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China says Covid-19 study CLEARS it of any blame after scientists found signs of virus in Italian cancer patients as early as September last year

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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China says Covid-19 study CLEARS it of any blame after scientists found signs of virus in Italian cancer patients as early as September last year
  • Italian study suggests people may have contracted Covid-19 in September 2019
  • China welcomes study, saying the virus' source 'can involve multiple countries'
  • Covid antibodies were found in blood taken as part of cancer screening last year
  • Scientists say the evidence 'is not solid enough,' to prove at this stage of study

PUBLISHED: 07:26 EST, 18 November 2020 | UPDATED: 21:03 EST, 18 November 2020

China says a study into the spread of Covid-19 clears it of any blame as scientists claim there were cases in Italy as early as September last year.

The Italian Cancer Institute says it found the presence of coronavirus antibodies in blood taken from healthy patients in Italy as early as October last year. The presence of antibodies would mean the patient had already contracted the virus.

If correct, the findings would change the history of the pandemic and raise questions of when and where the virus emerged, after it was first identified in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in December.

China has seized upon the study, with the country's foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian telling state media: 'This once again shows that tracing the virus's source is a complex scientific question that should be left to scientists.

'It is a developing process that can involve multiple countries.'

While China has welcomed the study's findings, several scientists say it requires further examination.

China's foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian welcomed the study from the Italian Cancer Institute, which found Covid-19 antibodies in blood samples taken in October last year. The presence of antibodies means the patients may have caught the virus the previous month

China's foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian welcomed the study from the Italian Cancer Institute, which found Covid-19 antibodies in blood samples taken in October last year. The presence of antibodies means the patients may have caught the virus the previous month

Professor Mark Pagel from the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Reading, said: 'These results are worth reporting, but mostly should be taken as something to follow up with further testing.

'All of the patients in the study were asymptomatic despite most being 55-65 years old and having been smokers. This would normally be a high-risk group for Covid-19, so it is puzzling why all patients were asymptomatic.'

A co-author of the study said he and his colleagues were planning further investigations and called for scientists worldwide to contribute.

The World Health Organization has said the new coronavirus and Covid-19, the respiratory disease it causes, were unknown before the Wuhan outbreak was reported.

But it has said the possibility that the virus may have 'silently circulated elsewhere' cannot be ruled out.

There have been at least 55,573,000 reported infections and 1,336,000 reported deaths caused by COVID-19 globally since the virus was first detected in China.

Italy's first Covid-19 patient was detected no February 21, but this latest research casts doubt on that, claiming it could have been five months earlier. The country is currently living under a three-tier framework to curb the spread of the virus

Italy's first Covid-19 patient was detected no February 21, but this latest research casts doubt on that, claiming it could have been five months earlier. The country is currently living under a three-tier framework to curb the spread of the virus
Italy's first COVID-19 patient was detected on February 21 in a small town near Milan, in the northern region of Lombardy.

But the Italian researchers' findings show 11.6 per cent of 959 healthy volunteers enrolled in a cancer screening trial between September 2019 and March 2020 had signs of having already encountered the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, most of them well before February.

A further SARS-CoV-2 antibodies test was carried out by the University of Siena for the same research paper, called 'Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the pre-pandemic period in Italy'.

It showed that in six cases, the antibodies were able to kill SARS-CoV-2.

Four of the cases dated back to October 2019, meaning the patients had become infected in September.

'This number (six) is fully compatible with test errors and statistical noise. For these reasons, it seems to me that the evidence brought to support such an extraordinary claim is not solid enough,' said Enrico Bucci, biologist adjunct professor at Philadelphia's Temple University.

'Much ado about nothing,' Antonella Viola, professor of general pathology at the University of Padua, told Reuters.

Both Italian scientists said the antibody test was in-house designed and never validated by other researchers in a peer review.

What was also noticeable was the very high seroprevalence in the research study's population, they said, referring to the percentage of people who may have been exposed to the virus.

'For there to be an epidemic (albeit apparently asymptomatic) on this scale in Italy a full year before the current pandemic that went unnoticed would be a serious issue indeed,' said Stephen Griffin, associate professor at the University of Leeds.

Most of the scientists' scepticism focuses on the so called specificity of the antibody tests, that, if not perfect, might reveal the presence of antibodies to other diseases.

Scientists have cast doubt over the study, with one Italian biologist saying the evidence was 'not strong enough,' at this stage

Scientists have cast doubt over the study, with one Italian biologist saying the evidence was 'not strong enough,' at this stage
'Other recent reports have shown that seasonal coronaviruses can elicit cross-neutralising antibodies,' said Jonathan Stoye, group leader at the Francis Crick Institute.

'I think we need a really conclusive demonstration that those samples are picking up the COVID-19 virus and that those antibodies were not actually triggered by another virus,' Andrew Preston, reader in microbial pathogenesis at the University of Bath, told Reuters.

Preston said he was surprised that those requirements weren't needed for the publication of a research paper.

'But it is perfectly feasible to go away and do those extra tests and come back and show that,' he added.

The INT's scientific director and co-author of the study is planning further investigation into the study patients' clinical history.

'We need to understand if they had symptoms of illness. Where they had gone, if they had contact with China,' Giovanni Apolone told Reuters, calling for colleagues globally to 'open their databases and conduct retrospective researches'.
I have meet a White British Guy, he said he contracted Covid-19 in France back in Sept/Oct 2019 time.
He said he had all the symptoms we know now, but at the time, it was diagnosed as fever etc.
He said he was severely ill for days with breathing problems before recovering.
"China says"
China didnt say anything. China is a country.
No representant of the country said anything like that.

Not like anyone cares. The people accusing China are the same type of lowlifes that where celebrating just over a pause in clinical trials of Chinas vaccine to safe thousands and millions of peoples lifes in hope it would have run into problems. They are like flat earthers and evolution deniers. They have their conclusion and no matter how many more facts conradict it they will construe some excuse to insist there is still a possibility that their latest revision of baseless claims could be true so its fact until they admit its wrong which they of course never will.
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Those who blame China are born nazis. It is genetic. They hate the Chinese. Before that, they hated Muslims. Before that, they hated white Caucasians. One trump supporter said on forums, "If we don't hate, we die". To survive, they hate everybody different. Such folk are born nazis.

My apologizes to the Germans for comparing these neo-nazis to supporters of Hitler. Hitler actually embraced some good points, and fooled the Germans into revenge for the Nazi sponsored Versailles Treaty imposed by nazis from the UK and France. This trump neo-nazism is based on pure hatred. So it is much like Hitler who was 100% hatred, not Hitler's motives against the destruction of Germany in WWI.

The Nazi Germans in Germany in the 1930s were much more rational in their main opposition to the Versailles Treaty. trumptards are hateful against every ethnic group, simply visit VNN, Stormfront, dailystormer to read about their hatred.

MAGA is like UK winning the First World War, then turning nazi as they are the world's "police". Completely different scenarios than the horror the Germans faced in the 1920s and 1930s. Germany needed nationalism in the 1930s, they most certainly did not need Hitler. USA now does not need nationalism, they need isolationism of libertarianism to stop messing around in everybody else's business and to stop their wars of genocide.


You can't cure stupid, you can't cure nazism. You have to kick the nazis off twitter and facebook so nazism does not spread.

If the US/US/France alliance is not nazism, then nazism does not exist. Since nazism does exist, the UK/US/France alliance is core nazism.

Watch the start of modern nazism - UK global domination:

Nazis want them to be rich and everybody else to be slaves, and it is based on racial lines.

The Germans in the 40s turned into what they hate, UK/US/France, which you can't do. You have to remain loving.

That is what I fear happening to China, that they make the error of the Germans and become like Japanese/Germans during WWII, wanting expansionism due to being wronged. China needs to respond by catching up to the West in every military technology. That is the expansionism that keep China safe.
Those who blame China are born nazis. It is genetic. They hate the Chinese. Before that, they hated Muslims. Before that, they hated white Caucasians. One trump supporter said on forums, "If we don't hate, we die". To survive, they hate everybody different. Such folk are born nazis.

My apologizes to the Germans for comparing these neo-nazis to supporters of Hitler. Hitler actually embraced some good points, and fooled the Germans into revenge for the Nazi sponsored Versailles Treaty imposed by nazis from the UK and France. This trump neo-nazism is based on pure hatred. So it is much like Hitler who was 100% hatred, not Hitler's motives against the destruction of Germany in WWI.

The Nazi Germans in Germany in the 1930s were much more rational in their main opposition to the Versailles Treaty. trumptards are hateful against every ethnic group, simply visit VNN, Stormfront, dailystormer to read about their hatred.

MAGA is like UK winning the First World War, then turning nazi as they are the world's "police". Completely different scenarios than the horror the Germans faced in the 1920s and 1930s. Germany needed nationalism in the 1930s, they most certainly did not need Hitler. USA now does not need nationalism, they need isolationism of libertarianism to stop messing around in everybody else's business and to stop their wars of genocide.


You can't cure stupid, you can't cure nazism. You have to kick the nazis off twitter and facebook so nazism does not spread.

If the US/US/France alliance is not nazism, then nazism does not exist. Since nazism does exist, the UK/US/France alliance is core nazism.

Watch the start of modern nazism - UK global domination:

Nazis want them to be rich and everybody else to be slaves, and it is based on racial lines.

The Germans in the 40s turned into what they hate, UK/US/France, which you can't do. You have to remain loving.

That is what I fear happening to China, that they make the error of the Germans and become like Japanese/Germans during WWII, wanting expansionism due to being wronged. China needs to respond by catching up to the West in every military technology. That is the expansionism that keep China safe.

It seems Hitler's biggest mistake was to be a very good student of UK and US geopoliticians at the wrong time.

Nevertheless, what China says is quite logical and cool-headed unlike what the newspaper stuggests. There is no seizing anything. MOFA says:

'This once again shows that tracing the virus's source is a complex scientific question that should be left to scientists.

'It is a developing process that can involve multiple countries.'
The entire western countries could not detect the virus. China reported a murder immediately a suspect. Stupid China doctors for reporting first. Next epidemic, China should keep a secret until the west report first, because the west is trying to pin China on everything.
Covid 19 obviously didn't come from China. All scientific proof has proved that for a long time. But people around the world will still blame China for political purposes.
Yes. Unfortunately, India was ill prepared to handle this type of biological warfare.

The cases in India are largely traced to Europe. In fact, Covid was circulating in Europe and the West far earlier than in China. But go ahead and believe what you want for political expediency. Facts don't matter anymore.
Virus do not lie.

Correct. It does not. It has been spreading from China to rest of the world much earlier than was disclosed by China.

Coronavirus may have spread to humans as early as October 2019 - study

"Phylogenetic estimates support that the COVID-2 pandemic started sometime around Oct. 6, 2019 to Dec. 11, 2019, which corresponds to the time of the host jump into humans."
MAY 7, 2020 10:20
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An illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), depicts the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

A genetic study of samples from more than 7,500 people infected with COVID-19 suggests the new coronavirus spread quickly around the world after it emerged in China sometime between October and December last year, scientists said on Wednesday.

Scientists at University College London's Genetics Institute found almost 200 recurrent genetic mutations of the new coronavirus - SARS-CoV-2 - which the UCL researchers said showed how it is adapting to its human hosts as it spreads.

"Phylogenetic estimates support that the COVID-2 pandemic started sometime around Oct. 6, 2019 to Dec. 11, 2019, which corresponds to the time of the host jump into humans," the research team, co-led by Francois Balloux, wrote in a study published in the journal Infection, Genetics and Evolution.

Balloux said the analysis also found that the virus was and is mutating, as normally happens with viruses, and that a large proportion of the global genetic diversity of the virus causing COVID-19 was found in all of the hardest-hit countries.

That suggests SARS-CoV-2 was being transmitted extensively around the world from early on in the epidemic, he said.

"All viruses naturally mutate. Mutations in themselves are not a bad thing and there is nothing to suggest SARS-CoV-2 is mutating faster or slower than expected," he said. "So far, we cannot say whether SARS-CoV-2 is becoming more or less lethal and contagious."

In a second study also published on Wednesday, scientists at Britain's University of Glasgow who also analyzed SARS-CoV-2 virus samples said their findings showed that previous work suggesting there were two different strains was inaccurate.


A preliminary study by Chinese scientists in March had suggested there may have been two strains of the new coronavirus causing infections there, with more of them more "aggressive" than the other.

But, publishing their analysis in the journal Virus Evolution, the Glasgow team said only one type of the virus was circulating.

More than 3.71 million people have been reported to be infected by the novel coronavirus globally and 258,186 have died, according to a Reuters tally.

Cases have been reported in more than 210 countries and territories since they were first identified in China in December 2019.

The genetic studies offer "fascinating" insights into the evolution of the virus, and emphasize that it is "a moving target with an unknown evolutionary destination," said Jonathan Stoye, head of the division of virology at Britain's Francis Crick Institute.

"All the evidence is entirely consistent with an origin towards the end of last year, and there's no reason to question that in any way," Stoye said.

A study by French scientists published earlier this week found a man in France was infected with COVID-19 as early as Dec. 27, nearly a month before authorities there confirmed the first cases.

The World Health Organization said the French case was "not surprising" and urged countries to investigate any other early suspicious cases.

Balloux's team screened the genomes of more than 7,500 viruses from infected patients around the world. Their results add to a growing body of evidence that SARS-CoV-2 viruses share a common ancestor from late 2019, suggesting this was when the virus jumped from a previous animal host into people.
The UCL researchers also found almost 200 small genetic changes, or mutations, in the coronavirus genomes they analyzed - findings Balloux said offered helpful clues for researchers seeking to develop drugs and vaccines.

The cases in India are largely traced to Europe. In fact, Covid was circulating in Europe and the West far earlier than in China. But go ahead and believe what you want for political expediency. Facts don't matter anymore.

I think the whole world agrees and knows from where the Wuhan virus originated. No prizes for guessing that.
Indians are shell shocked. They cant blame china for their 130k deaths anymore so now they have to get fake news to support their low iqs. Not chinas fault indians have short life spans and die easy ok ?
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