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China commissions new-generation "artificial sun"

Chinese scientists have been working on developing smaller versions of the nuclear fusion reactor since 2006.
You mean first Tokamak effort were Russian? yes of course; but any evidence HL-2M are Russian design?
If the design from Russia, then why can't Russia commission her own Tokamak?
This Chinese is currently the most powerful Tokamak on earth before the completion of the ITER, they are testing prelim tech here to assist ITER. But that numb numb here wouldn't know coz to him, if its Chinese, its bad. Lol
You mean first Tokamak effort were Russian? yes of course; but any evidence HL-2M are Russian design?
If the design from Russia, then why can't Russia commission her own Tokamak?

because they couldn't ...designing a concept on paper and translating that into a working prototype isn't always easy.
Do you realize the core temperature of this reactor runs at 100 million degrees? Even the cement foundation of the reactor is a highly complex expensive combination of exotic ingredients.
China joined ITER when it was poor (early 1990s) in both technical knowhow and wealth. Things are different today, if China wanted to pursue its own design it could.

The US lost interest in ITER years ago - the Tokamak design is too expensive to be a practical solution.
China Turns ON Nuclear Fusion-Powered 'Artificial Sun' (Update)

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The HL-2M Tokamak reactor is China's largest and most advanced nuclear fusion experimental research device and can reach temperatures of over 150 million degrees Celsius.

China successfully powered up its "artificial sun" nuclear fusion reactor for the first time, state media reported Friday, marking a great advance in the country's nuclear power research capabilities.

The HL-2M Tokamak reactor is China's largest and most advanced nuclear fusion experimental research device, and scientists hope that the device can potentially unlock a powerful clean energy source.

It uses a powerful magnetic field to fuse hot plasma and can reach temperatures of over 150 million degrees Celsius, according to the People's Daily—approximately ten times hotter than the core of the sun.

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Located in southwestern Sichuan province and completed late last year, the reactor is often called an "artificial sun" on account of the enormous heat and power it produces.

"The development of nuclear fusion energy is not only a way to solve China's strategic energy needs, but also has great significance for the future sustainable development of China's energy and national economy," said the People's Daily.

Chinese scientists have been working on developing smaller versions of the nuclear fusion reactor since 2006.

They plan to use the device in collaboration with scientists working on the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor—the world's largest nuclear fusion research project based in France, which is expected to be completed in 2025.

Fusion is considered the Holy Grail of energy and is what powers our sun.


It merges atomic nuclei to create massive amounts of energy—the opposite of the fission process used in atomic weapons and nuclear power plants, which splits them into fragments.

Unlike fission, fusion does not create radioactive waste, and carries less risk of accidents or the theft of atomic material.

But achieving fusion is both extremely difficult and prohibitively expensive, with the total cost of ITER estimated at $22.5 billion.


China is Leading in Fusion Nuclear Reactor Technology 😳 Unlimited Energy for humankind
because they couldn't ...designing a concept on paper and translating that into a working prototype isn't always easy.
Do you realize the core temperature of this reactor runs at 100 million degrees? Even the cement foundation of the reactor is a highly complex expensive combination of exotic ingredients.
China joined ITER when it was poor (early 1990s) in both technical knowhow and wealth. Things are different today, if China wanted to pursue its own design it could.

The US lost interest in ITER years ago - the Tokamak design is too expensive to be a practical solution.
Gosh now you know huh it's hard right, if US is not doing it then China shouldn't?
China Just Turned On Its Artificial Sun
It's go time for the Far East's most formidable fusion reactor.

DEC 4, 2020

industry, factory, pumping station, engineering, naval architecture, steel, machine, metal,

  • China has switched on its HL-2M EAST tokamak for its first planned full-strength fusion.
  • EAST, an "artificial sun," is global peers with ITER and hopes to reach some of the same milestones.
  • No tokamak reactor (or fusion reactor, period) has yet reached net productive energy.
China has switched on its record-setting “artificial sun” tokamak, state media reported today. This begins a timeline China hopes will be similar to the one planned by the global International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project.

The HL-2M tokamak has been iterated since 2006, but today's switch-on represents the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) team’s road to true fusion ignition after years of planning and work.


All About China's Artificial Sun

In 2018, EAST made news when the tokamak reached 180 million degrees. In 2019, EAST pushed the boat out further and announced plans to double that temperature in 2020—reaching the tokamak's prime operating temperature of 360 million degrees. This hasn't happened yet, but there’s still time in 2020, and COVID-19 has affected all the world’s scientific progress this year. If the EAST team is a few months late, we’ll still count that as a win.

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Like many of the world’s tokamak experiments, EAST has reached fusion before. As a refresher, inside the donut-shaped (or, sometimes, more spherical) containment of a tokamak, sun-hot plasma swirls in a circle that’s held in place by supercooled electromagnets.
This magnetic field is the only thing floating between 360-million-degree plasma and a bunch of human-made materials that obviously can’t sustain that temperature. The plasma results from smashing different nuclei together, fusing them rather than splitting them.

When EAST was built in 2006, the team’s researchers began an escalating series of experiments. Part of this is simple proof of concept, because the temperatures inside tokamaks are almost unprecedented on Earth, period—at least on the surface during the Anthropocene.

As temperatures climb, the magnetic containment must also increase, and this has been a key point of failure (or at least “challenge”) for these reactors. Pushing each experimental run a little bit hotter and bigger has let researchers continue to shore up the external parts.

This means the outside chambers of these tokamak reactors are usually cryogenically cooled masterpieces in their own right, able to withstand conditions that would buckle almost anything else in the world. And even with the best minds in the world working on this idea for decades, scientists still haven’t made productive plasma.

EAST reached plasma for 10 seconds in 2018, which is a major milestone. But it’s just the very, very beginning . . . of the beginning.

Now that EAST has switched on for what its makers say is the real deal, the project has a lot to prove. It costs a huge amount of energy input to bring a tokamak reactor’s entire assembly up to speed. If a fusion reactor can’t easily outpace that input, it will never produce power, let alone the dream of virtually limitless power that fusion proponents have sold for decades.

ITER and EAST work closely together, and China is part of the groundbreaking ITER collaboration in addition to its own fusion projects. Is that cooperation worth tens of billions of dollars before the first megawatt of power is ever produced?

We’ll find out very soon—or at least in five years. Okay, 10 tops.


What a Great Achievement for humankind by Chinese Scientists :cheers:
Gosh now you know huh it's hard right, if US is not doing it then China shouldn't?

The US is going with a different fusion design from MIT.
A prototype has been running inside MIT since 1993.

This design is expected to be much cheaper than ITER.

It is the white rage. Same thing we saw with Morrison. Expect more white rage as China progresses rapidly.

lol.. China #1, China make the brightest SUN.

international ITER project and China reactor is just a DEMO 😭 .
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Yes the Chinese reactor is funded by China but the components are made all over the world.
The Chinese Reactor (EAST) is IDENTICAL but smaller experimental version of the much larger reactor in France.

if it's not the same size it isn't identical. in process engineering scaleup is nontrivial due to different mass and heat transport phenomena at different length scales. for example heat loss through walls increases dramatically as the length scale decreases.

mass and heat transport in plasmas is even more complex due to now having to consider electromagnetic effects, in addition to the already complex fluid dynamics of compressible fluids.

EAST was a testbed for specific technologies that would go into ITER, the entire reactor was not a prototype for ITER. There are custom made components only for EAST to make the scale-down work.
The US is going with a different fusion design from MIT.
A prototype has been running inside MIT since 1993.

This design is expected to be much cheaper than ITER.

lol.. China #1, China make the brightest SUN.

international ITER project and China reactor is just a DEMO 😭 .
The best tokamak is now in China, we have have a few tokamak for decades. So? Science is a competition, if you can't compete, then you forfeit. Don't come here to be a cheerleader and put down other people's achievement, we know India will never be able to achieve it. Lol
So the design is Russian, okay lets use this against that idiot. The rocket is also a design from China so US rockets are not made in USA? Even the Turkish professor inventor of polar codes does not claim Huawei 5g is stolen tech or that it should be made in Turkey. How stupid is that? Huawei 5g hardware are made in China.

Sadly stupidity has no cure, it's natural selection. NATURE IS CRUEL
The best tokamak is now in China, we have have a few tokamak for decades. So? Science is a competition, if you can't compete, then you forfeit. Don't come here to be a cheerleader and put down other people's achievement, we know India will never be able to achieve it. Lol

Please don't cry. China #1 :china: , the MIT reactor is cheap runs in the basement at MIT and only produce 500 MW. The US Navy and Lockheed Martin CFR have built small FR to power airplanes and ships forever....
Meanwhile China EAST is made by 7 countries it is massive weighs 23 TONS cost 36 billion $'s and needs acres of land. Of course China so stronk!! :lol:

MIT and CFS, and Lockheed Martin both have tokamaks under construction which will use this innovative technology in generating a stronger and smaller magnetic containment device, that is capable of suspending and holding the incredibly hot plasma necessary to generate fusion power.
The new superconductors generate a magnetic field so strong, that the size of the superconductors have been dramatically reduced to allow them to be portable.
For example, the proposed ITER tokamak will weigh 23,000 tons and have a diameter of 42 hectares.

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assembled not made by

over dozen countries contributed

click bait headline
lol Chinese are unbelievable credit stealers.
It is an ITER project jointly built by seven nations.
The largest Tokamak reactor is being built in France.

The reactor design itself is Soviet.

Let the cursing and name calling commence in 9..8..7...


yeah ..yeah..even the Sun is made in China lol :lol:

What an idiot.
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