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China missile hit highest suborbital level since 1976:

When Barbarian beat Rome, then they learned a lot from the roman army... especially foot infantry (hatistii and cohorts). Jusy my two cents, not supporting anyone claims of China beating US. I am neutral in this topic.
The problem for your argument is that the PLA reformed not because of in any conflict against the US, the Korean War not considered, but because the PLA realized it had both underestimated the US and overestimated itself in everything, from doctrines to physical assets to conduct a war. The PLA finally realized, after Desert Storm, that whatever happened in Korea no longer applicable except for propaganda purposes.
You're wasting my time kid. How did the US military that was at the Yalu river go all the way back to Seoul? Was it magic?
We whooped your arse boy, our military was exhausted fighting the Japanese and Chinese nationalists and even with the limited resources we had compared to the US military, we still managed to kick the US military out of North Korea.
You had North Korea under control until we entered the war. Once we entered the war, the US military got the worst hiding in its history. Don't believe me? Just go ask the 8th army of the US military. They will tell ya. :coffee:

Please tell your shift supervisor a 183,108 Chinese soldiers perished delivering that 'arse whopping'.

180,000 Chinese soldiers killed in Korean War - China.org.cn
Please tell your shift supervisor a 183,108 Chinese soldiers perished delivering that 'arse whopping'.

180,000 Chinese soldiers killed in Korean War - China.org.cn

oh go tell your daddy US of A fight with stick and stone fairly, if missile to missile fairly. China using old weaponry can still kick your arse away to SK. If china dont limited it intervence to southern, maybe we will kick you out of SK like the VC kick your *** out of the Vietnam with Stick and stone weaponry. This is hillarious stick and stone kick arse US of A out of VIETNAM lol lol lol. :rofl:
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