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Burqa - A Security Challenge?

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The issue of security and suicide bombings is a serious matter. It needs to be dealt with at the root causes of extremism

What might that "root cause" be?

Witnesses were reported as saying that they had heard the woman scream before the explosion and one claimed her last words were: “Ya Allah khair.”

What could be the ideas that motivated this individual??
no need to get involved in the futile debate of banning burqa in Pakistan, cuz it's not happening, as much as 'bai-ghairat brigade' push this issue. Instead, focus on how burqa clad bombers can be intercepted beforehand.

P.S. most burqa wearing bombers are not gonna be women.
If some one guarantee me that the day burqa is banned suicide bombing will stop?- i will favor the burqa ban-
Otherwise its just stupid and the author has some personal ulterior motives to this " burqa a security challenge " rant-
It's interesting that islamists and their apologists say Islam is being maligned -- but who is it that is maligning Islam? These apologists for terror say that the "root causes" must be examined -- well lets examine them - bring it lets clear up the air

Witnesses were reported as saying that they had heard the woman scream before the explosion and one claimed her last words were: “Ya Allah khair.”

It's interesting that witnesses did not report the bomber screaming "Liberal fascists forever" or "Bhagwan" or "Christ here I come"

So what might be the idea motivating this Woman suicide bomber in a burqa? Could it be islam??

So the apologists might respond with - "yeah but suicide is "haaram" (they missed the "Murder" part being Haraam) and of course we can all agree, but who is maligning Islam? Liberal fascists, agnostics, atheists or Islamist terrorists??

Bring it - lets examine this "root cause" business.
What might that "root cause" be?

A belief that any difference in ideology must not be tolerated, and that force is a legitimate means to enforce uniformity.
Presumably the bombs are hidden on their body, not their face.

How will banning the burqa solve that problem? Will we require women to walk around in bikins to make sure they are not hiding anything under their clothes?

Mr. Mullah, maybe you don't know this but people who have performed umrah do. Full face cover (niqab) is forbidden for a woman to wear while performing Umrah.

I believe this concept of fully veiled burqa clad crap is man made and part of arab culture.

I would very much welcome it if you would deal with the issues raised in my post # 19 - I think we all can learn from you.
I believe this concept of fully veiled burqa clad crap is man made and part of arab culture.

I agree with you completely here- but a suicide bomber could wear a dhoti, shalwar kamez, kurta, pent shirt. a jacket- does that makes "dhoti, shalwar kamez, kurta, pent shirt. a jacket" security threats as well?-
Mr. Mullah, maybe you don't know this but people who have performed umrah do. Full face cover (niqab) is forbidden for a woman to wear while performing Umrah.

I believe this concept of fully veiled burqa clad crap is man made and part of arab culture.

Entirely irrelevant.

I support a woman's right to wear a burqa for whatever reason she deems appropriate. It is not for you or me to dictate the legitimacy.
If she does it as a religious gesture, a symbol of feminism, or as a fashion statement, it is her choice.


I would very much welcome if you would deal with the issues raised in my post # 19 - I thin we all can learn from you.

I though I already it. The people proposing the burqa ban make the assertion that a burqa is a symbol of Islamic fanaticism. I reject that premise. Just because some burqa-clad people commit terrorism, doesn't mean the burqa is a cause or predictor of terrorism.

It is as ridiculous as saying that people wearing shoes commit terrorism, so shoes are a symbol of terrorism.
I agree with you completely here- but a suicide bomber could wear a dhoti, shalwar kamez, kurta, pent shirt. a jacket- does that makes "dhoti, shalwar kamez, kurta, pent shirt. a jacket" security threats as well?-

Jonasad -- The Burqa offers concealment till the last moment of the attack - would you agree? The Suicide vest is worn on the torso for a reason - that reason is to distribute projectiles and explosives at the level of the torso -- Now I think we can all agree that a bomb can be hidden in a dhoti but that not an ideal location for the distribution of the projectiles and explosives, is it? And of course in a pan shirt or a Shalwar kameez, the bulge of the suicide jacket can be made out if one is looking for that -- the same is not the case for the burqa.

And that is wht the Burqa represents a genuine security challenge.
I agree with you completely here- but a suicide bomber could wear a dhoti, shalwar kamez, kurta, pent shirt. a jacket- does that makes "dhoti, shalwar kamez, kurta, pent shirt. a jacket" security threats as well?-

Valid point. Nonetheless, burqa includes niqab. Thus, my emphasis was on the part where he implied face covering was part of Islam.
What might that "root cause" be?

A belief that any difference in ideology must not be tolerated, and that force is a legitimate means to enforce uniformity.

Terrorism is a concept that is as old as humanity itself.

Like a parasite, terrorism leeches onto different things at different times. In China, it is ethnic separatism... in Europe, it's IRA terrorists and ETA separatists... in Mexico, it is drug and crime lords... in the Middle East, it is a twisted and distorted aspect of religion that has been funded by a small group of very rich individuals.

All Abrahamic religions, forbid both suicide, and the killing of innocent people. From what I have read at least.

So whoever is carrying out these attacks, clearly has not abided by the rules of their religion.
The people proposing the burqa ban make the assertion that a burqa is a symbol of Islamic fanaticism. I reject that premise. Just because some burqa-clad people commit terrorism, doesn't mean the burqa is a cause or predictor of terrorism.

It is as ridiculous as saying that people wearing shoes commit terrorism, so shoes are a symbol of terrorism.

Now you are trying to squirm your way out of this - and it's unbecoming of you -- You claimed that :

There are certain elements in Pakistani society who have bought into the Western mantra of equating Islam with terrorism so, to them, any overt display of Islamic identity is support for terrorism.

The issue of security and suicide bombings is a serious matter. It needs to be dealt with at the root causes of extremism. It must not be hijacked by people wanting to push their own unrelated agendas into the debate.

This is a battle of ideologies, not dress codes.

Now Developero, Who is maligning Islam? Which certain elements have bought in to Western mantra?? The bomber died with "Ya Allah Khair" not Secular Facist khair, not with bhagwan khair, not with Jejus khair --- So, who has maligned Islam? Your credibility and reputation is important to me, I hope it is important to you as well - tell us truthfully who has maligned islam, secular fascists, agnostics, atheists, hindus, christians or islamist terrorists??
the Burqa represents a genuine security challenge.

That is a legitimate debate -- to compare the concealment potential of a burqa with a raincoat or a sari or any other garment.

Valid point. Nonetheless, burqa includes niqab. Thus, my emphasis was on the part where he implied face covering was part of Islam.

Islam is like Christianity -- there are dozens of different variations. Some Muslims believe face covering is mandated by religion, some don't. I personally don't believe it is mandated but, as I mentioned earlier, the only thing that matters is what the woman believes.
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