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China: Leading the World Again. Dr. Eddie O'Connor


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom

Two centuries ago China was the biggest economy in the world. Twenty years from now it will be again.If the question were to be posed “which country has done best by its own people over the past three decades?” the answer would have to be China. A growth rate of 15% per annum, year after year for over twenty years, is phenomenal yet that is what the Chinese have done. It had been argued by economists that consistent growth at this level was inherently impossible but
China has proven them to be wrong

Western economic sages predicted that China couldn’t possibly maintain the pace of its economic
growth because it would lead to unsustainable inflation. It would lead to internal conflict as the
disparities in wealth between the eastern seaboard and the western provinces increased. Society would tear itself apart. Increased personal wealth would inevitably lead to demands for western style personal “freedoms”, leading to mass emigration of the rich if refused. None of these things happened. All the predictions were wrong

In terms of the scale of this achievement no other country can come near China. The fact that economic growth started from a low level, indeed from a profound third world base, is sometimes cited as a reason why its accomplishments over the past three decades should be discounted.
The reverse is true. It is the reason why Chinese achievements should be celebrated.

It is the oldest continuous civilization in the world and the largest and most homogenous society. Overb two millennia it has led the world in science and technology, in innovation and discoveries, in the mastery of nature, the conquest of the seas and the exploration of the skies. Six hundred years ago when Europe was just emerging from the dark ages, and America was as undiscovered, China stood at the pinnicle of human achievements, for example through the invention of the printing press, the telescope, the clock, the compass and printed currency.
At that stage, China had what one economist called “an unparalleled transport infrastructure” of
twenty‐ eight national highways and fifty‐three provincial main roads intersecting with a dense system of canals and navigable rivers, the cumulative result of two thousand years of investment,
Chinese fleets had already navigated most of the globe in the most advanced sailing ships ever built,long before the Portuguese set sail around the world

Even as late as two centuries ago China was the world’s greatest power dwarfing the nations of Europe individually and collectively: Napoleonic France, Czarist Russia, Wellington’s Britain and Frederick’s Prussia. It accounted for a third of world GDP.

It is important for the world to understand why the miracle of economic growth depends on the
traditions, the values, indeed, all the elements which comprise Chinese civilization.

For me, the big surprise is that China has achieved all that it has without engaging in imperialist
expansion. The Chinese seem to have done something that we in the West have not been able to do.
For example, they have procured the requisite raw materials for economic growth without strife,
without invading anyone, and without deploying any aircraft carriers

China: Leading the World Again. Dr. Eddie O’Connor: - Events - IIEA - The Institute of International and European Affairs
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China sent an army to vietnam only to be spanked back.. :woot: So much for not having imperialistic ambitions :lol:
So if a Western Man praises India , its bad and a ploy by Western countries to deceive India, but if the same happens to China thats all good.
Chinese are nothing but "White Man's" servants... :D

So if a Western Man praises India , its bad and a ploy by Western countries to deceive India, but if the same happens to China thats all good.
China sent an army to vietnam only to be spanked back.. :woot: So much for not having imperialistic ambitions :lol:

Only one Indian cheerleader? Too few to make sense. Really.

Expecting the following:

1) China fakes all the data. It is not 15% per annum, it is ...
2) China will collapse in X number of years.
3) Democracy will eventually win over communism. We move slowly but surely, you bubble and bust.
4) Tortoise will eventually win over a hair.
5) …


6) You eat tiger penis.
7) Japanese kicked you @ss. Mongols... Vietnamese...
8) …

Thanks for the compilation chini !!! :D you saved lot of time.. today you will get 20 Cent extra bonus!!! :rofl:
Only one Indian cheerleader? Too few to make sense. Really.

Expecting the following:

1) China fakes all the data. It is not 15% per annum, it is ...
2) China will collapse in X number of years.
3) Democracy will eventually win over communism. We move slowly but surely, you bubble and bust.
4) Tortoise will eventually win over a hair.
5) …


6) You eat tiger penis.
7) Japanese kicked you @ss. Mongols... Vietnamese...
8) …

So if a Western Man praises India , its bad and a ploy by Western countries to deceive India, but if the same happens to China thats all good.

I think in China's case, it is deserved. Whereas praise for India seems to be driven by political propaganda.

For example, do you recall all those glowing stories about India in the Western press during the last two years? You know, how India was shining or Incredible India? That was all propaganda. The Indian economy is a house of cards built on borrowed money.

In contrast, China has real achievements that it can list.

1967: China detonated a 3.3-megaton thermonuclear weapon that was designed with abacus calculations. Today's Indians with supercomputers are no match for 1960s Chinese with abacuses. You cannot match half-century-old Chinese military technology.

1984: China built its first cryogenic YF-73 rocket engine. Today's Indians are cheating big time with Russian assistance. Yet, the Indian GSLV cryogenic rocket engine still blew up twice consecutively.

2003: China sends its first taikonaut Yang Liwei into space.

2008: China conducts its first spacewalk with taikonaut Zhai Zhigang.

In conclusion, praise of China is justified by great technological feats. Praise for India seems contrived and unjustified.


China's Technological Accomplishments - Timeline

[Note: This ongoing project will require a long time to complete.]

210 B.C. (2,200 years ago): China invents chrome-plating technology during Qin Dynasty under emperor Qin Shihuang.

1964: China detonated a 22-kiloton atomic bomb during Mao Zedong administration.

1967: China detonated a 3.3-megaton thermonuclear bomb that was designed with abacus calculations.

1971: China launched its first DF-5 ICBM.

1984: China built its first cryogenic YF-73 rocket engine.

1995: China test-detonates kiloton Neutron Bomb

1998: Chinese J-10 Vigorous Dragon had its first flight. Officially unveiled in 2007.

2000: Chinese JSTARS Tu-154M/D Electronic Intelligence Aircraft in service (e.g. Careless B-4138).

2001: Chinese Type 99 Main Battle Tank in service.

2002: China's Type 093 Shang-class nuclear attack submarine (SSN) is launched.

2003: China sends its first taikonaut Yang Liwei into space.
2003: China's KJ-2000 AWACS with domestic AESA radar has its first flight.

2005: China's Type 052C Lanzhou-class AESA-equipped destroyer entered service.

2006: China's WS-10A turbofan engine certified for production.

2007: China clones world's first rabbit.
2007: Chinese direct-ascent ASAT shoots down orbiting satellite.
2007: Chinese DF-31A MIRVed ICBM in service.

2008: China conducts its first spacewalk with taikonaut Zhai Zhigang.

2009: Chinese H-6K "God of War" bomber in service.

2010: China builds world's-fastest supercomputer Tianhe-1A.
2010: Chinese GBI (i.e. ground based interceptor) shoots down a ballistic missile during mid-course phase.
2010: Chinese WZ-10 Attack Helicopter in service.
2010: Chinese Type 094 Jin-class nuclear missile ballistic submarine (SSBN) in service.

2011: China unveiled the J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth superfighter.

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