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China, Russia team up on territorial claims: Yomiuri (Japan Media)


May 25, 2010
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China, Russia team up on territorial claims
Seima Oki and Kyoko Yamaguchi / Yomiuri Shimbun Correspondents

BEIJING--China and Russia are presenting a united front in their claims over Japanese territories through a joint statement on World War II, with China eager to increase pressure on Japan after an incident near the Senkaku Islands, and Russia hoping to curry favor with Beijing as it eyes its neighbor's huge appetite for energy.

The intent of the statement was apparently to cement their claims to sovereignty over two disputed areas--the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture and the northern territories off Hokkaido.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Chinese President Hu Jintao signed the joint statement Monday in China. By doing so, the two leaders sought to emphasize their cooperation based on a shared view of history regarding the victory over Japan. The two sides also signed a joint statement to strengthen their strategic partnership.

China wants to increase pressure on Japan over the arrest and detention of the captain of a Chinese fishing boat that collided with Japan Coast Guard patrol ships off the Senkaku Islands. Russia's signing of the joint statement shows it has chosen to join hands with China in advancing its claim over the northern territories.

The Senkaku Islands are located in Okinawa Prefecture in the East China Sea, while the northern territories--three islands and a group of islets--are located off eastern Hokkaido.

Below is the Japanese version of history. Although it is of course biased, still we need to know how they are creating their biased version.

China, Russia team up on territorial claims : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri)
Japan military should realize.... too much greed ultimately makes a person bankrupt....

I am not sure China handled this very well. Chinas actions have been entirely disproportionate for the size of the problem. It made it impossible for the two sides to find a mutually acceptable outcome.

China was Japans Number one trading partner. The new Democratic Party of Japan government is the most pro-China in recent times. All this goodwill is lost.

China along with threats from North Korea could push Japan in to militarisation and the development of nuclear weapons.
I am not sure China handled this very well. Chinas actions have been entirely disproportionate for the size of the problem. It made it impossible for the two sides to find a mutually acceptable outcome.

China was Japans Number one trading partner. The new Democratic Party of Japan government is the most pro-China in recent times. All this goodwill is lost.

China along with threats from North Korea could push Japan in to militarisation and the development of nuclear weapons.

Japan policy makers themselves are responsible for this.

Hey... Japan is not going anywhere... it will still be there as China's neighbor and an East Asian power. Bilateral trade will also be there.

Japan is not a threat to China, it is india which is a threat to China.

And yes.... I want to see Japan as a nuclear power. Japan won't nuke China. Japan can't afford to do that.
I am not sure China handled this very well. Chinas actions have been entirely disproportionate for the size of the problem. It made it impossible for the two sides to find a mutually acceptable outcome.

China was Japans Number one trading partner. The new Democratic Party of Japan government is the most pro-China in recent times. All this goodwill is lost.

China along with threats from North Korea could push Japan in to militarisation and the development of nuclear weapons.

CAPTAIN, you are back to your old habit of copying others as your own post again, you are doing some mix and match exactly like Molawchai had suggested.:D like i said before if you failed to critisize China with your own words, simply do not post, what a disgrace to the forum.:tdown:

China's reaction, entirely disproportionate to the matter at hand, made it impossible for the two sides to find a mutually acceptable outcome.
China has been Japan’s number-one trading partner. And the new Democratic Party of Japan government is the most pro-China administration in recent times. All this goodwill is lost.
China's spat with Japan: Out but not over | The Economist :hang2:
I hope the moderators read Captain America's post #4 and Brotherhood's post #6, which documents Captain America's plagiarism of the article from The Economist.

I clicked on Brotherhood's link to The Economist. The stolen passage and thoughts are from the second to last paragraph. Captain America's theft of other people's ideas and words (and presented as his own) is unacceptable and will cast disrepute onto our forum.
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I was wondering why his arguments fluctuates between the highly nonsensical and the somewhat sensical. Thanks guys.
God! You say you were a teacher? How the hell were your students suppose to learn academic integrity when you yourself can't string a sentence together without plagiarizing.

FFS, do you think people won't find out?
Wait a minute, I thought that Japan were administrating the islands since 1895, according to Wikipedia. That doesn't mean much since they are devoid of humans, but doesn't that make it theirs since they've been taking of them for over a century, with the exception of 1945-72 occupation of Okinawa.
Wait a minute, I thought that Japan were administrating the islands since 1895, according to Wikipedia. That doesn't mean much since they are devoid of humans, but doesn't that make it theirs since they've been taking of them for over a century, with the exception of 1945-72 occupation of Okinawa.

There's your answer
There's your answer
Okay, what's your view? Most people on CNN been saying that China only now contests those islands after gas and/or oil were found there. I don't think I found one Chinese persons posting on CNN, lol.
Taiwan was occupied by Japan in 1895, together with Tiaoyu islands. Check the year, both in 1895. It is part of Taiwan that was ceded to Japan in that year.

American made the mistake after WW2, thinking it was part of Okinawa, and use the islands for target practice instead of returning them to China, together with Taiwan and Penghu islands. Communist and KMT were in civil war, their attentions were only on the battlefield. And the islands were forgotten until the Americans "return" them to Japan few decades later.

CNN has lost many Chinese readership after its bias reporting on Beijing Olympics/Tibetan issues, not surprising no Chinese are posting there.
Wait a minute, I thought that Japan were administrating the islands since 1895, according to Wikipedia. That doesn't mean much since they are devoid of humans, but doesn't that make it theirs since they've been taking of them for over a century, with the exception of 1945-72 occupation of Okinawa.

It does not really matter, China can do anything they want, they are ten times the size of Japan and Japan does not even have a military or nuclear weapons. Evidently Admiralty law, The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea does not matter to China and Chinese ships can ram other countries ships or at least Japanese ships with impunity endangering lives and property.
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