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British MP criticises BBC over Narendra Modi coverage


Jan 4, 2014
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United States
LONDON: A British Indian MP has strongly criticised the BBC for a programme on India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi that she stated was not objective.

In a letter to BBC Director General Lord Tony Hall dated May 19, Priti Patel, British prime minister David Cameron's Indian diaspora champion, brought to notice the complaints she received about BBC Newsnight aired May 16, which covered the day the results of India's general elections were announced.

"Many in the British Indian community, particularly those of Gujarati origin, were offended by the reporting about prime minister-elect Narendra Modi," Patel, the MP from Britain's Witham constituency in Essex, stated.

She pointed out that the programme's presenter, Yalda Hakim, referred to Modi as a "controversial figure" from the beginning of the programme.

"Modi's political opponents have portrayed him as being 'controversial', so by using this reference, the BBC, who should be impartial, is giving acceptance to the political position of Modi's opponents rather than reporting objectively," Patel stated.

"The term 'controversial' could be used to describe a large number of politicians, which is why many people in Britain's Indian community believe its use purely in relation to Modi in the news item was unbalanced."

She also pointed out to to the fact that Hakim stated in the programme that Modi had "blood on his hands" and he was "India's most divisive politician".

"Modi secured the largest democratic mandate in world history in a peaceful and professional manner, with his party winning a majority of votes throughout India and able form a government. This was a point that was not conveyed by the presenter," Patel, a Conservative Party MP, wrote.

he also referred to the fact that the programme focussed on Modi's so-called involvement in the 2002 Gujarat riots without going into the details thereafter.

Patel was particularly irked by the fact that the programme featured a British Indian artist named Anish Kapoor who was critical of Modi.

"The decision to interview Kapoor and portray him as an expert on Indian politics is bizarre," she stated.

"Kapoor has spent the last 40 years living in the UK and is an artist. He has no record as an expert on politics or commentator on Indian affairs. Moreover, the presenter did not offer sufficient or adequate challenge to the assumptions he made about the elections and comments he made about Modi."

Patel also drew the BBC director general's attention to the introductory part of the programme which had Kapoor stating that "India's dreamed itself a dream with a mass murderer as its main character".

"Although the presenter asked him what he meant by mass murderer, she did not challenge him to provide evidence to support his claim. Claiming someone who is a democratically elected politician is a 'mass murderer' is an extremely serious allegation and unless such a claim is substantiated with meaningful evidence, the BBC should not be broadcasting this slur."

Patel also took exception to the fact that Kapoor referred to the Indian general elections as "supposedly democratic".

Read more at:
British Indian MP Priti Patel criticises BBC over Narendra Modi coverage - The Economic Times
BBC, Guardian and Economist have all been anti-Modi in the run up to the election, one of the reasons is the MRCA tender which I know for a fact speaking to various people in the know really pissed the Brits off when we chose the Rafale! now these stupid fools will talk about rape and and toilets :rofl: while we Indians continue to prosper in UK and these gora now work for us :enjoy:

Guess who is the richest person in UK? the Hinduja brothers ;) and guess who owns Jaguar cars? A Indian :D let these dogs bark all they want nothing will change.
Being a regular reader of international news sites, I've observed a significant level of bias and prejudice against India on western news sites in general and British ones in particular.

And as someone already mentioned negative reporting on India had significantly increased since UK lost the MRCA deal to their traditional rivals, the French.

There's significant amount of anger in the British public as they believe that they should have been given the contract because of the aid that their country sends to India.

Reading comments on British news sites, it seems that many of them think that India is surviving only on British aid and they seem not to be aware of the fact that India has already told Britain not to send any aid and that their government has asked India to accept the aid to avoid political embarrassment as they had defended the aid in the past.
Being a regular reader of international news sites, I've observed a significant level of bias and prejudice against India on western news sites in general and British ones in particular.

And as someone already mentioned negative reporting on India had significantly increased since UK lost the MRCA deal to their traditional rivals, the French.

There's significant amount of anger in the British public as they believe that they should have been given the contract because of the aid that their country sends to India.

Reading comments on British news sites, it seems that many of them think that India is surviving only on British aid and they seem not to be aware of the fact that India has already told Britain not to send any aid and that their government has asked India to accept the aid to avoid political embarrassment as they had defended the aid in the past.

They were on the thinking that giving 'aid' would be key to winning the MRCA tender and when it turned out otherwise they got upset lol I find the whole matter amusing.
Being a regular reader of international news sites, I've observed a significant level of bias and prejudice against India on western news sites in general and British ones in particular.

And as someone already mentioned negative reporting on India had significantly increased since UK lost the MRCA deal to their traditional rivals, the French.

There's significant amount of anger in the British public as they believe that they should have been given the contract because of the aid that their country sends to India.

Reading comments on British news sites, it seems that many of them think that India is surviving only on British aid and they seem not to be aware of the fact that India has already told Britain not to send any aid and that their government has asked India to accept the aid to avoid political embarrassment as they had defended the aid in the past.
That so called aid worth $ 300 million a year is worth peanuts! India does not want this largesse but have to accept it till 2015 when the deal runs out. The Brits should then go give this aid to monkeys instead.
That so called aid worth $ 300 million a year is worth peanuts! India does not want this largesse but have to accept it till 2015 when the deal runs out. The Brits should then go give this aid to monkeys instead.

What India wants is the Koh I noor diamond back but Cameron ruled that out lol the Brits were even giving development aid to China up until few years ago but just want to cry about India because of us not picking the EF.
Which program was it. Some bbc programs are hard hitting (especially documentaries) and people can get offended.

What India wants is the Koh I noor diamond back but Cameron ruled that out lol the Brits were even giving development aid to China up until few years ago but just want to cry about India because of us not picking the EF.
it has nothing to do with ef. And brits are practical people, they will do business with anybody no matter how evil he is(including gaddafi).
Which program was it. Some bbc programs are hard hitting (especially documentaries) and people can get offended.

it has nothing to do with ef. And brits are practical people, they will do business with anybody no matter how evil he is(including gaddafi).

It is to do with EF trust me I know for a fact! I know a Gujarati Lord who advices Cameron. You think it is a coincidence that the western media went into overdrive talking about rape and toilets all of a sudden when EF was not picked?
It is to do with EF trust me I know for a fact! I know a Gujarati Lord who advices Cameron. You think it is a coincidence that the western media went into overdrive talking about rape and toilets all of a sudden when EF was not picked?
thats because Indian media is on overdrive over rape and toilet in India. Do you follow Indian channels/papers?
foreign channels alway copy indian (English language) newspaper/agencies.
Yes they will do business with everyone it is the nature of the beast lol money is what they most concerned about and not winning the MRCA deal was a big blow! BAE shares went down after that.

thats because Indian media is on overdrive over rape and toilet in India. Do you follow Indian channels/papers?

Not talking about now but this was a time when India selected the Rafale I noticed a upward trend in baseless reporting in western media which was more than usual but every country uses media in this way.

There was even a Question time program which talked about this lol
BBC, Guardian and Economist have all been anti-Modi in the run up to the election, one of the reasons is the MRCA tender which I know for a fact speaking to various people in the know really pissed the Brits off when we chose the Rafale! now these stupid fools will talk about rape and and toilets :rofl: while we Indians continue to prosper in UK and these gora now work for us :enjoy:

Guess who is the richest person in UK? the Hinduja brothers ;) and guess who owns Jaguar cars? A Indian :D let these dogs bark all they want nothing will change.

For such insulting thoughts about the host country, you need to be kicked out of UK because ungrateful immigrant of your kind should better go back to his homeland india the country filled with dirty slums.
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What should BBC say???

That Modi terrorist is Angel.....:rofl:

BBC is funded by tax payers but Cameron will welcome and shake hands with 'terrorist' Modi as will Obama and so will the Saudi King :agree:

With such feeling about your host country, you need to be kicked out of UK because ungrateful immigrants of your kind should better go back to dreamland india the country filled with dirty slums.

who is going to kick me out? your father? :lol:
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