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Capital talk- Most shocking claims about PNS Mehran attack(must watch)


May 21, 2006
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Watch full program, its about PNS Mehran attack. An unknown boy claims to know the whole attack before been executed. No source to confirm the authencity of his claim

Capital Talk ? 1st June 2011
it has already been shared for couple of times
Hamid Mir is a journalist who has a soft corner for terrorists and extremists.His reportting always leads against Govt.After the death of OBL his articles were a piece of biased reporting as he showed OBL as a hero.
me and my cousin yesterday couldnt stop laughing when we saw on PTV that the boy said it was a ll a lie and he just wanted revenge against the officer!.....thanks for posting the video PWFI , i have already posted cut scenes to numerous other sites to show hamid mir for the traitor he is. stupid man
Hamir mir was not on the fault actually. If u will call any journalist today and tell him.. i know many things about ABCD attacks definitely the journalist will interested to meet you and take interview. Army officer have aim to become top general... young driver love to become a top racer.... street cricketers love to become a top cricketer.. same journalist have their own aim to show news which are giving so much coverage (at very first) either right or wrong. Remember why this country and people of this nation are much interested in conspiracy theories because of our Military and Govt harkatain! (acts). In Pakistan history not a single investigation report come in front ... That is why everyone have his/her own perception and different way of thinking in Pakistan
shame shame shame, pakistanis are sold so quickly!!!

Instead of feeling ashamed of this Swine is trying to justify that some agency has confirmed him. Even if this was a confirmed case he should not have aired this interview cause it would have been a source of for culprits. Now I seriously doubt Hamid Mir's loyalties with Pakistan
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Untill and unless there is no Official words from Government, these things are bound to happens.
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