to its modular design. The thermal-protective coating and be reapplied after being burned-out during re-entry.
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Hope !


Now CSS (Chinese Large Modular Space Station) will become Reality

Instead of crying for not being included in the international space station, They built their own. Only a true leader has that Courage and Determination.
A Strong Nation with Strong people indeed:china: Respect !
Malfunction occurs during cargo return capsule re-entry: CMSA
Source:Global Times Published: 2020/5/6 16:27:08

A visual depiction of the cargo return capsule’s re-entry to Earth Photo: China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation

A test version of China's first flexible and inflatable cargo return capsule which was launched into orbit on Tuesday by the Long March-5B's maiden flight, experienced failure during its re-entry to Earth due to an unknown malfunction, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) announced on Wednesday.

The cause of the malfunction is now under investigation, CMSA said.
Malfunction occurs during cargo return capsule re-entry: CMSA
Source:Global Times Published: 2020/5/6 16:27:08

A visual depiction of the cargo return capsule’s re-entry to Earth Photo: China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation

A test version of China's first flexible and inflatable cargo return capsule which was launched into orbit on Tuesday by the Long March-5B's maiden flight, experienced failure during its re-entry to Earth due to an unknown malfunction, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) announced on Wednesday.

The cause of the malfunction is now under investigation, CMSA said.
Inflatable heat shield seems like a new technology.
Inflatable heat shield seems like a new technology.

This is as new as it gets. NASA proposed it some years ago, but this is the first orbital test of such technology. Much lighter than conventional ceramics/ablative heat shields.
This is as new as it gets. NASA proposed it some years ago, but this is the first orbital test of such technology. Much lighter than conventional ceramics/ablative heat shields.
Well, we need to start taking risk in innovation, else we will always become followers. As long as the new manned spacecraft works, we will work out the kinks with the heat shield.
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