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China develops new ICBMs, adds to nuclear stockpile


Nov 4, 2011
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China develops new ICBMs, adds to nuclear stockpile
December 25, 2013
Aya Igarashi / Yomiuri Shimbun CorrespondentBEIJING—China’s military is advancing the development of a new intercontinental ballistic missile and increasing its stockpile of nuclear warheads, an ambitious step to block U.S. engagement in the Asia-Pacific region by boosting not only its naval and air forces, but also its nuclear missile capabilities.

The Chinese military conducted a second test launch of its newest ICBM, the Dong Feng-41 (DF-41), from the Wuzhai missile launch center in Shanxi Province to western China on Dec. 13, according to the U.S. website Washington Free Beacon, which cited Pentagon officials.

China first tested the DF-41 in July 2012. With a range of up to 14,000 kilometers, the missile is capable of hitting most targets in North America. The Global Times, which is affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party organ, People’s Daily, quoted the Washington Free Beacon report and said the DF-41 will serve as the new basis of the country’s security in its Dec. 19 editorial, effectively confirming this month’s test fire.

Tensions are escalating between the United States and China over the air defense identification zone that China unilaterally announced in the East China Sea last month and a near collision reported earlier this month between a U.S. guided missile cruiser and a Chinese warship. The U.S. ship is believed to have been monitoring the Liaoning, China’s sole aircraft carrier, in the South China Sea.

China’s test firing of the missile, along with its attempts at gaining air supremacy and the command of the sea, are apparently aimed at checking the United States.

China’s program to develop strategic missiles runs counter to the global trend of nuclear arms reduction, championed by the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama and others.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, China had about 250 nuclear warheads as of Jan. 1, which is far fewer than the United States’ 7,700, but it is the only nation among the five nuclear powers sanctioned under the Nuclear Non-Prolifertaion Treaty to increase its nuclear stockpile. The other sanctioned nuclear powers are the United States, Britain, France and Russia.

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s Second Artillery Corps, in charge of ballistic missiles, already deploys DF-31A missiles, which have a range of 11,200 kilometers. A DF-31A is capable of carrying three to five warheads, whereas a DF-41 can carry up to 10.

A U.S. Air Force research institute in a May report said the number of Chinese warheads capable of reaching the United States will increase to 100 or more over the next 15 years after factoring in the development of the DF-41 missile.

The Chinese military is said to be close to deploying the Julang-2 (JL-2), a second-generation submarine-launched ballistic missile. When JL-2 missiles are installed in China’s state-of-the-art nuclear-powered Jin-class submarines, they would be capable of hitting the U.S. mainland from the Chinese coastal areas.
The world seems to be more peaceful after Cold War by START 2 and accordingly agreements, between Russia and US ...

But the China again make themselve a new threat to the global peace by developing themselve a nolimit quantity of ICBM

However, in 2001, President George W. Bush set a plan in motion to reduce the country’s missile forces from 6,000 to between 1,700 and 2,200.

Thus the START II treaty was officially bypassed by the SORT treaty, agreed to by Presidents George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin at their summit meeting in November 2001, and signed at Moscow Summit on 24 May 2002. Both sides agreed to reduce operationally deployed strategic nuclear warheads to 1,700 from 2,200 by 2012.

On 13 June 2002, the U.S. withdrew from the ABM Treaty, and on the following day Russia announced that it would no longer consider itself to be bound by START II provisions. Both countries continued to pursue their objectives: Russia to this day retains 40-75 MIRV-capable R-36M2 missiles with 10 warheads each, and plans on improving them. The United States developed Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system to protect from small-scale ICBM attack.

In October 2002 United States began one-sided withdrawal of MIRV (including complete deactivation of Peacekeeper missiles) and completed it by 19 September 2005. The Minuteman III is, as of 2011, the only United States operational ICBM. It can potentially carry up to 3 RVs.
Don't fight by nuclear weapons please, or "Ashes to Ashes"
The world seems to be more peaceful after Cold War by START 2 and accordingly agreements, between Russia and US ...

But the China again make themselve a new threat to the global peace by developing themselve a nolimit quantity of ICBM

It is the time to put your anti-China stance aside, and do you truly believe that US and Russia will stop developing the new ICBMs?

Every nuclear power will keep improving their nuclear capability as their competitors are moving ahead.
The world seems to be more peaceful after Cold War by START 2 and accordingly agreements, between Russia and US ...

But the China again make themselve a new threat to the global peace by developing themselve a nolimit quantity of ICBM
Idiot, After Cold War, which country China have war with? What about USA and Russia?

Don't fight by nuclear weapons please, or "Ashes to Ashes"
Who said we will fight by Nuclear weapon, idiot? before WWII, no Nuke, but not peaceful, you know shit, so Shut up, you brain are polluted by Oranger Agent, not Nuke, OK.
Idiot, After Cold War, which country China have war with? What about USA and Russia?

Who said we will fight by Nuclear weapon, idiot? before WWII, no Nuke, but not peaceful, you know shit, so Shut up, you brain are polluted by Oranger Agent, not Nuke, OK.

You don't know how to behave in this forum ?
You are insulting others, aren't you? Hope this is not the Chinese style.

no Nuke, not peaceful.
with Nuke, peaceful ?
Nuke weapon using means destruction of human-being ...
no Nuke, not peaceful.
with Nuke, peaceful ?
Nuke weapon using means destruction of human-being ...
Without human, AK-47 can not kill ppl by itself.
Before WWIII, there's PEACE.
You don't know how to behave in this forum ?
You are insulting others, aren't you? Hope this is not the Chinese style.

no Nuke, not peaceful.
with Nuke, peaceful ?
Nuke weapon using means destruction of human-being ...
Should I be good to you? First introspect yourself.

With Nuke, the world much peaceful than that without Nuke relatively, isn't it? Can destroy human-being is not only NUKE, and also not the weapon, it is human itself destroy human, undestand that?

If you need I argue with you peacefully, first change your that disgusing your Style, Although I know that's your Vietname Style!
At least no one called us as rude behavious.

About the Nuke, you could incidently fire by small arm to someone without heavy damage.
But Nuke, and using Nuke by aggressive country or terrorists cannot be used without heavy damage.

So lucky for humanbeing that Nuke using by a person who attempt to suicide ... until now not happen.
I guess that day would come soon, if Nuke is more popular

US has most nukes,untill another country emerges with enough nukes to counter US,the world won't be safe.
It is the time to put your anti-China stance aside, and do you truly believe that US and Russia will stop developing the new ICBMs?

Every nuclear power will keep improving their nuclear capability as their competitors are moving ahead.

United States is not currently developing new ICBM to replace the soon 40 year old Minuteman III.
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