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British high commissioner 'blown away by natural beauty' of northern Pakistan


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British high commissioner 'blown away by natural beauty' of northern Pakistan

UK will do more to help vulnerable communities in Pakistan deal with impact of climate change, says Christian Turner

October 10, 2020

British High Commissioner Christian Turner says he was blown away by the natural beauty of northern Pakistan. PHOTO: EXPRESS

British High Commissioner Christian Turner says he was blown away by the natural beauty of northern Pakistan. PHOTO: EXPRESS

British High Commissioner Christian Turner travelled to Chitral, Hunza and Gilgit this week in his first visit to picturesque northern Pakistan.
The visit was part of a joint effort with the Canadian High Commission and the Aga Khan Foundation.

“In my first visit to the North of Pakistan I was blown away by its natural beauty," he said in an official statement.

The potential for sustainable tourism and its communities are at risk from climate change, he add.

"As part of our preparations for hosting the 2021 COP26 climate negotiations, the UK will do more to help vulnerable communities in Pakistan deal with the impact of climate change and protect these magnificent landscapes. Our world is our responsibility," Turner said.

During the visit, the British high commissioner stressed the potential for sustainable tourism in northern Pakistan to create jobs and support local communities. He also saw the impacts of climate change on local communities.


Pakistan is the fifth most vulnerable country to climate change and has more glacial ice than any country in the world outside the Polar Regions, since 2015, the number of lakes caused by melting glaciers in Pakistan has increased from 30 to 150.

He highlighted UK’s support for Pakistan’s drive to find nature-based solutions to climate change, in advance of the UK-hosted COP26 international climate negotiations in 2021.


The high commissioner visited UK funded climate-resilience activities in central Garam Chashma. UK plans to invest £13 million in Pakistan this year on tackling climate change.

"This will include supporting vulnerable communities adapt to climate change, improve resilience through emergency disaster planning and helping to increase the use of renewable energy," the statement added.

The visit also focused on girl’s education and support for gender equality. The UK is committed to ensuring every girl gets 12 years of quality education, and has supported nearly eight million girls in Pakistan to attend primary and secondary school.


Christian Turner visited Government Girls School in Hunza, the Chitral Women Sports Club and met inspiring women entrepreneurs who are leading the way on achieving Pakistan’s potential and delivering inclusive prosperity in their communities.

At Karakorum International University, the high commissioner awarded Scottish Pakistan Scholarships to students; and learned about their experience and future ambitions.

The Scotland Pakistan Scholarship for Young Women and Girls aims to make higher education more accessible to underprivileged girls across Pakistan.

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They all know about this beauty since they occupied in1800. They just trying to invest cuz of its stretigic value. China afg india and close by centeral asia..
It was late 1880s. And had they not occupied it, today it would be part of Afghanistan.

I guess there are people proud of being slaves but reality is different. If they didn't occupy it, it wouldve been ruled by the people as was since a thousand years. An empire from Afghanistan to Myanmar, could have been a superpower by now.
I guess there are people proud of being slaves but reality is different. If they didn't occupy it, it wouldve been ruled by the people as was since a thousand years. An empire from Afghanistan to Myanmar, could have been a superpower by now.
You really need to read up on history. If British had not occupied South Asia Chitral, FATA, parts of Balochistan would have been in Afghanistan. Most of Punjab would have been Sikh Raj with capital at Lahore. Sindh would have been independant emirate. Present day India would have been dozen states. Here is map of South Asia on British arrival.

Does this mythical super power have any muslims in it?
Or like the ones you already have, who have to call their being and histroy and rulers as bad and wrong. When you commit pogroms they cannoy raise their voice. Nah we call them circus lions.
I guess there are people proud of being slaves but reality is different. If they didn't occupy it, it wouldve been ruled by the people as was since a thousand years. An empire from Afghanistan to Myanmar, could have been a superpower by now.
You really need to read up on history. If British had not occupied South Asia Chitral, FATA, parts of Balochistan would have been in Afghanistan. Most of Punjab would have been Sikh Raj with capital at Lahore. Sindh would have been independant emirate. Present day India would have been dozen states. Here is map of South Asia on British arrival.

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I know our history, its u who need to worey about ur brown sahab complex. Maybe u should study history in more detail and try to find patterns. Do u think muslims would have just let sikhs control those areas? Or would they have let marhatas freely? Sikjas were already on the backfoot and pashtuns were knocking their doors. There would have been more wars but eventually a muslim empire would have emerged. There is a reason why the brits divided india, that too in an unstable way.
Oh God, not the British High Commissioner ! These a-holes are only good with one thing - death and destruction on other countries.
You fcukin retard your talking with "ifs". Anything might have been possible if you think all of South Asia would been one country you are not only a retard but drunk as well. There is no way such a large Hindu population would have been subservient to Muslim rule which by the way would have been garnered by Pashtuns [read AFGHANS] not you converts.

I guess ur the biggest moron to realize that the whole discussion is based on speculation. Ur very first post was a speculative one. Drunk? Seriously? That much brown saab? Brown saab so much proud of masters that he even talks like them. Also go get some education, how was such a large hindu population under muslim rule in the first place? Pashtuns already constitute a big percentage of Pakistan, so whats ur point? It also proves ur a lowlife who resorts to the terms used by RSS rats like "converts", makes u worst than them. I am a pashtun but in no way a convert is any less of a muslim u. Every race converted to Islam at some point in time, so how does that make them any different? Doesnt take long for u to show ur real face lolz.
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Oh God, not the British High Commissioner ! These a-holes are only good with one thing - death and destruction on other countries.
Yep beautiful today and colony tomorrow and part of the British North Pakistan company.
Trust me, Pictures can not capture the actual beauty and feeling of these places .. you have to be there to experience that , its just amazing that how Allah has given us such a beautiful country with such great people .
That's a new spin on British colonialism.

British Colonialism...interesting how those supposed "British"/"English" wave the same Cross of St George flag as the Georgians. Oh sure there is a convenient story of why the flag just so happens to be the same. There is always a convenient explanation.
If they are actually Georgian Caucasians driven out of Asia then it would help explain why they keep going to Asia and taking things.

oops sorry off topic.

Most mountains are quite scenic.

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