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China can ‘blind’ THAAD


May 3, 2013
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China can ‘blind’ THAAD
Global Times | 2017/3/1 0:08:39 By Yang Sheng

South Korean protesters stage a rally to oppose a plan to deploy an advanced US missile defense system called Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, in front of the Defense Ministry in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday. Photo: AP

The Chinese military is capable of either destroying the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system or making it "blind," once the US military system is deployed in South Korea, experts said, though peaceful means to defuse the planned military facility are still a priority.

South Korea's defense ministry signed a contract to exchange land with Lotte Group on Tuesday and secured the land for the deployment of THAAD, after Lotte on Monday agreed to offer a golf course in Seongju county to the military.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang on Tuesday warned South Korea on THAAD. "China is firm in its resolve to oppose the deployment of THAAD in South Korea and will resolutely take necessary actions to safeguard its own security interests," he said.

"Once the system has been deployed, Seongju county will appear on the list of the PLA missile system's strike targets," said Song Zhongping, a military expert who used to serve in the Second Artillery Corps (now the PLA Rocket Force).

The main threat is its X-band radar which can monitor China's military deployment and missile-launch, which will seriously undermine China's nuclear deterrence, Song said.

But of course, China will not launch an attack in peacetime, but China has various measures to destroy it in the event of a war on the Korean Peninsula, so it will not pose a threat to China during the war period, Song said.

"In peacetime, China also has measures to counter the THAAD system, for instance, making it 'blind,' which is very easy. The PLA is entirely capable of doing that," Peng Guangqian, a military strategist at the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Academy of Military Science, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

"Making it 'blind' is a choice, but it will require damaging or even destroying THAAD's radar system, so this is a 'hard measure,' normally implemented by a directed-energy weapon or laser weapon," Song said.

"Apart from this, we can also make THAAD useless through electronic interference and feigned military activities, because such activities can interrupt the functioning of the THAAD system," Song said.

Russia faces similar threats from its European neighbors such as the Czech Republic and Poland, Peng said, so "China can learn from the Russian experience in countering this kind of provocation."

"Russia's countermeasures including regular patrols by strategic bombers and development of more advanced missiles to show the US 'shield' cannot defend against Russia's 'spear,'" Peng said.

Now that Russia is facing the threat on both its eastern and western borders, China and Russia should work together to counter the threat of THAAD, Peng said.

Turning back

The possibility of turning back the process of the deployment still exists, said Xu Guangyu, a retired PLA major general and a senior advisor of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association.

"South Korea is fully aware of our capability, so we don't need to conduct extra military actions or movements to display our muscle at this moment," Xu said.

An anonymous PLA officer told the Global Times, "Remember what happened between the Philippines and China last year? It was also highly intense after the arbitration by the Permanent Arbitration Court. And what is happening now after they have a new president? We became friends again. Why don't we just wait and see what will happen next?"

The deployment of THAAD in South Korea has met strong opposition in both China and South Korea.

The push for the THAAD deployment was made amid strong objections from residents in the Seongju county and the city of Gimcheon which faces the site of the super microwave emitting anti-missile system.

Dozens of Seongju residents gathered in front of the defense ministry's headquarters in Seoul, and they plan to stage a protest rally outside the golf course once a week to draw public attention to the THAAD issue, Xinhua reported.

According to Xinhua, the Lotte and THAAD issues are also related to President Park Geun-hye's political scandal. South Korean special prosecutors on Tuesday branded the impeached Park as a criminal suspect for bribery in collusion with her longtime confidante Choi Soon-sil, who is at the center of the corruption scandal. Lotte is suspected of making contributions to Choi-controlled foundations in return for the rejection of the warrant to arrest its chief and the restoration of the license to operate downtown duty free stores, Xinhua reported.

Moon Jae-in, the Democratic United Party's candidate for president and the most likely candidate to win the general election, also has reservations about THAAD. He said that the US' missile system has antagonized China and should be decided by the next administration, Reuters reported.
@mods please move the thread to Chinese defence if it's inappropriate.
The Chinese military is capable of either destroying the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system or making it "blind," once the US military system is
It is a defensive system intent to protect korea ,how come that is a threat to China?
destroying a defensive system would be considered as blatant act of aggression. hasn't China bought russian S300 ?
resolutely take necessary actions to safeguard its own security interests," he said.
Nothing prevents China from defending herself with defensive weapons.
It is a defensive system intent to protect korea ,how come that is a threat to China?
If you search on google why both China & Russia are against THAAD you will know why both military higher ups consider THAAD a threat. Now tell me are you the expert or the military guys from these two countries who understand this system better than the average joe does?
It is a defensive system intent to protect korea ,how come that is a threat to China?
destroying a defensive system would be considered as blatant act of aggression. hasn't China bought russian S300 ?

Nothing prevents China from defending herself with defensive weapons.
I am too lazy to write. I'll make it short.
China and Russia considers their xband radar as a peeping Tom during peace time.
China can ‘blind’ THAAD
Global Times | 2017/3/1 0:08:39 By Yang Sheng

South Korean protesters stage a rally to oppose a plan to deploy an advanced US missile defense system called Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, in front of the Defense Ministry in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday. Photo: AP

The Chinese military is capable of either destroying the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system or making it "blind," once the US military system is deployed in South Korea, experts said, though peaceful means to defuse the planned military facility are still a priority.

South Korea's defense ministry signed a contract to exchange land with Lotte Group on Tuesday and secured the land for the deployment of THAAD, after Lotte on Monday agreed to offer a golf course in Seongju county to the military.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang on Tuesday warned South Korea on THAAD. "China is firm in its resolve to oppose the deployment of THAAD in South Korea and will resolutely take necessary actions to safeguard its own security interests," he said.

"Once the system has been deployed, Seongju county will appear on the list of the PLA missile system's strike targets," said Song Zhongping, a military expert who used to serve in the Second Artillery Corps (now the PLA Rocket Force).

The main threat is its X-band radar which can monitor China's military deployment and missile-launch, which will seriously undermine China's nuclear deterrence, Song said.

But of course, China will not launch an attack in peacetime, but China has various measures to destroy it in the event of a war on the Korean Peninsula, so it will not pose a threat to China during the war period, Song said.

"In peacetime, China also has measures to counter the THAAD system, for instance, making it 'blind,' which is very easy. The PLA is entirely capable of doing that," Peng Guangqian, a military strategist at the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Academy of Military Science, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

"Making it 'blind' is a choice, but it will require damaging or even destroying THAAD's radar system, so this is a 'hard measure,' normally implemented by a directed-energy weapon or laser weapon," Song said.

"Apart from this, we can also make THAAD useless through electronic interference and feigned military activities, because such activities can interrupt the functioning of the THAAD system," Song said.

Russia faces similar threats from its European neighbors such as the Czech Republic and Poland, Peng said, so "China can learn from the Russian experience in countering this kind of provocation."

"Russia's countermeasures including regular patrols by strategic bombers and development of more advanced missiles to show the US 'shield' cannot defend against Russia's 'spear,'" Peng said.

Now that Russia is facing the threat on both its eastern and western borders, China and Russia should work together to counter the threat of THAAD, Peng said.

Turning back

The possibility of turning back the process of the deployment still exists, said Xu Guangyu, a retired PLA major general and a senior advisor of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association.

"South Korea is fully aware of our capability, so we don't need to conduct extra military actions or movements to display our muscle at this moment," Xu said.

An anonymous PLA officer told the Global Times, "Remember what happened between the Philippines and China last year? It was also highly intense after the arbitration by the Permanent Arbitration Court. And what is happening now after they have a new president? We became friends again. Why don't we just wait and see what will happen next?"

The deployment of THAAD in South Korea has met strong opposition in both China and South Korea.

The push for the THAAD deployment was made amid strong objections from residents in the Seongju county and the city of Gimcheon which faces the site of the super microwave emitting anti-missile system.

Dozens of Seongju residents gathered in front of the defense ministry's headquarters in Seoul, and they plan to stage a protest rally outside the golf course once a week to draw public attention to the THAAD issue, Xinhua reported.

According to Xinhua, the Lotte and THAAD issues are also related to President Park Geun-hye's political scandal. South Korean special prosecutors on Tuesday branded the impeached Park as a criminal suspect for bribery in collusion with her longtime confidante Choi Soon-sil, who is at the center of the corruption scandal. Lotte is suspected of making contributions to Choi-controlled foundations in return for the rejection of the warrant to arrest its chief and the restoration of the license to operate downtown duty free stores, Xinhua reported.

Moon Jae-in, the Democratic United Party's candidate for president and the most likely candidate to win the general election, also has reservations about THAAD. He said that the US' missile system has antagonized China and should be decided by the next administration, Reuters reported.

I think, at this point, China will take the following steps:

1. Countermeasures for peacetime purpose (deployment of new missile strike units and radar systems)
2. Capability build-up for wartime (electromagnetic systems, missiles, etc) to ensure the THAAD does not pose a threat
3. Strategic patience (Maintaining a cold peace with South Korea until a potential change of government)
4. Cooperation with Russia for system integration, joint response, training and technological development
It is a defensive system intent to protect korea ,how come that is a threat to China?
destroying a defensive system would be considered as blatant act of aggression. hasn't China bought russian S300 ?
Yes you are right it is a defensive system but it is nothing that South Korea is purchasing, USA wants to deploy its own system to keep an eye on the dragon as China is challenging USA's dominance in South China Sea.

Think of it as one day China decides to deploy its Russian made Su-35 and a carrier fleet to Gawadar, to protect its shipments from any sort of threats. How would India feel? You can only imagine as seeing how they pissed their pants after CPEC, which is just a trade route.
China can ‘blind’ THAAD
Global Times | 2017/3/1 0:08:39 By Yang Sheng

South Korean protesters stage a rally to oppose a plan to deploy an advanced US missile defense system called Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, in front of the Defense Ministry in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday. Photo: AP

The Chinese military is capable of either destroying the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system or making it "blind," once the US military system is deployed in South Korea, experts said, though peaceful means to defuse the planned military facility are still a priority.

South Korea's defense ministry signed a contract to exchange land with Lotte Group on Tuesday and secured the land for the deployment of THAAD, after Lotte on Monday agreed to offer a golf course in Seongju county to the military.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang on Tuesday warned South Korea on THAAD. "China is firm in its resolve to oppose the deployment of THAAD in South Korea and will resolutely take necessary actions to safeguard its own security interests," he said.

"Once the system has been deployed, Seongju county will appear on the list of the PLA missile system's strike targets," said Song Zhongping, a military expert who used to serve in the Second Artillery Corps (now the PLA Rocket Force).

The main threat is its X-band radar which can monitor China's military deployment and missile-launch, which will seriously undermine China's nuclear deterrence, Song said.

But of course, China will not launch an attack in peacetime, but China has various measures to destroy it in the event of a war on the Korean Peninsula, so it will not pose a threat to China during the war period, Song said.

"In peacetime, China also has measures to counter the THAAD system, for instance, making it 'blind,' which is very easy. The PLA is entirely capable of doing that," Peng Guangqian, a military strategist at the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Academy of Military Science, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

"Making it 'blind' is a choice, but it will require damaging or even destroying THAAD's radar system, so this is a 'hard measure,' normally implemented by a directed-energy weapon or laser weapon," Song said.

"Apart from this, we can also make THAAD useless through electronic interference and feigned military activities, because such activities can interrupt the functioning of the THAAD system," Song said.

Russia faces similar threats from its European neighbors such as the Czech Republic and Poland, Peng said, so "China can learn from the Russian experience in countering this kind of provocation."

"Russia's countermeasures including regular patrols by strategic bombers and development of more advanced missiles to show the US 'shield' cannot defend against Russia's 'spear,'" Peng said.

Now that Russia is facing the threat on both its eastern and western borders, China and Russia should work together to counter the threat of THAAD, Peng said.

Turning back

The possibility of turning back the process of the deployment still exists, said Xu Guangyu, a retired PLA major general and a senior advisor of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association.

"South Korea is fully aware of our capability, so we don't need to conduct extra military actions or movements to display our muscle at this moment," Xu said.

An anonymous PLA officer told the Global Times, "Remember what happened between the Philippines and China last year? It was also highly intense after the arbitration by the Permanent Arbitration Court. And what is happening now after they have a new president? We became friends again. Why don't we just wait and see what will happen next?"

The deployment of THAAD in South Korea has met strong opposition in both China and South Korea.

The push for the THAAD deployment was made amid strong objections from residents in the Seongju county and the city of Gimcheon which faces the site of the super microwave emitting anti-missile system.

Dozens of Seongju residents gathered in front of the defense ministry's headquarters in Seoul, and they plan to stage a protest rally outside the golf course once a week to draw public attention to the THAAD issue, Xinhua reported.

According to Xinhua, the Lotte and THAAD issues are also related to President Park Geun-hye's political scandal. South Korean special prosecutors on Tuesday branded the impeached Park as a criminal suspect for bribery in collusion with her longtime confidante Choi Soon-sil, who is at the center of the corruption scandal. Lotte is suspected of making contributions to Choi-controlled foundations in return for the rejection of the warrant to arrest its chief and the restoration of the license to operate downtown duty free stores, Xinhua reported.

Moon Jae-in, the Democratic United Party's candidate for president and the most likely candidate to win the general election, also has reservations about THAAD. He said that the US' missile system has antagonized China and should be decided by the next administration, Reuters reported.
If China can blind THAAD...why these reports...
China and Russia called on the United States and South Korea to halt the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system on the Korean territory, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

Just Blind it...
The first ones to get hit in this THAAD deployment would be South Korean businesses in China.

In fact it has already begun. Korean tourism is getting badly affected especially during last month's Chinese New Year holidays, when Chinese tourists moved to Russia and other destinations instead of South Korea.

Lotte group's business in China is getting boycotts by Chinese consumers. K-pop and Korean film industry business in China is also badly affected.
If China can blind THAAD...why these reports...
China and Russia called on the United States and South Korea to halt the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system on the Korean territory, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

Just Blind it...
It's simple. Better to prevent it, than to cure it.
It is a defensive system intent to protect korea ,how come that is a threat to China?
destroying a defensive system would be considered as blatant act of aggression. hasn't China bought russian S300 ?

Nothing prevents China from defending herself with defensive weapons.
Will usa allow Chinese/Russian radars & missiles in Cuba?
If China can blind THAAD...why these reports...
China and Russia called on the United States and South Korea to halt the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system on the Korean territory, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

Just Blind it...

they are not worried about THAAD per see... korea is hardly a target for them...

they are worried that x band radar will be used to provide early warning against their missiles traveling to united states of america
It is a defensive system intent to protect korea ,how come that is a threat to China?
destroying a defensive system would be considered as blatant act of aggression. hasn't China bought russian S300 ?
Nothing prevents China from defending herself with defensive weapons.

In addition to rott's post about its X-Band radar the peeping eyes and ears deep inside the China's regions even reaching out the Far East of Russia, there's other dire threat from this quasi defensive system.

Earlier in Europe Theater, Russia had protested strongly about the ABM (BMD) installations in Romania and later in Poland. This what Russia commented on such "defensive" ABM (BMD) system:

"In other words, he [Putin] is saying that the West is ignoring Russia’s words, and that therefore Russia will, if this continues, respond by eliminating the ABM sites before they become fully operational. To do otherwise than to eliminate any fully operational ABM system on or near Russia’s borders would be to leave the Russian people vulnerable to a blitz attack by NATO, and this will not be permitted.

He said: “
At the moment the interceptor missiles installed have a range of 500 kilometers, soon this will go up to 1000 kilometers, and worse than that, they can be rearmed with 2400km-range offensive missiles even today, and it can be done by simply switching the software, so that even the Romanians themselves won’t know.”

In other words: Only the Americans, who have designed and control the ABM system, will be able to know if and when Russia is left totally vulnerable. Not even the Romanians will know; and Putin says, “
Russia has ‘no choice’ but to target Romania” — and later Poland, if they follow through with their plans to do the same.

Read further at "Putin Warns Romania and Poland Against Installing ABM Missiles" and many other similar articles discussing the true nature of the "quasi defensive" system. Just dig deep enough!

In military & geopolitical realities the THAAD system in ROK along with the ones in Japan plus AUS & Guam are part of the sea and land integrated BMD in the Asia Pacific, an effort by the USA to set up a worldwide BMD umbrella, destroying the current nuke deterrence of other major powers: CHN & RUS by achieving the US Nuclear Primacy! Of course the other major powers won't get sleep on the looming threats!

Posted earlier, but repost it here due to its relevancy!

CCTV 4 中文国际 – FOCUS TODAY 今日关注 20170228
乐天执意挺“萨德” 中国坚决反对!

This whole segment is dedicated to: Lotte - THAAD - ROK
  • Lotte insists on supporting "THAAD" deployment. China expresses resolute opposition!
  • ROK MOD and Lotte sign land swap agreement for "THAAD". China expresses resolute opposition!
  • "THAAD" Deployment in ROK Speeds Up.
  • "THAAD" deployment takes a big step forward. Protests will become more intense
  • "THAAD" system deployed by US and ROK severely damages regional strategic balance
  • Being deployed in Seongju, "THAAD" never includes Seoul into protection scope actually
  • "THAAD" deployed in ROK will help US build global anti-missile defense system
  • "THAAD" deployed in ROK will put all regional countries under US surveillance
  • "THAAD" system in ROK may become immediate target for strike during wartime
  • China's northeastern, northen and eastern regions are covered by "THAAD" radar
  • Russia: If US insists on acting obstinately, Russia will consider taking countermeasures
  • China has lodged solemn representations TWICE to ROK on the latest situation
  • WHY is Lotte Group willing to become a scapegoat for "THAAD" deployment?
  • With deep involvement with Japan, what's intention behind Lotte's support for "THAAD"?
  • Most members of Lotte's senior management own Japanese citizenship
  • Acting arbitrarily, Lotte is presumably hard to gain popularity again
  • Lotte was founded in Japan by Shin Kyuk-ho, a Korean living in Japan
  • Foreign media: China develops short-range hypersonic missile against "THAAD" deployment in ROK
  • Foreign media: China's PLARF develops hypersonic weapon project against "THAAD"
  • Foreign media: hypersonic arms are next-generation mobile attack arms carried by ballistic missile

If China can blind THAAD...why these reports...
China and Russia called on the United States and South Korea to halt the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system on the Korean territory, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

Just Blind it...
China must set a cost for ROK for all this adventure and its complicity! "How much the cost is", it's a matter left open for all of us to see over time... :rolleyes1::rolleyes1:
I think, at this point, China will take the following steps:

1. Countermeasures for peacetime purpose (deployment of new missile strike units and radar systems)
2. Capability build-up for wartime (electromagnetic systems, missiles, etc) to ensure the THAAD does not pose a threat
3. Strategic patience (Maintaining a cold peace with South Korea until a potential change of government)
4. Cooperation with Russia for system integration, joint response, training and technological development
5. Economically hurt SK
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