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China does not want to see rise of India in Asia, Mohan Bhagwat says


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China does not want to see rise of India in Asia, Mohan Bhagwat says
By Bagish K Jha, TNN | Jan 7, 2013, 05.54 PM IST

INDORE: RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said China does not want to see rise of India in Asia and take leading position. In order to contain India's increasing influence it is encircling out country from all sides.

In a direct reference to assertive policies of China, Bhagwat said, "China does not want India to make progress and grow. It does not want India to take a leading position in Asia. The countries that are against us are trying to weave a web from all sides." He was speaking a programme in Indore on Sunday.

He further said that India does not harbour enmity against any country, but country has also failed to secure its borders. "Out borders are unsecured and porous. People are coming to our country without any trouble even terrorist are taking benefit of this situation.

"There is always a demand to step up vigil along the border. However, there is no preparedness. They keep talking about it in Parliament, but nothing really materialises in this regard. Smuggling of drugs, arms and cattle has been rampant along the border," he said adding ironically instead of protecting our borders and standing against infiltrators some of our people are busy in defending them for political benefit.

Alleging that "politics of selfishness" is rampant in the country, Bhagwat said, "We elect the government. But when we want the government to solve our problems, it does not come forward unless it sees some benefit in it."

Without naming Pakistani interior minister Rehman Malik, Bhagwat said, "Recently one Pakistani minister visited India and left everybody annoyed."
the RSS is not a political party, they cannot come to power hence whatever they say is irrelevant.

as for the development of india, it is for our benefit and what other nations think is also largely irrelevant.
Without naming Pakistani interior minister Rehman Malik, Bhagwat said, "Recently one Pakistani minister visited India and left everybody annoyed."

seems like he has a very lousy mouth and wants to make enemies everywhere he talks to.
He should keep his comments confined to women affairs thereby continue to live under a rock.
China does not want to see rise of India in Asia, Mohan Bhagwat says - By Bagish K Jha, TNN - Jan 7, 2013, 05.54 PM IST

I don't understand why this thread was created......what's new about it? Both India and China are foes so none of them want the other one 'rising'....
Ya this is the truth. They wud Like to be the only major power in Asia.
India is already a power in Asia. It's GDP has been growing remarkably in recent years despite of global economic turbulence. Whether China or other country wants to see it or not is irrelevant. India will keep going on her own pace.

So does China.
This is a stupid thread, more human live better need India up
India is already a power in Asia. It's GDP has been growing remarkably in recent years despite of global economic turbulence. Whether China or other country wants to see it or not is irrelevant. India will keep going on her own pace.

So does China.

Actually apart from the media created hype and the internet warriors' fighting all day long, what issues (major ) does India and China have? None. Even the Border dispute is slowly but surely coming to an mutual understanding. We get to keep Arunachal and China keeps Aksai Chin. Today our trade stands at 75 $ billion and by the looks of it, might well cross 150 $ billion by 2020. We have so many Chinese companies investing in India. Here in Mumbai, I can tell you Reliance is coming up with the metro project where the trains are imported from China.

What I want to point out is that China and India both realise that in this "Asian century", there is no victor in a war of ego/ perceptions. Both the countries are mature enough to know that competition is good and enhanced relations will benefit both the nations.
So why is Mohan Bhagwat so concerned with what happens to India? Isn't he from Bharat and not India? Bhagwat should say whether China is after his Bharat.

Good news is that the 7th accused of the Delhi Gang rape case is now known to all of us and the 7th accused is Asaram, brother of Mohan Bhagwat. :lol:
The man wants to blame everything on China, it's a habit Indians are developing. Electricity fallout, encircling India, doesn't want India to progress/grow.
If that was really true, Chinese companies wouldn't invest in India. If China wants to encircle India why aren't there pla troops in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan? China ain't USA where they station troops in other countries. Plenty Indian homes don't have toilets and what does that have to do with China for not letting India progress? It looks to me that China these days is the favorite scapegoat for almost everything. Even the American congress is blaming China for not letting both Koreas unite.
There are only real top powers in the World:

USA >> Russia ~ PR China > India >>> other else
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