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China ready to abandon "no military alliance" policy

at least the soviets went down peacefully, but US is going to go with a big bang I assure you
I have already predicted this scenario here:
Once US and Japan make a definite decision to engage India and make it the new China, it will mean that Muslim countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia will make an attempt to move out from the ambivalent or semi-US/West-supporter category and move towards the Chinese camp. It will also ensure that SCO based grouping of China and former Soviet countries of Russia and Central Asia is further solidified. It will essentially ensure a Muslim-Sino-Russian alliance, where the odd man out would be GCC with US and Indian support. Then it will be a repitition of the cold war and an eventual defeat of one side. I am not sure which side will win, that will be for people to discuss and speculate, but it will be a titanic struggle. My guess is that eventually, with increasing integration with local economies in the neighbor hood, India will eventually give up the alliance with far-off West and become neutral. This eventuality will essentially mean a catastrophic defeat of US/EU in the long term and the rise of Russia as the new European torch bearer, which will be sweet revenge for the earlier cold war defeat.

For India, the defeat will simply mean, that it will swallow its pride and be a more willing partner of its neighbors in Eurasia. The same thing will be the case with any other countries in this US-India-Japan alliance, which possibly are South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand etc.

The above is probably the most likely scenario developing in the near and mid term future.

But my recommendation is to move away from this developing scenario and move towards the following scenario, which will provide more stability and balance for global geopolitics:
Stage 3 (2070-2100):

1. China+Taiwan
2. India+Nepal+Maldives+Bhutan+Sri Lanka
3. EU+Russian speaking countries+USA+Canda+Oceania (ANZ)
4. ASEAN+Japan+Korea+Bangladesh
5. Latin American Union
6. expanded GCC to include all non-Maghreb Arab countries + Central Asian Union (7 stan’s+Mongolia+Turkey+Azerbaijan) + Iran
7. African Union

The future status of Sri Lanka might be an interesting question to ponder upon. Its physical proximity to India and smaller size will make it difficult for it choose a union with an entity other than India, as the Buddhist majority Sinhalese population may not want to be in a Union with a Hindu nationalist India, so it may remain neutral and keep a balance of influence from many different powers from near and far, as long as there is an aggressive Hindu nationalist meme prevalent in India and its ruling structure.
Then I believe someone should just nuke China and be done with it.
Why not india? :azn: Is india so afraid it has to hide behind others?

Poor wet dream, don't you forget how we kicked your pupet Pol Pot, Funcinpec party out of Cambodia in 1979,1997 ?? :coffee:

Porr dream from big coward :no:
Time for Khmer Rouge to come back and take revenge on Vietnam in the usual Khmer Rouge fashion?

glad to see a sense of realism in the upper echelons in china. despite the chest beatings of chinese boys here, a lone china (even with a sprinkling of client states) cannot bully its way in Asia, let alone the world.
It would be prudent to make peace with her asian brothers first, before taking on the 1000 pound gorilla.
LOL he means an alliance with our friends like Pakistan and Iran. We don't need india so stop trying to bandwagon with us, shoo!

india will help China take on USA. By defeating india and extracting reparations in the form of all the gold hordes existing in your country, China will become so rich and powerful we will overwhelm the West.

at least the soviets went down peacefully, but US is going to go with a big bang I assure you
True indeed! Hopefully the big bang will be between the Blue states and the Red states in America once the dollar crashes. http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/168308-10-reasons-reign-dollar-about-end.html
China is so big it actually do not need any alliances.

Military alliance is against the 1955 Bandung declaration. Article 6a

(a) Abstention from the use of arrangements of collective defence to serve any particular interests of the big powers
China scares every single one of her neighbors, who's there to align with except N.Korea amongst the Asian countries? At best, her allies will be the Muslim nations that hate the US but they aren't powerful.
Russia won't be a reliable ally since they refuse to be 2nd to China.

First you claim that 'every single neighbour' is afraid of china, then you say that Muslim nations consider China as an ally, then you say that Russia is not a reliable ally of china, which means Russia is an ally but a reliable one. Now, is it a norm of every zionazi to contradict with his own words what he says?

This observation is quite true to the present world situation. China should have realised it a long time ago. The americans know that within a few years China's global influence will be unstoppable, so they have decided to act before its too late. The americans never cared about the cost of maintaining their global hegemony, they are willing to do absolutely everything to continue their hegemony. It means if they have to take the risk of starting another world war, so be it. These zionazi americans have already made up their mind to strike both, Iran and Pakistan. The timing of the attack is a matter of speculation, but it will certainly come to pass because they know, in a situation like that China and Russia cannot just sit and watch. China and Russia are the prime targets, but before going after those prime targets, uncle sam and his zionazi goons want to soften up the neighbourhood.

Russia may be anti Nato but it is not an ally of China.
Russia may be anti Nato but it is not an ally of China.

Unlikely militarily wise. There existed a deep mistrust between these 2 nations and both thrive for the leadership role in their relationships. However they can team up politically in the international arenas and become a mighty force, in which they have been doing for decades already.
First you claim that 'every single neighbour' is afraid of china, then you say that Muslim nations consider China as an ally, then you say that Russia is not a reliable ally of china, which means Russia is an ally but a reliable one. Now, is it a norm of every zionazi to contradict with his own words what he says?
When i say Asian, i mean Asians(Chinese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Korean.) You are Bangladeshi. Russian people are Slavic.
Use your brain next time.
When i say Asian, i mean Asians(Chinese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Korean.) You are Bangladeshi. Russian people are Slavic.
Use your brain next time.

bangladesh is in asia.
bangladesh is in asia.
So are Russia and Israel, but neither consider themselves as Asian.
When someone says Asians, they mean the race and not the continent.

Do you see a resemblance between Russians and Han Chinese?
Or even Bengails and the Japanese?
When i say Asian, i mean Asians(Chinese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Korean.) You are Bangladeshi. Russian people are Slavic.
Use your brain next time.

Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are friends with China. South Korea under Roh Moo Hyun was also a friend, but unfortunately under the military puppet Lee, has turned away.
Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are friends with China. South Korea under Roh Moo Hyun was also a friend, but unfortunately under the military puppet Lee, has turned away.

Everybody is your friend then why so hush hush about South china sea dispute...:lol:

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