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British Muslim Zionist pulls no punches


Dec 12, 2008
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British Muslim Zionist pulls no punches

Myron Love, Prairies Correspondent, Tuesday, February 14, 2012


WINNIPEG — Kasim Hafeez has seen the truth and, in an address to a largely Jewish audience at the Asper Jewish Community Campus on Feb. 6, he pulled no punches.

Wahhabism, the Saudi Arabian version of Islam, is little different than Nazism, Hafeez said.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas should be facing war crimes charges at the International Criminal Court at The Hague, he said.

Anti-Zionism is code for antisemitism, he said.

The Islamic concern for Jerusalem is purely political, he said. Until the creation of Israel, Jerusalem was unimportant to most Muslims.

And often, he noted, those who claim to be pro-Palestinian are just anti-Israel.

Hafeez, 29, a British-born Muslim of Pakistani origin, knows of what he speaks.

Until just a few years ago, he was part of that Jew-hating Muslim world. He was even ready to go to Pakistan to train as a terrorist.

His worldview began to change after stumbling across a copy of Alan Dershowitz’s book, A Case for Israel. “I figured it was just Zionist propaganda,” he said of the book. “I thought I would read it and be able to refute it all.”

Instead, Hafeez found that Dershowitz’s arguments challenged all of the myths about Israel and the Jews that he grew up with. And, he said, he couldn’t find any Muslim sources who could refute Dershowitz’s points.

He decided pursue this new line of research and read books by Sir Martin Gilbert and other pro-Israel authors. Then he decided he had to go to Israel to see this “apartheid, fascist” and “racist” country for himself.

Not surprisingly – considering where he was coming from ideologically – he was immediately detained after landing at Ben-Gurion Airport. “Although I was held back for eight hours, I was treated with respect,” he recalled. “The guard kept apologizing and offering me coffee and pastries. I understood that he was just doing his job.”

After leaving the airport, he found that people were friendly and helpful. He contrasted his reception in Israel with the religious pilgrimage that he and some members of his family had made to Mecca some years earlier.

“I had never faced such racism before,” he said of his Saudi experience. “Because of our skin colour, we were purposely ignored. At checkpoints, our group was held up in the heat longer than others. My aunt was pushed away from an ATV machine by a Saudi woman who told her that Pakistanis can wait. And, if we had had Pakistani passports, our treatment would have been worse.”

In Israel, Hafeez’s epiphany came when he stood before the Western Wall. “I watched Christians, Muslims and Jews peacefully and freely going to their places of worship and I burst into tears. I finally realized what Israel is all about – the only Jewish state in the world. It is about the survival of the Jewish People, their religion, culture and heritage.

“I fell in love with the place.”

It’s far from easy being a Zionist Muslim in England. Hafeez said he’s been marginalized by his community, and most of his family won’t talk to him any more (his sister, an aunt and his mother being the exceptions – although, he added, his mother is embarrassed by him).

Nonetheless, he feels compelled to speak the truth and cut through the lies. That truth is that of the two narratives concerning Israel/Palestine, one is the truth and the other is a pack of lies, he said.

“It was the Arabs, not the Jews who rejected partition in 1948,” he said. “It was the Arabs who attacked the new Jewish state. While I have sympathy for the Palestinian people, you can’t take their expressions of peace seriously when they are constantly showing maps of the land of Israel as greater Palestine.”

He urged his audience to get the facts about Israel out, especially on university campuses, to be proactive rather than reactive. “Hold regular events that promote Israel in the best possible way,” he said. “And show people that Israel is much more than just the conflict. Show all the ways that Israel is helping humanity. Be proud of Israel, not apologetic.”

Solomon2 note: Couldn't this man easily have ended up in the Pakistani Taliban? He recounts that to be pro-Israel is to be against such terror. Do Pakistanis need to champion Israel even more than Jewish Americans like me do?
115 readers, one thank you, no replies. Do Pakistanis truly think that they can accomplish something positive by remaining silent?
115 readers, one thank you, no replies. Do Pakistanis truly think that they can accomplish something positive by remaining silent?

zionist arrogance, thinks the world revolves around him , HAHAHAHAHAHA

anyway, you have posted this before, am sure this is the second time you have tried to beat this dead horse.
115 readers, one thank you, no replies. Do Pakistanis truly think that they can accomplish something positive by remaining silent?

Think about it Solomon. A non-Muslim nation in the midst of all Arab nations..... Does that not defy the concept of the ummah that they preach? Most of these ideologies that scream "Muslims are being oppressed" are nothing short of propaganda.

For example, look at how Nordic states pander to every whim of Islamic community's migrants there and what they get? Nothing but domination and still complaints of racism which is nil there.

This is why Israel has an overhwleming support from rest of the world.

Real Jews Against Israel - YouTube

I suppose according to solo man these Jews are anti Semitic??

Zionism and Nazism: Zionist Nazi analogy

Say if Arabs demand Saudi to be a secular state where people are free to choose religion. Then would you call them as traitors? I am sure you would.
There's several problems with his narration that make him sound dishonest, as well as his narration of history.

And when you read "Until just a few years ago, he was part of that Jew-hating Muslim world." you know article is using a psychological device called a lie!

Nobody's disputing there's multitudes of Zionists among Muslims. And contrary to what the article claims, they're very well received and make their countries' leadership ranks.
This is why Israel has an overhwleming support from rest of the world.

what a monumentally dumb thing to say

lets take the "world" shall we - how about china, latin america, russia, africa, the middle east, and the far east - they are all against zionism and israeli atrocities against arabs, thats most of the world dear.

even in america/west people are are waking up to zionism, they are realising that zionism and israel are war mongering mental movements spreading chaos and murder around the world, americans with brains know they have no reason to attack iran, only ZIONISTS do.

and the rest of the world has known this for a long time, enough is enough i think, putin is putting his foot down and thank god he is here, the zionists have declared war against the entire world.
115 readers, one thank you, no replies. Do Pakistanis truly think that they can accomplish something positive by remaining silent?

What is there to respond to? It's his opinion and, although born out of ignorance of history, he is entitled to it. A lot of people are in favor of religious harmony and for the Jewish people to live (somewhere) in peace, but that does not change the facts of what happened in Palestine leading up to 1948 and how wrong it was.
also let's not forget, there is $$$$$$ to be made by being a "zionist Muslim"
it is a multi million dollar industry with zionist and their allies just eating up every word of any brown guy who claims to be an ex Muslim supporting Zionism.
Gives one alot of incentive to am........just make things up....
A good fairy tail story Mr. Solomon. SO what you want to prove by this. This creep Kasim Hafeez is
not even a muslim. Having a muslim name doesn't make some one a muslim. In Islam we have a
term call "munafiq" i.e hypocrites who outwardly practices ISLAM but in reality is actually a
disbeliever. AIPAC can hire tons of munafiq's like this but it won't change the fact that zinoist
are land grabbers residing on palestanian lands . BTW there is no such thing as a zionist muslim.
Think about it Solomon. A non-Muslim nation in the midst of all Arab nations..... Does that not defy the concept of the ummah that they preach? Most of these ideologies that scream "Muslims are being oppressed" are nothing short of propaganda.

For example, look at how Nordic states pander to every whim of Islamic community's migrants there and what they get? Nothing but domination and still complaints of racism which is nil there.

This is why Israel has an overhwleming support from rest of the world.

Say if Arabs demand Saudi to be a secular state where people are free to choose religion. Then would you call them as traitors? I am sure you would.

Get out of the tiny world called Sikim and it will enlighten you. There is a world outside your
self-made fairy tail world.:rolleyes:
what a monumentally dumb thing to say

lets take the "world" shall we - how about china, latin america, russia, africa, the middle east, and the far east - they are all against zionism and israeli atrocities against arabs, thats most of the world dear.

Just check the amount of countries Israelis have privileges in compared to that of Middle Easterners or even you guys. BTW I meant all the relevant countries with which Israelis can benefit. Foreign Policy 101: No use of relationship with a country that offers nothing. Do the math please.

That would answer your comment. :coffee:

even in america/west people are are waking up to zionism, they are realising that zionism and israel are war mongering mental movements spreading chaos and murder around the world, americans with brains know they have no reason to attack iran, only ZIONISTS do.

And which people are "waking up"? Leftist lobbies have been there opposing Israel in US politics for very long time. In democracies, there have been lobbies both pro and anti-Israel. Tell me something new.

By support, I meant political, material, financial and intellectual support; not rioting on the streets, making effigies and burning them.

and the rest of the world has known this for a long time, enough is enough i think, putin is putting his foot down and thank god he is here, the zionists have declared war against the entire world.


You were saying.. :what:
Arabs especially Saudi's do treat Pakistani's with discrimination. It doesn't matter how the relations are between the governments of Arab states and Pakistan, but it's a well established fact, that they don't respect people of Pakistan. If i go to KSA as a doctor from UK i'll get more pay and respect than i'll get working there as a doctor who graduated from Pakistan. This Zionist fella is absolutely right there.
Arabs especially Saudi's do treat Pakistani's with discrimination. It doesn't matter how the relations are between the governments of Arab states and Pakistan, but it's a well established fact, that they don't respect people of Pakistan. If i go to KSA as a doctor from UK i'll get more pay and respect than i'll get working there as a doctor who graduated from Pakistan. This Zionist fella is absolutely right there.

Rightly put. Now for example, there are neo nazi groups in Germany's eastern parts. How much does Israel or Jewish population of Germany get affected by them? Not even negligible. Germany still asks for Israeli permission to sell Arabs their weapons. This is just one example.

Technically, Saudi and Pakistan should be treating each other on par. But from my visit to middle east, I've heard from expatriates there that the locals have no respect for them.
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