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Career Question-Dubai


Oct 23, 2006
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How many of our members here are located in Dubai?

Could you guys please tell me, whether or not, IMT Dubai-a management college is good or not? And what are the placement prospects in Dubai? or rather what are they expected to be in 2 years time? Any kind of on-the-ground placement info about IMT Dubai.

Any help will be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks guys.
How many of our members here are located in Dubai?

Could you guys please tell me, whether or not, IMT Dubai-a management college is good or not? And what are the placement prospects in Dubai? or rather what are they expected to be in 2 years time? Any kind of on-the-ground placement info about IMT Dubai.

Any help will be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks guys.
The only university's name that would ENSURE a half decent (or any) career in Dubai would be American University of Sharjah. Its expensive as hell, but if you're a good student you can probably get 50% scholarship... The top 3 students, usually get a full scholarship.

Working in Dubai is damn hard. Especially due to all the layoffs. People are really struggling here. Nakheel fired like 600 people in a day, mostly sales people. Almost every company is laying off people. 50,000 plus residence visas were cancelled in January since people lost their work. But yes 70,000 new ones were issued too.

Last year in JAN the rate was 20,000 people losing visas to 90,000 people gaining visas.

So the slowdown is quite apparent. Jobs have not totally dried out but the market is fierce. Experienced people are now available all of a sudden to work on lower wages of fresh graduates.

Corporate world in Dubai is especially cruel. I've seen people working for 30 years just kicked out within a days notice without a severance package. My colleagues (I'm in the IT field) who have had to go back to India tell me of a much better life over there where they are paid according to their caliber and the market is a lot more stable. The only thing is that there isn't the same security of life, peace on the streets and the general nice things you get from a highly developed city like Dubai in India, but the work environment is better there.

One more thing I'd like to point out quite bluntly about finding a job in Dubai. You need vaasta. Very few people get jobs on pure merit. Employers prefer hiring someone that someone they know has recommended. Because the HR in this country sucks and is incapable of hiring good candidates on its own.

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