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BRO’s Longest Bridge In Arunachal Inaugurated

Very good development :tup:

It will boost the development of local people, tourism as well as defense of India. :tup:

It is not always of benefit to construct roads in AP as it would suit the Chinese more due to them having roads and rail links right up to our border but they will find it difficult on our side if they were to invade with tanks etc.

Read with me:

1. Its 2012 not 1962.

2. Indian Army have already raised 2 mountain divisions and deployed them in AP.

3. Indian Army have done extensive work and fortifying in Ap that's why chinese have shifted the pressure point to Ladakh region/kashmir.

4. In mountain warfare it takes over 6:1 ratio to win that is 6 chinese over 1 Indian troop. We don't want to invade just defense and we can do it with ease :wave:
Very good development :tup:

It will boost the development of local people, tourism as well as defense of India. :tup:

Read with me:

1. Its 2012 not 1962.

2. Indian Army have already raised 2 mountain divisions and deployed them in AP.

3. Indian Army have done extensive work and fortifying in Ap that's why chinese have shifted the pressure point to Ladakh region/kashmir.

4. In mountain warfare it takes over 6:1 ratio to win that is 6 chinese over 1 Indian troop. We don't want to invade just defense and we can do it with ease :wave:

Buddy i totally agree with the notion of upgrading our roads and rail links but the location is key we need not do it in certain places but those which are vital for us.

I would like to see 48 Apache longbows placed in AP to counter any invasion by China be it troops or tanks these choppers would be perfect for the task.
Yes we need roads, rail but we must ensure it is at the right location and for our needs not always having them right up to the border which will be more of a aid to China if war does break out.

Do you mean that we should not develop ourself and suffer because of some external threat?

This bridge is located in east AP and I believe if there will be any invasion than it will from west AP( from tawang side).
and balgladesh belonging to us.. :lol: fine now. happy.

No. Whole bangladesh belongs to burmese.

@ topic. We need more wider road because traffic is big problem here.

BTW. This news is little bit old news.
I think the central government knows the situation better than us, so I think it is a good move for our troops movement and civilians.
Look at these two jokers..... :lol:

YOu are the smartest Indian I seen in this forum.
Learn English first, don't put BS. you are the dumbest people on Earth. You saved your ### from pakistanis but you want us to destroy you.

Isn't AP South Tibet belonging to PRC?
bangladesh belongs to bay of bengal. we will make sure that it goes underneath it again. learn swimming first.
Apart from 4laning the highways ,

The construction of New Broad Gauge Railway line from Harmuty to Itanagar is going on , this needs should be extended till the border to quickly transport our troops and weapons .

airports are located at Daparjio, Ziro, Along, Tezu and Pasighat should be upgraded to accommodate bigger planes like globemasters and superhercules , though its not as easy as i am making it out to be , the effort should be in that direction .:tup:
Look at these two jokers..... :lol:

Learn English first, don't put BS. you are the dumbest people on Earth. You saved your ### from pakistanis but you want us to destroy you.

bangladesh belongs to bay of bengal. we will make sure that it goes underneath it again. learn swimming first.

Buddy i totally agree with the notion of upgrading our roads and rail links but the location is key we need not do it in certain places but those which are vital for us.

I would like to see 48 Apache longbows placed in AP to counter any invasion by China be it troops or tanks these choppers would be perfect for the task.

I don't thing Apache longbows will be deployed at AP as they are not for such heights we will have LCH for taking "good" care of chinese. ;)
It is not always of benefit to construct roads in AP as it would suit the Chinese more due to them having roads and rail links right up to our border but they will find it difficult on our side if they were to invade with tanks etc.

buddy...that was exactly the step India took in last 50 years..but look,where we could be miles ahead of Chinese on Infrastructure,we are actually lagging now..defensive posture is not going to work..we need roads and rail links...that'll surely can reduce chinese upper hand in the time of war..atleast we'll not outnumbered by 1:3 like right now.and dont worry about tanks..they are not going to roll in AP,because it is not suitable environments for tanks.they'll be sitting ducks there.entrenchment and heavy firepower will be deciding factors as well as aerial support..
I hope to see a lot of developments in the state. Right now, the preparation for trans arunachal highway is on full swing.
Buddy i totally agree with the notion of upgrading our roads and rail links but the location is key we need not do it in certain places but those which are vital for us.

I would like to see 48 Apache longbows placed in AP to counter any invasion by China be it troops or tanks these choppers would be perfect for the task.

if i am not wrong heavy gunships are not suitable for mountain warfare

so LCH will be a more logical choice
I hope to see a lot of developments in the state. Right now, the preparation for trans arunachal highway is on full swing.
Is this bridge part of the TAH and how about the work progress on the Highway?
i don't think the bridge is part of that highway as the contract was given to some private firm and not BRO.

Work have started in some sectors. Though rtainy days are coming so the work might be stalled till september. There is also talks of extending the highway into Bhutan and then NJP
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