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China invites India’s ‘missile man’ Kalam to teach at Peking varsity

Peking university is pretty well known. There are many Indian engineers who graduated from there working for various state research organizations in India .

Incidentally, hundreds of thousands of Indian students study in China and Hong Kong. I am all for promoting greater people-to-people relations between the two great nations.
Dr. Abdul Kalam saheb is already teaching students in India after retiring from the post of the President of India. :yahoo:

He is not interested to leave his motherland. :smitten: :wave:
First it was Modi (Pakistanis hate him) and now it is Kalam (Pakistanis hate his toys). All hail the Sino-Pak friendship :woot:
It was a commendable gesture from china to invite Our formed president to talk in Peking university,and more so to offer a professorship.More student level and university level interactions will surely help to improve relations between two nations.Just yesterday Chinese envoy was present in my neighbouing town for speaking at Mahatma Ghandi university..

Focus more on common grounds: Chinese envoy

Niu Qingbao, Consul-General, Consulate of China, Mumbai, said here on Thursday that the common grounds between India and China far outweighed disputes and both countries should look forward to enhancing cooperation, communication and strategic partnership for the benefit of their people.

He was speaking after inaugurating a three-day International Conference on China (CoC 2012) on ‘The Rise of China: Policy Parameters and Prospects’, organised by the Institute for Contemporary Chinese Studies at the Mahatma Gandhi University.

Referring to the Indo-China war of 1962, Mr. Qingbao said the seeds of rivalry between the two countries had been sown by European colonial powers under whom both the countries had suffered.

“The root of our disputes, the so-called McMahon Line, was the outcome of British colonialisation of India and the British aggression of China.

The countries had been victims of Western imperialism and bullying,” he said.

According to him, China regarded India as a friendly neighbour and a strategic partner in regional and international affairs.

The countries at present cooperate with each other in diverse fields.
Reminds me of the movie 'ek tha tiger'.
Missile man teaching abroad,same as the movie...
You can imagine the rest....if you watched the movie... ;)
Good way of accessing india's missile secrects,if there are any.
China dont need to steal indian technology.coz chinees technology is better then indian.
Sorry for my ignorance coz I know its not the right thread but would like to know that what was/is China's stand on AQ Khan's nuclear smuggling to rogue nations?

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