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Xinhua commission Jilin-1 satellite to take picture of Xuelong (snow dragon) one and two icebreaker in Antarctica.



12月4日 18:38 来自 航天爱好者网超话 已编辑
【发射预报】北京时间2019年12月07日10点52分左右和当天16点50分左右 ,我国航天科工集团将在太原卫星发射中心发射两枚快舟一号甲运载火箭,这两次将打破同一发射工位和同一型号火箭发射时间间隔最短记录
。同时,这也是快舟一号甲运载火箭首次在太原进行轨道发射任务。了解更多发射预报信息欢迎点击:航天爱好者网超话 O网页链接
December 4th at 18:38 by space enthusiast network
[Launch Forecast] At around 10:52 on December 7, 2019, Beijing time and at about 16:50 on the same day, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation will launch Kuai Zhou-1A carrier rockets at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center. Will record the shortest time interval between the same launch site for the same type of rocket launch [applause] [applause] [applause]. At the same time, this is also the first time that the KZ-1A carrier rocket launched an orbital launch mission in Taiyuan. For more information about launch forecast, please click: Space enthusiast network super phone O web link


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The 2nd space launch in the same space center on the same launch pad in the same day was a success!

1分钟前 来自 微博 weibo.com
#快舟一号一日双箭创纪录#【祝贺!#我国成功发射一箭六星# 】今天16时52分,我国在太原卫星发射中心用快舟一号甲运载火箭,采用“一箭六星”的方式,成功将“和德二号”A/B卫星、天仪16/17卫星、天启四号A/B卫星发射升空!这些卫星用于环境感知、应急通信增强、灾害应急监测等。

China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp.
9 minutes ago

Record breaking! # 快 舟 飞机 一个 双 箭 # # Our country successfully launched one rocket six satellites# [威武]]

At 16:52 on December 7, 2019, our country used the KZ-1A launch vehicle at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center. The one rocket six satellites approach successfully launched the Hede-2 A / B satellite, Tianyi 16/17 satellite, and Tianqi-4 A / B satellite. The satellite smoothly entered the planned orbit and the mission was successfully completed. This is the successful launch of the same type of rocket in two consecutive launches within 6 hours, the KuaiZhou (fast boat) rocket set a "fast" record! [Mighty] [Mighty]

"Hede-2" A / B satellite is the first commercial satellite of the "Skywalker" constellation. It was independently designed and developed by Beijing Hede Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. It mainly provides global users with remote sensing, resource management, emergency communications enhancement, global ship and aircraft information collection services. Tianyi 16/17 satellite is a medium-resolution micro-nano remote sensing satellite independently developed by Changsha Tianyi Space Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., with comprehensive performance indicators reaching the international advanced level of similar satellites. It is mainly used for disaster emergency monitoring, maritime and agricultural remote sensing data applications and polar environment monitoring. Tianqi-4 A / B satellite is a low-orbit IoT satellite developed and produced by Beijing Guodian Hi-Tech Technology Co., Ltd. After the satellite is put into orbit, it will realize 5-satellites networking to provide government and industry users, global IoT data and emergency communication service and also resource tracking and monitoring services.

Kuaizhou No. 1A carrier rocket is a small solid carrier rocket developed by ExPace
Technology Corporation, which is a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation's Sanjiang Group. It has the characteristics of high orbit accuracy, short preparation period and low launch cost. This is the fifth launch of the KZ-1A launch vehicle this year.



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Chinese rocket 1st to make 2 flights in a day
By Zhao Lei | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2019-12-07 19:15

Kuaizhou 1A is fired at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern China's Shanxi province, Dec 7, 2019. [Photo/China Daily by Zheng Taotao]

China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp's Kuaizhou 1A solid-fuel carrier rocket conducted two launch missions on Saturday, becoming the first Chinese rocket to make two flights in a single day.

A Kuaizhou 1A blasted off at 10:55 am at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern China's Shanxi province and then placed the Jilin-1 Gaofen 02B optical remote-sensing satellite into space. About six hours later, another Kuaizhou 1A was fired at 4:52 pm at the same center and sent up six small satellites developed by three domestic private enterprises, according to CASIC, a State-owned defense and space conglomerate.

The two missions marked Kuaizhou 1A's sixth and seventh flight since January 2017, when the rocket made its debut mission, the company said.

It has also been the first time for any Chinese launch center to carry out two launches within one day, experts said, explaining that this testifies to China's strong launch capability.

Kuaizhou is the largest solid-propellant rocket family in China, as opposed to the Long March series that mainly relies on liquid fuel. Nine Kuaizhou-series rockets have been used since the first Kuaizhou mission in September 2013.

The 20-meter Kuaizhou 1A has a liftoff weight of about 30 metric tons. It is capable of sending 200 kilograms of payload into a sun-synchronous orbit, or 300 kg of payload into a low-Earth orbit, according to CASIC.
China improves space-based observation of Earth
Source: Xinhua| 2019-12-10 14:21:21|Editor: Wang Yamei

BEIJING, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) -- China has greatly improved its ability to observe the Earth from space with a series of high-resolution remote sensing satellites sent into orbit over the past nine years, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA).

The satellites, belonging to China's high-resolution Earth observation project (Gaofen project) initiated in 2010, have formed a stable satellite remote sensing system, said Tong Xudong, chief designer of the project.

The project has increased the resolution of China's low-earth orbit remote sensing satellites from 2.1 meters to 0.65 meter, and the resolution of China's geostationary orbit remote sensing satellites improved from kilometer-level to 50 meters, Tong said.

The satellites, covering different observation bands, are deployed in different orbits, giving China a preliminary ability for all-weather and round-the-clock observation, said Tong.

Launched on April 26, 2013, Gaofen-1 can cover the globe in four days, with an observation ability of medium resolution and wide coverage.

Gaofen-2, sent into space on August 19, 2014, has two cameras with a resolution less than one meter, boosting China's civil-use remote sensing satellite to sub-meter level.

Gaofen-4, launched on Dec. 29, 2015, is China's first geosynchronous orbit high-definition optical imaging satellite.

Gaofen-3, launched on August 10, 2016, is China's first synthetic aperture radar imaging satellite.

Gaofen-5, launched on May 9, 2018, has a spectral resolution greater than 5 nanometers, and is the world's first satellite to realize hyperspectral comprehensive observation of land and atmosphere.

Gaofen-6, launched on June 2, 2018, has a similar function to Gaofen-1, but with better cameras, and can cover the globe in just two days.

Gaofen-7, launched on Nov. 3, 2019, is China's first civil-use optical transmission three-dimensional surveying and mapping satellite that reaches the sub-meter level.

The project has helped reduce China's dependence on foreign remote sensing satellite data, replacing almost 80 percent of foreign data, said Tong.

Data from the Gaofen satellites has been widely used in more than 20 industries across China.

The project has also promoted China's aerospace cooperation with countries including Russia, Brazil, Egypt and India, as well as international organizations, and helped serve countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.

CNSA recently announced it would make the 16-meter resolution data obtained by the Gaofen-1 and Gaofen-6 satellites available to global users.
China unveils platform to access Gaofen-1, -6 imagery
By Deyana Goh - December 12, 2019

China’s space agency CNSA has launched an international public platform in English, CNSA-GEO, that gives access to its Gaofen-1 and Gaofen-6 satellite imagery, taken by the satellites’ 16m multispectral cameras. These satellites are part of the China High-resolution Earth Observation System (CHEOS), a civilian remote sensing constellation comprising the Gaofen series.


China unveils platform to access Gaofen-1, -6 imagery | SpaceTech Asia
13:23, 12-Dec-2019
5G from space: Chinese company to launch new-type internet satellite
By Gong Zhe

Chinese enterprise GalaxySpace is set to launch its first 5G internet satellite by the end of 2019, the company said in Beijing.

The company wants to use 5G technology to build a new kind of satellite network system that can bring cheaper and faster connection to the world.

Traditional satellite connections require a dish or a special kind of cellphone to get the signals, which many users prefer not to invest on.

If the satellites can directly provide 5G signal to the ground, users will be enabled to switch between satellite and ground 5G networks in a seamless manner, which makes things easier.

Another possible advantage of this new satellite is the speed. Current network satellites usually orbit at high earth orbit (HEO) and the signals have to travel long distance, creating a noticeable delay in the connections.

But the new satellite operates in low earth orbit (LEO) which is only about one twentieth high as HEO, leading to a much shorter delay that may no longer be noticeable.

According to GalaxySpace, the new network will also be cost-effective compared to the 5G network on the ground, because satellites can cover a much larger ground than ground stations.

"Covering the entire world with LEO satellites may cost only one percent of base-station solutions," GalaxySpace founder and CEO Xu Ming said on the company website.

Xu is also the co-founder of Cheetah Mobile, which is famous for its CM-series of mobile apps.

GalaxySpace said the new satellite can cover an area 30 times larger than Shanghai. But the total bandwidth is only 10 Gbps, which is obviously not enough to serve a big city.

As you may have noticed, covering the entire Earth surface will require a large amount of such satellites. The company said it will launch more than 1,000 of them, making the network look like competitors like Starlink and OneWeb.

Starlink designed its own protocol of communication and may require additional hardware to use.

Chinese phone brand Mi's founder Lei Jun is also an investor of GalaxySpace.
17:52, 13-Dec-2019
China's BeiDou sat-nav roadmap released for civil aircraft in the country
By Ma Li

China's BeiDou global satellite navigation system has reached another turning point in its development. The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) released a systematic roadmap for the application and technical support for use of the system by civil aircraft nationwide.

The Beidou system is one of the core constellations of the global satellite navigation system, and its application is divided into three stages. The first goal is to realize the application of Beidou in general aviation low-altitude airspace positioning and surveillance by the end of 2021, promoting the high-quality development of the civil aviation industry.

The inspector of the Air Traffic Control Industry Management Office of CAAC Liu Lianxi said in the field of general aviation, they are not able to achieve real-time control of flight dynamics due to the simple airborne equipment, wide range of operations and low flight altitude of general aircraft.

"General aviation often operates over sparsely populated forest areas, and sometimes after flight accidents difficulty in getting timely information on the location hinders search and rescue operations. The use of the BeiDou satellite can help solve this problem. It will fill a gap in navigation surveillance and greatly improve the safety and management of navigation," Liu said.

In the field of transportation aviation, Liu said the current satellite-based navigation uses GPS signals. However, hundreds of flights have been delayed or canceled due to abnormal GPS signals in several regions since May this year. To solve the security risks caused by the vulnerability of GPS single constellation, it is necessary to bring the BeiDou system into the network and realize the complementarity of multiple constellations.

"In the future, we will realize the tracking and monitoring of independent intellectual property rights of all transport aircraft using BeiDou positioning and other communication technology means, to realize the dual-frequency multi-constellation navigation function of all transport aircraft based on BeiDou by 2035."
BeiDou-3 satellites might all launch into space by June
chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2019-10-22 10:54

China launches a Long March 3B carrier rocket to place two Beidou navigation satellites into space at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest China's Sichuan province, on Sept 23, 2019. [Photo by Zhang Wenjun/chinadaily.com.cn]

China will possibly launch all BeiDou-3 satellites to complete the global network of its BeiDou Navigation Satellite System into space by the end of June, about half a year ahead of schedule, according to a top system official.

Ran Chengqi, director of the China Satellite Navigation Office, said recently that he was very confident that all BeiDou-3 satellites will be launched into space by the end of June to complete the constellation system half a year earlier.

Ran made the remarks at the first China-Central Asia BeiDou Cooperation Forum, a sideline event of the seventh China-Central Asia Cooperation Forum that kicked off in Nanning, capital of South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, on Friday.

As the construction of the system will come to an end, the follow-up stable operation will rise to a height as important as the engineering construction, application promotion and international cooperation, Ran said.

The stable operation of the BDS will be the world's leading level, contributing a first-class satellite navigation system with global coverage and advanced performance to the world, he said.

China started to build the BDS-3 system in 2009, and planned to complete construction by the end of 2020, with intensive launch missions. A previous plan showed China would send 10 BDS satellites into space this year.

To meet the tight launch schedule, satellite developer China Academy of Space Technology said it streamlined the development process of BDS satellites, halving the development cycle of a single satellite model to 18 months.

On Sept 23, two new medium earth orbit satellites equipped with lightweight hydrogen maser clocks were launched into space, which will make the satellite navigation system work more accurately.

The system has been applied in many industries, including transport, maritime affairs, electricity, civil affairs, meteorology, fisheries, surveying and mapping, mining and public security.

China has established BDS cooperation mechanisms with countries and organizations, strengthening technical exchanges and personnel training, and building BDS overseas centers.
Breaking !!

China just launch two MEO Beidou satellite with a CZ-3B/YZ-1 at ~15:20 BJT from Xichang launch center.

It would take a couple more hours for YZ-1 upper stage to put the satellites into its intended orbit.

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