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China ‘is infinitely stronger than the Soviet Union ever was’

Y'all lack a system of correcting you mess ups or removing the man who messes or stopping that mess up from happening in the first place or sometimes even acknowledging that y'all messed up

In a functioning democracy they have such a system

Why you're successful up till now?- cause Chinese society was always going to be successful despite what happened in the last century or 2, at a core level Chinese society is a high performing society

CCP is great at doing stuff, getting things but that's not the only part of running a great country like China
huh??? there are countless times that the party corrected its mistake and makes it where are we are right now..
Not it's not correct often bigger population is burden on economic condition of the country
not in our case, China right now is definitely a more comprehensive threat to the us compared with all its previous competitor, Soviet being too focused on heavy industry and military, UK,Japan,Germany too small...
Large population can be an asset or a liability.
If you have the resources to support a large population then it's an asset.

In the past you can raise a large Army only if you have the large irrigated farmland.
Many here argued for years that because The Soviet Union collapse on it own and so would China. Every times when someone says China is challenging US they will say, so what, The Soviet Union did it too.
huh??? there are countless times that the party corrected its mistake and makes it where are we are right now..
I'm pakistani- we love China and hate India so I have no ill will in saying what I am saying

But Xi is practically a dictator rn with no one to correct his mistakes, after him theirll be another dictator with no checks and balance and anyone with balls to call him out
Nor can the people vote him out nor can a better candidate challenge his authority

I don't think a system like that can outcompete a more democratic India in the long run especially if it keeps reforming it's system of governance and curb Hindu extremism in it's society
I'm pakistani- we love China and hate India so I have no ill will in saying what I am saying

But Xi is practically a dictator rn with no one to correct his mistakes, after theirll be another dictator with no checks and balance and anyone with balls to call him out
Nor can the people vote him out nor can a better candidate challenge
India was founded in 1947 and PRC 1949, after 70 years "dictatorship" vs "democracy", they started at roughly the same level, and where is China and where is India now?


people talk about the Soviet Union in past tense, but in present the campaign of overthrowing the US empire is still spearheaded by Russia. And from the looks of it, Putin the KGB guy could be soon having his sweet revenge.
not in our case, China right now is definitely a more comprehensive threat to the us compared with all its previous competitor, Soviet being too focused on heavy industry and military, UK,Japan,Germany too small...
USSR with warshaw pact is military on par with the US with Nato. 10,000 Russian tanks are alone on eastern part of Germany.
USSR collapsed because of weak economy. Money running out because all money is spent on military. East Germany collapsed because of the same reason it running out of money. People watched western television they don’t understand why they go hungry to bed for the socialist cause. People in east Germany run to west Germany. At some time only old communists with fanatics stay in east Germany.
Slow and study wins the race - and FYI till 90s they were a socialist country
You can choose to believe whatever you want to believe in your ideology irrespective of the fact, that is India is literally a failed state when compared to China after both countries started with the same level more than 70 years ago. Saying that the Indian "democratic" system or US one for the matter is good at correcting mistakes is a joke, they can only elect some moron, extremist or lunatic to be their leader and their gov literally never listen to their population while in power as witnessed in the govs of Modi and Trump.
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USSR with warshaw pact is military on par with the US with Nato. 10,000 Russian tanks are alone on eastern part of Germany.
USSR collapsed because of weak economy. Money running out because all money is spent on military. East Germany collapsed because of the same reason it running out of money. People watched western television they don’t understand why they go hungry to bed for the socialist cause. People in east Germany run to west Germany. At some time only old communists with fanatics stay in east Germany.
agreed with everything but not the first lines, number counts but USSR were never actually on par with US even militarily, I'll say 70% at most considered their equipment's quality and a weak red navy.
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