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China eating into Indian territory: Look at UPA's and CCP's false lies

where the hell was the BSF or the ITBP????????? don't we have anyone up there? good god ^__^
Lol, if you take a look at the inhabitants of AP, do they look close to Chinese or Indians?

They are closely related to the Tibetans, and it should be a part of Tibet. And historically Tibet was never a part of India, but it has been a part of China for over 700 years.

As per your logic anybody belonging to Mongoloid race is a Chinese !? There are mongolid people in the Indian states of Meghalaya and Sikkim. They should be part of China too !?
Lol, if you take a look at the inhabitants of AP, do they look close to Chinese or Indians?

They are closely related to the Tibetans, and it should be a part of Tibet. And historically Tibet was never a part of India, but it has been a part of China for over 700 years.

Bullcrap. We are as "Chinese" as Pakistanis are Brazilians. Mongoloid features are also existent in Indian history whereby we are referred to as Pahari people or the people dwelling in mountains. Tibet was ALWAYS a different country and shall remain so. Even HH including all previous Dalai Lamas have clearly stated that Arunachal Pradesh is a part of India and doesn't come under Tibetan territories. Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim have been Indian for millennia with scores of ancient sites being frequent to all Indians throughout history.

700 years? :rofl: Arunachal has been Indian since thousands and thousands of years. It has been home to many mainstream Hindu pilgrimage sites as well as Buddhist pilgrimage sites for millennia. Every year, we from different paths of Dharma pilgrimage to the state along with local monks and sages dwelling in Himalayas. What are you talking about?

So stop this CCP rubbish. Even Turkestanis don't look like Chinese for all the hulabaloo you create. So what do you say?


You Hans are totally different from us NE Indians. Don't try that race nonsense with us. We are thankful a zillion times that we are Indians and will always remain so.
As per your logic anybody belonging to Mongoloid race is a Chinese !? There are mongolid people in the Indian states of Meghalaya and Sikkim ? They should be part of China too !?

Not in Hell we won't! :angry:
How exactly these videos come so regularly to the media? Do we have media guys stationed near LAC or someone else shoots it and send it to the media? Are these a pre-planned? If yes then how come Army at Border don't know of any? I am sure there is a purpose of circulating these videos in the media but am not sure what??

Don't be idiotic. Whose side are you on? Ours or theirs? Most of the videos come either through special investigative reports or through locals managing to capture sh!t in their mobiles. People in our country have second largest cell phone networks remember? The reason why Army doesn't know anything is because Army is NOT there at the border. It is stationed in secondary bases during peace times. ITBP jawans are simply not enough to be there everywhere all the times, whose advantage these PLA cowards take by threatening unarmed villagers and workers. :angry:
BSF and ITBP should have showed up we're not letting these punks threaten our workers and villagers how dare they show up in our territory telling us what to and not to do but feet licking CONgress will just deny the reports and whatnot because they are spineless and want to appease Chinese, the next time Chinese soldiers come into our territory i say we gun them down like they did to us 1962 so why not return the favor?
This has been going on for awhile the Chinese are asserting themselves. What is Hindustani prepared to do about this? Call Flag meeting?
BSF and ITBP should have showed up we're not letting these punks threaten our workers and villagers how dare they show up in our territory telling us what to and not to do but feet licking CONgress will just deny the reports and whatnot because they are spineless and want to appease Chinese, the next time Chinese soldiers come into our territory i say we gun them down like they did to us 1962 so why not return the favor?

Because CONgress has ordered all the troops not to fire until getting orders from Delhi that never come. Bloody enemy appeasers. They make Zardari look like an ultranationalist. Even with a tiny budget Pakistan's defense is much more stable and straight forward compared to our scam-ridden corrupt schemes of acquiring new weapons. This government has to go, or else India is doomed.
This has been going on for awhile the Chinese are asserting themselves. What is Hindustani prepared to do about this? Call Flag meeting?

Ask that to our Italian overlord and her pet dog of a PM.
Don't be idiotic. Whose side are you on? Ours or theirs? Most of the videos come either through special investigative reports or through locals managing to capture sh!t in their mobiles. People in our country have second largest cell phone networks remember? The reason why Army doesn't know anything is because Army is NOT there at the border. It is stationed in secondary bases during peace times. ITBP jawans are simply not enough to be there everywhere all the times, whose advantage these PLA cowards take by threatening unarmed villagers and workers. :angry:

Come on, don't kid me by telling that Army is not aware of these incursions when every bloody media houses have been putting these videos openly on their sites/channels. Don't be naive Army is not blind and I am not able to understand why there's been no action till now. When they can have their army there round the year why can't we. This act is not of peace times so we need to be better prepared to give them bloody nose rather then cribbing about it later. Also to clear one thing, I would like our Army to bake these bloody suckers alive if they put their dirty foot on our land.
Ask that to our Italian overlord and her pet dog of a PM.

Do you really think when enemy is entering our lands Army will ring Delhi to take permissions/directions?
Lol, if you take a look at the inhabitants of AP, do they look close to Chinese or Indians?

They are closely related to the Tibetans, and it should be a part of Tibet. And historically Tibet was never a part of India, but it has been a part of China for over 700 years.

haha That's a logic and half! They look Chinese! loool They're more Aryans than Mongolian/Han. I mean Pakistanis look more Indian than people of AP so does that mean we should claim Pakistan? lool And not just people of AP majority people of North East India, Nepal, Bhutan have slightly oriental faces why don't you claim everything? :disagree:

Nope. Well then how come China never claimed Aksai Chin or AP to British or even before 1960s? And according to Dalai Lama Tibet belongs more to India than to China so let's not go there. :)
Because CONgress has ordered all the troops not to fire until getting orders from Delhi that never come. Bloody enemy appeasers. They make Zardari look like an ultranationalist. Even with a tiny budget Pakistan's defense is much more stable and straight forward compared to our scam-ridden corrupt schemes of acquiring new weapons. This government has to go, or else India is doomed.

tell me about it freakin bureaucrats too scared to get anything done only want to stuff there overseas bank accounts with the peoples money this is why we need Advani or Modi to lead us into the future where India is a strong and prosperous nation

CONgress party slogan is "garibi Hatao" but they've been saying that since Nehru was in power yet still more poor in India than all of africa millions of people suffering from malnutrition appeasing aggressive nations who want to see our destruction i don't know how these people keep on getting voted to power
Do you really think when enemy is entering our lands Army will ring Delhi to take permissions/directions?

It is possible army has been directed to go easy on border incursions by the Chinese. Let us not forget it is the same govt which decided not to activate the Ladakh airfield in spite of repeated border violations ! The ring leaders of this govt are not even Indians. So how can we expect them to be nationalists !
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