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China likely to soon unveil one of its most anticipated weapons - a new-generation long-range bomber

This clown is definitely one of the victim of Agent Orange...

They could not even make a proper rifle by themselves... Maybe they think they "defeated" Americans by throwing stones...Lol... The truth is that they were used as battle field for the competing for world's hegemony between world powers, with their country destroyed and their people become cannon fodder, which makes them one of the poorest country in the world till today...
Vietcong ran to China for shelter when US B52 continuously bombardment of Hanoi for many yrs. that how Vietcong survived the US bombardment more than the bomb dropped in the WW2 combined.
Looks beautiful and futuristic. It is this concept plane:
  • Length: 34.5m
  • Wing Span: 32.9m
  • Height: 4.9m
  • Empty weight: 56,000 kg
  • Take-off weight: 126,000 kg
  • Max take-off weight: 132,000 kg
  • Thrust: 4 x 150 kN
  • Internal fuel: 60,000 kg
  • Max speed: Mach 2.0
  • Cruise speed: Mach 0.9
  • Range: 12,500 km
  • Combat radius: 6000 km
  • Service ceiling: 18,000 m
  • Thrust to weight: 0.48
  • Max internal payload: 20,000 kg
View attachment 472950
This design appears to be able to fly supersonic owing to wings width and steep angle much steeper then b2 wing



Damn that's one sexy beast :china:
If the number of casualties matter, then you lost the war. How many Japanese girls were raped by the PLA?
You are really fucking stupid. You monkeys don't understand human language. vn war is essentially a civil war between vietnamese with some Americans involved among others. If Americans used even 1/3 of their strength, there will be no monkey left, let alone monkeys boasting "they defeated americaaaaa" here...
Japs got nuked, you monkeys could also be nuked by Americans without the nuclear protection from your Daddy...
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Nonsense. Vietnam scores victory against the most powerful country on the planet: America, with the US army suffering the first and probably the last defeat in their entire history in the hands of Vietnam. That is not bragging.

Chinese military is just a group of kindergarten kids if comparing to the US army.

We fight too many wars against China. We the People in Vietnam become bored and tired.
This is 2018, look at the relics your army possess, you don't need to mentioned Vietnam war in every other posts,
situation has changed, Vietcong is no longer in the jungle, so should your mind. You have cities to protect, you have base to target.
This is 2018, look at the relics your army possess, you don't need to mentioned Vietnam war in every other posts,
situation has changed, Vietcong is no longer in the jungle, so should your mind. You have cities to protect, you have base to target.
Their government have to tell them they are strong to cover their incompetence:
Just take a look at their poor fishing men, and their government still told them they won the SCS confrontation in 2014... Haha... Everyone are free to shoot their poor fishing men dead and their incompetent government can do nothing but cheat their public by saying they are "strong" because they "defeated" Americaaaaa...
This is the fate of little monkey nation who dreams of countering China..
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Their government have to tell them they are strong to cover their incompetence:
Just take a look at their poor fishing men, and their government still told them they won the SCS confrontation in 2014... Haha... Everyone are free to shoot their poor fishing men dead and their incompetent government can do nothing but cheat their public by saying they are "strong" because they "defeated" Americaaaaa...
This is the fate of little monkey nation who dreams of countering China..
Where's :usflag:? Maybe they haven't knelt low enough and kissed their master's feet enough for him to come to the rescue.
That monkey has no shame, in the Vietnamese section pointed out how desperate and helpless Vietnam is against China and here he's bragging about defeating USA in the 70s. For crying out loud SEVENTIES , Viet monkey didn't win against Yankee at all. That's why that fake Chinese and @gambit never backed that monkey on this matter. Had China not helped Vietnam, America would have completely destroyed the Northern part. What's stopping America from dropping A bombs on Northern Vietnam when it did not had any problems dropping two on Japan?
America roasted Viet chimps with napalm, as if those monkeys were human BBQ. Sprayed Agent Orange treating them as bugs and lets not forget the other rainbow colors it labelled for other purposes such as poisoning the crops so just to starve the Vietcongs to death. Instead of thanking China this stupid chimp is constantly talking sh!t about China and how superior Vietnamese were in ancient times, defeating Japs, Mongols, Chinese. We are living in the 21st Century not ancient times, not 70s. If China would be waging war against Vietnam in 2018, it's gonna be total massacre. What Jungle warfare? We would have complete control of Vietnamese airspace, bombing Vietnamese cities (not jungle) to stone age. We have total domination in Air, Ground and Sea. That's why when we ordered Vietnam to immediately cease oil drilling, Vietnam can only OBEY. If Vietnam was that strong, tough, fighting to the last drop of blood it would not have told the Spanish oil company to abandon it because Vietnam received a threat call. :rofl:

Indeed Vietnam is nothing but a piece of SH!T in our eyes, for 1006 years we have reigned you motha fukca. If Vietnam was really that strong it would have attacked China but we all know it's never gonna happen. Bunch of cowards. Posting some weapons doesn't make Vietnam strong, it only make us Chinese laugh as we would dare Vietnam to pull the trigger first. JUST DO IT, don't just put some photos. Lets see what's China response will look like. :rofl:
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