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China keen to invest in setting up refinery at Gwadar


May 22, 2012
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United Arab Emirates
our correspondent Sunday, May 25, 2014
From Print Edition

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KARACHI: A delegation of China Logistic Association met members of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) and said that they are ready to make investment in the establishment of an oil refinery at Gwadar, a statement issued by the FPCCI said on Saturday.

Ma Renhong, secretary general of the Logistics Association of Guangdong Province, China, said that there were already investment in Gwadar and China is also ready to make further investment for the establishment of cold storage, warehouses and oil refinery in Gwadar.

The new proposed Silk Road will link Gwadar Port with the Kashgar and would create huge employment opportunities for the backward provinces of both the countries, he said.

“This also creates huge opportunities for establishment of economic and industrial zones,” the statement quoted Renhong, as saying. He invited the Pakistani businessmen to participate in the fifth Guangzhou International Logistics Equipment and Informationization Exhibition to be held in June.

In his address of welcome, Zakaria Usman, president of the FPCCI, said that the Gwadar Port will provide a shortest route for trade to China and Central Asian economies.

“Gwadar Port will be a milestone in increasing not only bilateral trade but also integrating the regions of Central Asia and South Asia economically,” he added.

Pakistan’s geographical proximity to the landlocked Central Asia and relatively under-developed Western China and the mutual trust that marks Pak-China relations are two of the main causes for Chinese interest in building the Gwadar Sea Port, the FPCCI chief said.

He expressed the hope that China’s investment in Pakistan will strengthen trade relations between the two countries from the present bilateral trade of $12 billion to $15 billion by 2015.

Usman said that Pakistan attaches great importance to Pak-China friendship and appreciates the interest of Chinese companies to invest in the development projects in the country.

China keen to invest in setting up refinery at Gwadar - thenews.com.pk

Inevitable seems to be happening sooner rather than later. Chinese investments at this scale would create serious stakes.

Good development.
Inevitable seems to be happening sooner rather than later. Chinese investments at this scale would create serious stakes.

Good development.

indeed sir.....

all I hope is that things get to the ground ASAP, as yet things besides the port are on paper....the port is functional as of now but it only deals with small stuff, as of now urea has been the only product

Gwadar has the potential to be a mega city it also has a huge coast line.....and coast line projects and housings are expensive as its player style......this place can make the future of Pakistan and especially offer new opportunities to our Baloch brothers :cheers:
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