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China launches Sri Lanka’s first satellite


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China launches Sri Lanka’s first satellite

(Reuters) / 27 November 2012

Sri Lanka launched its first communications satellite on Tuesday in partnership with a Chinese state-owned space technology firm, the Sri Lanka partner said, adding to unease in neighbouring India about Beijing’s growing ties with the island nation.

The Sri Lankan government has emphasized the launch was a private effort, carried out by SupremeSAT (Pvt) Ltd and the China Great Wall Industry Corp. But Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s youngest son, Rohitha, has been credited in domestic media as the creator of the satellite.

Vijith Peiris, chief executive of SupremeSAT, told Reuters in Colombo that the launch from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in western China was successful.

The joint launch marked the latest in a series of economic and military ties between the two countries, a relationship that is being closely watched by India.

“It reinforces the impression that Sri Lanka is getting slowly but surely closer to China,” said Brahma Chellaney, an analyst at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi.

“From a larger geopolitical perspective, it sends a message to India that a country in its own backyard is cozying up with China.”

Economic and strategic rivals China and India fought a brief, high-altitude border war in 1962 and still have contested regions, though the defence relationship has improved.

Rhetoric flared anew recently after China issued a new passport with a map that shows two disputed border areas as Chinese territory. India responded by stamping its own map on visas it issues to holders of the Chinese passports.

China has been the largest lender to Sri Lanka, a $59 billion economy, since the end of a three-decade civil war ended in May 2009. China had provided military equipment to the Sri Lankan government to defeat ethnic Tamil rebels.

Since then, Sri Lanka has sought stronger defence ties with China, a fact that has irked India and the United States.

“Not a concern”

Chinese Defence Minister Liang Guanglie visited Sri Lanka in September, offering grants to modernise Sri Lanka’s military training. Liang said the ties were aimed at maintaining regional stability and were not targeted at any third party.

During a visit to China early this month, Sri Lanka Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, younger brother of the president, met Liang and agreed to consolidate bilateral cooperation.

China has also become involved in construction of a strategic sea and air port in Sri Lanka’s southern district of Hambantota, also Rajapaksa’s constituency.

It is also involved in a coal-fired power plant, expressways, railways and irrigation works.

India has not officially protested the increasing Chinese influence in Sri Lanka and has even said the latest corporation on space technology was not a concern.

“It’s a commercial communication satellite. It’s going to be in a Chinese (orbit) slot and not in a Sri Lankan slot. At that far, you can’t do anything and it’s not a concern for us,” said an Indian diplomat based in Sri Lanka, speaking on condition of anonymity.

China, like other nations with the technical capability, has launched numerous satellites on a commercial basis for other countries.

China launches Sri Lanka’s first satellite - Khaleej Times
China launches new communication satellite:ZX-12
China launches new communication satellite - Xinhua | English.news.cn
China’s 18th launch of 2012 sees Long March 3B loft ChinaSat-12 | NASASpaceFlight.com
November 27th, 2012 by Rui C. Barbosa
The Chinese have launched the ChinaSat-12 (Zhongxing-12) communications satellite into orbit via a Long March 3B/E (Chang Zheng-3B/E) on Tuesday – their 18th orbital launch of the year. The launch took place at Beijing time 18:13 (10:13 UTC) from the LC2 launch pad at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.
ChinaSat-12 Mission:

This bird was originally called Apstar-7B, a Spacebus-4000C2 platform geostationary communications satellite, with 24 C-band and 23 Ku-band high power beams. It was contracted to Thales Alenia Space of France for construction, on behalf of APT Satellites, in April of 2010.

Apstar-7B was a back up satellite, in event Apstar-7 failed to make it to orbit. However, the launch – carried out on March 31, 2012 – was a success, allowing Apstar 7B to be transferred to a secondary agreement between APT Satellites and the China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC).
With the secondary agreement in place, the satellite was taken by China Satcom – a state-owned satellite operator in Beijing – and renamed Zhongxing-12 (or ChinaSat-12). Zhongxing-12′s role is to replace Zhongxing-5A (ChinaSat-5A) at 87.5 degrees East.

Zhongxing-12 had a lift-off mass of 5,054 kg and a design lifetime over 15 years. It uses a S400 propulsion system and is equipped with two deployable solar arrays.

Part of the satellite’s communications payload has been leased to Sri Lanka and is co-branded as SupremeSat-I. Recently, SupremeSat entered into a partnership agreement with CGWIC for the design, manufacturing and launching of the SupremeSat-III satellite and also to secure the marketing facilities of many other satellites owned and operated by CGWIC and the China Satellites Communications Corporation.

This satellite will be based on the DFH-4 platform and will be positioned at 50 degrees East Longitude after being launched by a CZ-3B/E launch vehicle. Supremesat-II will be launched in mid 2013 and will also lease capacity on the Zhongxing-11 (Chinasat-11) Chinese made communications satellite.

Zhongxing-12 will serve the demands of communication, satellite broadcasting, data transmission, digital broadband multimedia system and media streaming services in China, East Asia, South Asia, Middle East, Africa, Australia and China Sea area, and the Indian Ocean region.
The Spacebus 4000-based medium-class telecommunication satellite has a successful flight heritage, and can easily accommodate a large range of payloads in every band (Ku, C, Ka, X, S, L) to satisfy customer needs.

The solar array power offered by the Spacebus 4000 is up to 15.8 kW with a payload power up to 11.6 kW, typically 80 to 100 active channels with medium RF power (105/110W in Ku band), standard equipment and system designs available in Ku/C and Ka frequency bands, while other frequency bands (X, S, L) can be proposed.

China’s 18th launch in 2012 was also the 173rd successful Chinese orbital launch, the 173rd launch of a Chang Zheng launch vehicle, the 9th launch from Xichang in 2012 and the 77th orbital launch from Xichang.Developed from the Chang Zheng-3A, the Chang Zheng-3B is the most powerful launch vehicle on the Chinese space launch fleet. The Apstar-7 launch was the 23rd flight of CZ-3B and the 55th flight of CZ-3A series launch vehicles.

The CZ-3B features enlarged launch propellant tanks, improved computer systems, a larger 4.2 meter diameter payload fairing and the addition of four strap-on boosters in the core stage that provide additional help during the first phase of the launch.

The rocket is capable of launching a 11,200 kg satellite to a low Earth orbit or a 5,100 kg cargo to a geosynchronous transfer orbit.

The CZ-3B/E (Enhanced Version) launch vehicle was developed from the CZ-3B, increasing the GTO capacity up to 5,500kg. The CZ-3B/E has nearly the same configurations with CZ-3B bar its enlarged core stage and boosters.

On May 14, 2007, the first flight of CZ-3B/E was performed successfully, accurately sending the NigcomSat-1 into pre-determined orbit. With the GTO launch capability of 5,500kg, CZ-3B/E is dedicated for launching heavy GEO communications satellite.
The Xichang Satellite Launch Centre is situated in the Sichuan Province, south-western China and is the country’s launch site for geosynchronous orbital launches.

Equipped with two launch pads (LC2 and LC3), the centre has a dedicated railway and highway lead directly to the launch site. The Command and Control Centre is located seven kilometers south-west of the launch pad, providing flight and safety control during launch rehearsal and launch. The CZ-3B launch pad is located at 28.25 deg. N – 102.02 deg. E and at an elevation of 1,825 meters.

Other facilities on the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre are the Launch Control Centre, propellant fuelling systems, communications systems for launch command, telephone and data communications for users, and support equipment for meteorological monitoring and forecasting.

The first launch from Xichang took place at 12:25UTC on January 29, 1984, when the CZ-3 Chang Zheng-3 (CZ3-1) was launched the Shiyan Weixing (14670 1984-008A) communications satellite into orbit.


Developing a satellite is indeed a noteworthy achievement. BTW did SL government highlight how much this agreement cost them in terms of the contract of launching the payload?
Well done china..:)

But it would have been better for S Asian regional coorperation if either pak or ind had launced sl's satellite given that the two giants possess the requisite tech knowhow
Developing a satellite is indeed a noteworthy achievement. BTW did SL government highlight how much this agreement cost them in terms of the contract of launching the payload?

This is private sector investment of Sri Lanka.

Joint Owned Satellites

Demonstrating our robust growth in the regional satelliteindustry, we will be launching the first ever Sri Lankan owned satellite, SupremeSAT-I into orbit on 22nd November 2012. This will be a joint launch with China Satcom and will enable us to expand into the regional DTH market with immediate effect.
Location :87.5° East Longitude
Manufacturer :Thales Alenia Space
Launch Date :22nd November 2012
Bus :SB4000C2
Equivalent Transponder Capacity :24 C-band, 23 Ku-band

The second joint launch will take place in mid 2013 in partnership with China Satcom. Supremesat-II will again specifically be targeting the South Asian market.
Location :98° East Longitude
Manufacturer :China Academy of Space Technology
Launch Date :Mid 2013
Bus : DFH-4
Equivalent Transponder Capacity :TBA

Fully Owned Satellite

Upon consolidating our position with the co branded & joint owned satellite fleet, we plan to launch SupremeSAT-III into 50°E. This will be a fully owned satellite of ours.
Location :50° East Longitude
Manufacturer :China Academy of Space Technology
Launch Date : December 2015
Bus: DFH-4
Equivalent Transponder Capacity :TBA
Sri lanka is a strategic location in Indian Ocean, it's China's great luck to have such friend, let hope future cooperation is even more fruitful for both nations.
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