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China is not detaining ANY Indians PRESENTLY

Han Patriot

Mar 23, 2011
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'China is not detaining any Indian personnel at present'. The statement came in a response to the question, "Does the release of the 10 Indian soldiers indicate tensions have eased along the border?". This comes after several reports in India that China had released 10 Indian Army men on Thursday evening.


Plea from Indian side to save face. Right after prisoner release, Indian MEA said no soldiers Mia. Lol

China never detained.

This is the exact quote -

"China hasn't seized any Indian personnel"


Instead 35 Chinis got slaughtered that night which made the Chinese go silent like bats.
China never detained.

This is the exact quote -

"China hasn't seized any Indian personnel"


Instead 35 Chinis got slaughtered that night which made the Chinese go silent like bats.
Dude don't argue with me, write to INDIA TODAY. I know what I read in Chinese. All Chinese understood it. If it makes you feel better than okay no one was captured and 100 Chinese killed. Few guys in BR had sleepless nights thinking about 23 slaughtered and 10 captured, ego bruised so badly they were crying virtually. Lolol

Until now no Indian wants to tell me who controls PP14 to PP18. Lolololol
Indian assholes still hot I see. Only ones who report 35 Chinese deaths is India news, the same one reporting Chinese casualties more than double whatever updated India deaths is. Still won't admit more than 20 Indian soldiers killed partly due to their own shit technology and inability to even know what is happening and not have ability to rescue them or send help. We leave them in the cold because they came to attack us. USA news source is only ONE single one reporting this Indian made up number. No reputable USA news showed this or in fact no reputable news source anywhere in world claimed Chinese suffered single fatality from Indian attack. Just one USA tabloid low reputation source who said "Chinese is BELIEVED to have 43 casualties"... believed since Indian losers claim this. No one else believed it.

Evidence. India always denies and always makes up. Example: Denied Abhinandan is Indian. Denied Indian pilots lost even not one lost. Make up F-16 story even though confirmed not true.

More evidence? India claim has names of PLA soldiers but this is also proven fake. No government on this planet confirmed this not even China but somehow China gave India these names? Western command of PLA?? They did not have this at all in their news or website but Indian somehow achieved to collect them. Indians more than cowards, they are dumb and have very sensitive nature to distress. Also huge liars seems like. Again this list is recognized as fake by ALL world news and governments not single one thinks it's real and reported it.

No wonder PLA executed your commanders without even telling India. These bastards are so low that's why. And Indian little girlboys pretending tough online and talking about Chinese kills. Most embarrassing losers even their friends and allies turn away from disgust. Lose battle and lose face from lying and needing to lie for insecurity.

Like losers and liars, this guy here says we eat bats. Sorry but more Indians eat rats and even I imagine Indians eat humans more than Chinese eat bats. Maybe 1 out of 100M Chinese have eaten bat and in Indonesia too not in China. More Indians eat street rats and dogs. Even we eat less dogs than you poor starving f*ckers.
Indian assholes still hot I see. Only ones who report 35 Chinese deaths is India news, the same one reporting Chinese casualties more than double whatever updated India deaths is. Still won't admit more than 20 Indian soldiers killed partly due to their own shit technology and inability to even know what is happening and not have ability to rescue them or send help. We leave them in the cold because they came to attack us. USA news source is only ONE single one reporting this Indian made up number. No reputable USA news showed this or in fact no reputable news source anywhere in world claimed Chinese suffered single fatality from Indian attack. Just one USA tabloid low reputation source who said "Chinese is BELIEVED to have 43 casualties"... believed since Indian losers claim this. No one else believed it.

Evidence. India always denies and always makes up. Example: Denied Abhinandan is Indian. Denied Indian pilots lost even not one lost. Make up F-16 story even though confirmed not true.

More evidence? India claim has names of PLA soldiers but this is also proven fake. No government on this planet confirmed this not even China but somehow China gave India these names? Western command of PLA?? They did not have this at all in their news or website but Indian somehow achieved to collect them. Indians more than cowards, they are dumb and have very sensitive nature to distress. Also huge liars seems like. Again this list is recognized as fake by ALL world news and governments not single one thinks it's real and reported it.

No wonder PLA executed your commanders without even telling India. These bastards are so low that's why. And Indian little girlboys pretending tough online and talking about Chinese kills. Most embarrassing losers even their friends and allies turn away from disgust. Lose battle and lose face from lying and needing to lie for insecurity.

Like losers and liars, this guy here says we eat bats. Sorry but more Indians eat rats and even I imagine Indians eat humans more than Chinese eat bats. Maybe 1 out of 100M Chinese have eaten bat and in Indonesia too not in China. More Indians eat street rats and dogs. Even we eat less dogs than you poor starving f*ckers.

You are on a roll.. Just like how your buddies roasted Indians on LAC, you are hammering indians on PDF. Keep it on :)
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