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China rejected Hong Kong plan to appease protesters


Nov 4, 2011
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China rejected Hong Kong plan to appease protesters - sources
By Reuters• last updated: 30/08/2019 - 10:32

By James Pomfret and Greg Torode

HONGKONG (Reuters) – Earlier this summer, Carrie Lam, the chief executive of Hong Kong, submitted a report to Beijing that assessed protesters’ five key demands and found that withdrawing a contentious extradition bill could help defuse the mounting political crisis in the territory.

The Chinese central government rejected Lam’s proposal to withdraw the extradition bill and ordered her not to yield to any of the protesters’ other demands at that time, three individuals with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters.

China’s role in directing how Hong Kong handles the protests has been widely assumed, supported by stern statements in state media about the country’s sovereignty and protesters’ “radical” goals.

Beijing’s rebuff of Lam’s proposal for how to resolve the crisis, detailed for the first time by Reuters, represents concrete evidence of the extent to which China is controlling the Hong Kong government’s response to the unrest.

The Chinese central government has condemned the protests and accused foreign powers of fuelling unrest. The Foreign Ministry has repeatedly warned other nations against interfering in Hong Kong, reiterating that the situation there is an “internal affair.”

Lam’s report on the tumult, made before an Aug. 7 meeting in Shenzhen about Hong Kong led by senior Chinese officials that examined the feasibility of the five demands of the protesters, analysing how conceding to some of these might quiet things down, the individuals with direct knowledge said.

In addition to the withdrawal of the extradition bill, the other demands analysed in the report were: an independent inquiry into the protests; fully democratic elections; dropping of the term “riot” in describing protests; and dropping charges against those arrested so far.

The withdrawal of the bill and an independent inquiry were seen to be the most feasible politically, according to a senior government official in the Hong Kong administration, who spoke on condition of anonymity. He said the move was envisioned as helping pacify some of the more moderate protesters who have been angered by Lam’s silence.

The extradition bill is one of the key issues that has helped drive the protests, which have drawn millions of people into the streets of Hong Kong. Lam has said the bill is “dead,” but has refused to say explicitly that it has been “withdrawn.”

Beijing told Lam not to withdraw the bill, or to launch an inquiry into the tumult, including allegations of excessive police force, according to the senior government official.

Another of the three individuals, who has close ties with senior officials in Hong Kong and also declined to be identified, confirmed the Hong Kong government had submitted the report.

“They said no” to all five demands, said the source. “The situation is far more complicated than most people realise.”

The third individual, a senior Chinese official, said that the Hong Kong government had submitted the report to the Central Co-ordination Group for Hong Kong and Macau Affairs, a high-level group led by Politburo Standing Committee member Han Zheng, and that President Xi Jinping was aware of it.

The official confirmed that Beijing had rejected giving in to any of the protesters’ demands and wanted Lam’s administration to take more initiative.

In a statement responding to Reuters, Lam’s office said her government had made efforts to address protesters’ concerns, but did not comment directly on whether it had made such a proposal to Beijing, or received instructions.

Written questions to China’s Foreign Ministry were referred to the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office (HKMAO), a high-level bureau under China’s State Council. HKMAO did not respond to a faxed request for comment.

Reuters has not seen the report. The news agency also was unable to establish the precise timing of the rejection.

The two Hong Kong sources said the report was submitted between June 16 – the day after Lam announced the suspension of the extradition bill – and Aug. 7, when the HKMAO and China’s representative Liaison Office in Hong Kong held a forum in nearby Shenzhen attended by nearly 500 pro-establishment figures and businesspeople from Hong Kong.

The question of Beijing’s influence strikes at the heart of Hong Kong’s “one country, two systems” governance, which promised the city a high degree of autonomy and wide-ranging freedoms that don’t exist in mainland China.

More than two months of protests have embroiled Hong Kong in its most severe crisis since the former British colony returned to Chinese rule in 1997.

What began as a movement to oppose the extradition bill, which would have allowed people to be sent to China for trial in Communist Party controlled courts, has morphed into a broader campaign for greater rights and democracy in a direct challenge to Beijing.


Ip Kwok-him, a senior pro-Beijing politician who sits on Hong Kong’s elite Executive Council, which advises senior officials, including Lam, told Reuters that “if the central government won’t allow something, you can’t do it.” Ip did not know about the proposal to withdraw the bill.

A senior businessman who attended the Shenzhen meeting and has met with Lam recently said “her hands are tied” and Beijing wouldn’t let her withdraw the bill. The businessman spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

At the Shenzhen meeting, Zhang Xiaoming, the head of the HKMAO, said in televised public remarks that if the turmoil persisted, “the central government must intervene.”

Since then, there have been signs of Beijing taking a harder line.

For instance, officials have likened some protests to “terrorism,” Chinese paramilitary police have conducted drills near the border, several Hong Kong companies have been pressured to suspend staff supporting the protests, and security personnel have searched the digital devices of some travellers entering China.

On Friday, Joshua Wong, a prominent democracy activist, was arrested, according to his political party, Demosisto.

I think this is a very important step for China to legalize the extradition law.

Once it's enacted, all the traitors are going to be extradited. To clean up HK.

Then several patriotic laws passed to reeducate HK people.

According to sociology, demonstrators have a mental of child. If you can't talk nice to them, punishment will scare them.

The future of HK is decided in this year.
Another biased report which is not reporting the truth. Extradition law do not allow China to extradite any people deemed as criminal in Hong kong. It only allow Beijing to extradite Chinese citizen committed crime in mainland China who then escaped to Hong Kong. Same as hong kong criminal who escape to mainland. China police can send them back to hong kong for trial.

By the way, the first ever country who try exercise extradite a person who never committed crime on their soil but deem as criminal is USA Donald Trump.

Meng Wanzhou is first victim. She never committed crime in US and never set foot on US soil when arrested. Her crime? Dealing with Iran on communication business which only US sanction Iran. The international committee never approved of such law by US. If we allow Tyrant US to continue such move. Next time, anybody can be arrested in any countries friendly to US with crimes you never broke. Becos US deemed you are guilty and your crime is subjective. That means US overwrite you local law. Or the citizen of the countries law u obey.
That is why arrest of Meng Wanzhou cost such outrage in China and is considered a tyrant and dangerous move.
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This pretty much confirms the speculation that the ball isn't in Carrie's court.

That's the flaw of HK's hybrid political system. It isn't authoritarian enough to take decisive measures and push through, but at the same time not democratic enough to reveal the wishes of the 'silent majority'. Therefore they have been paralyzed for so long and now it becomes a contest of wills and it's the worst outcome as it drags; neither side is willing to lose 'face' for HK to move on.

In Singapore there was once an unpopular policy which led to huge protests and the opposition capitalized on it. The PM had to defend it in parliament and it became a key political issue during the elections. However the incumbent party retained the majority of support during the elections which the opposition accepted the outcome and Singapore moved on from the issue.
Another biased report which is not reporting the truth. Extradition law do not allow China to extradite any people deemed as criminal in Hong kong. It only allow Beijing to extradite Chinese citizen committed crime in mainland China who then escaped to Hong Kong. Same as hong kong criminal who escape to mainland. China police can send them back to hong kong for trial.

By the way, the first ever country who try exercise extradite a person who never committed crime on their soil but deem as criminal is USA Donald Trump.

Meng Wanzhou is first victim. She never committed crime in US and never set foot on US soil when arrested. Her crime? Dealing with Iran on communication business which only US sanction Iran. The international committee never approved of such law by US. If we allow Tyrant US to continue such move. Next time, anybody can be arrested in any countries friendly to US with crimes you never broke. Becos US deemed you are guilty and your crime is subjective. That means US overwrite you local law. Or the citizen of the countries law u obey.
That is why arrest of Meng Wanzhou cost such outrage in China and is considered a tyrant and dangerous move.
Extradition concern only crimes occuring outside Hong Kong. 90% of protesters do not even know that.
Extradition concern only crimes occuring outside Hong Kong. 90% of protesters do not even know that.
They are duped into believe extradite law is to allow Beijing arrest anybody deems guilty by China from Hong Kong.

I support China stand firm on extradite law. You give in for this, sooner they will ask more.
More info about the extradition treaty.

Hong Kong protests l Updates, News & Discussion

Key points.
90% of the protesters do not understand the extradition laws.
The extradiction law concern only crimes occuring outside Hong Kong.
Carrie Lam have no power to order an extradiction. She can only veto it.
The extradiction law is no different from those in other Western countries.
The reason for the extradiction law was to extradite a murderer to Taiwan.
The reason it was rush through was because the murderer will be released by Sept and he will flee Hong Kong.
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More info about the extradition treaty.

Hong Kong protests l Updates, News & Discussion

Key points.
90% of the protesters do not understand the extradition laws.
The extradiction law concern only crimes occuring outside Hong Kong.
Carrie Lam have no power to order an extradiction. She can only veto it.
The extradiction law is no different from those in other Western countries.
The reason for the extradiction law was to extradite a murderer to Taiwan.
The reason it was rush through was because the murderer will be released by Sept and he will flee Hong Kong.
Is this true "Carrie Lam have no power to order an extradiction. She can only veto it."? I remember a HK member who claimed to study laws in HKU here said something differently. I'm no expert on law stuffs.
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Is this true "Carrie Lam have no power to order an extradiction. She can only veto it."? I remember a HK member who claimed to study laws in HKU here said something differently. I'm no expert on law stuffs.
That would be @KongFuLee. Perhaps he can enlighten us.
Remember Tim Sebastian is as arogant as you can get. He will not miss any apportunity.
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That would be @KongfuLee. Perhaps he can enlighten us.
Remember Tim Sebastian is as arogant as you can get. He will not miss any apportunity.
I may misunderstood what he said, but what happened now is nothing about the extradition treaty. We are just following those steps, with Joshua Wong met with Julie Eadeh and recent Trump comments on HK situation, the US intervention is pretty much confirmed.
This video is from 2014, but it clearly describes what is happening in HK.
More info about the extradition treaty.

Hong Kong protests l Updates, News & Discussion

Key points.
90% of the protesters do not understand the extradition laws.
The extradiction law concern only crimes occuring outside Hong Kong.
Carrie Lam have no power to order an extradiction. She can only veto it.
The extradiction law is no different from those in other Western countries.
The reason for the extradiction law was to extradite a murderer to Taiwan.
The reason it was rush through was because the murderer will be released by Sept and he will flee Hong Kong.


That is why democracy around the world are using indirect democracy... With people representative.

According to the sociology, masses has an IQ of a child. Direct democracy sounds like a novelty, but reality is chaotic. The biggest enemy of democracy is angry masses.

USA had been contributing to the destruction of democracy, free press and free speech.

For their own interest in Cold War and overthrowing many governments world-wide, they misleaded the world public.
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