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China removes temporary structures from two more sites


Jul 6, 2018
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Chinese military removed temporary infrastructure and continued gradual withdrawal of troops from face-off sites in Hot Springs and Gogra in eastern Ladakh for the second consecutive day on Tuesday, and the Indian Army is keeping a strict vigil on their rearward movement, government sources said.

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Gogra and Hot Springs are among the key friction points where the two armies were in an eyeball-to-eyeball situation for the last eight weeks.

The sources said the mutual disengagement of troops at the two friction points is likely to be completed within two days, and that there has been 'substantial' withdrawal of forces by Chinese military from the areas.

The disengagement process began on Monday morning after a nearly two-hour telephonic conversation between National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday during which they agreed on an expeditious withdrawal of troops from the area.

Doval and Wang are Special Representatives for the boundary talks.

The sources said the Indian Army is not lowering its guard in view of the disengagement process in the area and will continue to maintain high-level of alertness to deal with any eventualities.

They said the two two Armies are expected to hold further talks later this week after the first phase of disengagement process is completed.

As per the decisions arrived at corps commander-level talks on June 30, the two sides would create a minimum buffer zone of three kilometer in most of the areas where they were locked in a standoff.

"There has been substantial withdrawal of Chinese troops from Hot Springs and Gogra. The Chinese mliitary has dismantled temporary infrastructure too in the areas," said a source.

The Chinese military has already removed tents and withdrew its personnel from patrolling point 14 in Galwan Valley, the sources said adding the Indian Army is carrying out a thorough verification of the Chinese pull back.

On the situation in Pangong Tso, they said a 'marginal thinning out of troops' has been observed in the area.

The Indian and Chinese armies are locked in the bitter standoff in multiple locations in eastern Ladakh for the last eight weeks.

The tension escalated manifold after the killing of 20 Indian soldiers in Galwan Valley on June 15.

The Chinese side also suffered casualties but it is yet to give out the details.

According to an American intelligence report the number of casualties on the Chinese side was 35.

Both sides have held several rounds of diplomatic and military talks in the last few weeks to ease tension in the region.

However, there was no visible sign of any end to the standoff till Sunday evening.

Sources said the breakthrough was achieved at the Doval-Wang meeting.

On June 30, the Indian and Chinese armies held the third round of Lt General-level talks during which both sides agreed on an 'expeditious, phased and step wise' de-escalation as a 'priority' to end the standoff.

In the talks on June 22, the two sides arrived at a 'mutual consensus' to 'disengage' from all the friction points in eastern Ladakh.

The first round of the Lieutenant General talks was held on June 6 during which both sides finalised an agreement to disengage gradually from all the standoff points beginning with Galwan Valley.

However, the situation deteriorated following the Galwan Valley clashes as the two sides significantly bolstered their deployments in most areas along the LAC.

On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a surprise visit to Ladakh during which he said the era of expansionism is over and that the history is proof that 'expansionists' have either lost or perished, in comments which were seen as a clear message to China that India is not going to back off and would deal with the situation with a firm hand.

Tensions had escalated in eastern Ladakh around two months back after around 250 Chinese and Indian soldiers were engaged in a violent face-off on May 5 and 6. The incident in Pangong Tso was followed by a similar incident in north Sikkim on May 9.

Chinese follow 1 step backwards three steps forward policy.

Low IQ Indians are clueless as usual.
The Indians are so clueless, they volunteer to take an additional step back themselves, free of charge! China has hustled India.

The Chinese side also suffered casualties but it is yet to give out the details.

According to an American intelligence report the number of casualties on the Chinese side was 35.
This is where I realised the article has been written by Steve from the IT helpdesk in Bangalore during his lunch break.

The Chinese will not be giving out such details, it's not a matter of "they haven't given them yet". And US "intelligence" said no such thing - a tabloid called "US News" said this without evidence. US News is something like the National Enquirer gossip column for butthurt Indian househusbands.
China is a paper tiger. Cant fight India.
The Indians are so clueless, they volunteer to take an additional step back themselves, free of charge! China has hustled India.

This is where I realised the article has been written by Steve from the IT helpdesk in Bangalore during his lunch break.

The Chinese will not be giving out such details, it's not a matter of "they haven't given them yet". And US "intelligence" said no such thing - a tabloid called "US News" said this without evidence. US News is something like the National Enquirer gossip column for butthurt Indian househusbands.

The Indians are desperate trying to push their narrative

Try to avert humilation and even create a fantasy victory out of capitulation

Chinese came from Finger 8 to Finger 4 and went back by 2 Km.

Indians who use to patrol up to Finger 8 cannot even patrol up to Finger 4 as per the new agreement.

Anyone with an iota of intelligence will get it.
Chinese used to patrol till finger4 even before.
New agreement is for creating buffer zone until disengagement is complete. That does not mean patrolling will not resume later in peace time.
Chinese used to patrol till finger4 even before.
New agreement is for creating buffer zone until disengagement is complete. That does not mean patrolling will not resume later in peace time.


Let put aside the future fictitious Indian patrols up to finger 8 aside as it is not going to happen.

But what is happening now as per the agreement is that Chinese now have full control of the land and lake from finger 8 through finger 4.

This is a tangible permanent loss for India.

You cannot spin it any other way.

Let put aside the future fictitious Indian patrols up to finger 8 aside as it is not going to happen.

But what is happening now as per the agreement is that Chinese now have full control of the land and lake from finger 8 through finger 4.

This is a tangible permanent loss for India.

You cannot spin it any other way.

But boy oh boy are they trying:lol:

They can't sell it to anyone who understands the situation but to the millions of boobs out there repeating a lie over and over again is difficult to ignore

India seems to have learnt the art of lying from Joseph Goebbels:coffee:

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.
LOL when Indians claim PLA has retreated this means that Indian Army has retreated. It's very simple. To arrive at the reality, flip around the roles of China and India as it is portrayed in the Indian media.
But boy oh boy are they trying:lol:

They can't sell it to anyone who understands the situation but to the millions of boobs out there repeating a lie over and over again is difficult to ignore

India seems to have learnt the art of lying from Joseph Goebbels:coffee:

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

"Fart not fight when you face the enemy but always claim victory when you lose"
― Surrender Modi, The Art of Farting
Stupid article doznt mention how mich indian army have to go back.
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