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China remains Taiwan's enemy: defense minister


Mar 21, 2013
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Taipei, Oct. 21 (CNA) The relationship across the Taiwan Strait remains one between two adversaries, Minister of National Defense Yen Ming said Monday, adding that China poses the biggest security threat to Taiwan.

Yen made the comments when answering questions at the Legislative Yuan's Foreign and National Defense Committee.

Hsiao Bi-Khim, a lawmaker of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party, asked whether Yen agrees that China represents the biggest threat to Taiwan's national defense and security, to which he responded: "Yes."

Hsiao then referred to President Ma Ying-jeou's characterization of the cross-strait relationship as "not international" and asked Yen how he would describe Taiwan's relationship with China.

"It remains one between adversaries," Yen replied.

Ma was addressing the issue of identity, but for the Ministry of National Defense and the military, China continues to be an enemy and the nature of the relationship remains adversarial, he said.

As to whether Ma's comments would confuse the military or lead to a misunderstanding of Taiwan's strategic focus, Yen said they would not.

In his Double Ten National Day address, the president said that "the people of both sides of the Taiwan Strait are all Chinese by ethnicity. Cross-strait relations are not international relations."

After the remarks sparked criticism, Ma later clarified them by saying that what exists between Taiwan and China is a special relationship, which is neither international nor domestic.

Taiwan's relations with China have improved since Ma took office in May 2008, but his government has often had to fend off criticism that it is putting the country dangerously close to China's embrace.

(By Wang Jing-yi and Jay Chen)

China remains Taiwan's enemy: defense minister | Cross-Strait Affairs | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS
So the president says we are not enemies but the defense minister thinks otherwise. I get it:undecided:
China don't see Taiwan as the enemy, "同胞" compatriot is what the chinese calls people from the island.

If Taiwan think PRC is the enemy they should declare it, then again its the DPP speaking nothing surprises me from those ********.
China don't see Taiwan as the enemy, "同胞" compatriot is what the chinese calls people from the island.

If Taiwan think PRC is the enemy they should declare it, then again its the DPP speaking nothing surprises me from those ********.

Yes, the communist is the real enemy all Chinese should declare a war.

It's good that you people in the mainland already abandon the stupid communism, and already in the way to restore Confucianism and Chinese civilization.

What we need is just an official declaration. At the time, we just China. Mainland and Taiwan will surely united again.
Yes, the communist is the real enemy all Chinese should declare a war.

It's good that you people in the mainland already abandon the stupid communism, and already in the way to restore Confucianism and Chinese civilization.

What we need is just an official declaration. At the time, we just China. Mainland and Taiwan will surely united again.

Communism wasn't totally stupid. Worked after ww2 when China was piss poor, but not anymore. Agree Chinese should restore Confucianism, Legalism and bring back more traditional values. Values that made China strong and prosperous for most of her history.

Being democratic will not make China a superpower.
To bomb the sh1t out of both KMT and DPP, the problems will be solved, the civil war will be ended.
Yes, the communist is the real enemy all Chinese should declare a war.

It's good that you people in the mainland already abandon the stupid communism, and already in the way to restore Confucianism and Chinese civilization.

What we need is just an official declaration. At the time, we just China. Mainland and Taiwan will surely united again.

Unification depends on when mainland can drive US from this side of Pacific ocean. It has nothing to do with Taiwan.

To bomb the sh1t out of both KMT and DPP, the problems will be solved, the civil war will be ended.

No point. The real conflict is between mainland China and US. Bombing Taiwan just means we have to clean up the mess later.
Until today, Taiwan still maintains they are Chinese. They are Taiwanese too, but that's a regional reference just like Cantonese.

By his logic Chinese remain Chinese enemy? Does it make sense to you? This defense minister soon will be ex-minister no doubt.

The independence of Taiwan is in name only. The trade, the family connections are so tightly knit it is impossible to separate. Taiwan is already a Chinese province literally.

If push comes to shove, all mainland has to do is to turn off the tape, there will be revolt on the streets every city, town and village. The government offices will be burned down. Soldiers will defect. Government officials will be wearing burning tyre necklaces.
Until today, Taiwan still maintains they are Chinese. They are Taiwanese too, but that's a regional reference just like Cantonese.

By his logic Chinese remain Chinese enemy? Does it make sense to you? This defense minister soon will be ex-minister no doubt.

The independence of Taiwan is in name only. The trade, the family connections are so tightly knit it is impossible to separate. Taiwan is already a Chinese province literally.

If push comes to shove, all mainland has to do is to turn off the tape, there will be revolt on the streets every city, town and village. The government offices will be burned down. Soldiers will defect. Government officials will be wearing burning tyre necklaces.

lol at your post. It is like saying Pakistanis are Indians.
^^^ why don't you keep stroking your pussy until it goes meow. *wink*wink*
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Yes, the communist is the real enemy all Chinese should declare a war.

It's good that you people in the mainland already abandon the stupid communism, and already in the way to restore Confucianism and Chinese civilization.

What we need is just an official declaration. At the time, we just China. Mainland and Taiwan will surely united again.

I can conclude you're the Enemy of all Chinese. People like you should be aborted in the womb before child birth. You have a defected child birth and a pure waste of your own mother's milk on you.
The guy is a soldier. It is his duty to be mindful of the security of what is under his charge.

He said adversary not enemy, and that is the best that could be hope for under current circumstances.
Enemy? What enemy?


Taiwan, Shanghai FTZ cooperation proposed

The cooperation between Taiwan and the newly built Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) would be promoted, according to a joint proposal adopted by the Chinese mainland and Taiwan at the Ninth Cross-Strait Economic, Trade and Culture Forum.

The two sides altogether adopted 19 joint proposals.

The Kuomintang (KMT) Party's vice chairman John Chiang announced the proposal which states that comprehensive cooperation should be conducted between a pilot free economic area in Taiwan and the Shanghai FTZ as well as another three pilot economic areas in eastern China's provinces of Fujian and Jiangsu.

The free economic zones established by the two sides should cooperate and learn from each other to achieve common development, according to the proposal.

The Shanghai FTZ, which began operating in late September, is a 28.78-square-km district billed as a test site for deepening market-oriented reforms and boosting economic vitality.

Wu Poh-hsiung, KMT honorary chairman, said at his speech at the closing ceremony that it is a "delight" that the two sides have planned or established FTZs and pilot free economic areas, which demonstrate their determination to face up to the challenges brought by the economic integration of other regions.
The 19 proposals, which also cover cross-Strait cooperation in technology, finance, agriculture, education and tourism, have great meaning and feasibility, said Zhang Zhijun, the mainland's Taiwan affairs chief.

The proposals have reflected the urgency of cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait in the face of fierce competition in the international economic and scientific fields, and will provide a useful reference for policymaking authorities of the two sides, said Zhang, head of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office.

Zhang said that both sides should seize opportunities to extend cooperation in order to increase advantages in global economic, science and technology competition for better economic and social development across the Strait.
"I truly hope relevant authorities of the both sides turn these proposals into feasible policies and measures," said Yu Zhengsheng, China's top political advisor, at the closing ceremony.

Yu, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, urged people of both sides to overcome difficulties and seek opportunities to jointly promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties and realize China's rejuvenation through cooperation.

In the proposals, participants urged the two sides to deepen financial cooperation and further push forward cooperation in such sectors as culture, film, publishing, education, agriculture, medicine, as well as tourism and youth exchanges.

The forum concluded Sunday in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. About 350 officials, scholars and representatives of various industries from both sides attended this gathering.
Taiwan under Cheng and Qing
Though continued western encroachment into Taiwan undoubtedly displeased the Ming court, over in Beijing the emperor had bigger problems; the dynasty itself was in collapse. One staunch Ming loyalist in exile would have a lasting impact on Taiwanese history; Admiral Cheng Cheng-kung, also known as Koxinga, sought refuge with his troops on the small island of Kinmen off China’s Fujian province. On Kinmen, Cheng met a disgruntled former interpreter for the Dutch East India Company who convinced Cheng to invade Taiwan and overthrow the Dutch.
Intrigued, Cheng somehow managed to amass an army on Kinmen and build a fleet of ships (in the process deforesting the island, from which it’s now only just recovering). Cheng set sail for the Penghu Islands, where he swiftly deposed the Dutch before moving on to Taiwan proper. Arriving in Taiwan, Cheng he was greeted by local supporters anxious to be free of the Dutch once and for all. Realising their days in Taiwan were numbered, the Dutch surrendered to Cheng in 1662 and left for good.
With Cheng came 30, 000 mainland Chinese, who established Taiwan island as their home. Others soon followed, and would do so for the next 200 years. Taiwan’s growing population accelerated development on the island, especially in the north and along the fertile plains of the west coast. To manage Taiwan’s fast growth, Cheng set up an efficient system of counties, some of which remain today. However, his dreams of overthrowing the Manchu remained unfulfilled; he died a year after landing on Taiwan. Many Taiwanese today regard Cheng as a hero for driving the Dutch out of Taiwan.

FNOTW: Other conflicts: The historical background
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