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China capable of launching cyber attacks against India: CDS Gen. Bipin Rawat


Apr 28, 2011
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Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat said Wednesday China is capable of launching cyber attacks against India and disrupting large amount of our systems. “Over years, a capability differential has come in (between India & China). China has invested a lot of funds to imbibe technology & they have a lead over us. We're evolving technologies to come at par but the biggest differential lies in the field of cyber,” Rawat said in an address at the Vivekananda International Foundation. “China is capable of launching cyber attacks & disrupting large amount of our systems. We've created a cyber agency within the armed forces to ensure the effect doesn't last long during cyber attack. We can overcome tech differences only if we integrate our 3 services' resources,” he added.
Should have done a SWOT analysis before claiming to be supapowa 2020
Parvin Swahney has been saying this for a couple of years, he has been labelled anti-national etc. Now, when CDS says the same thing, pajeets will come from left and right to defend this fool or make some stupid excuses.
Should have done a SWOT analysis before claiming to be supapowa 2020
swamy's watch the stars, they don't do swot analysis, they do go-mutra analysis. Btw, 5T $ GDP till 2025 was their latest claim, lets see what happens to that dream.
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