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British Naval analysis in 1943: No such thing as Palestinians or Palestinian nationalism


Dec 12, 2008
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  • Thursday, December 28, 2017
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    Elder of Ziyon
British Naval analysis in 1943: No such thing as Palestinians or Palestinian nationalism

A tweet was brought to my attention today about a British Naval Intelligence handbook on Palestine and Jordan from 1943.

I found it online.

People who consume the news today about the Middle East would be very surprised to learn many of the facts brought up in the book. (Readers of this site know all of this.)

For example, Arabs hardly ever referred to the area as "Palestine," calling it "Southern Syria."

And the Arabs in the region likewise didn't call themselves Palestinians, but (at best) Southern Syrians:

Arabs from Palestine and Syria were dead set against "Palestine" being separated from Syria.

And the book also describes how Palestinian Arab nationalism, in the 1940s, was mostly a myth.

Amazing how a little bit of history can destroy 70 years of lies.

(h/t Igal)
Call them Syrians or Palestinians, they still exist all the same.
And this would not be another pathetic excuse for occupation, will it?
LOL it has been 70 years and Israel is still trying to prove it's existence all this for what just wrong policies lol. Even Sudan is recognized by every one. Killing people will result in nothing but more condemnation from the world.
This will be true. Back in 1800s the Native American's did not call themselves "Native American" and back in 1940s you would rarely hear of "Black Americans". The term "Negro" was the rage then. But just because they did not call themselves Native American or Black American does not mean they did not exist. It was just that they went by other descriptors.
The British also declared Shimon Peres your prime minister and the Hagana Jewish gangs as terrorists. So what's your point Nazi jew boy
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