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China and U.S. seek to ease tensions; Hu visit on agenda


Mar 15, 2010
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China has told the United States it wants to narrow differences that have developed over a range of issues, state media said on Tuesday, aiming to lay the ground for a visit by President Hu Jintao early next year.

Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan made the conciliatory public comments in a meeting with the U.S. National Economic Council Director, Larry Summers, and Deputy National Security Adviser Thomas Donilon, who are in Beijing for two days of talks.

Washington and Beijing are drawn together by economic and diplomatic interests, but this year has brought bouts of contention over Internet policies, U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, Tibet, and Chinese territorial claims in the disputed South China Sea.

U.S. officials have said President Hu is likely to visit the United States early next year -- an important but tricky political trophy for a Chinese leader -- and Vice Premier Wang stressed his government's hopes for an amicable atmosphere.

"There is strong inter-dependence and complementarity between the Chinese and U.S. economies," he told Summers and Donilon on Monday evening, Chinese state newspapers reported.

"China and the United States must use dialogue and exchanges to enhance understanding and mutual confidence, narrow their differences and avoid politicizing economic issues," said Wang.

"China-U.S. relations are developing in a generally healthy way," he said.

Neither side has said what issues are being discussed during the two days of talks in Beijing. Summers's discussions with China's top central banker, Zhou Xiaochuan, and other policy-makers are likely to include currency and trade issues.

The United States complains that China keeps its yuan currency undervalued, giving its manufacturers an unfair advantage against imports and making Chinese exports cheaper.

China unofficially pegged the yuan to the dollar from mid-2008 to mid-2010, so the currency weakened against other trade partners as the value of the dollar slid.

China ended that de facto peg on June 19, but since then the yuan has weakened by about 0.33 percent against the dollar, after appreciating as much as 0.91 percent on August 9.

Summers and Donilon also took an upbeat public tone.

In comments made before reporters, Summers told Wang that President Barack Obama "has emphasized for us the importance he attaches to a very strong relationship between the United States and China, and to President Hu's upcoming visit to the United States."

"I think we all benefit from candid conversation that enables us both to understand each other's thinking," said Summers. He and Donilon are due to meet Premier Wen Jiabao later on Tuesday.

China and U.S. seek to ease tensions; Hu visit on agenda | Reuters
This is called good diplomacy..we cant fight for ever..China will offer something, Uncle same offer something..both reach a compromise and everyone happy until Uncle sam has bloating stomach again..then he runs for another shot of Chinese herbs
Well, U.S decided to back South Korea over the Choenan sinking and strained Sino-U.S ties with all those naval wargames. Now South Korea is seeking to repair its own tie with China after realizing they need to work with China. Also despite full U.S support over Choenan, South Korea is unwilling to impose tough sanctions on Iran as U.S wanted.

Similar things happened with Southeast Asia, U.S tried to help ASEAN to 'stand up' to China, then the Philippines told the U.S they're not interested and Singapore urged ASEAN to be neutral on any Sino-U.S conflicts.

I think the U.S now must be wondering why exactly is it fighting China.
This is called good diplomacy..we cant fight for ever..China will offer something, Uncle same offer something..both reach a compromise and everyone happy until Uncle sam has bloating stomach again..then he runs for another shot of Chinese herbs

International relationship is like how little kids interact. Sometimes they get mad at one another, verbally abuse one another, and get into fights. Sometimes they get better right after and wants to friends again.
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