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China in direct talks with Baloch Insurgents

What kind of jobs besides construction work can we expect from CPEC?
Either you sit on the pavement and ask questions or get up and make somehing out of the once in a lifetime opportunity.

The question the youth of this country have to ask is what do they want to do? Go to madaris, mosques and croak on about the finality of prophet, talk of ummah chummah, bitch about USA, cry for Palestine or stand around scraching their balls or go out and seize the opportunity afforded by CPEC.

The CPEC is a node, a corridor, a beltway to the world. You can open businesses there. Leather, electronics, food products the potential is endless. For instance so called Indian food industry in the West is mostly ran by Pak/Banglas. There is a huge food market in the West. Pakistan is blessed with huge agriculture potential. Why not start a brand exports quality canned tomatoes, sauces, fresh fruits under "Product of Pakistan". Build up quality to a point where consumers in the West look out for "Product of Pakistan" because of it's quality and price like Italian food products do. The country need to spend it's 100% energy in economic productivity. This would bring in $ billions in trade. To paraphrase Kennedy "ask not what CPEC can do for you but what you can do for CPEC".

It is the job of government/CPEC tp provide the power, roads, ports for trade. Now it is for Pakistan entreprenuers to grab the opportunity. This where the SEZ's come into it as cultivating nurseries but ordinary Pakistani's in millions have to pitch in to began a economic revolution. Look at how Bangladeh has done it. They have carved a niche in garment industry and as the supplier of choice to the West.
This News bakwas hai. PML-N just lost Balochistan CM ship and starting again the dawn drama.
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Dawn News drama starts again. PML-N is pissed of at Balochistan kicking them out so they started the paid content again this is fake News. There is no proof to the story.
Literally amazing. Pakistan is not a client state, it aspires to be a full colony again.
Independence was wasted on a people whose only desire is to be slaves of others.
Honestly and frankly the problem in Pakistan is exactly opposite to what your saying. Pakistani's as a people are second only to Somali's as utterly refusing to line up and behave themselves by showing some deferrance to the world economic order. Instead of trying to appease, shut up, listen, take lessons, eat humble pie, introspect, learn and do what the international economic order dictates Pakistani's have built this pseudo warrior, rebel cult and insist on fcuking the world. Fcuk to USA, fcuk to the West, fcuk to any behaviour that might help them to fit in the world order. Instead Pakistani's strive to be the trouble and scare off any investors. Pakistan along with Somalia have become terrorists and pirates of the world. That to me is exactly opposite of what your saying.

I only wish Pakistani's acted more like a client or colonial state. That would fit in more with Pakistan;s actual economic position in the international order. But oh no. This is Pakistan. A third world bankrupt country insists on behaving like USA on steriods.

And now that finally Chinese have decided break the almost universal disdain for investing in Pakistan [for strategic reasons] giving this country one chance to think economics and not some warrior state out to fight the worlds causes in a epic suicide attempt your complaining about "colony".

You got to be sarcastic right? Is that why Western investors in 100,000s in India ride around your country like VIPs and hump away in Mumbai hotels/bars but the few Chinese we have got in Pakistan who finally brought few $ billions in investment projects have to be guarded by a the god darned army? And fair few of them have been killed.

Think !
Either you sit on the pavement and ask questions or get up and make somehing out of the once in a lifetime opportunity.

The question the youth of this country have to ask is what do they want to do? Go to madaris, mosques and croak on about the finality of prophet, talk of ummah chummah, bitch about USA, cry for Palestine or stand around scraching their balls or go out and seize the opportunity afforded by CPEC.

The CPEC is a node, a corridor, a beltway to the world. You can open businesses there. Leather, electronics, food products the potential is endless. For instance so called Indian food industry in the West is mostly ran by Pak/Banglas. There is a huge food market in the West. Pakistan is blessed with huge agriculture potential. Why not start a brand exports quality canned tomatoes, sauces, fresh fruits under "Product of Pakistan". Build up quality to a point where consumers in the West look out for "Product of Pakistan" because of it's quality and price like Italian food products do. The country need to spend it's 100% energy in economic productivity. This would bring in $ billions in trade. To paraphrase Kennedy "ask not what CPEC can do for you but what you can do for CPEC".

It is the job of government/CPEC tp provide the power, roads, ports for trade. Now it is for Pakistan entreprenuers to grab the opportunity. This where the SEZ's come into it as cultivating nurseries but ordinary Pakistani's in millions have to pitch in to began a economic revolution. Look at how Bangladeh has done it. They have carved a niche in garment industry and as the supplier of choice to the West.

Beautifully put. The first sentence anyway, the second paragraph was unnessacary and then you got back on message.

People need to stop thinking about what will be available and start thinking what can i make possible. Don't limit yourself to jobs, think about business opportunities. Look at what is scheduled to be done, think about how you can exploit such conditions.

A few straight forward easy examples;

Lots of construction will take place, roads will be built, they'll need tools and materials to do it, maybe you can sell basic hardware? Shovels, hard hats, high vis jackets? Or high end stuff like diggers? Even if the companies have their own stuff, it might break down, there is an opporunity to lease your equipment in the mean time. Once the roads are built other businesses will be attracted to them, fuel stations, rest stops, shops, industrial parks, they'll need construction too. Also construction workers - they're not going to come from China, maybe you can setup an academy teaching people how to use diggers/tractors/etc? Maybe you can teach basic building site safety?

Industrial parks will be setup, what can you manufacture and export? People need to eat at lunch, even in industrial parks - mobile catering service?

The routes will be a trucking hub, maybe you can sell tyres for trucks or repair them? Maybe you can setup your own transport company? Maybe you can train drivers?

This is all basic stuff, there are hundreds of more complex ideas and innovative ideas, but you need to research thoroughly to find opportunity.
KARACHI: China has been quietly holding talks with Baloch militants for more than five years in an effort to protect the $60 billion worth of infrastructure projects it is financing as part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Financial Times claimed on Monday.

Published in Dawn, February 20th, 2018

Don't be surprised if this is true. This is standard practice around the world. When NATO forces wanted to expand the Kajaki dam in Afghanistan, they did a deal with the Taliban to allow safe transportation of parts. The Italians regularly paid the Taliban to not attack their ISAF contingent.
What are "talks" with militants ? Maybe China is new to the whole concept but we as Pakistanis know there are no "talks" with militants. They have no honour, no code of conduct how in earth can you expect them to uphold what they promise ?
If China indeed contacts the proxies directly it's a tremendously great thing!!!! Proxies are nothing but the attack dogs with the leash firmly wrapped around the master's hand. Now, it's a direct, preset and clear message to the masters: CPEC = China; make your policies accordingly, and don't under-estimate the repercussions (e.g, Korea/Vietnam etc...)

"Let China sleep, when she wakes up the world* will cry" - Napoleon Bonaparte

*Western blood sucking colonists. But, why India??
Either you sit on the pavement and ask questions or get up and make somehing out of the once in a lifetime opportunity.

The question the youth of this country have to ask is what do they want to do? Go to madaris, mosques and croak on about the finality of prophet, talk of ummah chummah, bitch about USA, cry for Palestine or stand around scraching their balls or go out and seize the opportunity afforded by CPEC.

The CPEC is a node, a corridor, a beltway to the world. You can open businesses there. Leather, electronics, food products the potential is endless. For instance so called Indian food industry in the West is mostly ran by Pak/Banglas. There is a huge food market in the West. Pakistan is blessed with huge agriculture potential. Why not start a brand exports quality canned tomatoes, sauces, fresh fruits under "Product of Pakistan". Build up quality to a point where consumers in the West look out for "Product of Pakistan" because of it's quality and price like Italian food products do. The country need to spend it's 100% energy in economic productivity. This would bring in $ billions in trade. To paraphrase Kennedy "ask not what CPEC can do for you but what you can do for CPEC".

It is the job of government/CPEC tp provide the power, roads, ports for trade. Now it is for Pakistan entreprenuers to grab the opportunity. This where the SEZ's come into it as cultivating nurseries but ordinary Pakistani's in millions have to pitch in to began a economic revolution. Look at how Bangladeh has done it. They have carved a niche in garment industry and as the supplier of choice to the West.

All of what you have said is right, but it's not the answer to my question. Very motivational though, so "A" for that.

My question is arising from a middle class perspective, it's quite difficult to draw parallel between the West and Pakistan in terms of the whole system and how they facilitate SMEs, start-ups etc.

Firstly, there just isn't enough money available for our average joe here in Pakistan to invest in SMEs, and I am not even going to mention the "red-tape" which exists here in Pakistan. A lot of overseas Pakistanis I know who had the capital did try to walk on your mentioned approach and all they got was disappointment in terms of cheating, saboteur, corruption etc. Even if by some miracle some fish does manage to make it big, they're strong-armed by either some politcian/political party or an Army higher-up and their business is simply taken over. Hence I say kay yeh badmasho ka mulk hai...I've known and witnessed a lot. Without connections or power you can not survive for long. However, there a few success stories on a very small scale, which is a positive sign. They're mostly BPOs and they help a lot in regards to employing the local work force chiefly from the middle class background.

Restaurants, computer shops, etc. are good but not the solution. They have a limited impact in my opinion. For agriculture, an investor would require a tremendous capital, muscle and manpower...something beyond the scope for a batch of university graduates or working professionals.

Bangladeshi garment industry is another story, it's because of the electricity, water, corruption and law/order situation that some of our Pakistani textiles shifted to Bangladesh. Bangladesh took a lead from there on and now they're at the top. You're talking about setting up new businesses in Pakistan whilst the establishment here's destroying the existing ones, doesn't matter whether civil or military.

So I ask once more that apart from the construction or blue collar jobs, what kind of jobs can we potentially expect for our professionals and fresh graduates? I would like to know how would CPEC be beneficial for Pakistan's service industry? Can we expect Chinese multinational companies outsourcing their operations to Pakistan at the very least?

EDIT: I am very happy for CPEC as it is simply a lovely opportunity and I know a lot of money will be coming in once it does become fully functional. My concern is that there is a very high probability that the standard of living will go up for the elite and that's about it...the rest of the country will remain as it is. In my opinion knowing the culture and people of this land, CPEC will be a cash cow only for a few. Our own tax money deducted through VAT are not reinvested on us...expecting revenue generated from CPEC being reinvested on us is a long shot.
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