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C-130 Hercules landing on aircraft carrier

Man Americans are Crazy!! But Hell!! Russians are Crazier.

And the U-2





  • Length: 63 ft (19.2 m)
  • Wingspan: 103 ft (31.4 m)
  • Height: 16 ft (4.88 m)
  • Wing area: 1,000 ft2 (92.9 m2)
  • Length: 97 ft 9 in (29.8 m)
  • Wingspan: 132 ft 7 in (40.4 m)
  • Height: 38 ft 3 in (11.6 m)
  • Wing area: 1,745 ft² (162.1 m²)
Compared with the current heavyweight - E-2D
  • Length: 57 ft 8.75 in (17.60 m)
  • Wingspan: 80 ft 7 in (24.56 m)
  • Height: 18 ft 3.75 in (5.58 m)
  • Wing area: 700 ft2 (65 m2)
During tests in 1963 crew of C-130 successfully negotiated 29 touch-and-go landings, 21 unarrested full-stop landings, and 21 unassisted takeoffs at gross weights of 85,000 pounds up to 121,000 pounds.
With a maximum payload, the plane used only 745 feet for takeoff and 460 feet for landing roll.
During tests in 1963 crew of C-130 successfully negotiated 29 touch-and-go landings, 21 unarrested full-stop landings, and 21 unassisted takeoffs at gross weights of 85,000 pounds up to 121,000 pounds.
With a maximum payload, the plane used only 745 feet for takeoff and 460 feet for landing roll.
The C-130's takeoff and landing distances on USS Forrestal are not so relevant. Typically, landing and take-off distances are in still air. However, USS Forrestal was typically moving at approximately 30 knots into a 20-knot wind. This means that the C-130 was landing and taking off into a 50-knot down-the runway wind. What this means, for the nonpilots, is that had the C-130 been taking off into a hypothetical 100-knot wind, ts takeoff distance would have been... zero
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