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BSF jawan killing: 2 BGB officers transferred, court martial proceedings initiated

I'm afraid this treacherous act, is going to badly influence our own establishment.. They won't let Mir Hasina Jafar have a one up on them..but the question is What will they offer India?? They already let Nawaz go, is zardari next?... Pakistan does need a King to take us back 50 years and his transgender son has the 'Made for India' approved seal... But to secure the deal.. They probably want to spend the night with Modi in a 2 star motel like Hasina probably did.. And no doubt expect the state to pay for their sick fantasies..
Can someone translate?

বিএসএফ জওয়ানের মৃত্যুর ঘটনায় বাংলাদেশে কোর্ট মার্শাল অভিযুক্ত হাবিলদারের

ছবি: প্রতীকী

অর্ণব আইচ: বিজিবি’র গুলিতে বিএসএফ জওয়ানের মৃত্যুর ঘটনায় দুই দেশের বৈঠকের পর কোর্ট মার্শাল হচ্ছে অভিযুক্ত বিজিবি কর্মীর। বাংলাদেশের সীমান্তরক্ষী বাহিনী বিজিবি’র ডিআইজি ও সেক্টরের বিজিবি কর্তাকেও সরিয়ে দিয়েছে বাংলাদেশ সরকার। বিএসএফও চালাচ্ছে অভ্যন্তরীণ তদন্ত। রবিবার দক্ষিণেশ্বরে বিএসএফের প্রতিষ্ঠা দিবস পালিত হয়। প্রশ্নের উত্তরে বিএসএফের ডিআইজি এস এস গুলেরিয়া এই তথ্য জানিয়ে বলেন, গত অক্টোবর মাসে বিএসএফের উপর বাংলাদেশের বাহিনী বর্ডার গার্ড বাংলাদেশ (বিজিবি)—র এক হাবিলদারের গুলি চালানোর ঘটনাটি একটি ব্যতিক্রম বলা চলে। কারণ, ভারতের সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশের এখন খুবই বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ সম্পর্ক। এই ক্ষেত্রে হয়তো ভুল বোঝাবুঝি হয়েছিল।

[আরও পড়ুন: ‘হিন্দুত্বের পথ থেকে সরছি না’, জল্পনার অবসান ঘটিয়ে মন্তব্য উদ্ধবের]
কিন্তু এই ধরনের ঘটনা যদি আবার ঘটে, তাহলে কিন্তু বিএসএফের রণনীতিও তৈরি রয়েছে। কারণ বিএসএফও কারও চেয়ে কম নয়। আগামী কিছুদিনের মধে্যই দুই দেশের সীমান্তরক্ষীবাহিনীর ডিজি বৈঠকে বসছেন। বিএসএফ ও বিজিবির ডিজিদের বৈঠকে এই গুলি চালানোর প্রসঙ্গটি উঠে আসবে।
গত অক্টোবরের মাঝামাঝি মুর্শিদাবাদের কয়েকজন মৎস্যজীবী মাছ ধরতে ধরতে বাংলাদেশের জলসীমায় ঢুকে পড়েন। বিজিবি তাঁদের আটক করেন। একজন মৎস্যজীবীকে আটকে রেখে বাকিদের ছেড়ে দেওয়া হয়। দুই দেশের ফ্ল্যাগ মিটিংয়ের আয়োজন হয়। চার বিএসএফ কর্মী ও আধিকারিক এবং একজন এলাকার বাসিন্দা বৈঠক সেরে ফিরে আসার সময়ই তাঁদের উপর গুলি চালান বিজিবি’র এক হাবিলদার। গুলিতে মৃতু্য হয় ওই বিএসএফ কর্মীর ও আহত হন এক আধিকারিক। এই ঘটনা দু’দেশের মধ্যে উত্তেজনা তৈরি হয়।

[আরও পড়ুন: ‘প্রধানমন্ত্রী ও স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী নিজেরাই অনুপ্রবেশকারী’, এনসিআর ইস্যুতে বিস্ফোরক অধীর]
বিএসএফের কর্তা জানান, এর পর দু’দেশের সীমান্তরক্ষী বাহিনীর কর্তাদের মধ্যে ২২ অক্টোবর প্রথম বৈঠক ও ২৯ অক্টোবর দ্বিতীয় বৈঠক হয়। এর পর বিজিবি তাদের আধিকারিক ও কর্মীদের বিরুদ্ধে ব্যবস্থা নেয়। এই ঘটনার পর কিছুদিনের জন্য দু’দেশের যৌথ তল্লাশি বন্ধ ছিল। এখনও ওই মৎস্যজীবী বাংলাদেশে ধৃত অবস্থায় রয়েছেন। তাঁকে দেশে ফেরানোর চেষ্টা চলছে। এই বিষয়ে দু’দেশের ডিজির মধে্য আলোচনা হতে পারে। এদিকে, গুলিতে বিএসএফ কর্মীর মৃতু্যর জেরে প্রতে্যকটি ব্যাটালিয়নে এসওপি বা বিশেষ নির্দেশিকা মেনে চলতে হবে। প্রতে্যকটি ব্যাটালিয়নে নকল ফ্ল্যাগ মিটিংয়ের মহড়ার মাধ্যমে কর্মী ও অফিসারদের রীতিমতো প্রশিক্ষণ দেওয়া হচ্ছে বলে জানিয়েছে বিএসএফ।



This page challenged that if anyone want to discuss further about it, they should accept their challenge.

You guys can visit their page to take the challenge.
There is no such news in any mainstream Bangladeshi news sites yet, I am wondering who is trying to serve Indian propaganda by spreading such garbage here and there.

Why both Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are too interested to rely on an Indian news sources!

@Avicenna, @mb444, @Michael Corleone, please take a look.

...how could they court martial a para military soldier??court martial is only applied for armed forces ...nd the source is a balkata news portal..so i have doubt about the authenticity of this news...
Everything is possible in gossip, specially when raw spread their propaganda and we buy such thing. It doesn't matter if this news portal is from balkata ( kolkata) or not, but we are indeed a nation without bal/pubic hair, bro.

Thankfully our policy makers are not the dumbest ( or people without pubic hair) people like us ( common BD folks) .
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This page challenged that if anyone want to discuss further about it, they should accept their challenge.

You guys can visit their page to take the challenge.
There is no such news in any mainstream Bangladeshi news sites yet, I am wondering who is trying to serve Indian propaganda by spreading such garbage here and there.

Why both Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are too interested to rely on an Indian news sources!

@Avicenna, @mb444, @Michael Corleone, please take a look.

Everything is possible in gossip, specially when raw spread their propaganda and we buy such thing. It doesn't matter if this news portal is from balkata ( kolkata) or not, but we are indeed a nation without bal/pubic hair, bro.

Thankfully our policy makers are not the dumbest ( or people without pubic hair) people like us ( common BD folks) .

Good observation. But please read the news carefully and it has quoted BSF (South Bengal Frontier Headquarters) Deputy Inspector General (G) S S Guleria not any anonymous source.

Plus BSF DIG S S Guleria further said someone of same DIG rank of BGB said the above mentioned quote not necessarily that BGB official also hold the DIG rank.

At last he said court marshal process has been initiated not done already.

Please read the following part. If it is not believable instead of accepting challenge in any online forum BGB should ask for official explanation from the above mentioned official.

Speaking during the 55th BSF Raising Day celebration at BSF Camp Tagore Villa in Kolkata on Sunday, BSF (South Bengal Frontier Headquarters) Deputy Inspector General (G) S S Guleria said, "After the firing we held two meetings with the BGB Regional Commanders of Jessore and Rangpur. We placed our versions before them. What had happened when our jawan went for the flag meeting never occurred in the history. Flag meeting is such an occasion where problems are solved."

He elaborated, "So we strongly raised this issue during our meetings. The BGB told us that its Sector Commander, in DIG rank, of the area and the commandant of the BGB battalion no 1 were transferred. A court-martial proceedings have been started against the Havildar who had opened the fire. He has been attached already. Whatever will be the outcome will be conveyed to us. The BSF Headquarters and Indian government have also placed its viewpoints before Bangladesh."
Is this news?
Bangaldesh since long has been mini indian state..
BGD showed know that...
They cant fire on BSF..
Good observation. But please read the news carefully and it has quoted BSF (South Bengal Frontier Headquarters) Deputy Inspector General (G) S S Guleria not any anonymous source.

Plus BSF DIG S S Guleria further said someone of same DIG rank of BGB said the above mentioned quote not necessarily that BGB official also hold the DIG rank.

At last he said court marshal process has been initiated not done already.

Please read the following part. If it is not believable instead of accepting challenge in any online forum BGB should ask for official explanation from the above mentioned official.

Speaking during the 55th BSF Raising Day celebration at BSF Camp Tagore Villa in Kolkata on Sunday, BSF (South Bengal Frontier Headquarters) Deputy Inspector General (G) S S Guleria said, "After the firing we held two meetings with the BGB Regional Commanders of Jessore and Rangpur. We placed our versions before them. What had happened when our jawan went for the flag meeting never occurred in the history. Flag meeting is such an occasion where problems are solved."

He elaborated, "So we strongly raised this issue during our meetings. The BGB told us that its Sector Commander, in DIG rank, of the area and the commandant of the BGB battalion no 1 were transferred. A court-martial proceedings have been started against the Havildar who had opened the fire. He has been attached already. Whatever will be the outcome will be conveyed to us. The BSF Headquarters and Indian government have also placed its viewpoints before Bangladesh."
whoever he is,all those sources take us back to that indian "asianage" news portal..all those other news portal just copy pasted that whole article ...not a single bengali mainstream media confirmed this news yet..

yesterdays news

Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) has arrested one BSF member for illegal intrusion in Bangladesh

Four members of the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) entered Bangladesh through the Benapole border in Jessore. Three of them managed to escape but 1 was arrested by Border Guards Bangladesh (BGB)

The BSF members entered the Benapole border road on Monday (December 2). The arrested BSF member was identified as Sri Chaitanya.

BGB sources said that Ali Hossain, a resident of the big Akhara village on the border, went to India illegally and was arrested by BSF. The four BSF members were chased after he fled to Bangladesh.

BGB members immediately rushed to the spot after receiving the news. After the BGB presence, three BSF members and smugglers Ali Hossain escaped, but the head constable Sri Chaitanya was detained by the BGB. He was later taken to the BGB camp.


@Atlas vai
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This page challenged that if anyone want to discuss further about it, they should accept their challenge.

You guys can visit their page to take the challenge.
There is no such news in any mainstream Bangladeshi news sites yet, I am wondering who is trying to serve Indian propaganda by spreading such garbage here and there.

Why both Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are too interested to rely on an Indian news sources!

@Avicenna, @mb444, @Michael Corleone, please take a look.

Everything is possible in gossip, specially when raw spread their propaganda and we buy such thing. It doesn't matter if this news portal is from balkata ( kolkata) or not, but we are indeed a nation without bal/pubic hair, bro.

Thankfully our policy makers are not the dumbest ( or people without pubic hair) people like us ( common BD folks) .
A very sensible post.
Vai please open a thread about this.
wow so now solders face court marshal if they try to defend motherland ?:lol:
Why both Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are too interested to rely on an Indian news sources!
"Ei niyeche oi nilo ja kan niyeche chile,
Chiler pithe morchi ghure amra shobai mile."
Hujuge people.
A jawan from a paramilitary force CAN'T be court martialed.Wtf is this bullshit then?
I can even post about Indian surgical strikes in Pakistan,death of 300 militants & shootdown of PAF F16 in February, with reputed Indian news source far more reliable than some third class site like the one the op posted.Does it make them all true then?
whoever he is,all those sources take us back to that indian "asianage" news portal..all those other news portal just copy pasted that whole article ...not a single bengali mainstream media confirmed this news yet..

yesterdays news

Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) has arrested one BSF member for illegal intrusion in Bangladesh

Four members of the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) entered Bangladesh through the Benapole border in Jessore. Three of them managed to escape but 1 was arrested by Border Guards Bangladesh (BGB)

The BSF members entered the Benapole border road on Monday (December 2). The arrested BSF member was identified as Sri Chaitanya.

BGB sources said that Ali Hossain, a resident of the big Akhara village on the border, went to India illegally and was arrested by BSF. The four BSF members were chased after he fled to Bangladesh.

BGB members immediately rushed to the spot after receiving the news. After the BGB presence, three BSF members and smugglers Ali Hossain escaped, but the head constable Sri Chaitanya was detained by the BGB. He was later taken to the BGB camp.


@Atlas vai
Bhai , it's clear that India and it's sidekicks are trying hard to create an anarchy in Bangladesh .

I am afraid that enemies don't need to use any classic divide and rule doctrine to spoil Bangladeshi mind , because only few rumors are more than enough to spoil our mind .

I am wondering why peoples ( a specific group who pretend to be anti Indian) easily get triggered and spread mass propaganda against present govt , and on the other hand why authentic news have no effect on them ?

A very sensible post.
Vai please open a thread about this.
Brother , perhaps another thread based on same topic can be count as duplicate thread and will be merged . So perhaps it;s better if we continue our discussion here . But feel free to start a thread if you please.

"Ei niyeche oi nilo ja kan niyeche chile,
Chiler pithe morchi ghure amra shobai mile."
Hujuge people.
Vai bangal na hoy hujuke ,what about Pakistanis ? Why they are becoming hujuke too ?
A jawan from a paramilitary force CAN'T be court martialed.Wtf is this bullshit then?
Simply propaganda , Bangladeshis are brainwashed nation and believe in rumors and reject any authentic news .

I can even post about Indian surgical strikes in Pakistan,death of 300 militants & shootdown of PAF F16 in February, with reputed Indian news source far more reliable than some third class site like the one the op posted.Does it make them all true then?
India are champion at spreading propaganda we all know this . It's Indian media who are dividing and ruling the peoples of the region brother . Even common Indians are also victims of the propaganda machine I believe .

Their super power syndrome ( that polluted the mind of poor Indian commoners )is one of the propaganda of their media.

However the OP can answer us ( bold part) better I think .Why Indian source ( both reliable and fake ) shall be gospel truth for anyone in this region .

But I am amazed by the action of thick headed Pakistanis that why they are too much interested to accept such BS ! Bangladeshi can believe some BS as we have lots of Dalals in our country . But Pakistan pretend to be the biggest enemy of India . Still why their peoples are to much eager to accept Indian news source I have yet to understand this . And it's not the first time Pakistanis are reacting like this.

wow so now solders face court marshal if they try to defend motherland ?:lol:

@Imran Khan ,
Nah now civilian are facing court marshal sir , you must know how India is ruling on us . This news can not be wrong , after all the news was published on a newspaper of Hindustan , the paramour of PDF Pakistanis ( Hindustan+ Pakistanis of PDF = tu dharti pe chahey jahavi rahegi , tujhe teri khushbu se pahchane lunga)!:sarcastic:

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Bhai , it's clear that India and it's sidekicks are trying hard to create an anarchy in Bangladesh .

I am afraid that enemies don't need to use any classic divide and rule doctrine to spoil Bangladeshi mind , because only few rumors are more than enough to spoil our mind .

I am wondering why peoples ( a specific group who pretend to be anti Indian) easily get triggered and spread mass propaganda against present govt , and on the other hand why authentic news have no effect on them ?

Brother , perhaps another thread based on same topic can be count as duplicate thread and will be merged . So perhaps it;s better if we continue our discussion here . But feel free to start a thread if you please.

Vai bangal na hoy hujike ,what about Pakistanis ? Why they are beomng hujuke too ?

Simply propaganda , Bangladeshis are brainwashed nation and believe in rumors and reject any authentic news .

India are champion at spreading propaganda we all know this . It's Indian media who are dividing and ruling the peoples of the region brother . Even common Indians are also victims of the propaganda machine I believe .

Their super power syndrome ( that is pollution the mind of poor Indian commoners )is one of the propaganda of their media.

However the OP can answer us ( bold part) better I think .Why Indian source ( both reliable and fake ) shall be gospel truth for anyone in this region .

But I am amazed by the action of thick headed Pakistanis that why they are too much interested to accept such BS ! Bangladeshi can believe some BS as we have lots of Dalals in our country . But Pakistan pretend to be the biggest enemy of India . Still why their peoples are to much eager to accept Indian news source I have yet to understand this . And it's not the first time Pakistanis are reacting like this.

@Imran Khan ,
Nah now civilian are facing court marshal sir , you must know how India is ruling on us . This news can not be wrong , after all the news was published on a newspaper of Hindustan , the paramour of PDF Pakistanis ( Hindustan+ Pakistanis of PDF = tu dharti pe chahey jahavi rahegi , tujhe teri khushbu se pahchane lunga)!:sarcastic:

Obviously discussion can happen. This is what it is all about. But it’s important to find out who is spreading propaganda, is it BSF DIG or the news paper? If the first is true does India has taken any measure against the news paper for spreading propaganda? If the second is true does BGB has asked for any explanation from BSF or its specific DIG? Has BGB protested the news that it’s partially or completely inaccurate?

What’s India’s benefit by spreading anarchy in Bangladesh when Bangladesh has one of the most friendly Indian government?

Until BGB gives any official press release rejecting the news or ask for any explanation the news can not be ruled out as 100% fake.

The specific sources provided by the news media can be easily verified.
What’s India’s benefit by spreading anarchy in Bangladesh when Bangladesh has one of the most friendly Indian government?
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

You are just making speculation. Let’s wait for BGB response to determine what is truth.

You are talking about Bengalis are fool and believe in propaganda. Let’s do a litmus test. What is the whereabouts of the accused BGB habildar? Has he given any statement that nothing happened to him?
LMAO!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Another BS propaganda from CHUTIYA INDIOT MEDIA. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: This CHUTIYAS keep saying and publishing BS about Pakistan and Bangladesh and giving us entertainment 24/7. :rofl::rofl:

There's no DIG in BGB, the highest rank is DG, also there's is no Major in BSF and no court marshal in BGB as it's a para-military force.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Also if anyone got suspended, a notice will be issued publicly, can Indiot media tell those two's name and rank? :rolleyes::lol:



Good observation. But please read the news carefully and it has quoted BSF (South Bengal Frontier Headquarters) Deputy Inspector General (G) S S Guleria not any anonymous source.

Plus BSF DIG S S Guleria further said someone of same DIG rank of BGB said the above mentioned quote not necessarily that BGB official also hold the DIG rank.

At last he said court marshal process has been initiated not done already.

Please read the following part. If it is not believable instead of accepting challenge in any online forum BGB should ask for official explanation from the above mentioned official.

Speaking during the 55th BSF Raising Day celebration at BSF Camp Tagore Villa in Kolkata on Sunday, BSF (South Bengal Frontier Headquarters) Deputy Inspector General (G) S S Guleria said, "After the firing we held two meetings with the BGB Regional Commanders of Jessore and Rangpur. We placed our versions before them. What had happened when our jawan went for the flag meeting never occurred in the history. Flag meeting is such an occasion where problems are solved."

He elaborated, "So we strongly raised this issue during our meetings. The BGB told us that its Sector Commander, in DIG rank, of the area and the commandant of the BGB battalion no 1 were transferred. A court-martial proceedings have been started against the Havildar who had opened the fire. He has been attached already. Whatever will be the outcome will be conveyed to us. The BSF Headquarters and Indian government have also placed its viewpoints before Bangladesh."

Stop believing their BS. Remember how chutiya Indian media started all those whining and crying after the shooting and how BGB debunked their fairy-tales? Even BSF commander tried to blame us but our beloved BGB area commander stopped him before that chutiya could finish and told him that "We are not a drunk nation who will invite people and then shoot them without any reason". Remember the press briefing. I was wondering then, "Why would BGB open fire to BSF without any provocation after inviting them?". When it come from an Indian source you gotta wait for the story from other side.

If higher Indian official can claim there's a five star hotel with swimming pool in woods and they bombed it but all they bombed actually some trees then it's not unexpected for their CHADDIWALA BSF to lie too. They still believe they shot down F-16 with Mig-21 and they still beg for using Pakistan's airspace. :lol: So no need to believe Indian cow-cola drinking media which constantly lies, cries and whines about war and "teaching lesson".


Chaddiwala BSF!! :rofl:

Remember this CHUTIYA? He is a gem!! :rofl::rofl: It was fun to see how he was launching war against Pakistan sitting in the studio and calling his own people Pakistani agent. :rofl::rofl:


Now wait for a butt-hurt Indian chutiya who will come running with my old thread. :lol::lol:
LMAO!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Another BS propaganda from CHUTIYA INDIOT MEDIA. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: This CHUTIYAS keep saying and publishing BS about Pakistan and Bangladesh and giving us entertainment 24/7. :rofl::rofl:

There's no DIG in BGB, the highest rank is DG, also there's is no Major in BSF and no court marshal in BGB as it's a para-military force.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Also if anyone got suspended, a notice will be issued publicly, can Indiot media tell those two's name and rank? :rolleyes::lol:



Stop believing their BS. Remember how chutiya Indian media started all those whining and crying after the shooting and how BGB debunked their fairy-tales? Even BSF commander tried to blame us but our beloved BGB area commander stopped him before that chutiya could finish and told him that "We are not a drunk nation who will invite people and then shoot them without any reason". Remember the press briefing. I was wondering then, "Why would BGB open fire to BSF without any provocation after inviting them?". When it come from an Indian source you gotta wait for the story from other side.

If higher Indian official can claim there's a five star hotel with swimming pool in woods and they bombed it but all they bombed actually some trees then it's not unexpected for their CHADDIWALA BSF to lie too. They still believe they shot down F-16 with Mig-21 and they still beg for using Pakistan's airspace. :lol: So no need to believe Indian cow-cola drinking media which constantly lies, cries and whines about war and "teaching lesson".


Chaddiwala BSF!! :rofl:

Remember this CHUTIYA? He is a gem!! :rofl::rofl: It was fun to see how he was launching war against Pakistan sitting in the studio and calling his own people Pakistani agent. :rofl::rofl:


Now wait for a butt-hurt Indian chutiya who will come running with my old thread. :lol::lol:
ভাই মজা পাইলাম। লগে মিমগুলা ইংরেজিতে অনুবাদ কইরা দেন যাতে সবগুলান বুঝতে পারে।
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