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China India war fears: President Xi ignores Modi plea and orders troops to expand border


Sep 26, 2018
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CHINA's Xi Jinping has pledged to bolster construction along Tibet's Himalayan frontier with India after his first official trip to the border region.
As tensions rise between China and India the Chinese president called on the Tibetan people to help defend the motherland, according to the official Xinhua News Agency. Xi Jinping visited the Chinese military hub of Nyingtri that is located in Chinese controlled Tibet. Referring to the Chinese president's call for Tibetans to defend Beijing's interests, an academic from the UK, Robert Barnett, speaking to Bloomberg said: “His message will be especially troubling for India and suggests that he places the border struggle with India close to the very top of China’s national agenda".

Mr Barnett added: "The timing of his visit seems designed to de-emphasise China’s original promises of autonomy and freedom to Tibetans.

"It instead emphasises to Tibetans that they owe everything to the Communist Party,"
The contested Himalayan frontier has seen a large build-up of military personnel from both China and India.
New Delhi has redirected at least 50,000 extra troops to the border region.

Causing tensions with New Delhi, President Xi said: “China will strengthen infrastructure construction along the border.

"It also encourages people of various minorities to set their roots at the border, to defend the territory and build the homeland."

The People’s Republic of China has controlled Tibet for seven decades after they pushed into the region in 1951.

China has led a brutal crackdown on any challenge to its rule over Tibetan.
Since the demonstrations against Chinese rule in 2008, Beijing has heavily securitised the region.

Xi arrived in the regional capital Lhasa and emphasised the ethnic-assimilation policies whereby Tibetans accept the ultimate control of their affairs by Han Chinese.

Beijing has called these assimilation proposals “ethnic harmony” and an effort to “actively guide Tibetan Buddhism to adapt to a socialist society".

In a video broadcast during his Tibetan visit, president Xi explained: “All regions and people of all ethnicities in Tibet will march toward a happy life in future.


Poor Indians don't have a clue what's happening around them, confused and perturbed as they watch events unfold before them helplessly.
Well obviously India has no say whatsoever in Xi's decision why would he listen
India’s time for payback is approaching damn fast……

The relationship b/w Pak and India is inversely proportional! As Pak is getting into the “relaxation” phase (thanks to the Afghan consolidation, the internal traitors elimination, the Chinese ascendency, the West’s descendency etc.) India is getting into the “retribution” phase…..

Don’t underestimate a tiger cub, one day she might return as a ferocious tigress - Jengiz Han
Shocking news: British disinfo mouthpiece makes up **** nobody actually said and did to spread more hate against China.
And the same ”international media” says anything on Pakistan or China then it becomes western propaganda against China or hitjob article against Pakistan for not giving bases and sheeit:P.
Modi's "plea"?
Yes it is 🤫
what modi to thinks when he meets Xi Jinping:

but worry not indians, Pakistanis & Chinese are not an insensitive people, Xi Jinping & Imran Khan understand that you have this akhand bharat dream goin' on, China & Pakistan will try to accommodate that somewhere in the middle of khalistan but far away from Kashmir in this new map soon to come an atlas near you... ;)
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Modi Xi ---- the indian pm's last name highlights the current state of india china relations
what modi to thinks when he meets Xi Jinping:
View attachment 766224
but worry not indians, Pakistanis & Chinese are not an insensitive people, Xi Jinping & Imran Khan understand that you have this akhand bharat dream goin' on, China & Pakistan will try to accommodate that somewhere in the middle of khalistan but far away from Kashmir in this new map soon to come an atlas near you... ;)
View attachment 766225
If india does break, Pakistan and bangladesh will also cease to exist. Most likely a new Muslim super state will rise involving pakistan, bangladesh and the northern india.
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