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can some one identify this gun

that guy does not look like the SSG , look at the camo pattern , never seen any ssg with it before.

XM29 Objective Individual Combat Weapon
XM29 Objective Individual Combat Weapon
The XM29, developed by Alliant Techsystems and H&K, fires special air-bursting projectiles and standard 5.56mm ammunition. As of 2005 the XM29 was still is too heavy and unwieldy for Army requirements. Instead of scrapping the XM29, the Army decided to perfect each of XM29's components separately, so soldiers can take advantage of new technology sooner. The parts would be brought back together when lighter materials become available.
Sir the question is how much damage the bullet from this gun can cause damage and what kind of of video camera is used and what is the main function of camera in a Gun ?
Sir the question is how much damage the bullet from this gun can cause damage and what kind of of video camera is used and what is the main function of camera in a Gun ?

It fires 2 different types of rounds

The 5.56 NATO and a 20x85 mm Grenade
This is gun is used in Pakistan Air Force's new SSG Group, trained specialy for Air Force operations same like Pakistan Military SSGs. This gun is seen in Many Pictures with Air Force SSG.
20mm grenades would put some hurt on people, but are about as small as they can get and still pack any sort of punch. It looks like these are low velocity 20mm rounds. There have been attempts made to create a 20mm shoulder-mounted weapon that could be classed as a true cannon, firing high-velocity 20mm rounds similar to what an aircraft would fire. API, APIT, HEI, etc. The problem is taming the ferocious recoil and muzzle blast.



5.56mm, .338 Lapua, .50 BMG, and 20mm x 102. The .50 BMG has traditionally been the largest cartridge fired by an individual soldier for long-ranged work.
This is gun is used in Pakistan Air Force's new SSG Group, trained specialy for Air Force operations same like Pakistan Military SSGs. This gun is seen in Many Pictures with Air Force SSG.

Do you mean this .....looks kind of different to the others.

The XM29 OICW (Objective Individual Combat Weapon) was a series of prototypes of a new type of battle rifle that fired 20 mm HE airbursting projectiles. The prototypes were developed as part of the Objective Individual Combat Weapon program in the 1990s. The term SABR (Selectable Assault Battle Rifle) was also used at certain points, but is less common.

Developed by Alliant Techsystems, with Heckler & Koch as a major subcontractor, the most commonly seen version of the XM29 consisted of a semi-automatic 20x28 mm smart grenade launcher, an underslung assault carbine (derived from the HK G36 then in its late developmental stage) firing a standard 5.56x45mm NATO round, and a top-mounted computer-assisted sighting system with integrated laser rangefinder, thermal vision night vision capabilities, and up to 6x optical telescopic sight. Earlier designs used different configurations and setups.
The launcher part has been described variously as a light semi-automatic 20 mm cannon, a grenade launcher, or an airburst weapon. It poses a classification problem, in that it does not fit neatly into any one category. On one hand, it uses much smaller shells and has a much flatter trajectory than grenade launchers. On the other, while its calibre and velocity is more similar to light cannon, it does share traits with other infantry grenade launchers.
Various problems have effectively ended the program as it was originally envisioned, including weight, bulk, and lack of effectiveness of the 20x28 mm airburst round. Upon cancellation in 2004, it was split into three related programs. OICW Increment One is a program to develop a family of light kinetic energy weapons, OICW Increment Two is a program to develop the airburst grenade launcher as a standalone component, and OICW Increment Three will be a program to re-integrate the two components. The XM8 was developed in an attempt to meet Increment One requirements. Instead a new program known as Lightweight Small Arms Technologies (LSAT) was begun. Meanwhile, the XM25 25x39 mm airburst launcher began development to meet the Increment Two requirements. Increment Three will not be initiated until after One and Two are completed.
The OICW Increment I Request for Proposals was cancelled in October 2005, while development of the 25x40 mm XM25 continued, and the 25x59 mm OCSW program as well until its termination. It is not clear if LSAT is intended to meet the goals of OICW Increment I or if it is a stand-alone weapon system. However, for all intents and purposes, the OICW program is dead.
XM29 OICW - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Those are FN-P90 and FN-F2000 used by the Special Services Wing (SSW of PAF).










Quite a number of bullets they can carry and have got precise targets.
As SSW branch is supposed to be better than SSG and is smaller in number, it's easy to arm them with expensive weapons.
@last hope... SSW is supposed to be better than SSG?thts a really stupid statement... both are supposed to be good and are created for different duties......... as for the toughest... id say SSN is the toughest they train in cherat and than at their own schools... SSW is a relatively new unit tht also gets its training frm Cherat by SSG intructors aswell as their own specialised courses etc.

Also i remember you talkin abt G-36C in PA service and you promised to post the pic....where is it?
well the original one and these ones are different....latter being the FNF2000, used by PAF's SSW. Bullpup design gives it superior mobility
@last hope... SSW is supposed to be better than SSG?thts a really stupid statement... both are supposed to be good and are created for different duties......... as for the toughest... id say SSN is the toughest they train in cherat and than at their own schools... SSW is a relatively new unit tht also gets its training frm Cherat by SSG intructors aswell as their own specialised courses etc.
Do you know the selection criteria for SSW? They are chosen from already trained SSG officers, the young ones. And the selection is itself difficult. Many officers of SSG apply for SSW but don't get selected. SSGN>SSW>SSG Exactly.
Also i remember you talkin abt G-36C in PA service and you promised to post the pic....where is it?
I remember that 'thread' too. It wasn't me but someone else. I just confirmed that G36C is in trials. :)
Do you know the selection criteria for SSW? They are chosen from already trained SSG officers, the young ones. And the selection is itself difficult. Many officers of SSG apply for SSW but don't get selected. SSGN>SSW>SSG Exactly.

Do you know tht SSN guys are selected frm the AIRFORCE and NOT frm SSG which is part of the ARMY!?!!

Somebody gave you wrong info buddy!
Do you know tht SSN guys are selected frm the AIRFORCE and NOT frm SSG which is part of the ARMY!?!!

Somebody gave you wrong info buddy!

This is from the interview of trainer of SSW by Aaj TV and he said that SSG officers are picked. But the young officers who have recently completed their training at SSG.

And the time for whole training of SSG is 9 months!
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