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Budget Briefing 2008 - I



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Budget Briefing 2008 - I


ARTICLE (June 13 2008): The Bill seeks to expand the definition of "Dividend" as defined in Clause (19) of Section 2 by proposing insertion of a new Sub-clause (f). While profit of a branch of a foreign company operating in Pakistan was always subject to tax in Pakistan like any other corporate entity, the same after-tax profit when remitted was not again liable to tax.

1. AFTER-TAX PROFIT OF A BRANCH OF A FOREIGN COMPANY LIABLE TO TAX ON REMITTANCE SECTION 2, CLAUSE (19)(F)The proposed amendment now seeks to tax remittance of after-tax profit apparently on the analogy of tax on dividend in the hands of shareholders out of after-tax profits of a corporate entity. The applicable rate of tax on remittance of profit would be 10 percent.

It may be recalled that even tax on dividend from a corporate entity was, over the years, demanded by various quarters to be conferred tax exemption on the grounds that it is double taxation as, such dividend is nothing but appropriation of after-tax profits of an entity.

This argument was often repelled by contending that the company is an entity independent of its shareholders, ie owners and therefore, there is no double taxation in view of two separate beneficiaries of income liable to tax under the two different heads of income.

The proposed tax on remittance of after-tax profit of a branch of a foreign company operating in Pakistan fails even on the aforesaid test of two beneficiaries receiving two forms of income - company earning profit as business income and its shareholders receiving the same income in the form of dividend.

We do not find justification in this new imposition because of the fact that a branch has no existence of its own independent of its head office or an affiliate of which it is a branch. The beneficiary is the same as also the nature of income which does not change by merely expanding the statutory definition of dividend.

In view of this, therefore, it is difficult to discern a conceptual justification or rationale to impose a tax when a branch legitimately seeks to remit its after-tax profits. Viewed from another prospective, this new tax cannot be seen as a legitimate attempt to curb remittance of profits by a branch as a measure of foreign exchange conservation, for, the avowed policy of the Government over the years and more particularly in recent years has been encouragement of foreign investors to remit capital and also profits thereon.



THIRD SCHEDULE PART II: It is widely recognised that a process of industrialisation needs to be accelerated in rural and under developed areas to serve the wider objectives of economic development. As one of the measures towards this end, a new Section 23A is sought to be introduced to bring in the incentive of FYA.

The proposed Section seeks to entitle an industrial undertaking to claim FYA on plant, machinery and equipment if such undertaking is setup in rural and under developed areas as may be specified in due course. FYA would be allowed in lieu of initial allowance (of depreciation) at the rate of 90 percent of the cost of "eligible depreciable assets" of an industrial undertaking owned and managed by a company when such assets are put to use after 01 July 2008.

It may be noted that the qualifying date of 01 July 2008 is with reference to the first time use of the qualifying assets regardless of the date of setting up of an industrial undertaking or the date of incorporation of a company.


SECTION 57A, SUB-SECTION (2A) In an attempt to facilitate corporate consolidation through amalgamation of NBFCs, modarabas or insurance companies, the first ever fiscal step in the tax regime was initiated through the Finance Ordinance, 2002 by introducing Section 57A of the Ordinance.

The Finance Act, 2007 brought in a significant change whereby in the event of amalgamation of two or more companies, the assessed loss of the amalgamating company or companies only for the tax year is allowed to be set off against business profits and gains of the amalgamated company. As a consequence, accumulated losses preceding the tax year in which the amalgamation takes place stand lapsed.

The Bill now proposes to revert back to pre 2007 position in so far as NBFCs, modarabas, or insurance companies are concerned. The proposed Sub-section (2A) provides that in the event of amalgamation of the said entities, accumulated business loss (excluding speculation business losses) shall be allowed to be carried forward and set off against the business profits and gains of the amalgamated company.

This right of carry forward and set off shall be available to the amalgamated company upto a period of six tax years immediately succeeding the tax year in which the loss of an amalgamating company or companies was first computed.

4. THIN CAPITALIZATION RULE EXTENDED TO A BRANCH OF A FOREIGN COMPANY IN PAKISTAN SECTION 106, SUB-SECTION (1)The concept of thin capitalisation was first introduced by the Finance Ordinance, 2002 whereby deductibility of profit on debt was restricted in the hands of the borrower if the debt to equity ratio exceeded the prescribed limit ie 3:1 ratio. The scope of this Section is now proposed to be extended to a branch of a foreign company operating in Pakistan.

As stated earlier, since this Section was restricted to a "foreign-controlled resident company", the provision was couched using the term "foreign equity", as defined in the said Section itself, in relation to debt. Since the said definition remains unchanged, despite proposed expansion of the provision to a branch, it would appear that the balance of head office account in the books of account of a branch would partake as "foreign equity" although not statutorily supported by the said term as defined. An appropriate amendment in the said definition, therefore, appears to be necessary.

5. MINIMUM TAX PROVISION WITHDRAWN SECTION 113: The provision for minimum tax was introduced for the first time by the Finance Act, 1991. Minimum tax was payable by every company resident in Pakistan at the rate of 0.5 percent of its turnover, should the actual tax liability be less than the amount of such minimum tax.

The Finance Act, 2004 subsequently amended the aforesaid original provision whereby, in the event of minimum tax exceeding the actual tax payable for a tax year calculated on profit basis, the tax payer was entitled to carry forward the excess amount of the minimum tax paid for adjustment against the actual tax liability for the subsequent five tax years.

The Bill proposes to entirely withdraw the minimum tax provision. It may not be out of place to mention that provisions governing minimum tax were originally introduced as one of the single most effective expedients of resource mobilisation in view of the paltry contribution of direct taxes by a substantial number of entities even in the corporate sector.

The current budget formulated in the backdrop of serious resource constraints now proposes to withdraw minimum tax provision which seems to be inconsistent with the ground realities. The provision was already reasonably rationalised when the Finance Act, 2004 permitted adjustment of the minimum tax paid in the following years in the event of profit, thereby making the impact of minimum tax less painful in view of the permitted adjustment. A resource-constraint budget seeking to do away altogether the said provision from the tax regime does not appear to be quite understandable.

6. MINIMUM TAX PAYABLE BY BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS SECTION 113C: Undoubtedly, there are certain sectors of business in our country whose contribution to direct tax revenue is far from satisfactory. The proposed insertion of this new Section also seems to be driven by the fact that persons engaged in the business as builders and developers ought to contribute to direct tax revenue a certain minimum regardless of their bottom line.

The Bill proposes to impose a minimum tax based on a fixed amount of tax in case of a builder, at the rate of Rs 50/- per square feet of covered constructed area and that for a developer, at Rs 100/- per square yard on the area of land developed.

The scope of the proposed provision is wide enough and shall be applicable to any person including an individual, an association of persons (AOP) or a company engaged as a developer of land for residential, commercial or industrial purposes or a builder engaged in construction of houses, commercial or industrial property.

7. INVESTMENT TAX ON UNDISCLOSED INCOME SECTION 120A: Once again the tax history in Pakistan has repeated itself. Over time, various governments did introduce one or the other form of tax amnesty scheme under various nomenclatures. This time round the Bill proposes to introduce an enabling provision which shall empower the Board to make a scheme of whitening undisclosed income which the Bill conveniently and euphemistically refers to as "investment tax on income".

Although the full scope and implications of this provision would not be known until the entire framework of the scheme is formulated and issued by the Board, at this stage, however, the Bill proposes to provide yet another opportunity. Needless to emphasise that each such opportunity in the past was proclaimed as the final and last opportunity by the sitting government and its Finance Minister, yet again, the Bill provides for declaration of undisclosed income representing any amount or investment made in movable or immovable assets.

It is also not revealed at this stage from the Bill what the tax rate shall be as the cost of making a clean breast of oneself. However, the Finance Minister indicated a rate of 2 percent in his budget speech. The underlying objective, though suspect, appears to be the consequence of yielding to the powerful lobbies who may have evaded their due amount of taxes in the past and may now wish to bring it to surface.

It may be pertinent to emphasise that ever since the first scheme of declaration of black and ill-gotten money was introduced by the 1958 Martial Law regime, followed by another in 1969, repeated on a confined scale in 1976, followed by a yet another scheme in 1985 commonly referred to as "Whitener Bond Scheme", an amnesty for voluntary disclosure in 1997 and the amnesty scheme of 2000, the Bill now proposes that declarants of such undisclosed income who shall have paid tax in accordance with the scheme and the rules shall be entitled to incorporate in their books of account such undisclosed income which is represented in tangible form.

The term "undisclosed income" is proposed to be defined to mean any income including any investment which may be deemed as income pursuant to Section 111 of the Ordinance or any other deemed income for any year or years which may have escaped taxation. Sub-section (3) of the proposed Section further seeks to give immunity from any liability on account of any tax, charge, levy, penalty of prosecution in respect of such undisclosed income.

Time and again, on each occasion, whenever any amnesty scheme was launched and implemented, honest tax payers and organised sectors of business who demonstrated a responsible tax behaviour had reasons to express their resentment by asserting that each such scheme puts premium on dishonesty and honest tax payers were left clamouring for having been meted out an unfair treatment to their great detriment. Only a naïve citizen would tend to believe that this scheme too would be the last and final in the annals of tax history of Pakistan.

8. CERTAIN CLARIFICATORY AMENDMENTS IN RESPECT OF PAYMENT TO A NON-RESIDENT SECTION 152, SUB-SECTION (7)In Clause (a) of Sub-section (7) of this Section, the Bill proposes to insert the words "and is supported by import documents" as a consequence of which Sub-section (5) of this Section which does not apply to payment on account of import of goods is subjected to a yet another condition, which was in any case implied without even the proposed amendment that there shall be proper import documents to support a payment pertaining to import of goods.

An explanation is also proposed to be added, in Clause (b) of this Sub-section which is totally misplaced in so far as it appears from the construction. Instead of inserting the explanation proposed to be made in Clause (b), this should have been at the end of Section 152 so as to be pervasive to the entire said Section.

The explanation is to the effect that all modes of payments to non-residents are subject to the withholding tax provisions embodied in Section 152 and therefore, regardless of the mode of remittance, be it through foreign currency accounts or secondary source of payment through exchange companies, payment to a non-resident shall suffer withholding tax as provided in the Ordinance.

Whatever be the objective underlying the proposed amendments in Clause (a) of Sub-section (7) and the proposed explanation sought to be inserted for amplifying mandatory deduction of withholding tax regardless of the mode of remittance, the practical effectiveness of these amendments would remain a moot point, whether any surreptitious payment purportedly on account of import of goods, invariably through secondary sources would come within the withholding tax net or not, despite the fact that those are not absolved any way from the provisions of withholding tax regardless of the mode of remittance.

9. WITHHOLDING TAX PROVISION FOR PAYMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES RATIONALIZED SECTION 153, SUB-SECTIONS (5), (6A), (6B) & (9) Withholding and final tax regime with regard to payment on account of goods and services has undergone various changes in the preceding years. Presently, a company being a manufacturer, in its capacity as a recipient is not subject to Final Tax Regime in respect of taxes withheld on account of supply of goods Individuals and AOPs being manufacturers, in their capacity as recipients, are subject to the Final Tax Regime.

The Bill now proposes to replace the words "a company" in place of the words "any person" in Sub-section (6A) and also seeks to omit Sub-section (6B). The cumulative effect of the aforesaid two amendments maintains the existing legal position with regard to excluding the applicability of the Final Tax Regime to a company, being manufacturer, and retaining the applicability of the said provision in respect of individuals and AOPs, being manufacturers.

By a yet another amendment proposed to be made, Clause (e) of Sub-section (5) is sought to be omitted with a consequential amendment in Clause (b) of Sub-section (9) of this Section whereby a "small company" as defined in Section 2 of the Ordinance shall now be included in the list of prescribed persons liable to deduct tax from prescribed payments.

Until now, individuals and AOPs were not categorised as withholding tax agents in view of the provisions of Sub-section (9) of this Section. The Bill now proposes to expand the category of prescribed persons as withholding tax agents by seeking to insert Clause (g) and Clause (h) in Sub-section (9) whereby an AOP having turnover of Rs 50 million or above and an individual having turnover of Rs 25 million or above shall henceforth be obliged to act as withholding tax agents while making payment on account of sale of goods, rendering or providing of services or on the execution of a contract.

In order to avoid any potential ambiguity, the term "manufacturer" for the purposes of this Section is proposed to be defined as any person who is engaged in production or manufacturing of goods in a manner such that any process, assembling, mixing, cutting, packing, repacking or preparation of goods transforms or changes an article or produce so as to become capable of being put to use in a different or distinctive manner.

10. PAYMENT TO NON-RESIDENT MEDIA PERSON TO SUFFER WITHHOLDING TAX SECTION 153A: The Bill proposes to introduce a new Section which provides that payment for advertisement services by any person to a non-resident media person would be subject to withholding tax at the rate of 10 percent. The proposed provision shall be applicable for such advertisement services relayed from outside Pakistan. The tax withheld at the prescribed rate of 10 percent shall be deemed to be the final tax liability of such non-resident media person.

11. TAX ARREARS SETTLEMENT INCENTIVES SCHEME SECTION 146B: In order to facilitate settlement of arrears of tax, enabling provision is being proposed to empower the Board to prepare scheme for waiver of additional tax and penalty and make rules for its implementation. Similar provision already exists in the ST Act.

12. AMENDMENTS IN CERTAIN DEFINITIONS SECTION 2 CLAUSES (5B), (30A), (30B), (35B), (47A), (47B)In order to update the definitions of certain companies and organisations that are governed by other statues, definitions of the following have been updated as under -

"Asset Management Company" means an asset management company as defined under the Non Banking Finance Companies and Notified Entities Regulations, 2007. "Investment Company" means an investment company as defined under the Non Banking Finance Companies (Establishment and Regulation) Rules, 2003. "Leasing Company" means a leasing company as defined under the Non Banking Finance Companies and Notified Entities Regulations, 2007.

"Non Banking Finance Company" means NBFC as defined under the Non Banking Finance Companies (Establishment and Regulation) Rules, 2003. "Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Scheme" means REIT Scheme as defined under the Real Estate Investment Trust Regulations, 2008. "Real Estate Investment Trust Management Company (REITMC)" means REITMC as defined under the Real Estate Investment Trust Regulations, 2008.

13. ELECTRONIC RECORD SECTION 2 CLAUSES (19B), (19C), (19D), (19E) SECTION 174, SECTION 237A, To keep pace with the rapid development in electronic mode of record keeping, the Federal Board of Revenue has recently adopted significant measures like enabling electronic filing of returns and statements by the corporate sector. To provide validity and authenticity to this mode of record keeping and data transmission, it is proposed that the Board may require any person to use its information system and electronic resource or to supplement its manual business process and substitute its paper based record by electronic record.

It is further proposed that electronic record maintained, received, filed or requisition through the electronic resource of the Board shall be sufficient and conclusive with regard to its validity authenticity and integrity for the purpose of the Ordinance.

It is further proposed to insert a new Sub-section (5) in Section 174 (which deals with requirement for maintenance of record) to empower the Commissioner to require any person to install and use an electronic tax register for the purpose of storing information regarding any transaction that has a nexus to the tax liability of such person.

In this regard, definitions of electronic record, electronic resource and telecommunication system have been incorporated in the law. Further certain specific terminologies defined in the Electronic Transactions Ordinance, 2002 have been adopted for the purposes of the Ordinance.

14. ELIGIBLE PERSON SECTION 2, CLAUSE (19A)The definition of eligible person for the purpose of Voluntary Pension System Rules, 2005 has been expanded to include an individual Pakistani who holds a National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis.

15. LOCAL GOVERNMENT SECTION 2, CLAUSE (31A)A general amendment has been proposed to replace the term "Local Authority" wherever appearing in the Ordinance with the word "Local Government" to bring it in line with the change in the governance pattern of the government whereby Local Authorities like Municipal Corporations and Development Authorities have been replaced by District Governments.

16. LIMIT FOR SALARY PAYABLE BY CROSSED CHEQUE SECTION 21, CLAUSE (M)Presently any salary exceeding Rs 10,000 per month that is not paid by a crossed cheque or direct transfer of funds to the employee's bank account is not allowed as an admissible deduction for tax purpose. It is now proposed that the limit of Rs 10,000 per month be enhanced to Rs 15,000 per month.

17. EXEMPTIONS AND TAX PROVISIONS IN OTHER LAWS SECTION 54: This section provides that no provision in any other law that provides for an exemption from any tax imposed, a reduction in the rate of tax, a reduction in tax liability or an exemption from the operation of any provision of the Ordinance would have any legal effect unless such exemption is provided in the Ordinance.

Through a proviso inserted in this Section, it was stated that if any exemption was available under any other law before this Ordinance came into force then such exemption would be available unless withdrawn.

It is now proposed that this proviso be omitted meaning thereby that any exemption from Income-tax would only be available if it is provided in the Ordinance itself. We noted that certain exemptions like exemption to the State Bank of Pakistan and pension of a former president of Pakistan that was provided under a specific statute have now been proposed to be inserted in Part I of Second Schedule.

However, if there are exemptions from Income-tax that remain provided under other statues that have not so far been incorporated in the Ordinance then such exemptions would no longer be available.

18. TAX CREDIT ON CHARITABLE DONATIONS SECTION 61: A person is entitled to a tax credit in respect of any donation paid to certain organisations established and run by the Federal Government, Provincial Government or Local Government and to any approved non-profit organisation.

The tax credit is allowed as a deduction from the tax liability of the donor of an amount which is calculated by applying the persons effective tax rate to the donation given during a tax year. However, the donations that are eligible for tax credit in the case of an individual or AOP cannot exceed 30% of the taxable income and in the case of company 15% of the taxable income of the company for the tax year.

It is now proposed that the aforesaid ceilings of 30% and 15% be reduced to 10% for all persons. It is worth mentioning that availability of tax credit is considered a vital incentive in inducing persons specially the corporate sector to donate generously for charitable purposes that contributes tremendously towards the welfare of the down trodden. The proposed reduction in the maximum eligible ceilings of donations may turn out to be a major disincentive in mobilising donations especially in the corporate sector.

19. TAXABILITY OF AMOUNT PAID ON ACCOUNT OF INSURANCE OR RE-INSURANCE PREMIUM SECTION 101, SUB-SECTION (13A) SECTION 152, SUB-SECTION (1AA)AND (1B)A new Clause (13A)is proposed to be inserted in section 101 which deals with geographical sources of income. It is proposed that any amount paid by an insurance company to an overseas insurance or re-insurance company on account of insurance or re-insurance premium would be treated as Pakistan source income.

Insurance companies would be required to withhold tax at the rate of 5% of the premium in terms of Sub-Section (1AA) that is proposed to be inserted in Section 152. The tax so withheld is proposed to be treated as full and final discharge of tax liability in respect of the premium received by the overseas insurance or re-insurance company.

It may, however, be noted that any benefit available to the overseas insurance or re-insurance company under any Double Taxation Treaty (DTT) between the country of its residence and Pakistan would continue to be available in terms of Section 107 of the Ordinance which provides that the provisions of DTT would override the provisions of the Ordinance.

20. FILING OF RETURN OF INCOME AND WEALTH STATEMENT SECTION 115: Presently a salaried taxpayer is not required to furnish a return of income if he has no income other than salary and his employer has filed the annual statement of deduction of income tax from salary as required under the law.

On the other hand Section 116 which deals with requirement to file wealth statement states that a resident taxpayer filing a tax return and having a declared income of Rs 500,000 or more is required to file a wealth statement.

In view of the above, in the case of a salaried taxpayer having taxable salary of Rs 500,000 but having no other income who was not required to file a return (by virtue of his employer having filed the annual statement of deduction of tax), an ambiguity prevailed whether such salaried individual is required to file a wealth statement or not.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Budget Briefing 2008 - II

ARTICLE (June 14 2008): Income Tax: The current provisions of Section 115 are being substituted and it is proposed that salaried taxpayers may not file their return if the employer fulfils his obligation of filing the prescribed statements. However, if his salary income for the tax year is Rs 500,000 or more, he shall be required to file a wealth statement as required under Section 116.

21. TIME LIMIT FOR DECISION BY COMMISSIONER (APPEALS) SECTION 129: The Commissioner (Appeals) is required to issue an order on an appeal filed before him before the expiration of three months from the end of the month in which the appeal was filed. In case no decision is made then the relief sought by the appellant is deemed to be allowed. It is now proposed that the limitation of three months for passing the order by the Commissioner (Appeal) be relaxed to four months.

22. ALTERNATE DISPUTE RESOLUTION SECTION 134A: Any aggrieved person in connection with any matter pending before any Appellate Authority can file an application to the Board for resolution of any dispute. The Board is empowered to examine the application and appoint a committee that consists of an Income Tax Officer and two persons from a panel comprising of professionals and reputable taxpayers.

This committee has the power to examine the issue and give recommendations to the Board in respect of the resolution of dispute as it may deem fit. The Board may then on the recommendation of the committee pass an order as it may deem appropriate.

It is now proposed that the Chairman of the Board be empowered to pass an order to entertain and decide an application of an aggrieved person for correcting an error in an order passed by the Board after recording the reasons in writing. The necessity of providing this authority to the Chairman of the Board is not understandable as orders are passed by the Board after proper review of the recommendation of the committee by senior officers of the Board.

In case the Board has passed the order based on the recommendations of the committee who have recommended a decision against the aggrieved person, then rectifying such order would mean that the Chairman would be acting against the recommendations of the committee. This appears to undermine the worthiness of the committee that is comprised of professionals, reputable tax payers and officers of the tax department. Moreover, no prejudice is caused to the aggrieved person since the decision of the Board is not binding on him and he can continue to pursue his remedy before the relevant appellate forum.

23. DUE DATE FOR PAYMENT OF TAX SECTION 137: Presently any tax demand raised by the tax authorities is payable within thirty days from the date of service of notice. It is now proposed that the time limit of thirty days be reduced to fifteen days.

24. IMPORTS SECTION 148: Presently, the general rate of collection of tax at the time of import of goods is 5%. It is now proposed that this rate may be reduced to 2%. Apart from this there is no change in respect of the finality of the tax withheld which is full and final tax liability in case of a commercial importer.

However, it should be noted that in the Second Schedule there were several clauses eg Clauses (9), (13), (13A), (13E), (13G) that provided a reduced rate of 1% on import of goods. Most significantly under clause (13) a reduced rate of 1% was provided on import of capital goods and raw materials imported exclusively by a manufacturer for his own consumption.

The Bill now seeks to omit the aforesaid clauses meaning thereby that import of these goods would now require collection of tax at 2% instead of 1%. Similarly, clause (56) of Part IV of the Second Schedule provided an exhaustive list of goods that were exempted from collection of tax under Section 148.

This clause is now being substituted by a fairly condensed clause which provides exemption from collection of tax under Section 148 on import of goods classified under Pakistan Custom Tariff falling under Chapters 27, 52.01, 86 and 99. It should further be noted that the rate of 2% under Section 148 is effective immediately as an amendment has been made through SRO 556(I)/2008 dated 11 June 2008.

Similarly, the clauses of Second Schedule referred to above have been omitted or substituted as the case may be immediately through SRO 567(I)/2008 dated 11 June 2008. At present, the Commissioner is empowered to issue reduced rate certificate of 0.5% to persons (other than those covered under the Final Tax Regime ie Commercial Importers) who are not likely to pay any tax other than minimum tax at 0.5%.

Since the provisions of minimum tax under Section 113 are proposed to be abolished by the Bill, therefore it is also being proposed that the authority of the Commissioner to issue this exemption be also withdrawn. It may however be noted that the Commissioner of Income-tax is still empowered to issue an exemption or lower rate certificate to any person in terms of the powers vested upon the Commissioner under Section 159 of the Ordinance.

25. PAYMENTS TO NON-RESIDENTS SECTION 152, SUB-SECTION (5): The general rate of withholding tax under Section 152 is 15% for royalty and fees for technical services and 30% for all other payments. Under Sub-section (5), if a persons intents to make a payment to a non-resident person without deduction of tax, he is required to obtain an approval from the Commissioner before making such payment. The Bill now seeks to propose that this requirement would not apply to such payments that are liable to reduced rate under any Double Taxation Treaty (DTT).

It appears that the intention of the amendment is to allow the payers to invoke the reduced rate of withholding tax provided in the DTT between the country of residence of the non-resident person and Pakistan and withhold tax accordingly. However, the amendment does not clearly suggest this intention. In our view clear authority should be given to the payer in Section 152 to enable him to invoke the reduced rate of withholding tax as provided in the DTT.

26. EXEMPTION FROM WITHHOLDING TAX SECTION 159: At present the Federal Government is empowered to notify any exemption from withholding tax under the powers vested under Sub-section (2) of Section 53. The Board is only empowered to amend the rate of withholding tax prescribed under the Ordinance through Notification in the Official Gazette. It is now proposed that the Board may also be empowered to exempt persons, classes of person, goods or classes of goods from withholding tax under the Ordinance.

27. WITHHOLDING TAX ON PURCHASE OF MOTOR CAR AND JEEPS SECTION 231B: Through the Finance Act, 2007 a withholding tax was introduced which required a local manufacturer or authorised dealer of motor cars to collect advance tax at the rate of 2.5% (initially 5%) at the time of sale of motor car. This provision was largely seen as a discriminatory provision as it required collection of tax only by a local manufacturer on sale of locally manufactured motor cars. On the other hand no such advance tax was imposed on imported cars sold by automobile dealers.

This collection of tax by automobile manufacturers was however, suspended by the Board since early 2008 so to help the local car industry in competing with the imported cars in times of high inflation that has resulted in drop in their sales.

The Bill seeks to substitute the existing provisions of Section 231B and proposes to impose a tax on every person who purchases a new motor car or jeep. The tax would be payable at the time of registration. See comments on rates in the discussion on First Schedule.

The proposed section suggests that the tax paid would be advance tax but the table of tax based on engine capacity as provided in the First Schedule states the amount as final tax. However, no amendment has been suggested with respect to tax collected under Section 231B in Section 169 which deals with finality of the tax withheld/collected at source.

The existing exemption from collection of tax from the Federal Government, Provincial Government, foreign diplomat, a diplomatic mission in Pakistan is proposed to continue.

28. COLLECTION OF TAX BY A STOCK EXCHANGE SECTION 233A: This tax was originally imposed through the Finance Act, 2004 and required Stock Exchanges in Pakistan to collect tax from its members on sale of shares in lieu of commission earned by them, on trading of shares by members and from financing of carry over trades. The tax collected from members in lieu of commission on sale and purchase of shares is treated as the final tax of the members in lieu of commission earned by them.

The tax collected on trading by members as well as their customers and from financing of carry over trade is treated as advance tax that is adjustable against the tax liability of the person from whom the tax has been collected.

The Bill now seeks to treat the tax collected from members in lieu of sale and purchase of shares as minimum tax instead of final tax. However, it is noted that no corresponding amendment is proposed in Section 169 which provides that the tax collected from members in lieu of commission shall be the final tax liability. The Bill further seeks to treat the tax collected from members/customers on trading of shares as the minimum tax of the person from whom the tax has been collected.

29. ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION SECTION 235: Through the Finance Act, 2007 an amendment was made in Section 235 to treat the tax collected from electricity as the minimum tax on the income of industrial and commercial consumer(other than a company). Accordingly, no refund of tax collected under this section is allowed except to companies. It is proposed that the treatment of the tax as minimum tax would be to the extent of bill amount of upto Rs 20,000 per month. Therefore, in cases where the average monthly bill exceeds Rs 20,000, the tax withheld would not be treated as the minimum tax liability.

30. TAXPAYERS' REGISTRATION SECTION 181: The existing provisions of Section 181 requiring every taxpayer to apply for National Tax Number Certificate are proposed to be substituted. Under the proposed amendment, apart from assigning the responsibility on the taxpayer to obtain registration it is also sought to empower the Commissioner to register a taxpayer where the facts of the case requires him to do so.

31. PENALTY FOR CONCEALMENT OF INCOME SECTION 184: This section levies a penalty where the Commissioner or Commissioner (Appeals) or the Appellate Tribunal is satisfied that any person has concealed income or furnished inaccurate particulars of such income. The penalty can be levied equal to the amount of tax which the person has sought to evade by concealing his income. The Bill now seeks to provide that where in consequence of any order, the tax imposed is reduced, the consequential penalty would also be reduced to that extent.

32. PROSECUTION FOR FAILURE TO MAINTAIN RECORDS SECTION 193: It is proposed to provide a monitory limit of Rs 50,000 for a fine for deliberately not maintaining records. Presently there is no prescribed monitory limit on the fine.

33. DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF WITHHOLDING TAXES SECTION 230A: Through this proposed section a new department of Directorate General of withholding taxes is sought to be created. The Board has been authorised to notify the functions, jurisdiction and powers of the Directorate.

THE FIRST SCHEDULE 34. RATES OF TAX FOR INDIVIDUALS AND ASSOCIATION OF PERSONS: The basic threshold for charge of income tax is proposed to be raised from the existing Rs 150,000 to Rs 180,000 for salaried taxpayers and accordingly, the rates of tax chargeable for the tax year 2009 (corresponding to the income year ending at any time between 01 July 2008 to 30 June 2009) have been rationalised as under. Rates of tax for non-salaried taxpayers have remained unchanged.

35. EXEMPTION TO WOMEN TAXPAYERS: In the case of a woman taxpayer, no tax is levied if the taxable income is within the threshold mentioned below. The threshold for salaried taxpayer for the tax year 2009 has been raised while for non-salaried taxpayer continues at the same level.

36. MARGINAL RELIEF: For a salaried taxpayer, the long awaited concept of marginal tax relief is being proposed to be introduced. The relief will work in the following manner. Total income does not exceed. Increase in tax not to exceed tax payable on the maximum of the relevant slab Plus. It is pertinent to mention that marginal relief is not proposed for non salaried taxpayers which seems to be unjust and discriminatory.

37. TAX YEAR: "Tax Year" means a period of twelve months ending on 30 June and corresponds to the period to which the income of tax payer relates.

38. SALARIED TAX PAYER: "Salaried Tax Payer" is a person having salary income in excess of 50% of his/her taxable income.

39. REDUCTION IN TAX LIABILITY: A senior citizen of Pakistan, being a taxpayer, aged 60 years or more on the first day of the relevant tax year, is allowed a rebate of 50% of the tax payable if his/her taxable income in that tax year is less than Rs 400,000. The said rebate continues to be applicable.

The provision to reduce the income tax liability of a full time teacher or a researcher employed in a non-profit educational or research institution duly recognised by a Board of Education or a University or the Higher Education Commission and to a teacher and researcher of Government training and research institution also continues to be available. The tax liability in such cases is reduced by an amount equal to 75% of the tax payable on his / her income from salary.

40. RATES OF TAX ON RETAILERS: The rate of tax applicable on a retailer continues at 0.50% of the turnover in case his declared turnover is less than 5 million.

41. RATE OF TAX ON BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS: The rate of tax applicable on builders and developers as a minimum tax is proposed as under:


a) For public, private and banking companies, the rate of tax remains unchanged at 35% for tax year 2009.

b) A Co-operative and finance society had the option to be taxed at the income tax rate applicable to a company or an individual whichever resulted in a lower income tax. It is proposed that this concession be withdrawn from the tax year 2009.

c) The present rate of tax for a "small company" for the tax year 2009 is proposed to be rationalised as under:

43. RATE OF TAX ON DIVIDEND INCOME: The rate of tax on dividend received by all taxpayer continues at 10 percent.

44. INCOME FROM PROPERTY: The rate of tax to be paid in respect of income from property which is presently worked out at 5 percent of the gross amount of rent received for all taxpayers is proposed to be enhanced from tax year 2009 (corresponding to the income year ending at any time between 01 July 2008 to 30 June 2009) as under:

I) INDIVIDUALS AND ASSOCIATION OF PERSONS: The schedule which has been inserted in Division-V prescribing rates for withholding of tax from the gross amount of rent payable to an individual or association of person is different from the schedule prescribed for charging tax as above. A clarification would be required to address the anomaly.

45. ADVANCE INCOME TAX ON PRIVATE MOTOR CAR: Advance income tax payable at the time of paying annual motor vehicle tax, in the case of private motor cars, is proposed to be increased as under:

The rate of collection of advance tax on electricity bill exceeding Rs 20,000 which is presently fixed at Rs 2,000 is being proposed to be collectable at 10% of the amount of bill.

47. ADVANCE TAX ON REGISTRATION OF NEW MOTOR CAR OR A JEEP: The rate of collection of advance tax by manufacturer or authorised dealers of motor cars which is presently fixed at 5 percent of the gross amount payable is being withdrawn. It is proposed instead that purchaser of motor cars or jeeps shall pay advance tax at the time of registration of the new motor car or jeep in accordance with the following slabs.

48. WITHHOLDING TAX RATES: Yes, except in case of industrial undertaking importing goods as raw materials, plant and machinery and equipment for its own use.

PROFIT ON DEBT: a) Yield on a National Savings Deposit Certificate including a Defence Savings Certificate under the National Savings Scheme;

b) Profit on a debt, being an account or deposit maintained with a banking company or a financial institution;

c) Profit on any bond, certificate, debenture, security or instrument of any kind (excluding loan agreement between a borrower and a banking company or a development finance institution) issued by a banking company, a financial institution, company as defined in the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and a body corporate formed by or under any law for the time being in force, to any person other than a financial institution.

d) Profit on any security issued by the Federal Government, a Provincial government or a local authority to any person other than a financial institution;

49. RATES OF TAX FOR NON-RESIDENT TAXPAYERS: The applicable withholding tax, for Tax Year 2009 on certain payments to non-residents is as under:


50. CLAUSES PROPOSED TO BE DELETED BY THE BILL: Itemized listing of clauses under Part-1 of the Second Schedule which have been proposed to be deleted owing to these becoming infructuous due to efflux of time as well as changes brought about by the Bill.

51. SALARY OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS AT SHAUKAT KHANUM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CLAUSE (2): The above clause provided exemption from tax on salary received by a health professional, not being a citizen of Pakistan or a resident individual, under a contract of service concluded with the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital and Research Center, Lahore, and approved by the Federal Government for the purposes of this clause. The Bill seeks to withdraw the said exemption.

52. NON-RESIDENT EMPLOYEES OF BRITISH COUNCIL CLAUSE (6): The Bill seeks to withdraw the exemption available to a person, not being a citizen of Pakistan, in respect of the salary received by him by virtue of his employment with the British Council.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Budget Briefing 2008 - III

ARTICLE (June 15 2008): INCOME TAX 53. Annuity issued by State Life Insurance Corporation or Life Insurance Companies. CLAUSE (21) Exemption available to annuity or annuities issued by the State Life Insurance Corporation or a life insurance company is proposed to be withdrawn.


(25) Clause (25) primarily deals with exemption available to payment received from an approved superannuation fund. However, the existing clause also contains duplicate provisions allowing exemption from tax to payments on account of gratuity payments which is already covered under Clause 13, accordingly, the Bill seeks to correct the above by amending Clause (25) suitably.


CLAUSE (57)(3)(x)
The Bill seeks to withdraw the exemption which is hitherto available to receipts upto 25% of the accumulated balance from a voluntary pension system offered by a pension fund manager under the Voluntary Pension System Rules, 2005 at the time of the eligible person's retirement, disability or dealth.


Clause (61)


a) in the case of an individual or association of persons, thirty percent of the taxable income of the person for the year; and

b) in the case of a company, fifteen percent of the taxable income of the person for the year. The Bill seeks to limit the deduction in both the above cases to 10% of the taxable income for the year.


The Bill seeks to withdraw the deduction available to a taxpayer on account of donation paid to Liaquat National Hospital Association, Karachi.




a) Pension of a former President of Pakistan and his widow under the President Pension Act, 1974.

b) State Bank of Pakistan and State Bank of Pakistan Banking Services Corporation.


CLAUSE (72)(
iii) The above clause provides exemption to a non-resident person in respect of profit on debt on a foreign loan as utilised for industrial investment in Pakistan the agreement for which is concluded on or after 01 February 1991 and is duly registered with the State Bank of Pakistan. The Bill seeks to withdraw such exemption.


Exemption provided to profit derived by a non-resident person in respect of Islamic mode of financing is proposed to be withdrawn by the Bill.


The above clause exempts income derived by any Board or other organisation established in Pakistan for the purposes of controlling, regulating or encouraging major games and sports recognised by the Government. The Bill proposes to insert a proviso with a view to exclude income of the Pakistan Cricket Board from application of the above clause.


CLAUSES (99), (99A) AND (103)
In accordance with the proposed amendments in the definition section of the Ordinance, the above mentioned clauses are proposed to be amended by the Bill.

It seems that the changes do not in essence have any effect of withdrawing or extending the exemptions. However, the term used in the substituted Clause (99)for a mutual fund, an investment company registered under the (Non-Banking Finance Company Establishment and Regulation Rules, 2003) and a unit trust scheme constituted by an assets management company registered under the Asset Management Companies Rule, 1995 is "Collective Investment Scheme". "Collective Investment Scheme" has been defined in (Non-Banking Finance Companies Establishment and Regulation Rules 2003), as being one which includes closed-end fund and an open ended scheme. Since the term has not been defined in the Ordinance, we feel a reference should have made in Clause (99) for clarity.


In terms of the above clause, inter-corporate dividend within a wholly owned locally incorporated group to which Section 59AA applies, is exempt. The Bill seeks to extend the exemption to such dividends received by companies forming groups who are entitled to "Group Relief" under Section 59B of the Ordinance.


CLAUSE (110)
The provisions of Clause (110) above contains exemption to income chargeable under the head "capital gains", being income from the sale of modaraba certificates or any instrument of redeemable capital as defined in the Companies Ordinance, 1984, listed on any stock exchange in Pakistan or shares of a public company and the Pakistan Telecommunications Corporation vouchers issued by the Government of Pakistan, derived by a taxpayer upto tax year ending on 30 June 2008. The Bill seeks to extend the period of exemption upto the tax year ending on 30 June 2010.


Itemized listing of clauses of Part II of the Second Schedule which have been proposed to be deleted owing to these being becoming infructuous due to efflux of time as well as changes brought about by the Bill.


The said clause reduces the rate of tax to 20% in respect of income in the case of Fauji Foundation and Army Welfare Trust, chargeable under the head "Income from business" as it is not exempt under clause (58) of Part I, of the First Schedule. The Bill seeks to withdraw the availability of reduced rate of tax to such institutions.


In respect of manufacturers of cooking oil or vegetable ghee or both, the rate of income tax on purchase of locally produced edible oil is provided @ 1% of the purchase price. The Bill seeks to enhance this tax rate to 2%.


Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan is proposed to be allowed the facility of reduced withholding tax rate of 1% in respect of amounts payable for supply of rice to Utility Stores Corporation.


In the case of a non-resident company, rate of deduction of tax under Section 150 of the Ordinance on dividends received from a company engaged exclusively in mining operations, other than petroleum, is presently specified at 7.5% worked out on the gross amount of dividend. The Bill proposes to withdraw the availability of this reduced rate.



In accordance with the proposed deletion of section 113 of the Ordinance which levies minimum tax @0.5% of turnover, the above clause specifying reduction of minimum tax by 80% is also proposed to be deleted.


CLAUSE (5) The Bill seeks to specify withholding tax rate of 10% in respect of yield or profit on investments in Bahbood Savings Certificates or Pensioners Benefit Account.

It may be noted that Clause (36A) of Part IV of the Second Schedule to the Ordinance provides exemption from withholding of tax under Section 151 in respect of such yield or profit. Since the said Clause (36A) has not been proposed to be withdrawn, the two clauses appear contradictory to each other.


72. CLAUSES PROPOSED TO BE DELETED BY THE BILL Itemized listing of clauses of Part IV of the Second Schedule which have been proposed to be deleted owing to these being becoming infructuous due to efflux of time as well as changes brought about by the Bill.


CLAUSE (43A) The above clause exempts imports of petroleum products by certain persons including permanent establishments (PEs) of Exploration and Production (E&P) companies from application of withholding tax at import stage under Section 148 of the Ordinance. The Bill seeks to withdraw the availability of such exemption to PEs of E&P companies.


CLAUSE (46A) Manufacturers of iron and steel products (irrespective of their status) are proposed to be taxed under the normal provisions of the Ordinance. Accordingly, the tax withheld from sale of such goods under Section 153 of the Ordinance would now be considered as advance tax.


The Bill seeks to replace the existing Clause (47B) which provides exemption from the application of Sections 150, 151 and 233 of the Ordinance in respect of payments received by National Investment Unit Trust, collective investment scheme or a modaraba, approved pension fund, approved income payment plan or a REIT Scheme or a Private Equity and Venture Capital Fund or an approved provident fund or an approved superannuation fund or an approved gratuity fund. The substitution does not in essence extend or withdraw any exemption.


CLAUSE (65) Income derived by a project approved by Designated National Authority (DNA) from transfer/ sale of Clean Development Mechanism Cards emissions credit ie Certified Emissions Reduction (CER) etc is proposed to be exempt from income tax.




a) carpets;

b) leather and articles thereof including artificial leather footwear;

c) surgical goods;

d) sports goods; and

e) textile and articles thereof


78. First year allowance

Part-II, Para (2)

In line with the proposed insertion of Section 23A in the Ordinance, the bill seeks to propose a rate of 90% for first year allowance in respect of eligible depreciable assets.



RULE 5 Rule 6A of the Fourth Schedule exempts capital gains arising on disposal of specified securities including shares of a public company in the hands of an insurance company, irrespective of the fact whether it is engaged in life insurance or general insurance business.

However, Rule 5 of the said Schedule while laying down the principles for computing the income of general insurance business, provides in Clause (b) thereof that any amount either written off or taken to reserve to meet depreciation is allowable as a deduction and any sum taken credit for in the accounts on account of appreciation of investments is treated as income.

This created a situation where realised gains are exempt from tax while unrealised gains, arising as a result of their measurement under International Financial Reporting Standards, are taxed.

To remove this ambiguity, the Bill proposes to replace sub-Rule (b) of Rule 5 whereby unrealised gains and losses would no longer be taxable. Moreover, any amount of investment written off would be allowed as a deduction.

It needs to be highlighted that the same ambiguity exists for life insurance business. However, the Bill seeks to harmonise the computation of income for general insurance business without bringing about similar provisions for life insurance business.


RULE 5(d)
In line with the proposed insertion of Sub-section (1AA) in Section 152 of the Ordinance, a new sub-Rule (d) is proposed to be inserted in Rule 5 whereby general insurance businesses making payment of insurance / reinsurance premium to a non-resident company or its agent can claim such an expense as an allowable deduction only when applicable tax has been withheld.


The exemption as provided in Rule 6A for capital gain arising to a insurance company on account of sale of Modaraba certificates, any listed redeemable capital, shares of a public company and Pakistan Telecommunications Corporation vouchers is presently available upto the tax year ending on 30 June 2008. The Bill seeks to extend the exemption period upto 30 June 2010. It needs to be noted that insurance companies are required to follow calendar year as their tax year. Accordingly, this exemption would effectively expire on 31 December 2009.


The Federal Government in the year 2007 announced Petroleum Exploration and Production Policy 2007. The background of formulating a fresh policy for petroleum exploration and production as stated in the model document is stated as under:

"The importance of the domestic petroleum industry to the economy of Pakistan cannot be over-emphasised as an issue of national security, national self reliance and as a major source of government revenue. The Government of Pakistan (GOP) is committed to accelerate an exploration and development programme in order to reverse the decline in crude oil production, to increase the domestic gas production and supply and to reduce the burden of imported energy which otherwise will have adverse effect on the balance of payments & trade. The purpose of this Petroleum Exploration and Production Policy 2007 (Policy) is to establish the policies, procedures, tax and pricing regime in respect of petroleum exploration and production (E&P) sector."

Accordingly, the Policy contains certain specific measures for new concessions being signed under the Policy. The Policy also established royalty as an allowable expenses both for onshore and offshore concessions for computing the income chargeable to tax of an E&P company.

Also an income tax rate of 40% is prescribed to be payable by an E&P company in respect of profit and gains computed in accordance with Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Ordinance.

The Bill, however, does not propose any corresponding amendments to Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Ordinance. Keeping in view the overriding status of the Ordinance in relation to income tax matters as contained in Sections 3 and 54 thereof, the legitimacy of the Policy in relation to tax matters is open to question.



PART-I, RULE 3 SUB-RULE (A)The employer's contribution to a recognised provident fund in excess of one tenth of the salary of an employee is presently deemed to be income of such an employee.

The Bill proposes that the employer contributions to a recognised provident fund in excess of one tenth of the salary or Rs 100,000, which ever is lower will be deemed to be income of an employee.

84. DEDUCTION OF TAX ON PAYMENTS MADE OUT BY AN APPROVED SUPERANNUATION FUND PART-II, RULE 5: The trustees of an approved superannuation fund are required to deduct tax, while making payment of contributions made by an employer to an employee during his life time, at the average rate of tax at which the employee was liable to tax during the preceding three years or during such period, if less than three years, as he was a member of the fund.

The Bill proposes a change in the basis of deduction of tax by prescribing that tax shall be withheld at the income tax rate applicable to the year of payment.

THE SEVENTH SCHEDULE 85. GENERAL OBSERVATION: The Seventh Schedule to the Ordinance, effective from the tax year 2009, is applicable for banking companies. It contains specific provisions for the computation of profits and gains of a banking company and the tax payable thereon. The fundamental principle envisaged in the Schedule is that the pre-tax net profits, as disclosed in the financial statements, constitute the basis of computing the income of a banking company, subject to adjustments as provided in the said Schedule.

The idea behind inserting this specific Schedule was to provide special provisions like those available for insurance businesses and mineral exploration companies. However, when the Seventh Schedule was promulgated, it left behind certain provisions including for bad debts not allowed in previous years and unabsorbed depreciation for assets given on lease.

Accordingly, various representations were made before the relevant tax authorities and it was anticipated that due amendments would be brought about in the Schedule. However, the amendments proposed by the Bill do not materially cater to the anomalies that arose due to the insertion of the Seventh Schedule and, on the contrary, some of the regressive provisions of the past have been reintroduced.

The amendments proposed by the Bill are discussed in the following paragraphs.

86. CLASSIFIED ADVANCES AND OFF BALANCE SHEET ITEMS ALLOWABLE AS PER THE NORMAL PROVISIONS OF LAW RULE 1(C), (D), (E) AND (F)In terms of the existing provisions of the Schedule, bad debts were dealt as under:

a) provisions for classified advances and off balance sheet items claimed in the accounts are allowable on the basis of a certificate from the external auditors to the effect that such provisions are in accordance with the Prudential Regulations issued by the State Bank of Pakistan;

b) irrecoverable debt, classified as 'substandard' in accordance with the Prudential Regulations is not allowed;

c) a 'substandard' irrevocable debt is eligible for deduction upon its subsequent classification as 'doubtful' or 'loss' under the Prudential Regulations; and

d) an item classified as 'substandard' and having taxed in a previous tax year is subsequently classified as 'recoverable', also stands for deduction.

Being developed on the basis of the Prudential Regulations, the above provisions laid to rest the major issue faced by the banking companies for claiming their doubtful debts as an allowable deduction. However, since the above provisions did not address the issue of bad debts relating to years prior to the enforcement of the Seventh Schedule, it was demanded that relevant amendments be brought about in the Schedule. The Bill however proposes to substitute the above provisions by allowing deduction in respect of classified advances and off balance sheet items in accordance with the normal provisions of Sections 29 and 29A of the Ordinance. The proposed amendment has brought the banking companies back to the old status where allowability of bad debts has always remained a contentious issue with the taxation authorities.

87. MINIMUM TAX NO LONGER PAYABLE BY BANKING COMPANIES RULE 7: In line with the proposed deletion of section 113 of the Ordinance, relating to payment of minimum tax based on turnover, appropriate amendments are also being proposed by the Bill to omit Rule 7 of the Schedule.

88. ADJUSTMENT OF AMALGAMATION LOSSES RULE 8(1A)The accumulated business loss, other than speculation business loss, of an amalgamating banking company or companies is proposed to be available for set off or carry forward against the business profits and gains of the amalgamated company and vice versa upto a period of six tax years immediately succeeding the tax year in which the loss was first computed. The said amendment seems to be in line with the amendment proposed in section 57A of the Ordinance whereby like treatment is also proposed for non banking financial companies, modarabas and insurance companies.

89. TAX ON CAPITAL GAIN CONTINUES RULE 8: Income computed under the Schedule is chargeable to tax under the head "income from business" and taxable @ 35%. However, the income under the head "dividend" and "capital gains on sale of shares of listed companies" is taxable @ 10%. It is also provided that where the shares of listed companies are disposed of within one year of the date of acquisition, the gain is taxable at the rate applicable to a banking company.

The said provisions continue to apply in the case of banking companies, even though amendments are proposed to be made in respect of extending the exemption period in relation to gains arising on disposal of specified securities to all companies, including insurance companies. Accordingly, banking companies are not treated at par with other companies in relation to capital gains arising on sale of shares of listed companies.



SECTION 2: The existing definition of supply is exhaustive and it includes the sale, lease, auction or disposition of goods to satisfy a debt, other disposition of goods carried out for consideration, possession of taxable goods held immediately before a person ceased to be a registered person and also includes putting to private, business or non business use of goods acquired, produced or manufactured. Now, it is proposed to restrict the definition of supply to the extent of sale or other transfer of the right to dispose of goods as owner including such sale or transfer under hire purchase agreement with the same existing power to the Federal Government to specify other transactions which shall or shall not constitute supply.

The existing definition of time of supply provides that the supply shall be deemed to have taken place at the time of delivery of goods by the supplier with the exception that in case of supply to an associated person, where the goods are not to be removed, the time of supply shall be the time at which these goods are made available to the recipient.

Now, in accordance with the proposed definition, time of supply of goods other than hire purchase agreement, means the time at which the goods are delivered or made available to the recipient irrespective of the fact that this supply is to an associate or non associate person.

Further, in respect of services, the time of supply is proposed as the time at which the services are rendered or provided. However, in respect of supply under hire purchase, the time of supply will remain the same ie the time the agreement is entered into.

The definition of taxable activity is proposed to be revised by excluding the use of goods acquired for private purpose or for the manufacture of exempt goods from the ambit of taxable activity and by including one-off adventure or concern in the nature of trade or anything done or undertaken during the commencement or termination of the economic activity.

Further, the activities of an employee providing services to an employer in that capacity and an activity carried on by a person as a private recreational pursuit or hobby are proposed to be excluded from the ambit of taxable activity.

Currently, under the sales tax law only restricted relatives, companies or undertakings under common management and companies or undertakings having same ownership to the extent of twenty percent were treated as associated persons. It is proposed to substitute the definition of associated persons in order to harmonise the said definition with the much wider definition of associates given in the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.

The definitions of "association of persons", "company", "firm", "trust" and "unit trust" have been proposed in the sales tax law, which are identical to the definitions of these terms given in the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 with the exception that definition of company provided in the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 also covers the Provincial Government and a Local Authority, whereas the definition of company proposed in the sales tax law does not cover them.

Currently, the definition of tax covers the sales tax, retail tax, default surcharge and any other sum payable under the Act. It is proposed to restrict this definition to the extent of sales tax. However, a new definition of sales tax is proposed which encompasses the tax, additional tax, default surcharge, fine, penalty, fee or any other sum levied under the provisions of this Act or Rules made there under.

Further, the definition of arrears covers the unpaid amount of tax, default surcharge, extra amount of tax, fines, penalties, fees or other sums assessed, adjudged or demanded under this Act. Now, by covering all these levies under the definition of sales tax, the definition of arrears is also proposed to be substituted by the sales tax due and payable before that day, which has not yet been paid.

The definitions of input tax and output tax are proposed to be simplified. There is no apparent change in the scope of both terms with the exception that the amount levied under the Sales Tax Act, 1990, as adapted in the state of Azad & Jammu and Kashmir, is proposed to be excluded from the definition of input tax.

The scope of definition of "person" is proposed to be extended to include a foreign government, a political sub division of a foreign government or public international organisation.

It is proposed to amend the definition of wholesaler in order to exclude a person who, in addition to making retail supplies is engaged in wholesale business. By making the said amendment, a retailer also engaged in wholesale business would now not necessarily fall in the category of wholesaler.


SECTION 3, SRO 537(I)/2008


SECTIONS 3AA, 26AA AND 32AA: These sections have been deleted being redundant since retailers are covered by Chapter 1 of Sales Tax Special Procedures Rules, 2007.

4. ADJUSTMENT OF INPUT TAX SECTION 7: It is permitted to adjust input tax on purchases of twelve preceding tax periods provided reasons for delayed input tax adjustment are specified. It is proposed that the period for adjustment for delayed input tax may be made within six succeeding tax periods and there is no requirement to specify reasons for delayed input tax adjustment.

5. TAX CREDIT NOT ALLOWED SECTION 8: This section deals with restriction on claim of input tax on goods used or to be used for any purpose other then for taxable supplies or as may be notified / prescribed by the Federal Government. The word services is proposed to be inserted in order to impose a similar restriction on claim of input tax on services.

6. ADJUSTABLE INPUT TAX SECTION 8B: This relates to restriction on adjustment of input tax in excess of 90 per cent of the output tax for that period. Under this section input tax on fixed assets was adjustable in twelve equal monthly instalments after the start of production of a new unit. This created an impression that the requirement to adjust in twelve equal instalments related to new units only. The term "after the start of production of a new unit" has been deleted to remove the anomaly.

7. CARRY FORWARD OF INPUT TAX SECTION 10: The provision relating to carry forward of excess input tax was deleted through Finance Act, 2005. It was subsequently reinstated through SROs and the current sales tax return also permitted such carry forward. It is proposed to reinstate the proviso to allow carry forward of excess input tax against supplies other than zero rated or exports to the next tax period.

8. CHANGE IN TIME LIMIT SECTIONS 11, 26, 36 AND 45B: The time limit for passing an order of assessment of tax after issuance of show cause notice or granting an extension thereof by the Collector under Section 11(4) is proposed to be enhanced from 90 days to 120 days. Moreover, the time limit for issuance of a show cause notice is proposed to be five years. This is in line with recovery of tax provisions under Section 36(1).

A corresponding change is also been made in Section 36(3) dealing with recovery of tax whereby an order is required to be passed within 120 days instead of 90 days of issuance of show cause notice.

A corresponding change is also been made in Section 45B dealing with sales tax appeals before the Collector Sales Tax Appeals whereby an appellate order is required to be passed within 120 days instead of 90 days of filing of sales tax appeal. The Collector is empowered to extend the time for passing an appellate order by a further 90 days. This is also proposed to be enhanced to 120 days. The time limit for filing a revised return is proposed to be enhanced from 90 days to 120 days.

9. SALES TAX AUDIT SECTION 25: In the recent past, sales tax audit had also been conducted by the Directorate of Revenue Receipt Audit (DRRA) which falls under the office of the Auditor General of Pakistan. Since the law stipulates that the audit may only be conducted once for a year, objections were raised when the Collectorate attempted to conduct an audit. A proviso has been added whereby it would now be possible to conduct an audit of a registered person even if the same were earlier audited by the office of the Auditor General of Pakistan.

We may also point out that the Tribunal has held that DRRA was not authorised to conduct audit of registered persons and the whole exercise conducted by them was "quorum-non-judice". This amendment will no doubt cause hardship for registered persons who have also been subjected to audit by DRRA.

10. OFFENCES AND PENALTIES SECTION 33: There is a penalty of Rs 25,000 for failure to submit summary of sale and purchase invoices. As this summary is now a part of the new sales tax return, the penalty being redundant is proposed to be deleted.

11. DEFAULT SURCHARGE SECTION 34: The monthly default surcharge for the first six months is 1 per cent of the tax due and 1.5 per cent from the seventh month onwards. It is proposed to enhance the monthly default surcharge to 1.5 per cent for the entire period of default.

12. APPEALS TO THE APPELLATE TRIBUNAL SECTION 46: It is proposed to redraft this section whereby it would now be possible for the Appellate Tribunal to hear an appeal against any order passed by the Collectorate of Sales Tax including an adjudication order.

Time limit for passing an appellate order for the Tribunal is proposed to be increased to eight months from the existing six months. A single bench of the Appellate Tribunal is authorised to hear cases where the tax involved is upto Rs 1.5 million. It is proposed to enhance this limit to Rs 10 million.

13. ALTERNATE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) SECTION 47A: Section 47A of the Sales Tax Act, 1990, provides the procedure and manner for resolution of dispute through ADR. The Bill seeks to add a new Sub-section which requires the Chairman ADR to pass orders as he deems just and equitable after recording the reasons in writing and upon satisfying that there is an error in the order or decision which has been brought before the ADR for resolution.

14. POWER TO MAKE RULES SECTION 50: The sales tax law and practice is subject to frequent changes by virtue of SROs, issuance of orders, clarifications, instructions and rules, etc. It is proposed that all rules, general orders, departmental instructions and rulings, etc would be arranged and published at appropriate intervals and sold to the public at a reasonable price. This is a good development as presently it is very difficult to have access to all the above in a consolidated form.

15. REPRESENTATIVES SECTION 58A AND 58B: It is proposed to introduce a new Section 58A defining a representative of a registered person. This definition is similar to the one contained in the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Similarly, the liability and obligation of representative have also been proposed to be introduced through Section 58B. Again this section is similar to the provisions contained in the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.

16. REPAYMENT OF TAX TO PERSONS REGISTERED IN THE AZAD JAMMU AND KASHMIR (AJ&K) SECTION 61A: It is proposed to authorise the repayment of input tax on any goods acquired in or imported into Pakistan by registered persons in AJ&K who are engaged in making zero rated supplies. Effectively, it would enable person who are registered in AJ&K to claim input tax paid in Pakistan.

17. THIRD SCHEDULE: The Third Schedule specifies goods that are subject to sales tax on the basis of retail price. It is proposed to remove the following from the Third Schedule.

BISCUITS CONFECTIONERY: Electric bulbs including energy savings lamps and florescent tube lights

SNACKS INCLUDING POTATO CHIPS SOLD IN RETAIL PACKING: Electric bulbs, confectionery and snacks including potato chips sold in retail packing would now fall under the normal sales tax regime. The special procedures contained in Chapter 12 of Special Procedures Rules, 2007 have also been deleted. However, energy saving lamps falling under PCT Heading No 8539.3910 have been proposed to be included in the Sixth Schedule thereby becoming exempt from sales tax.

SIXTH SCHEDULE: The Sixth Schedule lists out goods that are exempt from sales tax. The following changes have been proposed therein. Edible vegetables covered by Serial No 13 and edible foods covered by Serial No 15 were exempt except those that were bottled, canned or packaged. It is proposed to delete the word packaged, hence, effectively packaged edible vegetables and edible foods would now enjoy exemption under the Sixth Schedule.

The exemption of edible oil and vegetable ghee including cooking oil has been extended to margarine (excluding liquid margarine) falling under PCT Heading No 1517.1000. The exemption under Serial No 32 covered newspaper, journal, periodical, books, etc but excluding directories.

It is proposed to remove the word etc thereby confining the scope of the exemption. Under Serial No 35, building block of cement is exempt from sales tax. It is proposed to extend the exemption to ready mix concrete blocks as well.

New Serial No 41A proposes to extend exemption to energy savings lamps falling under PCT Heading No 8539.3910. This exemption is in line with the energy savings measures being undertaken by the Government to meet the energy crises faced by the country.

New Serial No 52A proposes to extend exemption to goods supplied to hospitals run by the Federal or Provincial Governments or charitable operating hospitals of 50 beds or more.

New Serial No 71 proposes to grant exemption to goods and services purchased by non-resident entrepreneurs and traders visiting Pakistan to participate in trade fares and exhibition subject to reciprocity and special conditions and restrictions as may be specified by the Board.

19. CHANGES IN SALES TAX SPECIAL PROCEDURES RULES, 2007: The following amendments have been made in the Sales Tax Special Procedures Rules, 2007 (SP) which will be effective from 1 July 2008:

19.1 RETAILERS: Chapter II was confined to persons registered as retailers including jewellers. It would now be applicable to all registered persons including jewellers who make supplies from retail outlets to final consumers and such persons shall be deemed to be retailers in respect of such supplies. The implication of this amendment is that now manufacturers and importers and possibly wholesalers who are also supplying goods through retail outlets to the final consumers would be taxable as retailers to the extent that the goods are sold in retail.


-- Dealers of motorcycles covered by Chapter VIII

-- Dealers of specified electric goods covered by Chapter XIII

-- Traders dealing in retail of mild steel products

-- Supplies by retail outlet on which tax is deducted at source under the Income tax Ordinance, 2001

-- Wholesale cum retail outlets covered by Chapter XII

-- The retailers who have paid tax sales tax under Chapter II for 2007-08 will continue to operate under this Chapter for the next two years.

19.2 SERVICES PROVIDED BY STEVEDORES CHAPTER VI PART 3: Stevedores were required to charge sales tax at fixed rates per move or per metric ton. Now stevedores would be required to pay sales tax under the normal regime and be entitled to claim input tax. The term stevedore has been defined to mean a person engaged loading and unloading of cargo, including bulk cargo, from ships in any manner and includes a person providing or rendering any other services related to or ancillary to the handling of or otherwise dealing with such or other similar cargo at port in any manner or style.

19.3 PAYMENT OF SALES TAX ON NATURAL GAS CHAPTER IV Gas distribution companies were required to charge sales tax @ 24 per cent on supplies to CNG stations. This rate has been enhanced to 25 per cent, keeping in view the overall enhancement of 1 per cent in the sales tax rates.

19.4 PAYMENT OF SALES TAX BY IMPORTERS CHAPTER X: The special procedure for commercial importers has been revised and now is applicable to all importers whether commercial or industrial, except for goods imported by a manufacturer for in-house consumption. Under this procedure, sales tax at the rate of 2 per cent of the value of goods in addition to the normal sales tax chargeable at import stage would be payable. The 2 per cent value addition tax paid at import stage would form part of input tax and the importer may deduct the same against the output tax, any excess input tax may be carried forward to the next tax period.

The excess input tax which is attributable of the 2 per cent value addition tax is not refundable, however, refund may be claimed of the excess input tax after deducting the amount attributable to value addition tax. Importers who do not claim such refund of excess input tax would not be subjected to audit except with the permission of the Board.

Closing stock of imported goods held by commercial importers on June 30, 2008 on which additional sales tax at 2 per cent was paid at the import stage would continue to be governed by the special procedure as prescribed for the year 2007-2008. Importers paying 2 per cent value addition tax will file normal monthly returns instead of the quarterly returns as prescribed earlier.

19.5 STEEL MELTERS, REROLLERS AND SHIP BREAKERS CHAPTER XI: The various sales tax rates for the above have been revised upward.

19.6 MANUFACTURERS OF BISCUITS, CONFECTIONERY AND SNACKS CHAPTER XII: Special procedures for manufacturers of biscuits, confectionery and snacks have been deleted and these goods have been brought under the normal tax regime.

19.7 WHOLESALE-CUM-RETAIL OUTLET CHAPTER XII: A revised Chapter XII has been inserted covering chains of wholesale-cum-retail outlets engaged in bulk import and supply of consumer goods on wholesale basis as well as retail basis and who maintain their records electronically.

The wholesale-cum-retail outlets would fall under the normal sales tax regime and the special procedures for retailers and importers would not be applicable to them. Moreover, the extra tax on specified electric home appliances would also not be attracted and the provision of Section 73 relating to payment through a banking instrument would not be applicable.

19.8 PAYMENT OF EXTRA SALES TAX ON SPECIFIED HOME APPLIANCES CHAPTER XIII: A new procedure has been introduced and the salient features of which are as follows:

It is applicable on supply of electric home appliances namely, television sets, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, electric ovens, microwave ovens, washing machines, spin dryers and DVD / CD players. Extra sales tax rate of 0.75 per cent of the value of supply of electric goods is to be charged by manufacturers and importers.

Extra sales tax will be declared in the column "other supplies" in the monthly return. The extra sales tax shall be reflected separately on the sales tax invoice. The extra sales tax is chargeable even if the importer has paid any tax relating to value addition at the import stage.

The specified electric goods on which extra sales tax has been paid will be exempt from payment of sales tax on subsequent supplies including those made by a retailer. However, for determining the threshold of turnover for retailers, the value of supply that is subject to extra tax will be taken into consideration.

A registered person engaged exclusively in purchases and sales of specified electric goods who purchases the same on payment of extra tax is required to file a quarterly sales tax return.

20. AMENDMENTS IN SALES TAX RULES, 2006: New Sales Tax Return - A new sales tax return has been introduced under which summary of purchases, imports, sales, exports and production data statement will form part of the return. This return will cater to both sales tax and federal excise declarations.

ELECTRONIC FILING OF SALES TAX RETURN: All registered persons are now required to file return or other statements electronically as prescribed under Section 26 or 27. Registered persons who were required to file return by the 15th of the following month can now submit the return electronically by the 18th of the following month. However the tax due is to be deposited by the 15th of the following month.

FILING OF REFUND CLAIMS: The time limit for filing of refund claims is increased to 120 days from 60 days. In case where supporting documents were not timely submitted, the Collector of Sales Tax was empowered to extend the time limit for a further 30 days. This limit is now increased to 60 days.

Sales Tax Registration as a manufacturer is now associated with verification of manufacturing facility by the local Registration Office. No further multiple registrations are allowed. In case a person has more than one registration he would retain only one registration and all other registrations would be surrendered. Further from 1 July 2008 he would file only one return.

A registered person involved in more than one taxable activity for which there are different dates of filing of returns, would file a single return for all such activities by the due date applicable to his major taxable activity. New forms have been introduced for sales tax registration and de-registration.


i) Amnesty from payment of default surcharge and penalties -SRO 511(I)/2008

Through the above notification, an amnesty has been provided to persons whereby they would be exempted from the payment of whole of the amount of default surcharge and penalties payable by a person against whom an amount of sales tax or federal excise duty is outstanding on account of any:

-- audit observation

-- audit report

-- show cause notice

-- adjudication order

-- failure to pay any amount of sales tax or federal excise duty

-- claimed inadmissible input tax adjustment

-- refund or drawback due to any reason

The amnesty scheme does not apply to cases of fraudulent refunds or drawback and other tax frauds. This amnesty is subject to the condition that the outstanding principal amount of sales tax or federal excise duty is paid by 30 June 2008.

II) AMNESTY FROM PAYMENT OF DEFAULT SURCHARGE AND PENALTIES -SRO 524(I)/2008: Exemption from sales tax, default surcharge and penalty in respect of taxable supplies made prior to 11 June 2008 is subject to certain conditions namely:

-- the supplies were made by an unregistered person who was otherwise liable to be registered.

-- such person applies for registration during the period 1 June 2008 to 31 July 2008 and files returns.

The aforesaid exemption shall not apply on registered persons against whom a case of tax fraud and evasion has already been framed. The objective of this amnesty appears to encourage sales tax registration since it gives a comfort by way of an exemption from sales tax in respect of past activities.

III) PESTICIDES AND FERTILIZERS EXEMPTED FROM SALES TAX -SRO 535 (I)/2008 AND 536(I)/2008: Import and supply of fertilisers as specified, is now exempt from the payment of sales tax. Import and supply of pesticides falling under HS code 38.08 along with the active ingredients as specified are now exempt from sales tax.

IV) CERTAIN GOODS WHICH ARE IMPORTED FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF DEXTROSE AND SALINE INFUSION -SRO 539(I)/2008: Certain goods which are imported for the manufacture of dextrose and saline infusion giving sets have been exempted from sales tax subject to certain conditions.

V) ADJUSTMENT OF INPUT TAX - SECTION 8B - SRO - 529(I)/2007: Section 8B of the Act restricted the adjustment of input tax from output tax to the extent of 90 per cent of the output tax payable during the month. However certain persons were excluded from the purview of this section. List of such persons has substituted and now the following registered persons shall be excluded from the purview of Section 8B of the Act-

-- Persons registered in electrical energy sector.

-- Oil marketing companies and petroleum refineries.

-- Fertiliser manufacturers.

Manufacturers consuming raw materials chargeable to sales tax at the rate of 18.5 per cent or 21 per cent provided the value of such raw materials exceeds 50 per cent of the value of all taxable purchases in a tax period. Wholesalers-cum-retailers specified in Chapter XII of the Sales Tax Special Procedures Rules, 2007.

Commercial importers provided the value of imports subjected to 2 per cent value addition tax under Chapter X of the Sales Tax Special Procedures Rules, 2007, exceeds 50 per cent of the value of all taxable purchases in a tax period. Person making zero-rated supplies provided the value of such supplies exceeds 50 per cent of the value of all taxable supplies in a tax period.

It is proposed to enhance the rate of general sales tax from 15 per cent to 16 per cent. The sales tax rate on certain specified goods has been enhanced as follows:

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]

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