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Chattisgarh: IAF Fighter Pilot marries for love; Father thrashed, forced fed faeces

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I agree with you to the extent that many such love marriages are often not accepted in our society as well but the methodology would be different... I mean I never heard people in Pakistan feeding the groom faeces and urinating on him..this is quintessential Gangadeshi / Hindutva culture.

Furthermore, everything negative about Pakistan and Pakistani society gets full rather exaggerated coverage in the media but Gangadesh is given a clean chit hence we need to expose them.

I actually have heard of someone being forced to drink sewerage water. It was because of political rivalry turned personal enmity. Tge one's doing it were well off and the victim was also well off - they just caught him with bodyguards and such.

So you can only imagine the sort of stuff that would happen to someone if they were actually poor/weak.

Some issues are related to human failings in general and not specific places and cultures.

I actually have heard of someone being forced to drink sewerage water. It was because of political rivalry turned personal enmity. Tge one's doing it were well off and the victim was also well off - they just caught him with bodyguards and such.

So you can only imagine the sort of stuff that would happen to someone if they were actually poor/weak.

Some issues are related to human failings in general and not specific places and cultures.

Really unfortunate if that's true and should not have happened but can't say surely since there's no news about it and hearsay can have a lot of added spice to the story and by the time you received, it might have been altered beyond recognition. But not denying such things do not happen in Pakistan but as I said if such thing happens, the media normally has a field and if did not make into the media.... most probably that was a fake story and someone duped you... just normal social media characteristic

So you can only imagine the sort of stuff that would happen to someone if they were actually poor/weak.
Bro, I do imagine stuff but for my imagination to kick in, I normally need something more solid and credible than "I actually heard someone"... no offence to you but that's how my brain is wired... i.e. to get something solid foundation to build upon
Chhattisgarh: IAF fighter pilot marries for love; father thrashed, force-fed faeces

RAIPUR: The father of an IAF fighter pilot paid the price of the air warrior's love marriage when the bride's family allegedly beat him up, forced faeces into his mouth and urinated on him because they are opposed to the marriage.

The pilot and his bride, who is a medical student, are from the same community and hail from Chhattisgarh.

They married at Arya Samaj in Gwalior on October 10 this year without informing her father.

According to the complaint filed by the pilot's dad, when the girl's family came to know about it, they attacked him mercilessly.

The accused stopped his car near Khursipar, dragged him out and started beating him, says the 55-year-old's complaint.

They blackened his face with soot, forced him to eat faeces and urinated on him, says the FIR.

They allegedly threatened him with dire consequences if he dared go to police, and warned that the girl must return to her parents within 24 hours.

Leaving him unconscious, all the accused fled.

When he regained consciousness, he called his brother and they went to the nearest police station, where the pilot's father filed the complaint, still with a blackened face.

Police filed a case and booked the accused for voluntarily causing hurt, wrongful restraint, criminal intimidation and assault with the intent to dishonour a person. No one had been arrested till Saturday night.

I feel pity for the IAF pilots.
Across the border, they are beaten by the public, within their own country, they are beaten by in laws.

What a miserable life.
If you're that dead mad with someone, be a man and pull out your gun!!! Why to go with such "girlish" acts???

Looks like being an IAF pilot is no fun!! You marry your father gets thrashed, you fly your jet gets thrashed, and you cross into Pak yourself gets thrashed...
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Chhattisgarh: IAF fighter pilot marries for love; father thrashed, force-fed faeces

RAIPUR: The father of an IAF fighter pilot paid the price of the air warrior's love marriage when the bride's family allegedly beat him up, forced faeces into his mouth and urinated on him because they are opposed to the marriage.

The pilot and his bride, who is a medical student, are from the same community and hail from Chhattisgarh.

They married at Arya Samaj in Gwalior on October 10 this year without informing her father.

According to the complaint filed by the pilot's dad, when the girl's family came to know about it, they attacked him mercilessly.

The accused stopped his car near Khursipar, dragged him out and started beating him, says the 55-year-old's complaint.

They blackened his face with soot, forced him to eat faeces and urinated on him, says the FIR.

They allegedly threatened him with dire consequences if he dared go to police, and warned that the girl must return to her parents within 24 hours.

Leaving him unconscious, all the accused fled.

When he regained consciousness, he called his brother and they went to the nearest police station, where the pilot's father filed the complaint, still with a blackened face.

Police filed a case and booked the accused for voluntarily causing hurt, wrongful restraint, criminal intimidation and assault with the intent to dishonour a person. No one had been arrested till Saturday night.


IAF pilots eat shits against PAF and at home...

shit eaters...



Really unfortunate if that's true and should not have happened but can't say surely since there's no news about it and hearsay can have a lot of added spice to the story and by the time you received, it might have been altered beyond recognition. But not denying such things do not happen in Pakistan but as I said if such thing happens, the media normally has a field and if did not make into the media.... most probably that was a fake story and someone duped you... just normal social media characteristic

Bro, I do imagine stuff but for my imagination to kick in, I normally need something more solid and credible than "I actually heard someone"... no offence to you but that's how my brain is wired... i.e. to get something solid foundation to build upon

Well, I personally know one of the two parties involved. So it's not really a far away chinese whisper sort of thing.

Regardless, all types of people exist in most societies. With regards to news and media coverage, Pakistan mostly gets coverage because of terrorism and extremism. The Indians get it mostly for rapes and such.

So there is a difference between India and Pakistan is terms of overall social trends and such but that doesn't mean that rapes don't happen in Pakistan or India has no issues other than sexual harassment and rape. It's just that these issues exist to higher degree in the respective countries.
The girls family probably read PDF and realised what a bunch of lying, faking, dramay the IAF and their personnel are, and didnt want their daughter to have anything to do with them :sarcastic:

Kind of like this :close_tema:

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