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Can Balkanization of India bring Human Development in South Asia?

How many States will rise out of India?

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El Sidd

Apr 5, 2017
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Human Rights violations stemming from Race wars threaten the region.

Share your thoughts on how balkanising India would bring human development in the region and save the world from nuclear war.

P.s. No trolling please
There are already 29 states in India.

In that case, I change my vote to 48. As they get to the size of Nepal, they don't harm anyone including themselves.
Bible mentions that there were always many Kings in India.
Why are you referring to the Bible? What does the Quran say? I know there are hadith with regards to Ghazwa e hind but i have no idea about any reference to it in the Quran.
though the thread seems to be a joke thread, but IMO I think balkanization of India wont bring any development for its people on the contrary it would be pretty bad and chaotic for Indians, the only case in which those ex Indians would benefit is if they become part of China but China for sure has no interest in adding hundreds of millions of Indians to it's population, may be at best they would add Indian lands that are inhabited with Mongoloid people to China but nothing more than that.
There are already 29 states in India.

:o::o::o:.......indian Punjab is microscopic!!!!!!!.........barely noticeable. It's even wayyyy smaller than Bangladesh..........:lol:..................then you have retarded low IQ Pakistani libtatds claiming that Pakistan and india are the same people because we both "share" Punjab..............:rofl::rofl:.........by that definition, Pakistanis are mainly Iranian because we shared a far greater area and proportion with Iran in terms of Balouchistan province...........:lol:
Why stop at India? Pakistan has proven that Islam is not a good enough glue to keep a country together.
How come? I can assure you if the challenges Pakistan has faced during it's 70 years of it existence, had India faced even half of them it would have dissolved a long time ago. There are so many divisions within the "Indian society" that any ill wisher can take advantage of it

I can assure you many of these balkanized South Asian states will want to have good relations with Pakistan if not join some sort of Greater Pakistan. I will also include Bangladesh in the mix as it won't have Big Brother Bharat watching over
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Why stop at India? Pakistan has proven that Islam is not a good enough glue to keep a country together.
You're confusing Islam with marxist-socialist stooges who prayed towards Moscow and not Makkah.

The only way for any hope for the large portion of Indian society suffering from absolute poverty is to eliminate the caste system. Such can be achieved on a fast track basis by balkanising India which will eliminate the deadly brahmin grip on the Indian society.
:o::o::o:.......indian Punjab is microscopic!!!!!!!.........barely noticeable. It's even wayyyy smaller than Bangladesh..........:lol:..................then you have retarded low IQ Pakistani libtatds claiming that Pakistan and india are the same people because we both "share" Punjab..............:rofl::rofl:.........by that definition, Pakistanis are mainly Iranian because we shared a far greater area and proportion with Iran in terms of Balouchistan province...........:lol:

In 1947, Indian Punjab (East Punjab) consisted of today's Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and bit of Rajasthan.....Three states have been carved out of it since then.
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