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Can the US prevent China from becoming the world's largest economy within the next 50 years?


Jan 23, 2019
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United States

Can the US prevent China from becoming the world's largest economy within the next 50 years?
Yao Zhan, Stockmarket trading 1995

More than a third of U.S. healthcare costs go to bureaucracy. Meanwhile”Big Pharma” pharmaceutical and insurance companies are giving substantial funds to politicians to keep the flawed system in place and their profits high and also spending money to deceive you of better alternatives. This should really make you angry if you are an American.

  • Education. Chinese people value education more than Americans by a factor of 10. For example, according to some estimates, America scores much lower in math than China and many other East Asian nations among other things. Can you improve your math levels? In China, kids are willing to scale mountains to get to school to get an education. Meanwhile in America you have discipline and truancy problems in your public schools not to mention fears of gun violence. Teachers in China are highly respected too. Is it the same in America in 2020? How’s discipline in schools going in America? Can your public school system be improved? This is a complex issue where the blame lies with both Republicans and Democrats - and they need to work it out together; both parties share some blame for this. Ted Kord's answer to What is causing the teacher shortage in the United States? How can it be fixed?
  • If your society does not value education, if your society does not value the importance of truth over opinion, if your society feels reality tv stars, sports stars, are more valuable than the opinions of doctors and scientists, your society is going to fail.


  • Crime. US ranks the highest in the developed world for gun related violence and mass shootings. The current US President’s solution is to get kindergarten teachers to pack heat aka carry a gun, maybe an assault rifle. This might make sense in Afghanistan but you are suppose to be a 1st world nation. Its hard to learn the 3-Rs when you are worried you will get shot to death. America is suppose to be a civilised developed 1st world nation and yet not a year goes by without an awful mass shooting. The number of guns in America in private ownership, legal or not, make it unique among all the other 1st world nations. Is sensible gun reform not possible in America?

  • America is ranked No. 1 for gun related deaths in the Developed world. As of now 1st March, there have been over 6457 deaths from gun violence in America just this year 2020, January - February - just two months. Too few Americans care.
  • Military spending. Not surprisingly given its love for guns, the US spends much more on its military than the rest of the world combined. Maybe its time to build one less aircraft carrier or heinously expensive jet fighter program and use the money to invest in public hospitals, education reform, public roads? Why is it that politicians who say “make better schools, not bombs” are considered unpatriotic?
  • Referring to America’s military expenditure in the last 30 years, President Jimmy Carter said:
"We have wasted, I think, $3 trillion. China has not wasted a single penny on war, and that's why they're ahead of us. In almost every way.

Three Trillion dollars. Imagine how many hospitals, staff, healthcare subsidies, jobs, teachers, public housing projects, etc. that could have been built using that money. But it seems Americans feel using it to bomb other countries and build more weapons are better “investments”.

Why are Americans more comfortable with spending trillions of dollars in military expenditure to make bombs and to kill people in other countries than using the money for the benefit of its own citizens in health care?

President Trump cut the Govt Pandemic Office that dealt with pandemics. He did it because he said he was a businessman and he couldn’t see why he needed to pay them - despite the fact that they were still actively tracking down various viruses and smaller epidemics around the world. Yet he was comfortable raising the budget for the military. Wrap your head around that. How’s it working out now for America?


  • Because America has the largest and most powerful military machine, it feels obliged to use it which has disastrous consequences. As the proverb goes, “If you are a hammer, you see every problem as a nail.” Did you know that America dropped as many bombs on Cambodia as it did against Nazi Germany? I would not be surprised if half of America can’t even find Cambodia or Iraq on the map. Stop invading other countries - its a ridiculous waste of money. US spent (estimated) one trillion dollars in its invasion and occupation of Iraq because its “Intelligence” Service, the Republican Party, and Fox News said they had WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction). Over 100,000 - 500,000 people died, not to mention the property damage. American foreign policy destabilized the entire region resulting in the rise of ISIS, radical religious groups, and resurgence in the strength of Iran. And now the Trump Administration wants to start a war with Iran? In the last 50 years, count how many times America has launched an expensive military action compared to China. The money spent could have been used to improve the lives of Americans at home - health care, aged care, public housing, Veterans’ welfare etc... Instead you use it to kill people in other lands and funding wars from Latin America to East Asia. If you keep on shooting yourself in your own foot, maybe its time to reconsider your whole attitude towards guns and military expenditure. It makes a lie of the belief that Democracy is peace-loving. Google The Thucydides Trap – Foreign Policy
  • If America can’t even fix its public education and health system and spends too much money on its military, its economy will regress. It’s not rocket science. You can’t have a world beating economy when your citizens are poorly educated and make unhealthy choices while you are spending a fortune on the military. This might sound too simple. But how about you give that a try first? Public education and healthcare systems takes government investment, it is strange that America can find extraordinary sums of money for foreign wars and military expenditure but not for the former. Just to put it in perspective, its air conditioning expenses in Iraq cost America $20 billion dollars a year. Wake up.
  • If you think reducing military expenditure makes you unpatriotic listen to President Eisenhower (Republican), who in WW2 helped led Allied forces to Victory over the Nazis as Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe (he was a General then). His eloquent speech should be memorised by all Americans citizens who want to make America great again. Made at a time when America was the predominant Superpower, he warned Americans about the need for balance and the growth of the military industry. If Ike was alive, he would be appalled by the state of the Republican party and country.

  • Which brings us to: Partisan Political in-fighting. Your government system is only as good as the people you elect. Bill Clinton was your last President to deliver a budget surplus and lowered the National Debt.
President Clinton oversaw a very robust economy during his tenure. The U.S. had strong economic growth (around 4% annually) and record job creation (22.7 million). He raised taxes on higher income taxpayers early in his first term and cut defense spending and welfare, which contributed to a rise in revenue and decline in spending relative to the size of the economy. These factors helped bring the United States federal budget into surplus from the fiscal year 1998 to 2001, the only surplus years after 1969. Debt held by the public, a primary measure of the national debt, fell relative to GDP throughout his two terms, from 47.8% in 1993 to 31.4% in 2001.

  • You would have thought that Americans would have regarded Clinton as a hero and denounced anyone who tried to pull him down. Instead, he was impeached by the Republicans because he lied about getting a sexual favor from another consenting adult. Seriously, is that it? They spend millions of dollars and their main evidence was a dress owned by a Clinton fan? WTF? The Republicans even had the gall to shutdown the US Government. You can google the people who went after him and the amount of money they used to bring him down. They include people like Newt Gringrich who discussed divorce with his wife while she was recovering from surgery in hospital; he is divorced three times btw. These are the same people who got you into the disastrous 2nd war with Iraq. They are also the same people who did their utmost to hamper and stonewall another President who tried to fix Healthcare and Gun Reform. They are the same people who are now supporting a President who openly colludes with Russia and who openly supports Putin over American Govt agencies. Republicans should have been up in arms over these appalling indiscretions. But they are not. There is no National Unity in the United States of America sadly. Its us vs them. The whole idea of the Public Good seems to have been lost in America. Lincoln and Ike would be rolling in their grave.
  • Abraham Lincoln, another Republican President, said this:
All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth … in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad.

  • Lincoln was keenly aware that divisions in American society if not properly managed would result in the destruction of American society: “A house divided will not stand.” Meanwhile, in 2020, we have Mitch McConnell, Republican Senate majority leader who blocked dozens of key legislation and even a Judicial appointment passed by the House purely on partisan lines. How shortsighted is that? Doesn’t it set an awful precedent? The Republicans in 2020 don’t care.
  • China in the 1950s and 1960s was beset with political in-fighting too. Obsessed with political correctness and doctrine, they wasted away in disastrous communist policies which resulted in the deaths of millions of Chinese people; China floundered while America gleamed. Along came Deng Xiaoping who though he suffered badly during the Cultural Revolution said this:
"No matter if it is a white cat or a black cat; as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat."

Deng might not have been as eloquent as Lincoln but he also realised what had to be done to make his nation “great again”. He set his nation on the path towards success with practical pragmatic economic policies. He didn’t care about himself, he didn’t create walls, or wasteful mega projects with his name on it, he cared about the future of his nation. Deng was a patriot.

Today, America seems more concerned about the color of its politicians. For some reason President Obama was hated because he was black. So you voted for an orange one this time.


Seriously America WTF?

Why did you think voting for a pathological liar, an absolute narcissist, 6 time bankrupt, failed casino owner, failed university owner, a man who cheats children’s charity, doesn’t pay his workers, was a good idea? Are you crazy?

He got impeached as well, and not for lying about getting a blow job. And unlike Clinton or Obama however, the National Debt under President Trump has risen well over $20 TRILLION DOLLARS at the time of this writing.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated in April 2018 that implementing the Tax Act would add an estimated $2.289 trillion to the national debt over ten years, or about $1.891 trillion ($15,000 per household) after taking into account macroeconomic feedback effects, in addition to the $9.8 trillion increase forecast under the current policy baseline and existing $20 trillion national debt. Debt held by the public as a percentage of GDP would rise from around 77% GDP in 2017 to as much as 105% GDP by 2028.

This should frighten you America, stop worrying about China. But since you aren’t doing so well at math, maybe that’s why you don’t realise the extent of the problem.

Choose your leaders carefully and wisely. Compare Eisenhower, a Republican President, with Trump your current President. How do they measure up?

You are a Democracy. You elect these people; don’t blame the media or “China”.

How did you get from this:

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Former General of the US Army he served with great distinction in the military notably in WW2. America elected him as President in 1952 which he won in a landslide. He helped to introduce desegregation in America. He built the national highway system. Emphasising the need for balance in US Society and bi-partisanship in politics he led America into an economic period which was known as the Long Boom, one of the longest and greatest periods of economic prosperity America has known. America was great then. He was thoughtful, intelligent and he cared deeply about his country, and its citizens, a patriot. He was also a Republican.


to this???????????


Donald Trump

Born into a rich family, he is a six time bankrupt, failed casino owner, failed University owner, avoided the Vietnam War draft 5 times by claiming he had bone spurs in his feet, Trump is a bankrupt casino owner who did not pay a lot of his workers by threatening legal action. He is infamous for his narcissistic behaviour and shameless self-promotion. He spends most of his time playing golf and tweeting stuff which suspiciously move the stockmarket. He got into office with a promise to “drain the swamp”, yet, Trump voted to lower taxes on the mega rich. His numerous lies, indiscretions, appalling behaviour do not faze his supporters in the Republican Party.

So how did America (and the Republican Party) descend from having as leader - Eisenhower, a highly distinguished military officer, to Trump, a draft dodger, bankrupt casino owner who bragged that he deserved a medal for not getting herpes because he avoided the draft 5 times and could stay in NYC to have sex? Trump even mocked a decorated war veteran calling him “a loser” for getting shot down and captured in battle. WTF?

Forget about the Democrats. Wasn’t there anyone else in the Republican Party more worthy for the job?

That - from Eisenhower to Trump - is the perfect metaphor for the decline of America (and the Republican Party).


Don’t blame China for your problems. Take a good hard look at yourselves.

Don’t take my word for it.


(Graham (Republican) is Chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary)

Please note: I did not say that China is “perfect” and not without faults. We all know its got a lot of faults too.

But you don’t get better by pointing out the faults of others do you? Imagine if your favourite sports team is losing and then it excuses itself by detailing the opposing team’s problems. You would think they had gone insane.

I make these points because as much as America (and Europe) like to complain about “China”, it just serves to distract them from their own pressing problems.

So I repeat again: If America can’t even fix its health system, reform its public school education, reform its fractious political system, and do simple practical gun reform, and can’t be bothered to vote for reasonably sensible leaders - not reality tv stars or actors - how do you expect to be a successful nation much less “beat China”?

When a quarter or more of America’s citizens are obese, poorly educated, and make daily unhealthy choices its economy will suffer.

Isn’t that obvious? Fix this before you whine about China.

You get better by getting better.

That means better schools, better healthcare systems, better housing policies, better public transport, better public roads etc.. The same mentality that is devoted to building the best weapons should also be devoted towards building public infrastructure that helps the nation as a whole, not for making a select few individuals mega rich.

Public education, transport, housing, and healthcare systems (like the military) take government investment and planning. It is bemusing to find the same people calling for “smaller government” (and less govt funding for education, housing, transport etc..) are also the same people demanding bigger spending on the military. That makes no sense. The military is an expense. The cost should be kept down. If you want a small govt, you should, by default, also want a small military.

What do you call a “small” Government with an extraordinary big Military and a few extraordinarily rich individuals?

Doesn’t it resemble a feudal kingdom than a modern democracy? How did America who fought to overthrow the “tyranny” of a King transform itself into the very thing it claimed to hate?

I leave you with a quote from Eisenhower, one of the best Presidents America has had, and, yes, a Republican. Every American child should memorise this.

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. (Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican, President of the USA, former 5-star General US Army, Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe, helped to defeat the Nazis.)

“2% is nothing isn’t it??” Crazy times.


Can the US prevent China from becoming the world's largest economy within the next 50 years?
Yao Zhan, Stockmarket trading 1995

More than a third of U.S. healthcare costs go to bureaucracy. Meanwhile”Big Pharma” pharmaceutical and insurance companies are giving substantial funds to politicians to keep the flawed system in place and their profits high and also spending money to deceive you of better alternatives. This should really make you angry if you are an American.

  • Education. Chinese people value education more than Americans by a factor of 10. For example, according to some estimates, America scores much lower in math than China and many other East Asian nations among other things. Can you improve your math levels? In China, kids are willing to scale mountains to get to school to get an education. Meanwhile in America you have discipline and truancy problems in your public schools not to mention fears of gun violence. Teachers in China are highly respected too. Is it the same in America in 2020? How’s discipline in schools going in America? Can your public school system be improved? This is a complex issue where the blame lies with both Republicans and Democrats - and they need to work it out together; both parties share some blame for this. Ted Kord's answer to What is causing the teacher shortage in the United States? How can it be fixed?
  • If your society does not value education, if your society does not value the importance of truth over opinion, if your society feels reality tv stars, sports stars, are more valuable than the opinions of doctors and scientists, your society is going to fail.


  • Crime. US ranks the highest in the developed world for gun related violence and mass shootings. The current US President’s solution is to get kindergarten teachers to pack heat aka carry a gun, maybe an assault rifle. This might make sense in Afghanistan but you are suppose to be a 1st world nation. Its hard to learn the 3-Rs when you are worried you will get shot to death. America is suppose to be a civilised developed 1st world nation and yet not a year goes by without an awful mass shooting. The number of guns in America in private ownership, legal or not, make it unique among all the other 1st world nations. Is sensible gun reform not possible in America?

  • America is ranked No. 1 for gun related deaths in the Developed world. As of now 1st March, there have been over 6457 deaths from gun violence in America just this year 2020, January - February - just two months. Too few Americans care.
  • Military spending. Not surprisingly given its love for guns, the US spends much more on its military than the rest of the world combined. Maybe its time to build one less aircraft carrier or heinously expensive jet fighter program and use the money to invest in public hospitals, education reform, public roads? Why is it that politicians who say “make better schools, not bombs” are considered unpatriotic?
  • Referring to America’s military expenditure in the last 30 years, President Jimmy Carter said:
"We have wasted, I think, $3 trillion. China has not wasted a single penny on war, and that's why they're ahead of us. In almost every way.

Three Trillion dollars. Imagine how many hospitals, staff, healthcare subsidies, jobs, teachers, public housing projects, etc. that could have been built using that money. But it seems Americans feel using it to bomb other countries and build more weapons are better “investments”.

Why are Americans more comfortable with spending trillions of dollars in military expenditure to make bombs and to kill people in other countries than using the money for the benefit of its own citizens in health care?

President Trump cut the Govt Pandemic Office that dealt with pandemics. He did it because he said he was a businessman and he couldn’t see why he needed to pay them - despite the fact that they were still actively tracking down various viruses and smaller epidemics around the world. Yet he was comfortable raising the budget for the military. Wrap your head around that. How’s it working out now for America?


  • Because America has the largest and most powerful military machine, it feels obliged to use it which has disastrous consequences. As the proverb goes, “If you are a hammer, you see every problem as a nail.” Did you know that America dropped as many bombs on Cambodia as it did against Nazi Germany? I would not be surprised if half of America can’t even find Cambodia or Iraq on the map. Stop invading other countries - its a ridiculous waste of money. US spent (estimated) one trillion dollars in its invasion and occupation of Iraq because its “Intelligence” Service, the Republican Party, and Fox News said they had WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction). Over 100,000 - 500,000 people died, not to mention the property damage. American foreign policy destabilized the entire region resulting in the rise of ISIS, radical religious groups, and resurgence in the strength of Iran. And now the Trump Administration wants to start a war with Iran? In the last 50 years, count how many times America has launched an expensive military action compared to China. The money spent could have been used to improve the lives of Americans at home - health care, aged care, public housing, Veterans’ welfare etc... Instead you use it to kill people in other lands and funding wars from Latin America to East Asia. If you keep on shooting yourself in your own foot, maybe its time to reconsider your whole attitude towards guns and military expenditure. It makes a lie of the belief that Democracy is peace-loving. Google The Thucydides Trap – Foreign Policy
  • If America can’t even fix its public education and health system and spends too much money on its military, its economy will regress. It’s not rocket science. You can’t have a world beating economy when your citizens are poorly educated and make unhealthy choices while you are spending a fortune on the military. This might sound too simple. But how about you give that a try first? Public education and healthcare systems takes government investment, it is strange that America can find extraordinary sums of money for foreign wars and military expenditure but not for the former. Just to put it in perspective, its air conditioning expenses in Iraq cost America $20 billion dollars a year. Wake up.
  • If you think reducing military expenditure makes you unpatriotic listen to President Eisenhower (Republican), who in WW2 helped led Allied forces to Victory over the Nazis as Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe (he was a General then). His eloquent speech should be memorised by all Americans citizens who want to make America great again. Made at a time when America was the predominant Superpower, he warned Americans about the need for balance and the growth of the military industry. If Ike was alive, he would be appalled by the state of the Republican party and country.

  • Which brings us to: Partisan Political in-fighting. Your government system is only as good as the people you elect. Bill Clinton was your last President to deliver a budget surplus and lowered the National Debt.
President Clinton oversaw a very robust economy during his tenure. The U.S. had strong economic growth (around 4% annually) and record job creation (22.7 million). He raised taxes on higher income taxpayers early in his first term and cut defense spending and welfare, which contributed to a rise in revenue and decline in spending relative to the size of the economy. These factors helped bring the United States federal budget into surplus from the fiscal year 1998 to 2001, the only surplus years after 1969. Debt held by the public, a primary measure of the national debt, fell relative to GDP throughout his two terms, from 47.8% in 1993 to 31.4% in 2001.

  • You would have thought that Americans would have regarded Clinton as a hero and denounced anyone who tried to pull him down. Instead, he was impeached by the Republicans because he lied about getting a sexual favor from another consenting adult. Seriously, is that it? They spend millions of dollars and their main evidence was a dress owned by a Clinton fan? WTF? The Republicans even had the gall to shutdown the US Government. You can google the people who went after him and the amount of money they used to bring him down. They include people like Newt Gringrich who discussed divorce with his wife while she was recovering from surgery in hospital; he is divorced three times btw. These are the same people who got you into the disastrous 2nd war with Iraq. They are also the same people who did their utmost to hamper and stonewall another President who tried to fix Healthcare and Gun Reform. They are the same people who are now supporting a President who openly colludes with Russia and who openly supports Putin over American Govt agencies. Republicans should have been up in arms over these appalling indiscretions. But they are not. There is no National Unity in the United States of America sadly. Its us vs them. The whole idea of the Public Good seems to have been lost in America. Lincoln and Ike would be rolling in their grave.
  • Abraham Lincoln, another Republican President, said this:
All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth … in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad.

  • Lincoln was keenly aware that divisions in American society if not properly managed would result in the destruction of American society: “A house divided will not stand.” Meanwhile, in 2020, we have Mitch McConnell, Republican Senate majority leader who blocked dozens of key legislation and even a Judicial appointment passed by the House purely on partisan lines. How shortsighted is that? Doesn’t it set an awful precedent? The Republicans in 2020 don’t care.
  • China in the 1950s and 1960s was beset with political in-fighting too. Obsessed with political correctness and doctrine, they wasted away in disastrous communist policies which resulted in the deaths of millions of Chinese people; China floundered while America gleamed. Along came Deng Xiaoping who though he suffered badly during the Cultural Revolution said this:
"No matter if it is a white cat or a black cat; as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat."

Deng might not have been as eloquent as Lincoln but he also realised what had to be done to make his nation “great again”. He set his nation on the path towards success with practical pragmatic economic policies. He didn’t care about himself, he didn’t create walls, or wasteful mega projects with his name on it, he cared about the future of his nation. Deng was a patriot.

Today, America seems more concerned about the color of its politicians. For some reason President Obama was hated because he was black. So you voted for an orange one this time.


Seriously America WTF?

Why did you think voting for a pathological liar, an absolute narcissist, 6 time bankrupt, failed casino owner, failed university owner, a man who cheats children’s charity, doesn’t pay his workers, was a good idea? Are you crazy?

He got impeached as well, and not for lying about getting a blow job. And unlike Clinton or Obama however, the National Debt under President Trump has risen well over $20 TRILLION DOLLARS at the time of this writing.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated in April 2018 that implementing the Tax Act would add an estimated $2.289 trillion to the national debt over ten years, or about $1.891 trillion ($15,000 per household) after taking into account macroeconomic feedback effects, in addition to the $9.8 trillion increase forecast under the current policy baseline and existing $20 trillion national debt. Debt held by the public as a percentage of GDP would rise from around 77% GDP in 2017 to as much as 105% GDP by 2028.

This should frighten you America, stop worrying about China. But since you aren’t doing so well at math, maybe that’s why you don’t realise the extent of the problem.

Choose your leaders carefully and wisely. Compare Eisenhower, a Republican President, with Trump your current President. How do they measure up?

You are a Democracy. You elect these people; don’t blame the media or “China”.

How did you get from this:

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Former General of the US Army he served with great distinction in the military notably in WW2. America elected him as President in 1952 which he won in a landslide. He helped to introduce desegregation in America. He built the national highway system. Emphasising the need for balance in US Society and bi-partisanship in politics he led America into an economic period which was known as the Long Boom, one of the longest and greatest periods of economic prosperity America has known. America was great then. He was thoughtful, intelligent and he cared deeply about his country, and its citizens, a patriot. He was also a Republican.


to this???????????


Donald Trump

Born into a rich family, he is a six time bankrupt, failed casino owner, failed University owner, avoided the Vietnam War draft 5 times by claiming he had bone spurs in his feet, Trump is a bankrupt casino owner who did not pay a lot of his workers by threatening legal action. He is infamous for his narcissistic behaviour and shameless self-promotion. He spends most of his time playing golf and tweeting stuff which suspiciously move the stockmarket. He got into office with a promise to “drain the swamp”, yet, Trump voted to lower taxes on the mega rich. His numerous lies, indiscretions, appalling behaviour do not faze his supporters in the Republican Party.

So how did America (and the Republican Party) descend from having as leader - Eisenhower, a highly distinguished military officer, to Trump, a draft dodger, bankrupt casino owner who bragged that he deserved a medal for not getting herpes because he avoided the draft 5 times and could stay in NYC to have sex? Trump even mocked a decorated war veteran calling him “a loser” for getting shot down and captured in battle. WTF?

Forget about the Democrats. Wasn’t there anyone else in the Republican Party more worthy for the job?

That - from Eisenhower to Trump - is the perfect metaphor for the decline of America (and the Republican Party).


Don’t blame China for your problems. Take a good hard look at yourselves.

Don’t take my word for it.


(Graham (Republican) is Chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary)

Please note: I did not say that China is “perfect” and not without faults. We all know its got a lot of faults too.

But you don’t get better by pointing out the faults of others do you? Imagine if your favourite sports team is losing and then it excuses itself by detailing the opposing team’s problems. You would think they had gone insane.

I make these points because as much as America (and Europe) like to complain about “China”, it just serves to distract them from their own pressing problems.

So I repeat again: If America can’t even fix its health system, reform its public school education, reform its fractious political system, and do simple practical gun reform, and can’t be bothered to vote for reasonably sensible leaders - not reality tv stars or actors - how do you expect to be a successful nation much less “beat China”?

When a quarter or more of America’s citizens are obese, poorly educated, and make daily unhealthy choices its economy will suffer.

Isn’t that obvious? Fix this before you whine about China.

You get better by getting better.

That means better schools, better healthcare systems, better housing policies, better public transport, better public roads etc.. The same mentality that is devoted to building the best weapons should also be devoted towards building public infrastructure that helps the nation as a whole, not for making a select few individuals mega rich.

Public education, transport, housing, and healthcare systems (like the military) take government investment and planning. It is bemusing to find the same people calling for “smaller government” (and less govt funding for education, housing, transport etc..) are also the same people demanding bigger spending on the military. That makes no sense. The military is an expense. The cost should be kept down. If you want a small govt, you should, by default, also want a small military.

What do you call a “small” Government with an extraordinary big Military and a few extraordinarily rich individuals?

Doesn’t it resemble a feudal kingdom than a modern democracy? How did America who fought to overthrow the “tyranny” of a King transform itself into the very thing it claimed to hate?

I leave you with a quote from Eisenhower, one of the best Presidents America has had, and, yes, a Republican. Every American child should memorise this.

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. (Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican, President of the USA, former 5-star General US Army, Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe, helped to defeat the Nazis.)

“2% is nothing isn’t it??” Crazy times.


good article(s). nice try. but no sigar, unfortunately.

like biological cells can heal themselves with the proper nutrients over time, so can individuals do that with their entire bodies and the aid of the medical industry, and so can countries, with the proper kinda governmental oversight (the patient kind (on the decades scale)).
. .
At this point there is little the USA can do to stop the Chinese economy from becoming number one. Best the USA can do is to keep the score close and hope demographic decline hits China in a century. The USA can make a push to be number one again at that point.
At this point there is little the USA can do to stop the Chinese economy from becoming number one. Best the USA can do is to keep the score close and hope demographic decline hits China in a century. The USA can make a push to be number one again at that point.

The population decline analysis has two theories basically
1- China won’t overtake US at all
2- China will overtake until 2050 at which point the population decline will occur and US will retake the spot

Ofcourse all of these are predictions and seldom come true. Back in 2007 during Great Recession US economy was shrinking and every analyst predicted China will overtake by 2020
The population decline analysis has two theories basically
1- China won’t overtake US at all
2- China will overtake until 2050 at which point the population decline will occur and US will retake the spot

Ofcourse all of these are predictions and seldom come true. Back in 2007 during Great Recession US economy was shrinking and every analyst predicted China will overtake by 2020
China has already surpassed the USA in PPP terms (which is a more accurate representation). Too many Americans underestimate China, IMO.
China has already surpassed the USA in PPP terms (which is a more accurate representation). Too many Americans underestimate China, IMO.
Good for China. US keep being number one forever on news outlets.
US demographics is getting worse than China. By now non Hispanic whites only make up 60% of US population. By 2050 it'll be less than 30% of US population. Have you seen Mexico and Brazil? That's what America is headed.
China has already surpassed the USA in PPP terms (which is a more accurate representation). Too many Americans underestimate China, IMO.
Even in nominal terms, if China includes imputed rent in its GDP like USA (comparing apples to apples), then China's GDP is already bigger than USA's.
American state propaganda is talking like taking in 100 Million of the poorest Indians and placing them into open air cages somewhere on the Chinese border to India is going to make China a more powerfull nation because it smoothes the demographics out. These people are trying to teach China lessons. 🙄
China has already surpassed the USA in PPP terms (which is a more accurate representation). Too many Americans underestimate China, IMO.

PPP is not a relevant indicator in any matter. No economist uses them as much and even if they are good they are only good to indicate domestic labor capacity

PPP can tell me if I want to hire a person my $1 will get me more labor in China vs US. but If I want to buy oil from the Arabs that $1 stays $1 Arabs are not gona give me more oil because that $1 is worth more in China

Because according to PPP pakistan is a trillion dollar economy and India is a $10 trillion dollar economy.
But we both know a trillion dollar economy doesn’t go to the IMF to rescue them and a $10 trillion dollar economy doesn’t take aid or have 1/2 billion toilet shortage
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PPP is not a relevant indicator in any matter. No economist uses them as much and even if they are good they are only good to indicate domestic labor capacity

PPP can tell me if I want to hire a person my $1 will get me more labor in China vs US. but If I want to buy oil from the Arabs that $1 stays $1 Arabs are not gona give me more oil because that $1 is worth more in China

Because according to PPP pakistan is a trillion dollar economy and India is a $10 trillion dollar economy.
But we both know a trillion dollar economy doesn’t go to the IMF to rescue them and a $10 trillion dollar economy doesn’t take aid or have 1/2 billion toilet shortage

PPP does matter for domestic supply chains. The local cost of food is different, for instance. But in countries with more sophisticated local supply chains more products enjoy local pricing than just food.

I've done electronics design and parts procurement. Chinese products are far cheaper. Hence why companies tend to buy in China. Huaqiang Bei in Shenzhen is the best example.

Example: for displays, mid sized 4-10 inch capacitive touch TFTs (used in tablets and industrial HMIs) in China are 40-60 USD while in the US they are 70 minimum and often go up to 100+.

Oil is a fungible commodity. Doesn't matter who the buyer is or who the seller is. Its price is totally determined by consumer demand and cost of production.

But manufactured products are totally different because their price also contains the IP, marketing and labor used to produce it. Those costs change in every economy.
PPP does matter for domestic supply chains. The local cost of food is different, for instance. But in countries with more sophisticated local supply chains more products enjoy local pricing than just food.

I've done electronics design and parts procurement. Chinese products are far cheaper. Hence why companies tend to buy in China. Huaqiang Bei in Shenzhen is the best example.

Example: for displays, mid sized 4-10 inch capacitive touch TFTs (used in tablets and industrial HMIs) in China are 40-60 USD while in the US they are 70 minimum and often go up to 100+.

Oil is a fungible commodity. Doesn't matter who the buyer is or who the seller is. Its price is totally determined by consumer demand and cost of production.

But manufactured products are totally different because their price also contains the IP, marketing and labor used to produce it. Those costs change in every economy.

And what do you think I said??? It tells u about domestic labor capacity or the worth of my dollar in another country but not the economy as a whole because Huge chunk of economy are tied to international cross border trades

That’s why my example isn’t pertained to oil. It’s pertained to anything thT requires a cross-border payment . Other sellers aren’t going to change the price of a commodity or technology to adjust it to your PPP Leven and then sell you.

PPPs flaws are apparent in calculating India’s economy. India is no way a $10 trillion economy when huge chunk of its population are piss poor. Basic necessities are absent etc etc. or even pakistan who being a “$1 trillion” dollar economy needs $6 billion to rescue them out

Lastly I’ll ask you this question.
PPP says India’s economy is only 2.5x smaller you
Nominal says India’s economy is 8x smaller you
Which do you think is a more accurate considering living standards, technology advances, wealth, military etc etc
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Overtaking USA is not much of an achievement in its truest sense. As, USA is just one country among NATO countries, European Union and its offshoot colonies. Total GDP of NATO is $18.35 trillion, I'm sure their GDP PPP is also much higher. And they achieve this GDP PPP without breaking any sweat, without squeezing work out of labourers. Since they have much larger land and resources at their disposal.

Asian countries lost the advantage(Land and resources) starting around the Late 1500s.
And what do you think I said??? It tells u about domestic labor capacity or the worth of my dollar in another country but not the economy as a whole because Huge chunk of economy are tied to international cross border trades

That’s why my example isn’t pertained to oil. It’s pertained to anything thT requires a cross-border payment . Other sellers aren’t going to change the price of a commodity or technology to adjust it to your PPP Leven and then sell you.

PPPs flaws are apparent in calculating India’s economy. India is no way a $10 trillion economy when huge chunk of its population are piss poor. Basic necessities are absent etc etc. or even pakistan who being a “$1 trillion” dollar economy needs $6 billion to rescue them out

Lastly I’ll ask you this question.
PPP says India’s economy is only 2.5x smaller you
Nominal says India’s economy is 8x smaller you
Which do you think is a more accurate considering living standards, technology advances, wealth, military etc etc

India is a special case because they import everything and don't have much domestic IP. In the case of South Korea for instance I'd say their PPP is more accurate than their nominal.

Also, differential pricing by country is common practice to account for different costs in marketing, inventory, localization, shipping, regulatory compliance, etc.

Oil doesn't require that which is why $1 oil is $1 oil everywhere but a $100 TV isn't $100 everywhere.

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