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Chelo Pakistan - Travel blog by two Scotts


Jan 20, 2006
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I wanted to post this for those interested in traveling to Pakistan. I do want to point out that the outlook of the Pakistanis on India as described in the blog is pretty much right on the ball. There is very little that Indians know of or about Pakistan and Pakistanis. Most of the perceptions are based on the constant negative PR about Pakistan and Pakistanis that is based on acrimonious history. In any case, read up.

Chelo Pakistan!!

Erika Bird and Robin Searle
Asia » Pakistan » Islamabad
August 10th 2007 by Banchory to the Bosphorous by Bike

Shrine of Data Ganj Baksh Hujwiri, Lahore
Shrine of Data Ganj Baksh Hujwiri, Lahore
Setting for devotees to ask for boons from this holy muslim (sufi) saint and for some of the best Qawwali music in Asia.

In Urdu/Hindi "Chelo" means "go" or "to go" and so the phrase"Chelo Pakistan" means literally "go to Pakistan". Seems pretty harmless but no, in India this is the worst insult you can give to somebody - really, you can use a string of F-words and other expletives and they will still be there waggling their head, smiling stupidly and doing whatever it was that drove you crazy in the first place. But tell them to Chelo Pakistan and you get a serious reaction. This is really quite sad and I didn't beleive it myself until the first and only time I resorted to it (with a persistant 'comission' tout in Bihar), the guy went crazy and its the angriest I ever saw any Indian get.

This is sadly symptomatic of the relations between the 2 countries; whilst in India telling somebody to go to Pakistan or comparing them to a Pakistani is deeply offensive, do the reverse in Pakistan and there is no reaction. In India the media and politicians somehow blame absolutely everything on Pakistan from failed monsoon to Assamese separatists. Any and all problems seem to be caused by "Pakistani agents". Pakistan is the Squealer on India's Animal Farm and it is not even subtle.

Tell an Indian you are going or have been to Pakistan and they are horrified and will often spend a long time trying to persuade you to consider your life etc. In Amritsar I met a bunch of well eductaed Punjabi's, told them I was crossing to Lahore the next day and got a pile of vitriole about how Pakistani's are all terrorists, theives and that they are starving for lack of food (in my experience you are more likely to be robbed in India - I was - and there are far more hungry and desperate people in India than Pakistan, but then I have the benefit of being able to travel freely on both sides of the LOC). In reply I asked how many Pakistani's he had met in order to reach this conclusion and of course the answer was none, although he did claim to have an Indian muslim freind who was "OK". His mate realised my point but just flatly stated "you know why Indians and Pakistanis hate each other". Well no I do not really, because this just isn't true - Indians hate Pakistani's they have never met because of a lifetime of disinformation, lies and ignorance. On the other hand Pakistani's seem to have no strong views on India, except to lament that it is so difficult for them to go there. Everday they watch Indian movies and TV and listen to Bollywood pop songs alongside their own 'Lollywood' films and music. They're far more informed about life on the other side of the border than their Indian counterparts are about Pakistan, and seem to be more accepting that the 2 peoples are really one. Also perhaps in Pakistan people long-ago gave up believing anything their government or government-controlled media report to them, and accept that the problems Pakistan has are caused by its own mis-leadership rather than interferance from across the border. Something most Indians could do well to learn from.

Tell someone in Pakistan to "Chelo Hindustan" and they will just look at you rather strangely or else tell you that they would like to go there but getting a visa is next to impossible; they have to go through all kinds of checks and state exactly which towns and cities they will visit, and should they be found anywhere else they will of course be in serious bother. Apparently over 1 million people used to travel between Lahore and Amritsar every day for work and trade, and Hindu's, Muslims and Sikhs lived in relative peace with each other for centuries prior to Partition. Now it is almost impossible for people to cross this border and both countries spend billions each year on military and defence against each other, money that is badly needed to address the huge social and economic problems on both sides of the border.

Pakistan also suffers from a huge image problem not just in India, but everywhere it seems. From what western media reports we do see it seems Pakistan is a land full of terrorists and wars, where any westerner will be instantly lynched by crazy gangs of "Islamic Extremists" or such like. Admittedly recent events at Islambad's Lal Masjid did little to help this image problem, but the reality is that Pakistan is by and large a peaceful, freindly country. I for one feel safer walking at night in a major Pakistani city than I would in many cities in the UK or Europe, and your chances of being mugged, shot etc. are far higher in America than in Pakistan. Much of the news reports about Pakistan are distorted and sensationalised, refferring to "Taliban" all the time - in Urdu the word Taliban simply means 'religious student' and so is a lot different to its perception in the west. Much of the fighting that does occur in Pakistan is in the Tribal Areas, territory which the State of Pakistan has only marginal claims over anyway and where the tribal people (often misleadingly labelled as Taliban) are fighting what they see as illegitimate occupation of their land by the Pakistani state. Often they have very real and legitimate greivances but I suspect little of this is reported outside Pakistan (little enough is reported inside - there has been a noticeable dumbing down of the media since we were here last year).

Those who do visit Pakistan are nearly all overwhelmed by the place, and especially the hospitalitly and freindliness of Pakistani people. It is by travelling that we see the true meaning of things (to quote a Morroccan Sufi proverb), and by travelling to Pakistan the people of India and the West would learn not only some truths about Pakistan but also about their own countries and cultures, and everyone would benefit. So - Chelo Pakistan !!

But enough of Politricks and back to our travels:

Ideally we would have liked to have cycled the 170km road from Kargil to Skardu along the Indus river, but this had been closed and landmined since 1948. Our next option would have been to cycle for a couple of days through the Vale of Kashmir from Srinagar to Muzzafarabad, just north of Islamabad and the epicentre of the Kashmir earthquake a few years back. Again there is a road but it is not open; there is an intermittent bus service for local Kashmiris to cross the LOC but this is often suspended depending on political relations, takes months to get a seat and is only for locals - foreigners not allowed. So our one and only option, short of risking the minefields and being shot, was to trek all the way back south over the Pir Panjal to Punjab and Amritsar, and leave India the same way we entered, via the Wagah border to Lahore. It was hot enough in Srinagar and we really didn't relish returning to the sweltering plains but we had no choice.

We bought a bus ticket and loaded our bikes onto the roof for a 10 hour bus journey on the 300km from Srinagar to Jammu. The road is spectacular, cutting through the Pir Panjal in a long tunnel and following the Jhelum river for some distance before crossing yet more mountains to avoid spitting us out into Pakistan. We arrive in Jammu shortly before sunset and mange to find a bus about to leave to Amritsar that will only take 4 hours. Leaving Jammu in the dark we look west across a sea of blackness - the no-man's land of the (not-so)De-Militarized Border Zone and can see lights in the distance, only maybe 15km away, that we know must be Pakistani villages and towns. In the end the bus takes nearly 7 hours and we don't arrive in Amritsar until 1am and have to try and unload our bikes and bags from the top of the bus while the driver tries to pull away and some 'helpers' try to steal the bags I am passing down to Erika. Hurling a rucksack onto them from some height puts a stop to this and they back off! Exhausted, sweaty and smelly we ride straight to the Golden Temple and collapse onto a hard bed in the pilgrims accomodation block. While Erika sleeps I go for a walk around the Temple and take a cooling dip in the sacred waters of the Tank of Nectar, reflecting that after 9 long months in India we are now back where it all began.

And then we follow the reverse path, cycling towards the border in +40 degrees heat and heavy humidity and finding it wierd how familiar every detail of the road seems, almost as if we have travelled this way every day for years. Exiting India is fairly easy once the passport control guys decide they can actually not go for their lunch break halfway through processing us, and after signing numerous books and more checks we reach the gate and white line that demarcates India from Pakistan. The same porters are there, this time hauling heavy crates of tomatoes from trucks on the Indian side to the line, where they are passed to their Pakistani counterparts. More books and checks and finally we pass under the Azadi Gate (Freedom Gate) and we are in Pakistan. It seems a huge relief.

Road into Lahore is wide and empty by Indian standards, cars slow down and smiling people shout "welcome to Pakistan" at us and we are glad to be back. Although once we reach the city proper the dust and the thick clouds of 2-stroke fumes are not so pleasant, but we member the way and are soon back on Malik's rooftop haven at Regal Inn.

Our plan had been to quickly leave Lahore, cycling north towards Islamabad to get a Chinese visa and then north again up the Karakorum Highway. We stay for a day to sort some things out but fail completely as it is a Sunday and everything we need is closed, and the heat is so unbearble it saps our energy and motivation completely. Also all the travellers in Lahore just seem so much more interesting then those in India - why is this we wonder? We had wanted to cycle as now we were back in Lahore we were back on a route we had cylced all the way from Scotland on and therefore we would feel it was a continous cycle trip, but it didnt. It was almost a year since we had first
arrived in Lahore on our bikes and there was no continuity left in our minds or hearts. Also the oppressive heat really wasnt providing us with much encouragement. We fell back into the trap that is Lahore and Regal; lazy days on the rooftop and just wandering aimlessly around Lahore enjoying being able to walk easily down streets not filled with rubbish, no cows, no **** on the streets, freindly people who are more likely to refuse your money than attempt to overcharge you. Just enjoying being in Pakistan and all the small differences that make it more pleasant than India in so many ways. We buy new clothes, getting Shalwar Kamise tailored for us so we can deal with the heat better, and before we know it we have been there for days and it is Thursday. So of course we visit the Shrine of Data Ganj Baksh for a Qawwali session and spend the evening watching Sufi drumming and dancing.

In the end we drop the idea of cycling to Islamabad as it will just not be pleasant. We take a bus with 2 dutch freinds and a Swiss and English guy cycling to India who need
to go north for their visas, and reach the tourist campsite just beore dark. As usual it is full of enormous Unimogs owned by overlanders who probably rarely drive them offroad but seem convinved you need 2m of clearance to drive in Asia. We pitch our tent beside Gerry, the Swiss guy and go off to get dinner with our dutch freinds. Our favorite chicken korahi place no longer serves chicken korahi as his downstairs restaurnt is a ruin. He smilingly tells us a car bomb destroyed it! The Lal Masjid is only 300m up the road.....

We have a huge feast and come back outside to find it has started to absolutely piss it down. Thunder crashes overhead and strong winds gust through the bazaar, hurling plastic tables and chairs around. Everyone is soaked and we shelter for around an hour waiting for it to finally subside before running back through the rain to the campsite, hoping our tent has not leaked in the downpour. We are met by a frantic Gerry who says "sorry your tent is broken" and points though the dark (there is no power) to a strange mass of green where our yellow tent used to be. A huge tree has come crashing down in the storm, narrowly missing his tent but landing square on top of ours!!

He was in his tent trying to stop it blowing away and did not even hear the tree fall, but looked outside later and got the fright of his life as he thought that we were inside our tent sleeping! They were yelling our names and then got the camp guards to help cut away enough of the branches before realising with some relief we had not been in the tent. Our late chicken dinner may have saved our lives! It was actually a bit funny, there was nothing we could do except pull all our soaking stuff out of the puddle our flattened tent was in and drag it all into a concrete hut that had now become everyone's home for the night. At least the tree had narrowly missed our bikes.

After a not very comfy nights sleep on a hard concrete floor in wet clothes we got up early and went to get our Chinese visa - refreshingly simple - fill in a form, pay your money and within the hour you have your visa. Our plan had been to leave as soon as we had the visa but obviously we had some major kit problems and spent the rest of the day drying our stuff in the hot sun and trying to fix our shredded tent. In the end this took 2-3 days and yet again we were unmotivated to cycle in the heat out of Islamabad and up into the foothills. Maybe if the road ahead had been an unknown, blank canvas it would have been different, but we had been in Gilgit and travelled this road before. Also if we were going to reach Tibet before the winter snows we had to start moving more quickly, and so with a tinge of reluctance we yet again bought another bus ticket and loaded our stuff on the roof for the 25 hour journey to Skardu. We consoled ourselves that were it not for Indo-Pak relations, or rather the lack of them, we would have been in Skardu around a month ago, and would indeed have cycled all the way there from Scotland.
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In Urdu/Hindi "Chelo" means "go" or "to go" and so the phrase"Chelo Pakistan" means literally "go to Pakistan". Seems pretty harmless but no, in India this is the worst insult you can give to somebody - really, you can use a string of F-words and other expletives and they will still be there waggling their head, smiling stupidly and doing whatever it was that drove you crazy in the first place. But tell them to Chelo Pakistan and you get a serious reaction. This is really quite sad and I didn't beleive it myself until the first and only time I resorted to it (with a persistant 'comission' tout in Bihar), the guy went crazy and its the angriest I ever saw any Indian get.

This is sadly symptomatic of the relations between the 2 countries; whilst in India telling somebody to go to Pakistan or comparing them to a Pakistani is deeply offensive, do the reverse in Pakistan and there is no reaction. In India the media and politicians somehow blame absolutely everything on Pakistan from failed monsoon to Assamese separatists. Any and all problems seem to be caused by "Pakistani agents". Pakistan is the Squealer on India's Animal Farm and it is not even subtle.

Tell an Indian you are going or have been to Pakistan and they are horrified and will often spend a long time trying to persuade you to consider your life etc. In Amritsar I met a bunch of well eductaed Punjabi's, told them I was crossing to Lahore the next day and got a pile of vitriole about how Pakistani's are all terrorists, theives and that they are starving for lack of food (in my experience you are more likely to be robbed in India - I was - and there are far more hungry and desperate people in India than Pakistan, but then I have the benefit of being able to travel freely on both sides of the LOC). In reply I asked how many Pakistani's he had met in order to reach this conclusion and of course the answer was none, although he did claim to have an Indian muslim freind who was "OK". His mate realised my point but just flatly stated "you know why Indians and Pakistanis hate each other". Well no I do not really, because this just isn't true - Indians hate Pakistani's they have never met because of a lifetime of disinformation, lies and ignorance. On the other hand Pakistani's seem to have no strong views on India, except to lament that it is so difficult for them to go there. Everday they watch Indian movies and TV and listen to Bollywood pop songs alongside their own 'Lollywood' films and music. They're far more informed about life on the other side of the border than their Indian counterparts are about Pakistan, and seem to be more accepting that the 2 peoples are really one. Also perhaps in Pakistan people long-ago gave up believing anything their government or government-controlled media report to them, and accept that the problems Pakistan has are caused by its own mis-leadership rather than interferance from across the border. Something most Indians could do well to learn from.

Tell someone in Pakistan to "Chelo Hindustan" and they will just look at you rather strangely or else tell you that they would like to go there but getting a visa is next to impossible; they have to go through all kinds of checks and state exactly which towns and cities they will visit, and should they be found anywhere else they will of course be in serious bother. Apparently over 1 million people used to travel between Lahore and Amritsar every day for work and trade, and Hindu's, Muslims and Sikhs lived in relative peace with each other for centuries prior to Partition. Now it is almost impossible for people to cross this border and both countries spend billions each year on military and defence against each other, money that is badly needed to address the huge social and economic problems on both sides of the border.

One of the few people that have had the courage to be politically incorrect & report the way things really are on both sides of the border. Indians are 7 times the population of Pakistan & have the loudest voices, the 2nd largest population in the world, so no one really wants to pis* them off by exposing their realities. Well done you Scotts for being truthful!
This is sadly symptomatic of the relations between the 2 countries; whilst in India telling somebody to go to Pakistan or comparing them to a Pakistani is deeply offensive, do the reverse in Pakistan and there is no reaction. In India the media and politicians somehow blame absolutely everything on Pakistan from failed monsoon to Assamese separatists. Any and all problems seem to be caused by "Pakistani agents". Pakistan is the Squealer on India's Animal Farm and it is not even subtle.

Epic :lol:
If I can recall the name of the diplomat who said "Indians act sane untill it comes to PAKistan". They are definitely over obsessed, with hate and feel belittle in their minds due to many factors in front of PAKistanies.
If I can recall the name of the diplomat who said "Indians act sane untill it comes to PAKistan". They are definitely over obsessed, with hate and feel belittle in their minds due to many factors in front of PAKistanies.

The article seems to say that they have only contempt for Pakistanis!

It's just a blog and seems highly opinionated and makes too many generalizations.
In India the media and politicians somehow blame absolutely everything on Pakistan from failed monsoon to Assamese separatists

I wonder what the bloggers would think if they see the Pakistanis blaming us Indians for everything right from Floods to Water problems to Earthquakes to various bomb blasts to Asif,Amir and Butt getting banned to Afridi getting his match fees docked for slow over rate.

Hate is there on Indian side -true but saying everything is hunky dory on the Western side is taking things a bit too far.

I wonder if the bloggers are any bit genuine or just another version of 'Christina Palmer'.
^^ A taste of a bitter truth eh!

Yes of course. At least the Indians never attacked them. what the OP didn't told you, is that these travelers are brutally assaulted in Pakistan by none other than the Pakistani police. Read below from the same authors-

It took a long time though to descend on to the still dusty plain, where was all the lush green farmland? Eventually we found quite a big truck stop and ordered some vegetable curry and daal. Whilst we were eating a police van pulled up. They wanted us to go in their van as it was a dangerous area. Not again we thought. In our view the main problems were in Baluchistan and now behind us, and we reasoned that the unrest in the region was directed against the government/army and police not us, so being with the police might possibly be more dangerous. Anyway the police tried to take our bikes while we were still eating and kept saying, “go now” to us. We were very tired and a bit annoyed by then as we had planned a snooze after lunch. We also couldn’t really believe this was happening; our Major in Rakhni had told us the night before that once we crossed into Punjab the police would have no interest in us and all our problems with them would be finished. The police told us that we could not cycle; we argued that we were on a public highway - which they denied. We pointed out that they were not stopping any other vehicles, cycles or donkeys. We wanted to speak to the senior officer by telephone or radio; they indicated that we could do this at the police station in 7 km at Sakh Sarwar. We agreed and cycled onto the police station with them following behind in their van.
At the police station we had to fill in the register and then when we explained our intention to cycle they said this would be OK, so we never managed to speak to the senior officer and try to sort out the problem, but at this point we thought that the police had changed their mind and were going to let us cycle, stay in a hotel in Dera Gazi Kahn, the next town, and cycle on the next day.

For the next 6 hours what unfolded was the most upsetting and stressful thing that has occurred on our entire trip. One set of police would escort us to the edge of their area, telling us they were taking us to a hotel and then the next set of police would say, “No get in van, no hotel.” Often we were standing beside rest areas and hotels, but the police prevented the hotel managers from showing us rooms. We kept asking why were not allowed to stay or to cycle and we got many different answers. The many lies that the police told us ranged from; “it was impossible to cycle because the road was bumpy”, or that there was “no bridge ahead” (when there was), to telling us about imaginary 5 star or 1 star hotels and imaginary police stations. It was a really confusing situation because almost every officer contradicted the one who was speaking to you before.

At one point we decided to try to go back to the first set of police, since they were at least vaguely listening to us and also we thought that backwards would take us out of the so called dangerous area that the police seemed intent on preventing us from staying in. When we told them we were going back they actually drove their van at us and twice ran us off the road. This was really scary and only made us want to get away from these particular officers more and go back to the first police guys. In the second attempt to stop us with the van an officer leapt from the rear of the van and grabbed at the rear of my bike whilst I was moving. This damaged my luggage rack and rear light and was dangerous and nearly caused me to fall off. I was screaming “Let go, let go, what you are doing?” The officer also grabbed at one of the bags attached to the rack and this ended up hanging from the bike, causing further damage to the rack and attachments. Robin tried to defend me from what he saw as an unlawful assault by the police. He yelled, “Get away from her, stop assaulting my wife.” All 3 officers then attacked Robin with excessive force, beating him around the chest, arms and head with their hands. He was hit in the side of the chest/ribcage with the butt of a Kalashnikov. We were both extremely scared and believed these men
were trying to abduct/kidnap us. The 3 policemen bundled Robin into the back of the van even though he was struggling against them. I was screaming hysterically the whole time at them saying “get off him; let him go, you are going to hurt him” etc. Trucks were stopping to see what was happening, the police tried to wave them away but Robin was also yelling at the trucks “they are kidnapping me, please help, do something”.
Another police van turned up and stopped the 3 officers from assaulting Robin, but when we asked for the names and identities of the officers involved all the policemen there started to laugh at us. We managed to write down as much information as possible but when they saw us doing this they got one policeman to stand in front of the license plates of their police vans to prevent us seeing them.

Eventually we managed to get to speak to a senior officer who spoke good English. However things did not improve. I asked what exactly the legal situation was and he said that we were not allowed to be there and if we refused to move we would be arrested.

At this point, however, we had been lied to for about 4 hours and assaulted, so thought if we were arrested then we would be able to sit down and they would have to get a lawyer there to explain the situation to us properly. We never got that far anyway; because the next moment the senior officer said something and all the policemen grabbed us. They were pulling Robin one way and the bike he was sitting on the other way. I was knocked over and dragged along the ground and my bike was dragged on its side fully loaded. We could hear the panniers ripping along the ground.

As it turns out we were never arrested and basically we were abducted without legal authority by the police. At midnight that night we were dumped at a hotel in Multan, 100 km further on. We had crossed the Indus River in the back of a police van, whilst crying and asking;
“Are we arrested?”
“Are we free?”

Some of you reading this may think we were stupid and that we should not have questioned the police at all. Perhaps our dream of cycling all the way to India is stupid. Of course had we thought there really was a law restricting our movements or real danger, we would have obeyed the authorities, but it turns out that this area is not restricted at all to foreigners. After the supposed or real dangers of Baluchistan the imaginary danger these Punjabi police were inventing was obviously just that. Also our experience in Baluchistan had taught us that questioning the police and refusing to immediately obey them usually paid dividends. Had the situation in Baluchistan really seemed that threatening then we would have obeyed the police. It wasn’t. We were now in Punjab, less then 10km from the Indus River which had been our goal the entire way across the desert. The police could give us no good reason why we shouldn’t be allowed to cycle this last stretch and we were not going to back down easily having come this far. We have crossed countless mountain ranges and several deserts, persevered through icy blizzards and searing desert heat. None of this stopped us and we weren’t about to let some ridiculous Pakistani bureaucracy or misguided authority stop us either. We spent 10 days in Multan trying to fix the bikes and also to make a complaint. Our Consul was not much help really and we have not and probably never will have a proper legal explanation of exactly which laws were broken and by whom.
In the end Robin’s bruises healed and after reading in the Pakistani newspapers about much worse assaults by the police force here we counted ourselves lucky.

Truth is bitter. Indeed.:rolleyes:
My school used to go each year to India ( i wasnt allowed by ur embassy ). Guess what happend on new year night with girls who went out ?? mob attacked them every one wanted some part of white girls. Girls some how managed to run away to hotel... They were quit shocked and when come back to norway they had still marks on there bodies..

Want to know what else they told us ??:mod:

Yes of course. At least the Indians never attacked them. what the OP didn't told you, is that these travelers are brutally assaulted in Pakistan by none other than the Pakistani police. Read below from the same authors-

Truth is bitter. Indeed.:rolleyes:
Anecdotes don't count. There is no way to verify them.

Anyone can come up with one if one wants to.
Whatever sails your boat dude. I maintain there is hate on both sides for whatever reasons. It is not a one-way hate.
The sentiment of 'hate India' was never there. Our generation dont know what it is. But our grandfathers had very tragic tales of partition and it was less of a hate than the trauma of tragedy that colored their opinion about India. I have not experienced or have hate towards anyone but on this forum, unfortunately, I have seen Indian commentators posting acrid and angry words in scathing and derogatory tones about Pakistan. It amazes me those who spew such venom are immune to the meaning of word 'hate'.
A thread based on a blog? There are so many blogs available in the internet which praise India and put Pakistan down. Is this blog by two unknown people worth a thread and a discussion? Blogs will be rejected as a reliable information if they are used against Pakistan, but is it just the opposite when it says something bad about India?

Why not try to discuss on something useful instead of choosing something which will result in just we Indians and Pakistanis bashing each other?

Wanna try these blogs? I think many of the members will not like the things mentioned in these blogs, i repeat BLOGS....

How Does Pakistan Compare with India? « Pakistan, Indo-Pak Relations & Islamic Terrorism



Some genuine sources which will be helpful for constructive discussion


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