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Burma Military Captain, Squadron Killed by AA Rebels in N. Rakhine A photo posted on the Arakan Army

@Homo Sapiens you can call a mod.

Manpads won't do shit against JFT.Burma hasn't got enough resources for fighting these groups,they can go and bomb them using PGM's but they don't have troops for effective ground coverage.
Above all many of these groups are controlled by West also.
A MANPAD is pretty effective against low flying aircraft. It is important to note that in order to drop bombs it has to fly down low and to fly low it has to slow down to below Mach 1 in order to be accurate.

The newer Stingers have a UV as well as an IR seeker head which allows the missile to distinguish between aircraft exhaust from flares, and it accelerates to over Mach 2 quickly, something the pilot cannot react to fast enough. Because of their passive detection components, the pilot has no warning receiver to detect being tracked and can only use vision to detect the rocket exhaust. However, because the rocket is small, detecting it is difficult.

So, a MANPAD kills your JF-17 which is only 1.8 Mach at the highest. It has to slow down to below 1 Mach when flying low. And MANPADs will be chasing to hit your fuselage. Please do not imagine that JF-17 or even F-16 is invincible. Read through the American experience in Vietnam.

So, you can rest assured that the AA has some external source to get its MANPADs that will blow away your JF-17 most of the time. MANPADs are very cheap to destroy expensive planes.
Just because they operate 'Painted in Pakistan' JF-17 jet now? These insurgencies raging on for 70 years. Longest running insurgencies in the world. It will continue eternity if burmese ultra-buddhist do not change their mentality and behavior.
Kill them all or push them in bd like last time 1mn were pushed
Kill them all or push them in bd like last time 1mn were pushed
There are not much Rohingyas left in burma. And Bangladesh already closed the border after recent skirmish with Rakhine rebels. So Buddhist Rakhine can not enter Bangladesh. Therefore, burma can not repeat what it did in 2017.
There are not much Rohingyas left in burma. And Bangladesh already closed the border after recent skirmish with Rakhine rebels. So Buddhist Rakhine can not enter Bangladesh. Therefore, burma can not repeat what it did in 2017.
When there is will there is way .they will sure clean this mess .its good if they clean it and have no rohingya in mayanmar
When there is will there is way .they will sure clean this mess .its good if they clean it and have no rohingya in mayanmar
If the burmese are hell bent on erasing Rohingyas from burma, then not much can be done. Actually no country can do anything if burmese are determined to do that at any cost. In that cases, Rohingyas have to be distributed among Muslim countries, while Bangladesh will take the largest share. I do not mind accepting a few hundred thousands of Rohingyas. There 15-20 million Bangladeshi origin Hindus in India due to Partition, while Indian origin Muslims in Bangladesh are far less. There are 2 million Bangladeshi origin Bihari and Razakar in Pakistan. There were hundreds of thousands of Rakhine community in Bangladesh 50-100 years. Now very few of them are left in Bangladesh. Most of them migrated to burma. Same with Chakma. Many Bangladesh origin Chakmas are now in burma and India. There are millions of overseas Bangladeshi community in various countries. Bangladesh shed much much more people than it received in the last century. So, if we have to accept a few hundred thousand persecuted Muslims on humanitarian ground, I do not find it objectionable.
When there is will there is way .they will sure clean this mess .its good if they clean it and have no rohingya in mayanmar

That is a nasty attitude. The Rohingya are among most persecuted in the world and all because of the increase in populism and ethnic nationalism they have been killed and maimed despite living in Arakan region for century.

And yet still there are Pakistani on here saying this, I do not understand how you can expect others to support Kashmir?
That is a nasty attitude. The Rohingya are among most persecuted in the world and all because of the increase in populism and ethnic nationalism they have been killed and maimed despite living in Arakan region for century.

And yet still there are Pakistani on here saying this, I do not understand how you can expect others to support Kashmir?

sometimes emotions got the best of us, mate.
Sometimes we say things we didn't mean to because of frustration.
I am Burmese Buddhist and a nationist, and I also feel sympathy for innocent Rohingya who has nothing to do with the terror attacks. A lot of us feel the same way. there are even two journalists who are burmese went to jail for reporting Rohingya crisis.
So, why don't we protest or do something?
well, because there are things outsiders don't understand in Myanmar.
@Imran Khan @MUSTAKSHAF please explain the logic behind this.
Is Jf 17 (4+ Gen Fighter) really this bad making China, Pakistan and Myanmar stupid for operating Jf-17 or this guy have to be stupid?

:undecided: I have no idea which one is true. :crazy::hitwall:
don't worry bro this poor guy struck in f-7 2 generation ago he don't know modern fighters have counter measures jamming pods much more to avoid SAMs because F-7BGI dont have them :lol:.
@Imran Khan @MUSTAKSHAF please explain the logic behind this.
Is Jf 17 (4+ Gen Fighter) really this bad making China, Pakistan and Myanmar stupid for operating Jf-17 or this guy have to be stupid?

:undecided: I have no idea which one is true. :crazy::hitwall:
It's Bongo logic a manpad with flight ceiling of around 20000ft(excluding FIM-92 which has flight ceiling of 26000ft)have average speed of Mach 2.0 to 2.7 is going to hit a Jet with flight ceiling 55,500 ft and is armed with state of the art onboard protection system.
@Imran Khan @MUSTAKSHAF please explain the logic behind this.
Is Jf 17 (4+ Gen Fighter) really this bad making China, Pakistan and Myanmar stupid for operating Jf-17 or this guy have to be stupid?

:undecided: I have no idea which one is true. :crazy::hitwall:
Did not I already explain the phenomenon in my previous post? A fighter bomber plane has to come down to hit the targets. It has to slow down below 1 mach to do that. A MANPAD flies towards it at 2 mach, closes the distance and hits it. It is not only JF-17 but it can also be an F-16.

In a real wartime scenario, the high price jet planes cannot match these hand-held small and cheap missiles.
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