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China firmly supports ASEAN's development

Edison Chen

Aug 21, 2013
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YANGON, June 9 (Xinhua) -- China will firmly support ASEAN's development, its community building and centrality in regional cooperation, and is also committed to growing a healthy, stable and dynamic China-ASEAN relationship, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin told a joint interview here Monday.

"No matter what changes may take place in the international landscape and how China and ASEAN develop, China will always take ASEAN as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy," said Liu.

"This is not only the shared interest of China and ASEAN, but also conducive to regional peace, stability and prosperity," he said.

Liu is here to attend senior official meetings for the ASEAN plus China, Japan and South Korea (ASEAN+3) cooperation mechanism, East Asian Summit and ASEAN Regional Forum.

Denying some suspicion, worry and even misunderstanding over China's rapid growth, Liu assured that China remains a peaceful country and friendly neighbor as ever before, saying that China's development brings benefit and opportunities to ASEAN countries rather than threat, which has been proved by the growth of China- ASEAN relations during the past two decades.

"China will continue to uphold the principles of mutual respect, equality and win-win cooperation for common development with ASEAN countries," he said.

On settling problems when arising naturally between neighbors, Liu called for patience, continued building and expanding of consensus and finding proper solution, however, he warned that " some individual country's attempts to ruin China-ASEAN relations with these disputes will end nowhere and are unwelcomed by most ASEAN countries."

"Interference by countries outside the region will not help solve the problems but only make them more complicated and aggravated," he further warned.

On Myanmar's assumption of ASEAN chair, Liu expressed belief that Myanmar will continue to play an effective role in communication and coordination, so that ASEAN will uphold a fair and objective position on relevant issues.

He also expressed the belief that Myanmar will continue to work with China to move forward China-ASEAN strategic partnership and maintain peace and stability of the region.

Regarding the initiative of "2+7 Cooperation Framework" put forth by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the China-ASEAN Summit last October and raised by Xinhua, Liu said China is working with ASEAN countries at present to discuss the signing of a treaty of good- neighborliness, friendship and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, launching of negotiation to upgrade the China-ASEAN FTA, establishment of an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and development of a 21st century maritime Silk Road.

In addition, China has invited defense ministers of ASEAN countries to come to China for a special ministerial meeting some time next year and launch programs to celebrate the 2014 China- ASEAN Cultural Exchange Year, he added.

Emphasizing that China-ASEAN relations are important pillars for East Asia cooperation, Liu called for advancing the development of regional cooperation framework, consolidating the role of ASEAN+3 as the main vehicles and continuing to leverage the role of East Asia Summit as a "leaders-led" strategic forum.
We wish China treats fairly to ASEAN countries, not only use them.
The good cooperation, the COC, the peaceful SCS ... lead to the success of all.
Destabilization only ruin the relationship.
I suppose that should be ASEAN minus vn and ph.

YANGON, June 9 (Xinhua) -- China will firmly support ASEAN's development, its community building and centrality in regional cooperation, and is also committed to growing a healthy, stable and dynamic China-ASEAN relationship, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin told a joint interview here Monday.

"No matter what changes may take place in the international landscape and how China and ASEAN develop, China will always take ASEAN as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy," said Liu.

"This is not only the shared interest of China and ASEAN, but also conducive to regional peace, stability and prosperity," he said.

Liu is here to attend senior official meetings for the ASEAN plus China, Japan and South Korea (ASEAN+3) cooperation mechanism, East Asian Summit and ASEAN Regional Forum.

Denying some suspicion, worry and even misunderstanding over China's rapid growth, Liu assured that China remains a peaceful country and friendly neighbor as ever before, saying that China's development brings benefit and opportunities to ASEAN countries rather than threat, which has been proved by the growth of China- ASEAN relations during the past two decades.

"China will continue to uphold the principles of mutual respect, equality and win-win cooperation for common development with ASEAN countries," he said.

On settling problems when arising naturally between neighbors, Liu called for patience, continued building and expanding of consensus and finding proper solution, however, he warned that " some individual country's attempts to ruin China-ASEAN relations with these disputes will end nowhere and are unwelcomed by most ASEAN countries."

"Interference by countries outside the region will not help solve the problems but only make them more complicated and aggravated," he further warned.

On Myanmar's assumption of ASEAN chair, Liu expressed belief that Myanmar will continue to play an effective role in communication and coordination, so that ASEAN will uphold a fair and objective position on relevant issues.

He also expressed the belief that Myanmar will continue to work with China to move forward China-ASEAN strategic partnership and maintain peace and stability of the region.

Regarding the initiative of "2+7 Cooperation Framework" put forth by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the China-ASEAN Summit last October and raised by Xinhua, Liu said China is working with ASEAN countries at present to discuss the signing of a treaty of good- neighborliness, friendship and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, launching of negotiation to upgrade the China-ASEAN FTA, establishment of an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and development of a 21st century maritime Silk Road.

In addition, China has invited defense ministers of ASEAN countries to come to China for a special ministerial meeting some time next year and launch programs to celebrate the 2014 China- ASEAN Cultural Exchange Year, he added.

Emphasizing that China-ASEAN relations are important pillars for East Asia cooperation, Liu called for advancing the development of regional cooperation framework, consolidating the role of ASEAN+3 as the main vehicles and continuing to leverage the role of East Asia Summit as a "leaders-led" strategic forum.
Is this how China sees its relationship with Africa?

Africa? Yah, China invest infrastructure heavily in Africa, as well as oil and mineral industry, at the same time, our government allow as many as young African friends come to China for education, we also send medical teams to help Africa. It's always China's policy that never intervene a country's internal affairs, but only business issues which are based on voluntary exchange and mutual understanding.
Africa? Yah, China invest infrastructure heavily in Africa, as well as oil and mineral industry, at the same time, our government allow as many as young African friends come to China for education, we also send medical teams to help Africa. It's always China's policy that never intervene a country's internal affairs, but only business issues which are based on voluntary exchange and mutual understanding.

On the surface, I agree with you--how could economic development be bad? But it's apparently a very complicated relationship, and since Africa is so corrupt, it's the leaders there, not the citizens, who have been benefiting. Here's an example:


NAIROBI, Kenya — For nearly a decade, as China made a historic push for business opportunities and expanded influence in Africa, most of the continent’s leaders were so thrilled at having a deep-pocketed partner willing to make big investments and start huge new projects that they rarely paused to consider whether they were getting a sound deal.

China has peppered the continent with newly built stadiums, airports, hospitals, highways and dams, but as Africans are beginning to fully recognize, these projects have also left many countries saddled with heavy debts and other problems, from environmental conflict to labor strife. As a consequence, China’s relationship with the continent is entering a new and much more skeptical phase.


After a decade of bland talk about “win-win” partnerships, China seems finally aware that it needs to improve both the style and substance of its push into Africa. Last week, at the start of a four-country African trip, Prime Minister Li Keqiang acknowledged “growing pains” in the relationship, and the need to “assure our African friends in all seriousness that China will never pursue a colonialist path like some countries did, or allow colonialism, which belongs to the past, to reappear in Africa.”

This language came in belated response to a sea change that arguably began with an op-ed essay last year in The Financial Times by Lamido Sanusi, who was recently suspended as Nigeria’s central bank governor. He wrote: “In much of Africa, they have set up huge mining operations. They have also built infrastructure. But, with exceptions, they have done so using equipment and labor imported from home, without transferring skills to local communities. So China takes our primary goods and sells us manufactured ones. This was also the essence of colonialism.

Obviously, the territorial disputes in the SCS are not going to help matters, but China probably needs to be very cautious about how it invests in ASEAN countries so as not to repeat the experience of Africa.
On the surface, I agree with you--how could economic development be bad? But it's apparently a very complicated relationship, and since Africa is so corrupt, it's the leaders there, not the citizens, who have been benefiting. Here's an example:


Obviously, the territorial disputes in the SCS are not going to help matters, but China probably needs to be very cautious about how it invests in ASEAN countries so as not to repeat the experience of Africa.

This is true. Many Chinese companies investing overseas always bring the personnel, equipment and even raw material from China, some reasons could be a lack of resources in Africa, but I think it's because of China's over production in domestic market. China produces too much coal, steel, cement or other kinda stuff, whereas our government set red lines to invest, to prevent pollution or real estate bubble. So they have to invest overseas. This might not be good to Africa, can't help to establish a complete supply chain that could regenerate value, jobs by Africans themselves, and no dependence on FDI furthermore.

China cannot change their internal things, as you said, they are corrupted to the root, it's a bog, we will fall into that bog and there will be endless trouble, especially from the West. ASEAN and Africa are different I think
haha, except vietnam and phil. especially vietnam, we will destroy it.
I suppose that should be ASEAN minus vn and ph.

Wow first of all the Philippines is core member of ASEAN without the Philippines there is no ASEAN so that's stupid Samething with Vietnam So that in self is stupid second nobody ask you guys for anything and this we wish ASEAN well and support her crap is nothing but other chinese imperialist lie your country is just looking for way to flood the markets with cheap and dangereous made goods that is already killing major industries in the Philippines and the ASEAN so screw that crap and last finding ways to smuggle resources out of countries like what your kind is doing in other countries all around the world that post of yours is just prove of arrogance and stupidity among the chinese imperials here in this forum.

ASEAN success hinges on focusing on economic development, and not letting some whiny poor countries with nasty territorial spats derail that focus.

Poor countries? really so uneducated one most of ASEAN yes have poor people but so as everywehere else so especially china which has a lot poor people per population even more than any developing country in the planet so look at mirror before you open your F@cking face you arrogant SOB second the term your looking for is Newly industrialized countries so in terms of intelligence you are very lacking of it well expceted from brain dead country like chinamen troll monster.
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haha, except vietnam and phil. especially vietnam, we will destroy it.

OK go for it chinamen just like in the Korean War will send you packing heck and we did that with limited tanks and air support heck the majority of non combatants NON combantans orignally Quarter masters support units etc so did the Vietnamese which totally owned your sorry @$$es in that chinese-Vietnam War which just came out from a war America! You guys can talk crap but you have no balls to hack it at all heck you cant even face us ITCLOS in the UN if your evidence is sure why not? so lame all trash talk and no dice you guys are nothing but bullies coniving SOB's who think they so important to the whole world what losers.
What is so hard for stupid idiot like you to understand?

We invest in other ASEAN countries but NOT in vn and ph. Can China do that? Of course.

Wow first of all the Philippines is core member of ASEAN without the Philippines there is no ASEAN so that's stupid Samething with Vietnam So that in self is stupid second nobody ask you guys for anything and this we wish ASEAN well and support her crap is nothing but other chinese imperialist lie your country is just looking for way to flood the markets with cheap and dangereous made goods that is already killing major industries in the Philippines and the ASEAN so screw that crap and last finding ways to smuggle resources out of countries like what your kind is doing in other countries all around the world that post of yours is just prove of arrogance and stupidity among the chinese imperials here in this forum.

Poor countries? really so uneducated one most of ASEAN yes have poor people but so as everywehere else so especially china which has a lot poor people per population even more than any developing country in the planet so look at mirror before you open your F@cking face you arrogant SOB second the term your looking for is Newly industrialized countries so in terms of intelligence you are very lacking of it well expceted from brain dead country like chinamen troll monster.
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